Meteor Shower

Meteor Shower

in Elementalist

Posted by: nightblood.7910


Where is the knockdowns and Interrupts that meteor shower caused that was in GW1?

Ele’s pretty much have two places now in WvW. In the middle of a zerg and defending keeps.

Either way it puts Meteor shower as a useful tool, but it should have knockdowns and should waste a stability utility out of whoever is in it.

There are skills that combat the knockdown. Why does anet insist on making this a useless class?

Meteor Shower

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i think we’re fine with raining 24 × 5K AoE’s down from the sky,
in terms of damage potential, is there another skill that can cause more damage than a meteor shower?

Meteor Shower

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I main an Ele and if MS would also cause KD it would be ridiculously OP.

Ele is anything but a useless class reduce to be in zerg or towers. There is absolutely no place you can’t play and be great with an ele. This is the main reason why I like that profession so much. You are not a one trick pony and you are never useless. It is, IMHO, the most rewarding profession there is.

Meteor Shower

in Elementalist

Posted by: nightblood.7910


Well one its not crit damage (unless arcane power then the first 5 of the meteors), so more like 2k x 24 if a dodge is not used and thats distributed. Dont get me wrong damage yes, but I would happily give up some of the damage for knockdowns on that skill.

As far as an ele I Play it pretty much exclusively in gw2 and did so in gw1. And Im working on a D/D set up for those solo moments, but with that said, we tend to discuss something as OP. Well Theives are entirely OP. Rangers are OP. Eles have been nerfed down to not be OP.

We discuss OP as a bad thing, everything else is OP so why cant ele’s be?

Meteor Shower

in Elementalist

Posted by: jingkangtan.6752


lol use static field and unsteady ground

Meteor Shower

in Elementalist

Posted by: MyPuppy.8970


Hmmm… GW1 MS had a much smaller aoe + crazy cast time + 60s cd + overcast

It ’d be fine by me if we could chose to decrease MS radius, thus getting a denser aoe, making area denial more proficient. The way it is now is too diluted, except for big bosses.

Lily Bertine [NG]/[GiRL]
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock