Lightning Storm / Glyph of Storms

Lightning Storm / Glyph of Storms

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Hey everyone!

Imo the storms of the Glyph of Storms have odd damage numbers and effects. Some storms are way op, other totally garbage.

Am I the only one who thinks the Lightning Storm is ridiculously overpowered? 36 hits deal more than double damage of traided lava fonts, in the skill description this is considered a 12’000 damage skill! ö.ö On top of that it’s stacking 72 stacks vuln or rather perma 25 stacks for it’s duration…

Shouldn’t the Fire Storm be THE damage storm and the Lightning Storm only there for vuln and LOW damage, just like the other 2 storms are for chill and blind? It looks like The Lightning Storm is just superior in terms of damage and vulnerability.

And yea, you make all bolts hit even a small target by simply line-casting it… but even without it, it’s way too op against big targets such as bloomhunger, twins, lupi etc. It’s basicly Frost Bow II.

But Frost Bow 4# has been nerfed completly wrong imo. They should have added an internal cd to hit the same target multiple times so it would stay same strong against small targets, yet not op against big ones. Maybe same fix for Lightning Storm? What do you think?


Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
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Lightning Storm / Glyph of Storms

in Elementalist

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


First, air is also supposed to be a damage spec. I don’t think it’s required that all the best damage be on fire, and in fact, in the current balance where air is generally the damage spec you go to when fire is not available and generally eschewed otherwise, it’s possibly a balancing factor that Glyph of Storms is most effective when used in air.

Second, it’s Glyph of Storms. I don’t see a problem with the most iconic form of storm – namely, a lightning storm – also being the most powerful.

Third, the issue with Frost Bow was that you can have you and an ally pick up the bow, drop two storms on the target right away, and just from that you’ve done more damage than Lightning Storm does, even nerfed. If you hold onto the bows, you get even more out of Conjure Frost, including being able to repeat the storms 20s later. About all Glyph of Storms does is generates a storm every 48 seconds, and that’s with the shorter recharge trait (which, as it happens, is in Air). As a utility skill with such a big recharge being used for damage, it needs to pack a big whallop… and, at the moment, it still doesn’t compete with you and your ally firing off ice storms from a frost bow and then immediately dropping them (let alone using the other functionality of Frost Bow).

It’s possible that the others could do with a buff. However, it does seem as if each has a particular purpose – lightning is your power damage option, ice is a snare*, sand is a blind field, while fire is a condition damage option. If you’re running berserker stats, then lightning being better than fire is working as intended.

*It’s worth noting, too, that while ice has less impacts per second, a lot of the difference between ice and lightning is that lightning lasts for 3 seconds longer – which is 3 seconds longer that the enemy needs to stay in the area to take the full damage. That may not be an issue in some fights, but I can see situations where ice storm manages to keep an enemy snared and deal full damage, while half of a lightning storm gets wasted.

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Lightning Storm / Glyph of Storms

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Oh my you’re right, I totally forgot about condi! So maybe fire should be buffed in terms of burn duration / stacks while tuning down the direct damage further, so it would become a strong condi version of the lightning storm.

Maybe Ice storm should get a new animation, like the sand strom with snow, remove the impacts and let it apply the chill to the whole area for becoming a strong chill field. It would also be nice if the direct damage gets removed, yet cleanses one condition every 2 sec. That’d make it a completly different storm than the others.

Blind on “darude” + damage is already engouh imo. Maybe some short protection on cast or vanish for everyone inside it? Or a pull at the last tick?

I just like to see more depth in the storms rather than “damage + condition”… Yet lightning storm seems just too overwhelming compared to the others. To say that, instead of reducing it’s damage like frost bow and fixing it’s line cast aswell, they maybe should make it like I suggested “snow storm” to deal damage and vuln to the whole area instead of having 36 impacts. The overall damage should be really high tough and keep up high vuln stacks for its duration. But less op like it is now, but more viable without line cast against smaller enemies.

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Lightning Storm / Glyph of Storms

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mem no Fushia.7604

Mem no Fushia.7604

Glyph of Sandstorm imo is condi and protective based, so tone down dmg, but decrease casting time, increase duration, increase radious and increase number of thicks.

Yeah ice strom could have many many many impacts.