Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Azunai.5974


Well. I havn’t the faintest idea…. I’m guessing you’d need to be at least invested into the fire trait line for the conjure stacks. Might as well have at least 10 in arcane for elemental attunement for the boons upon attunement swaps. (30 in arcana sounds pretty good for evasive arcana, so I can dodge roll in an attunement to heal and cripple.)

One question, do weapon stats carry over when I equip a conjured weapon?

Also, equipment for this build. Standard power/vitality/toughness? Or a more glassy approach? Jewelry?

Let’s do this, guys!

Resident deaf elementalist – Tarnished Coast
Everyone needs a little optimism!

(edited by Azunai.5974)

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vekthor.8914


I too would like some help making a Conjure build, because that’s what interests me the most in Elementalists, and I know almost nothing about them to be able to actually make a viable build focusing on it.

In the thread linked above, I found this build, but nothing else besides it.

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

well there just isnt a widely known build around conjures only how they are used which goes a long way in determining how to make a build that compliments their use.

the biggest issue with conjures is that the ele itself doesnt have a lot of viable build configurations.

My best use of conjures is just to add some spice to how i normally play the ele.

that said here are some of my thoughts on them.

They can reduce dependency on arcane:
using them like a 5th attunment gives more time for attunment delay to recycle.

They can bump up DPS lulls:
while waiting for bigger damage abilities to cool down a conjure can be used to keep the pressure on. Issues here are that the primary ele tank revolves around not getting hit and healing. keeping the pressure on via a conjure reduces both parts of the tank.

So what do you do when the conjures are on cool down?
what do you do to get out of the losing fight?
How do you tank?
how do you deal with conditions?
where do want to use this build?

the linked build above looks to keep regen going along with damage reduction and i guess dodge.

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vekthor.8914


I’m aware such a build would be far from top notch, but hey, my main in an engineer, so I don’t really care about not being that good provided I don’t get downed every second. Just some fun PvE build, that’s what I had in mind.

(sorry if I’m hijacking the thread, OP)

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

im not judging conjures. i use em whenever possible.
im asking serious questions.

“lets” build does not mean i build it for you :p

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gondram.8365


I’ve recently been experimenting with a 30 fire build using the flame axe ability 1 to quickly charge might stacks (with Fire XII). Frost Bow can also quickly stack might, and as long as you are in fire attunement the 10% damage buff (Fire VI) applies to the conjured weapons.

Lightning Hammer and Fiery Greatsword don’t do as good a job building might, and they tend to keep you in melee range. The DO really pack a punch though; this might be good for a D/D style build.

Flame Axe has a leap finisher, Frost Bow has a projectile finisher, and Lightning Hammer has both a Blast Finisher and Leap Finisher (Fiery Greatsword has a whirl finisher, but the cooldown is too long to be super useful). Any combination of these can combine well with Staff’s combo fields – another potential build style.

I’m not finished with my experimentation, this is just what I’ve seen so far.

Gondram – D/D Aurashare Elementalist
Kinsman Redeemer – Hammer/Shout Warrior
Proud Member of Opposition – Jade Quarry Oldtimer

(edited by Gondram.8365)

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I’ve thought about a few of these builds using 20 fire for the +conjure trait with 20 water for remove conditions on attuning to water + soothing wave trait for regen on frost bow and 30 arcane for arcane shield, elemental attunement and evasive arcana. That way you can dodge in water for an extra heal or earth as a blast finisher.

Also using magnetic shield for some defensive options. Fiery greatswords whirl attack is also a free evade when timed correctly.

Frost bow adds some range. Lightning hammer is great for blast finisher / blind on attacks. Flame axe is also decent for melee, but I would stick with the Lightning hammer as the blind mechanic is very nice.

Don’t forget to attunement dance, with 20 points in Fire you will do aoe fire damage when you switch into it. Water will remove a condition and grant regen + if you dodge in water = another heal. Earth will give you protection + a blast finisher dodge.

I would suggest using a staff to start fights to set up an initial combo field and some extra range, maybe a meteor shower then swap into frost bow?

These are just general ideas I plan on trying myself.

Goodluck fellow Ele’s!

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

(edited by Otaur.9268)

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

i am always trying to get waters 20% damage to vulnerable targets to work.
25 air
at least 10 water.
ice bow however does this combo without 25 air just as part of bow 2 which is pretty powerful on its own but 20% extra damage is pretty nice.

I have never really felt the need for the 10 extra charges.

maybe 25 water for +2% per boon
maybe 25 fire for +%10 to burning targets.

full power build could be
20 water for +20% to vulnerable and +10% while health over 90%
30 fire for +10% to burning targets, burn on crit, +10 charges
20 air for Damage to weak targets and auras.

somewhere around +60% damage using the bow.
Then im thinking dagger/focus weapons.

for non 80s move fire down to 20 for burn crit and damage
and then at least 10 water for +20% to vulnerable targets.

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


i am always trying to get waters 20% damage to vulnerable targets to work.
25 air
at least 10 water.
ice bow however does this combo without 25 air just as part of bow 2 which is pretty powerful on its own but 20% extra damage is pretty nice.

I have never really felt the need for the 10 extra charges.

maybe 25 water for +2% per boon
maybe 25 fire for +%10 to burning targets.

full power build could be
20 water for +20% to vulnerable and +10% while health over 90%
30 fire for +10% to burning targets, burn on crit, +10 charges
20 air for Damage to weak targets and auras.

somewhere around +60% damage using the bow.
Then im thinking dagger/focus weapons.

for non 80s move fire down to 20 for burn crit and damage
and then at least 10 water for +20% to vulnerable targets.

I feel without the + 10 conjures I burn through the attacks to fast. Could be just me though. Never really used them and trying them out now. I swapped out my Magnetic shield for the Fire Axe so I can burn targets upon conjuring it. Still having trouble in Orr though.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Here im trying to get the conjure usable from water.
runes of lyssa gives fiery great sword 18 damage with water 25
I dig sharing auras.
signet of air is the only instant cast signet we have.
so you should be able to use it mid stream of bow 2 and whatnot to put a fiery shield up for +4
damage and fury for a 60%
crit chance.
so fiery great sword from water after stacking conditions on the target…
20+18+5+10=%53 more base damage.
then make it all crit with arcane power for a bit.
Ice bow from water naturally stacks vulnerability on 2.
bring up a fire shield.
20+4+5+10=%39 more base damage.

need full health.
targets needs to be vulnerable.


Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

or maybe something like this…
again pve.

here glyph of elemental harmony provides burning. no auras.
start from fire with bow 2 to stack burning.might and vulnerability.
then switch to water for +20 to vulnerable targets.
+10 to burning
+10 from vulnerability
+20 from water to vulnerable
+10 from health over 90%
+20 to targets under 33% health
+70% damage.
then arcane power

runes of the centaur here for perma run from air via inscription and moar power.

with fiery great sword the power level will hit about 4k or more assuming might and such.
thats not too shabby.

(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Problem with dependance on bow 2 for vulnerability is the single targetness of it.
still water dagger 1 can get multiple targets vulnerable but i never use it that way.

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: KirinDave.6451


Problem with dependance on bow 2 for vulnerability is the single targetness of it.
still water dagger 1 can get multiple targets vulnerable but i never use it that way.

Perhaps nip off a bit of damage for consistency in the water tree? Swap Water IV for Water II, and now arcane and cantrip skills give vulnerability, so you’d either be using the bow or the sword instead of having a full rotation required. It might also make sense to swap over to a signet heal and arcane lightning in that case.

There’s also this interesting idea of going all in on water as your damage attunement. Go 25 air, 25 fire, get burn-on crit from fire. Now you can easily stack burns and vuln with any attunement, and in water. Itemization is harder but not impossible thanks to frequent fury. You sacrifice +5% damage for a lot more consistency in delivering your damage boost conditions and you gain more flexibility with how you use glyph of power (or swap it out entirely).

(edited by KirinDave.6451)

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

I have used something like that before.
like this
25 fire burn on crit, +10 charges
25 air +20 damage to low health, more crit damage on arcane skills.
20 water vulnerability on arcane and signet, +20 damage to vulnerable targets.
plus passives.
on crit: 60 to cause vulnerability, 30 to burn.
+5 damage to burning targets.

20+5+(vulnerability) to most mobs
20+20+5+(vulnerability) to hurt mobs.

Which makes the vulnerability on bow 2 not needed opening up for more conjures.
the air signet is instant which makes it very usable plus it makes up for lost speed.

still not a fan of the +10 charges but i dont use conjures as main damage much.
it could be replaced with another +5 to burning. still the ice bow is very strong and plays like a normal mage so +10 charges with it is reasonable i guess.

These crit chances dont help out lower level players much unless… arcane power counts as a crit which i dont know. if it does then that is pretty cool.

regular weapon skills would be for utility and some burst.
ice bow conjure is .25 seconds so it can be added to combos from weapons.

(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: KirinDave.6451


I have used something like that before.
like this
25 fire burn on crit, +10 charges
25 air +20 damage to low health, more crit damage on arcane skills.
20 water vulnerability on arcane and signet, +20 damage to vulnerable targets.
plus passives.
on crit: 60 to cause vulnerability, 30 to burn.
+5 damage to burning targets.

20+5+(vulnerability) to most mobs
20+20+5+(vulnerability) to hurt mobs.

Which makes the vulnerability on bow 2 not needed opening up for more conjures.
the air signet is instant which makes it very usable plus it makes up for lost speed.

still not a fan of the +10 charges but i dont use conjures as main damage much.
it could be replaced with another +5 to burning. still the ice bow is very strong and plays like a normal mage so +10 charges with it is reasonable i guess.

These crit chances dont help out lower level players much unless… arcane power counts as a crit which i dont know. if it does then that is pretty cool.

regular weapon skills would be for utility and some burst.
ice bow conjure is .25 seconds so it can be added to combos from weapons.

Arcane power crits do count as regular crits, but it can be dicey how the hits are counted. For example, churning earth pulses are hits.

I also think that build could actually be very good with a staff. You could swap freely between the superior close-fighting options of the conjures and the superior control and AoE options of the staff.

(edited by KirinDave.6451)

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


The summoned Flame Axe is actually a very solid skillset for damage, and I use it frequently in my fire specced D/D build. It has the longest duration burn of anything in the elementalists’s arsenal and it’s extremily easy to land. Once you’ve tagged the opponent with a burn, you can run away and build might stacks simply by attuning to fire and continuing to autoattack.

It’s worth remembering that the fire axe can hit targets behind you with it’s autoattack and 2nd skill, making it incredibly dangerous for foes to chase you, as it does substantial damage + stacks might (which also improves the condition ticks from your burn).

Turning the camera and using Flame axe 4 can serve as a gap closer, not just a retreat. It’s also fantastic for avoiding melee gap closers such as bull rush or heartseeker, since it not only evades, but leaves a damaging trail in it’s wake. I usually use the fire axe as a means to force opponents to blow their dodges and condition removal. And then you move in with regular skills for the kill.

I believe that power + condition damage is necessary for the flame axe. with 10 in arcana you gain fury for a short duration every time you attune, so criticals can still be a factor. Fire 30 and high strength + condition damage is how I like to roll, since a 19+ second burn is nothing to sneeze at, on top of two gap closers, an escape skill, an AoE nuke that does respectable damage and a ranged autoattack that’s better than any other ranged option with D/D.

I never bother with the trait that gives 10 extra charges. Flame axe usually comes off cooldown when I need it, and I never hang onto it for all that long anyway. Dropping the bundle appropriately in order to utilise weapon skills at the right moment is key to using conjures.

(edited by Lifelike.5862)

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

ax i surely the most build friendly conjure. it just fits with ele playstyle. dont need to build for it imho it just works pretty good as is. Its not as bursty but it does more damage than arcane wave or any other single use skill slot with more versatility.

I guess its versatility is what makes it work so well.

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

bow 2 counts as one action for fires might.
the might is applied after the action takes place so the bow does the whole 5 shots and THEN you get one stack of might.

(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


Autoattacks are the best way to apply might when using a conjure. The best is either bow or axe AA, followed by Hammer at close range.

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

fiery great sword appeared to be activating the bleed on crit sigil i had on my daggers…

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

hammer has got to be the best pve conjure for a conjure centered build.

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Spifnar.4712


Bundles got fixed to activate sigils in the last patch. Mostly for engineers and ele conjures.

Weapon stats are scheduled to be added too.

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

i noticed though that in the mists when i switched to a conjure that the hero screen showed my pve weapons…

so… it may not be working 100% correctly

Let's make the ultimate conjure build!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Senji.5374


I’ve been playing a tanky conjurer build since level 40ish. At level 80 with full AC armor of power/vit/toughness I can tank most dungeons with little issues.


I switch between Mist Form and Lightning Flash Depending on the dungeon mobs.
Also I sometime switch the traits around from arcane iv to v. If I need more condition removal.

Lightning Hammer offers so many great tanking skills.
1-Auto-attack has a aoe blind with at a 1 and a half second rotation.
2-Leap finisher. Combo it with 5 for a Dazing strike
3-Single target knock back.(really wish it was a 3 target knockback)
4-Decent AOE slight dps boost on big mobs and lightning always hits with the same pattern. It takes a little getting used to though.
5-Creates a circular lightning field that dazes mobs that try to go through it. Also combos with ranged finishers cause stacks of vulnerability.

This build is horrible in pvp speaking from experience.

Forgot to put down that sometimes it using the right weapon set for the right area can make one hell of a difference. The only weapon combo I don’t use for ele is dagger/focus cause I dont feel the synergy at all.

(edited by Senji.5374)