Lightning flash bug

Lightning flash bug

in Elementalist

Posted by: Blackelk.3784


Since the elementalist nerf I have been relying more on lightning flash to get away from zergs people ect. I am wondering if any other eles have had issues with lightning flash randomly not working, i.e. not breaking stun or moving you just leaving you where you are while resetting cool-down.

Guild Lead -[MMAC] Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts

Lightning flash bug

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Yes I have had this happen to me before. I think part of the reason is that lightning flash is cast really quickly and it doesn’t register. With the nerf to mist form I am now spamming lightning flash as soon as mist form is finished. Previously, I would use it during mist form to enter towers or keeps when there is a large zerg on the gate.

It might be that lightning flash is slightly bugged atm. I do have issues using it now in certain conditions.

Lightning flash bug

in Elementalist

Posted by: Melkiah.2496


The fact is that lightning flash does not work as a teleport but as a mere “very fast movement” to the target area (proof: you get all the conditions if you teleport with enemy fields between you and your ground target). Having this behaviour, it needs to have a clear path in order to work; if there’s an obstruction, an hill that can’t be climbed, or a gap between two pieces of land (eg. trying to teleport from one side of a breached wall to the other) the skill will fail and cause it to go on full cooldown. Seems it doesn’t work also on some stairs in keeps and towers (i believe it has something to do with those parts being destructible or not) but also work normally sometimes with high edges (eg. in borderlands, at the middle island you are able to teleport from the bridge level up to the ruins level by just using it on the edge of the high ground), so yes, its behaviour is not really clear

Melkiah Soulreaper
VII Guild

Lightning flash bug

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The fact is that lightning flash does not work as a teleport but as a mere “very fast movement” to the target area (proof: you get all the conditions if you teleport with enemy fields between you and your ground target). Having this behaviour, it needs to have a clear path in order to work; if there’s an obstruction, an hill that can’t be climbed, or a gap between two pieces of land (eg. trying to teleport from one side of a breached wall to the other) the skill will fail and cause it to go on full cooldown. Seems it doesn’t work also on some stairs in keeps and towers (i believe it has something to do with those parts being destructible or not) but also work normally sometimes with high edges (eg. in borderlands, at the middle island you are able to teleport from the bridge level up to the ruins level by just using it on the edge of the high ground), so yes, its behaviour is not really clear

I just tested this in spvp against a Necro with fields, wells, and marks. If you teleport through these things you will not receive the conditions. The only time you might is if the target circle is slightly in the field then maybe. So being a “fast movement” based skill is not entirely true. It could be bugged in PvE/WvW since I am testing this in sPvP.

Lightning flash bug

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razor.6392


I think that happens when you lag. Be it FPS lag or internet lag.

I like using burning speed + flash but sometimes I end up being right where I started…

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

Lightning flash bug

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


The way I see it, it works on the same principals as Mesmer’s Blink. You pretty much have to have to be able to walk to where you want to go with it. It won’t allow you to climb most hills or jump most gaps. If it fails to get you where you want to go, you “teleport in place” and the skill goes on full cooldown. Once you get use to the limitations, you’ll be able to use it with more reliability.

Lightning flash bug

in Elementalist

Posted by: Melkiah.2496


I just tested this in spvp against a Necro with fields, wells, and marks. If you teleport through these things you will not receive the conditions

Don’t know if it has a different behaviour in sPvP or if they changed it during time but i remember trying that out more than once and every time i teleported through some fields i got the relative conditions (eg. teleporting with a static field in the way always resulted in me getting to the teleport area but being stunned). I’ll have some testing in WvW again

Edit: yep looks like they fixed it at some point so now you don’t get conditions teleporting through a field, good for me to know :P

Melkiah Soulreaper
VII Guild

(edited by Melkiah.2496)