(edited by Piratoz.8627)
Lightning Rod Grandmaster Trait Rework
I feel like the long cooldowns on the interrupt skills hurts this trait. I wish they tied it to blinds instead, something like every time you cause blind you cause X (maybe weakness? or some small damage?) because that would have good synergy with a lot of the elementalist traits, utilities, and weapon skills.
How about no cd but drop its chase to go off on crit down to 30% so you can get benefits from aoe ICD makes the effect for aoe worthless and most of what ele runs off of is aoe ability. This is why the new Blinding Ashes 6 fire blind on burn is not that good because once you burn one target its on a cd of 5 sec so your aoe only going to bline one person.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
That is what I am proposing, the damage portion trait sort of works like shocking aura’s ICD where each enemy would have his own cooldown so you use an aoe you could strike multiple enemies with lightning bolts at once. A small internal cooldown is needed so it cannot be exploited for massive damage with extremely fast ticking abilities such as FGS 4. Also, to limit the power of the second part of the trait, the air ability cooldown reduction has its own ICD of 1 second. So if you crit 10 enemies multiple times within 2 seconds then the trait will likely proc 2 times reducing air cooldowns by 2 seconds.
(edited by Piratoz.8627)
That is what I am proposing, the damage portion trait sort of works like shocking aura’s ICD where each enemy would have his own cooldown so you use an aoe you could strike multiple enemies with lightning bolts at once. A small internal cooldown is needed so it cannot be exploited for massive damage with extremely fast ticking abilities such as FGS 4. Also, to limit the power of the second part of the trait, the air ability cooldown reduction has its own ICD of 1 second. So if you crit 10 enemies multiple times within 2 seconds then the trait will likely proc 2 times reducing air cooldowns by 2 seconds.
Ya that works for me i am not sure if they can program it like that though it seems ICD on passive skills when hit works different then when you hit aura vs say Blinding Ashes. As is Lightning rod is not too bad there just better things to run over it.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
lightning rod should be more like something that happens when y’r hit…
The main problem with have ZERO utility skills that can proc this, (and no please dont say earth shield lol), we need to change signet of water to have an interrupt instead of a terrible chill and give us some more ways to proc it. If they wanted more defence for ele’s though why not bring tempest defense down to a master level and nerf the % damage increase vs stunned opponents. I personally would love a trait that could counter hammer warriors.
The main problem with have ZERO utility skills that can proc this, (and no please dont say earth shield lol), we need to change signet of water to have an interrupt instead of a terrible chill and give us some more ways to proc it. If they wanted more defence for ele’s though why not bring tempest defense down to a master level and nerf the % damage increase vs stunned opponents. I personally would love a trait that could counter hammer warriors.
Asura have a daze utility and i guess there is tornado it can trigger it not realty a utility though. The skill is good as is just fresh air and temp def are better and out of all the 4 atument trees air has some of the best chose water is good too but fire and earth fall behind.
What i think it should be changed into is every time you stun or daze or knock down / back some one then it should trigger not just off of interruption.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I think the main drawback is that you cannot combine it with Tempest Defense. Just moving it down to Master tier would make Lightning Rod much stronger
Until that, I’ll play GW2.
Yeah, id rather have a worse tempest defense, most eles I know aren’t warriors who will shield bash then evis you either, take away the 20% bonus damage to stunned opponents and just make the aura a master trait and i’d be happy.
If at least it would work together with updraft or something.
knockdowns etc
Could be reworked into
“When you critically hit your enemy you also daze your target for <insert time>”. This should get some serious cooldown ofcourse, something along the lines of 20 seconds. The only thing I still do not like about this is that you cannot control the daze for skillful play.
Ymilia – Elementalist
Shade of Underworld – Thief
Lightning Rod should be a Master Trait at its current power level, to be honest. It’s better than Halting Strike on the Mesmer because of the Weakness, and the fact that the Ele isn’t supposed to be an interrupt-based class also keeps it from being an Adept trait. But no one will ever take this as a Grandmaster. If you’re not looking at Fresh Air, then even Tempest Defense is just way better.