Mist Form and Bleeds

Mist Form and Bleeds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chris.7653



Why do I still take damage from bleeds if I am in the mist…I thought I was supposed to be water vapor, last I checked water vapor doesn’t bleed.

Mist Form and Bleeds

in Elementalist

Posted by: zala.2391


Mist form makes you invulnerable to new conditions and attacks, it doesn’t stop existing.

Mist Form and Bleeds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


If I am invulernable I shouldn’t take any damage, from any source, period.

Granted I almost always have “cantrips grant you regeneration” and “regeneration removes a condition” so it usually strips it, but there are times when it isn’t the only condition I have.

Mist Form and Bleeds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Myst.9182



I would like to see Anet manage abilities in a balanced way within the context of the world.

While in mist form you should remain invulnerable and not be subject to cripples, bleeds and other conditions.

When you start to compare what other professions can do it doesn’t seem fair. But I won’t go there…

Where World of Warcraft went Wrong

Sadly I think they are following World of Warcraft down a dark road here. The road where they change things but no one asks, “How does this change fit into the world the characters live in.”

A good example would be the Misdirect ability for hunters, in WoW. It was an ability that was an solution to a question, “How do we make Hunters the class that makes the pulls in dungeons? What tools do they need to do this effectively?” So the hunter can now shot someone in the head and the guy that is hit is so angry that he ignores the hunter that shot him and attacks the most heavily armoured and toughest person in your group. It works in practice, but makes no sense within the context of the game world.

Where GW2 can go Right!

Mist form shouldn’t be affected by conditions before or during the effect. Because that makes sense within the context of the world. But when it comes to changing something the question that Anet has failed to ask is, “Does this ability still make sense and have context within the world we have created?”

Sometimes, it better to replace the move entirely but this is rarely done as it may require new animations to give it context.

I hope GW2 doesn’t go down this road and works real hard at making the best game possible. But I think as time goes on and changes are made, its the path of least resistance that is followed. I don’t want another Wold of Warcraft, I want something better.

Mist Form and Bleeds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Animosity.5231


It’s that way for every immunity from Endure Pain to Signet of Stone. Though, Eles arguably have it slightly worse because Mist Form lasts all of what, 3 seconds? While Signet of Stone, Endure Pain, and Protect Me! all last 6, and they still can use every single ability while it’s up.

In any case, I agree it should stop all damage, but as long as no specific immunity gets it over the others, we can agree that’s in balance from that standpoint. The Mist Form no skills available thing, and the shorter duration are other problems entirely.

Mist Form and Bleeds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wildclaw.6073


Mist form makes you invulnerable to new conditions and attacks, it doesn’t stop existing.

Correction. Mist form makes you invulnerable to new conditions, attacks, boons, traits, etc. (it is subject to half a page of bugs as mist form even prevents traits that specifically name it from interacting with it)