More Ele nerfs?
Rule #1 of balancing: make sure elementalists get nerfed. Give them some meaningless buffs to unusable skills and completely ignore the inherent issues with the class that make them unviable.
I hope the cycle continues until they are forced to actually fix the underlying problems
- X/F has no real survivability b/c it is forced to “stay in the pocket” due to no mobility, can’t heal (our form of defense), and can’t even out-damage its enemies while standing there because /F destroys our damage capabilities. The weapon is inherently flawed.
-Forced to spec into 30 arcane and 10 water (or 20/15 at a minimum, preferably 30/15) to have any survivability (healing) which is supposed to be inherent to the class to make up for the poor armor/health. Destroys build options.
-Terrible mobility at its maximum, considering that mobility is one of the primary survival mechanisms for a squishy. RtL nerf kills most reasonable specs chance to even survive.
-Terrible sustained damage b/c of really weak auto-attack damage and weapon-damage scaling. This is forced b/c of arcane utilities and other instant damage sources.
-Unreasonable base attunement recharge rate, forcing points into arcana and destroying build diversity (although arcana has the best traits anyway).
It just makes sharing your buffs harder. The healing scale/cc from frost bow looks really appealing now. It could work well with scepter/dagger builds to help with enemies pressuring you. The real buff that will come to elementalists is the fact they are opening up more power-based builds for other classes.
Bad Elementalist
The past has shown the leaked notes to be correct in this case I hope not. The list of ele changes were disappointing if this is the major balance patch that has been hyped up so sad indeed.
Link to leaked notes?
edit: jk I spent the 2 seconds to look down 3 posts
Yeah I’m sure those notes are real, since they don’t help the ele class AT ALL. But i’m sure next week someone will be like OMG this is the best buff ever while the rest of us are saying dude we can’t even using conjures because mistform and lighting flash are required to live more than 3 seconds.
They should just add a skill affect on equipping a conjure. “Up to 5 enemies within a 200 radius will automatically down when equipped” I might use them all!
Bad Elementalist
I just can’t believe warriors, necros, and engies got buffs, while eles get nothing.
At a loss of words tbh.
“Hello all,
As a reminder, we remove threads which are speculation and not accurate. When you come across things like this, you have to remember that nothing is set in stone until we release it to the public."
The thread didn`t get deleted, so does that makes these guaranteed? ;p
Anyhoe, last time some notes got “leaked” every one turned out to be in the subsequent patch.
Change to conjures may of been of use, for PvErs, but in the battlegrounds/WvWs I still don`t see this being of any use, not until they are in Engie style kit form.
I have no problem believing the warrior/necro getting buffed & ele getting nerfed, it has happened since beta, it`ll happen until the day the firm get kitten canned.
They`ve proven they don`t have the slightest clue about how an Ele works over & over & …..
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
(edited by Fishbait.6723)
they got no real buffs to their current op builds. Anet is trying to encourage build diversity. Engies are okay except for their stupid perplexity rune builds. Stuns/blow outs and stuff should be condi cleansable. Necros should get a cc nerf.
Bad Elementalist
i directly blame the developers at this point, they have absolutely no vision for this game whatsoever.. i bet they play with their stock portfolio more than gw2, i indirectly blame the playerbase as well.. by all means, lets whine and dine about some dumb skill or build that is lacking or make a fanciful laundry list of tweaks so when patch notes come out they epically fail to adress the multitude of issues gw2 elementalist comprises itself of.. and last but not least, i blame myself for taking this game seriously.. i usually don’t give in to hype, but when something is brandished off as ‘game of the year’ i expect a minimal amount of effort to make it less of an un-balanced fiasco.. so regardless of whether the next patch buffs or nerfs elementalist, you can rest assured that the profession resides within a perpetual state of nerfdom
I wouldn’t develop a game I wasn’t passionate about. 3 things need to be done to make the elementalist on par with everyone else. 1. kill the condi meta (which by the looks of these leaked patch notes looks like they are working on). 2. Make our utilities useful and reduce the CD on all of the ones more than 60 seconds. 3. Fix trait lines without destroying current builds. They probably just made the fire trait line even worse by adding a duration cap of 5 times to burns though.
Bad Elementalist
I was laughing at this change. All this change are completely useless for me and will not help or balance the class again others.
I had a quick browse. Looks like some good targeting changes. Still don’t like that thieves can still stack absurd amounts of stealth, 40 second cooldown to heart seeker if it does not hit a target … yes please.
If the notes are real of course.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Really, they’re just trying to force you to roll warrior or necro because they have no vision for the Elementalist class.
Violent Tendency [vT]; & YouTube Agriope
I really hope all the good changes are in the october patch, since that’s supposed to be the big one.
I just can’t believe warriors, necros, and engies got buffs, while eles get nothing.
At a loss of words tbh.
it really does show the complete and utter uselessness of the devs. they are so far away from reality its just mindblowingly crazy..
extremely dissapointed at the minimum buffs to the staff -.- wtf are those devs doing.. its just pethetic to look at..
(edited by Erebus.7568)
I’m kind of shocked that they’re buffing the warrior’s shout heals. Warrior is already the best healer in game, despite popular opinion amongst all the people using cookie cutter builds who don’t have enough brains to try something new and rely on those stupid inaccurate formulas. My shout heals already heal for 3k. I can only imagine how much they’ll do after this patch. as if warrior wasn’t overpowered enough already. Wouldn’t be surprised if this buff pushes my heals up by another 1k.
Yet elementalists, who need healing the most since we don’t have a warrior’s survivability or mobility, or damage, continually have our healing and condition cleansing and mobility nerfed. I just don’t get it. The devs definitely are without a doubt, extremely biased when it comes to balancing things. They play warriors. So warrior will always be a god. None of them mains an ele, so they could care less about balancing the class. They nerfed everything that could have possibly been a threat against a warrior. Eles are the easiest kills for just about every other class now.
Dude there are no ele nerfs on the leaked notes and also no considerable buffs to anything in the meta.And they also said they will tone down condies so the notes probably arent the whole picture or they are keeping the toning down for next patces.
All in all the worst things for ele are some small decrease in some of the elem att buffs and skills of ea.This wont affect your personall survivability AT ALL
Really, they’re just trying to force you to roll warrior or necro because they have no vision for the Elementalist class.
that is why they are buffing conjured hammer XD
You can t play an ele like an ele but you can play an ele like a warrior.
I’d be happy if they deleted conjured stuff from ele….they don t belong to the class gameplay imho.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Really, they’re just trying to force you to roll warrior or necro because they have no vision for the Elementalist class.
that is why they are buffing conjured hammer XD
You can t play an ele like an ele but you can play an ele like a warrior.
I’d be happy if they deleted conjured stuff from ele….they don t belong to the class gameplay
Cause you seem them from the angle of conjure hammer dungeon farming
The truth is that they are an amazing concept.Giving your allies skills and abilities they couldnt have other wise.Or using them to avoid a situation that your skills wouldnt let you.Its not about spamming 1 on hammer for uber damage
yer just sad to see the weak staff changes. and ele changes in general:
see THIS is how the staff changes should have been:.
staff changes: (these are changes to the current effect of the skills)
Aall aoe’s including auto attacks should be effected by blasting staff trait.
All #1(first skills, auto attacks) have their cast time reduced to 1/3-1/2 sec and the projectile speed *2.
Fire #1 (fireball) radius should be 150.
Fire #2 (larva front) instant dmg on apply(same as necro’s marks), doing 25% more for each consecutive tick (meaning second tick would do 25% more, third hit 50% more, 4 hit 75% more dmg).
Fire #3 (flame burst) do dmg equel to 1 auto attack in the aoe range and apply burn. Radius should be 220.
Fire #4 (burning retreat) should created a burning aoe of radius 50 for 5sec around the end point (the point you land)
Fire #5 (meteor storm) got two suggestions on this one either: both should have blast finisher
Version 1:meteors starts coming down instantly when channel starts(in the same manner as now when maximum meteors per second is falling), meteors hits in an aoe around the mouse (meaning you can consistently move the targeting area while the channel is ongoing) channel is canceled if moving and last for up to 6 seconds.
Version 2: can be casted while moving, cast time 1 second, full meteors fall at area after the cast is done and last for approximately same time as now. (a lot more boring then version 1 which would be awesomely cool but a lot easier to do)
Water #1 (water blast) be able to target friendly targets for 50% higher single target heal and small 25% lower aoe dmg.
Water #2 (ice spike) cast time 0,5 sec, delay on hit 1 sec. Blast finisher
Water #3 (geyser) targetable on friendly, will lash onto the target and have the target as its centrum for the duration. First healing tick is instant when it lands
Water #4 (frozen ground) 3 seconds chill. No other change
Water #5 (healing rain) when cast heals for 1 tick of geyser, cast time reduced to 1/2.
Lightning #1 (chain lightning) Now only hits 1 target, down from 3. does 60% more dmg. Blast finisher
Lightning #2 (lightning surge) cast time 0,5 sec OR make it a 2 second channel that does high dmg and aoe blind each second, with first blind being instant, so 3 blind ticks and 6 dmg ticks (each 0,5sec dmg tick).
Lightning #3 (gust) aoe pushback changed to 90¤ instant of single target OR make it a ground target spell which created a vortex that draws enemies too it within a 600 aoe radius of placement.
Lightning #4 (windborne speed) no change
Lightning #5 (static field) does the effect per time you touch the line not just on first touch.
Earth# (stoning) dmg *2 removed the blast finisher
Earth# (eruption) cast time 1/2 sec, delay on hit 1 sec. move the majority of the dmg to damage instead of bleed. So 25% of the dmg is from bleed 75% is from the dmg. stil a blast finisher
Earth# (magnetic aura) add stability to it for the duration.
Earth# (unsteady ground) Root instead of cripple
Earth# (shockwave) cast time instant. projectile speed *1,7, wide *1,2. removed the blast finisher
and THIS is how the trait and attunement changes should have been:
but nooo we get 1 silly little minimal change that means absolutely nothing… bs
(edited by Erebus.7568)
Really, they’re just trying to force you to roll warrior or necro because they have no vision for the Elementalist class.
that is why they are buffing conjured hammer XD
You can t play an ele like an ele but you can play an ele like a warrior.
I’d be happy if they deleted conjured stuff from ele….they don t belong to the class gameplay
Cause you seem them from the angle of conjure hammer dungeon farming
The truth is that they are an amazing concept.Giving your allies skills and abilities they couldnt have other wise.Or using them to avoid a situation that your skills wouldnt let you.Its not about spamming 1 on hammer for uber damage
Maybe would be interesting…on another profession.
Its possibly the worst thing to give to an attunement class based on VERSATILITY since it overruns base mechanic and gameplay to get a dumbed down version of other professions leaving only the most linear and boring skills in it?
Would be better to make D/D, Staff and focus Viable in EVERY game mode.
Until then for me elementalist is not a Gw2 profession….if i’ll want to play a hammer i will use a warrior or a guard.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I can’t believe people are whining about the leaked notes. Outside of a slight radius nerf to the two weakest elemental attunement’s effects (i.e. its protection-on-earth is still as incredibly strong as ever), the changes coming to elementalists are tasty.
I see people complaining here about how the elementalist’s healing power gets nerfed every patch, when the notes we’re discussing mentions buffs to staff’s and frost bow’s healing skills and heal scaling.
Really, some of you just want to complain for the sake of complaining. Lightning hammer elementalists are currently being used for dungeon runs. Staff elementalists are used in wvw. Bunker elementalists and air burst elementalists have been king in pvp for months, with two viable variations of air bursting (fresh air, or 20/20/30) and the only reason they’re currently not there is because of the current meta (s/d thief can steal all the boons of a bunker ele, and an air burst has a hard time dealing with condition-defensive builds and protection/ weakness spam).
This is all facts. But when somebody visits the elementalist boards, they would think otherwise. “Our profession is the worst thing ever! We’re the only ones that get nerfed while everyone else gets buffed! Mommy, we can’t take it anymore! It’s horrible!”
The leaked patch notes, which are probably incomplete (J. Sharp hinted at changes to conjure shield as well) are going to make bunker staff builds slightly more viable in pvp, greatly buff the utility and movement-advantage of lightning hammer (especially relevant for pvp/ wvw), and they will transform conjure flame axe into a might stacking machine. An elementalist will be able to get, from conjure flame axe alone, between 6 and 12 stacks of AOE might per ring of fire (assuming you have arcane wave and evasive arcana), plus anything else you can give to yourself through auto-attacking or the fire aura.
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
That´s it. I will drop my ele and change to a mesmer. Instead of buffing us, you nerf us(YOU CANT BE SERIOUS NerfNet!) – look at these forums, oh wait, I forgott: NO ONE CARES ABOUT ELEMENTALISTS since no one of the devs play an eleementalist you have no vision for this class. You play warriors and guardians…uhhhh…both overpowered classes at the moment(I have a warrior myself, so I know what I´m talking about).
And then ANet is wondering why the playerbase is so low. For me that´s it. I will get my legendary this week(instead I thinking about selling my g, because this game isn´t worth it anymore), besides that really great games coming in the next weeks(GTA V, FIFA 14 etc.)
Well done ANet, well done!
I can’t believe people are whining about the leaked notes. Outside of a slight radius nerf to the two weakest elemental attunement’s effects (i.e. its protection-on-earth is still as incredibly strong as ever), the changes coming to elementalists are tasty.
I see people complaining here about how the elementalist’s healing power gets nerfed every patch, when the notes we’re discussing mentions buffs to staff’s and frost bow’s healing skills and heal scaling.
Really, some of you just want to complain for the sake of complaining. Lightning hammer elementalists are currently being used for dungeon runs. Staff elementalists are used in wvw. Bunker elementalists and air burst elementalists have been king in pvp for months, with two viable variations of air bursting (fresh air, or 20/20/30) and the only reason they’re currently not there is because of the current meta (s/d thief can steal all the boons of a bunker ele, and an air burst has a hard time dealing with condition-defensive builds and protection/ weakness spam).
This is all facts. But when somebody visits the elementalist boards, they would think otherwise. “Our profession is the worst thing ever! We’re the only ones that get nerfed while everyone else gets buffed! Mommy, we can’t take it anymore! It’s horrible!”
The leaked patch notes, which are probably incomplete (J. Sharp hinted at changes to conjure shield as well) are going to make bunker staff builds slightly more viable in pvp, greatly buff the utility and movement-advantage of lightning hammer (especially relevant for pvp/ wvw), and they will transform conjure flame axe into a might stacking machine. An elementalist will be able to get, from conjure flame axe alone, between 6 and 12 stacks of AOE might per ring of fire (assuming you have arcane wave and evasive arcana), plus anything else you can give to yourself through auto-attacking or the fire aura.
Leaked patch notes in the past have been legit.
The 2 nerfs are straight up nerfs. The range for aoe buffs should NEVER be that small, 300-360 radius is the smallest they should ever be. Nerfing aoe on EA makes no sense either.
Conjures are gimmicky terrible versions of engy kits, and there’s no room to use them because Ele are too squishy NOT to have 2-3 cantrips.
The heal buff on frostbow/water staff auto are worthless, they need to buff the radius on it, you literally have to be on top of the target to be healed by it.
The fact that they’re prioritizing buffing gimmicky conjures over other things Ele needs more is disheartening.
The geyser change was good, it was desperately needed, no aoe’s should be that small, not even lava font. However if this is the “big” October 1 patch then I’m giving up (again), because of this is the “ele staff love” they were talking about then…. just wow.
(edited by Knote.2904)
There’s one major buff in here for elementalists that everyone’s not discussing because it isn’t under the elementalist section.
“Made it a bit easier to retarget channeled skills (now if you try to recast them on a separate target, it will cancel your current instance of the skill and start casting it again on the other target)”
Scepter air auto, anyone? I don’t know about you, but I hate being stuck auto-ing a corpse for 2 seconds when something else is attacking me. This QoL update will do major things for us. Aside from that, they buffed flame axe off the charts, fixed a bug, and added some levels of consistency. This doesn’t mean they won’t change the exact radius later on, guys!
And lest we forget Superior Rune of the Traveler lets us take 3 utility skills now instead of 2 and a movespeed signet?
Didn`t notice that, but agree, scepter firing on long dead corpses is reason I rarely touch that weapon.
Now all we need is some mouse option to make it visible for the other spells ;p
Well, that & a free arsended scepter mailed to us for daring to play ele, because kitten ed sure not crafting any more ever again.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
There’s one major buff in here for elementalists that everyone’s not discussing because it isn’t under the elementalist section.
“Made it a bit easier to retarget channeled skills (now if you try to recast them on a separate target, it will cancel your current instance of the skill and start casting it again on the other target)”
Scepter air auto, anyone? I don’t know about you, but I hate being stuck auto-ing a corpse for 2 seconds when something else is attacking me. This QoL update will do major things for us. Aside from that, they buffed flame axe off the charts, fixed a bug, and added some levels of consistency. This doesn’t mean they won’t change the exact radius later on, guys!
And lest we forget Superior Rune of the Traveler lets us take 3 utility skills now instead of 2 and a movespeed signet?
you gotta be kidding me -.- you seriously telling me that the switch from a DEAD target to a living (this would be pure pve else in pvp the ticks just does dmg) is a MAJOR! thing for you so you dont wasted a maximum of 1-2 second ? which mobs exactly are you killing where this would EVER be an issue?, its certainly not veterans or harder since the time to kill them is high enough so the 1-2 seconds really doesnt matter and more importently there isnt enough of them packed in general for it to matter…
i will say it was kitten annoying and it keep attacking a dead target was CLEARLY a bug. but saying this is a MAJOR thing is kittening bullkitten.
everything else they tweak to the ele’s advantage is gimmicky as hell and useless in any serious build for anything then easy mode kitten farming which other classes still do a craptons better.
there is one usefull buff which is the geyseer aoe increase, but the healing amount on the staff is soo low now that it really doesnt do much, its minor survive it adds and its still a major issue to get people to stay in it in a situation where they really need the healing (especially becouse it last so incredibly short as well)
trying to defend anets complete oversight of ele’s especially staff ele’s forever is just sad.
(edited by Erebus.7568)
From a tPvP perspective:
If these patch notes are legit, then a bunker-ish ele can stack 25 might + Fury permanently on anyone at a node without much effort.
Staff bunkering is getting tuned up as well and may very well become a real bear to deal with for a number of the meta builds.
I can’t speak to other portions of the game, but in tPvP I think these changes would make Ele a legitimately viable option. The builds that would work would be high skill-floor, but I am willing to bet that if these notes go live, then you will see ele’s in tPvP again.
^Yeah only a small % of us bother with spvp anyway and couldn’t give a crap about that. For WvW, ele is still getting screwed over. But great for those of you who like to stand in a little circle for points. whoopee!
From a tPvP perspective:
If these patch notes are legit, then a bunker-ish ele can stack 25 might + Fury permanently on anyone at a node without much effort.Staff bunkering is getting tuned up as well and may very well become a real bear to deal with for a number of the meta builds.
I can’t speak to other portions of the game, but in tPvP I think these changes would make Ele a legitimately viable option. The builds that would work would be high skill-floor, but I am willing to bet that if these notes go live, then you will see ele’s in tPvP again.
And then thief happens.
“Aoe spells with that have a maximum number of targets will now count combatants that block or evade the attack towards that maximum”
RIP ele.
“Static Field: This skill will now stun a target entering the field instead of dazing them. Increased the radius from 180 to 240.”
Now everyone will just stunbreak through. Pathetic.
Conjure Frost Bow: The short range was the problem.
Windblast: How about making it instant?
Overall: meeeeeeehrrragphppprppprpssstigitigitigi
(edited by Xillllix.3485)
“Aoe spells with that have a maximum number of targets will now count combatants that block or evade the attack towards that maximum”
RIP ele.
“Static Field: This skill will now stun a target entering the field instead of dazing them. Increased the radius from 180 to 240.”
Now everyone will just stunbreak through. Pathetic.
Conjure Frost Bow: The short range was the problem.
Windblast: How about making it instant?
Overall: meeeeeeehrrragphppprppprpssstigitigitigi
Static Field has always stunned people crossing it. Wat.
That line about Static Field is under Lightning Hammer. They’re talking about the Lightning Hammer Static Field. I guess it just dazes people right now?
If this happenes believe me im going to get banned from forums , i have no filter and short patience when it comes to these things.
From a tPvP perspective:
If these patch notes are legit, then a bunker-ish ele can stack 25 might + Fury permanently on anyone at a node without much effort.Staff bunkering is getting tuned up as well and may very well become a real bear to deal with for a number of the meta builds.
I can’t speak to other portions of the game, but in tPvP I think these changes would make Ele a legitimately viable option. The builds that would work would be high skill-floor, but I am willing to bet that if these notes go live, then you will see ele’s in tPvP again.
emm how again would this fix ANY! of the curren issue’s with using an ele in tpvp (even as bunker) instead of lets say guardian, engi, war, necro or ranger ?! which all would do a better job at it.
even IF the situation precented it where you effectively could buff up others permanently (ofc only for the time you are near them. its only variable to buff up right before a fight, and wont last for very long after. so permanent is a bit happy thinking and ignoring cd concerns) in tpvp equel with spvp you would buff 1-2 people at best and besides that be just as freaking useless as you always have…
i dont see how these changes in any way would make the ele valid. so please do enlighten me of to what exactly in the changes would suddenly fix the current issue’s of using an ele over any other class -.-
(edited by Erebus.7568)
The real question is WHY are they nerfing the radius of our support buffs? Elemental Attunement nerf makes no sense. They should be BUFFING the radius of these types of effects. If they don’t want the ele to be a solo powerhouse they better kitten make it a good support class instead.
The real question is WHY are they nerfing the radius of our support buffs? Elemental Attunement nerf makes no sense. They should be BUFFING the radius of these types of effects. If they don’t want the ele to be a solo powerhouse they better kitten make it a good support class instead.
Regeneration and protection are the reason people pick e. attunement, and they already are at 240. 5-8s of aoe protection every 9-12s is extremely strong for an adept tier trait. If there’s one thing EA doesn’t needs, is a buff. But if it were to get one, it could be the might effect, which should give 3 stacks instead of 1.
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
“Aoe spells with that have a maximum number of targets will now count combatants that block or evade the attack towards that maximum”
That isn’t a buff… Now your meteor showers will now deal 10k dmg instead of 20k.
In before one month later Frost Bow is a common utility in PvP because people will realize that with a 1.5 second channel time on Deep Freeze, updraft into summon ice bow and then deep freeze will be a legitimate combo when the enemy is out of stunbreaks..
“We are getting buffs to useless skills”.
That’s the point of buffs.
That isn’t a buff… Now your meteor showers will now deal 10k dmg instead of 20k.
I don’t think this change will affect meteor shower at all in practise.
emm how again would this fix ANY! of the curren issue’s with using an ele in tpvp (even as bunker) instead of lets say guardian, engi, war, necro or ranger ?! which all would do a better job at it.
even IF the situation precented it where you effectively could buff up others permanently (ofc only for the time you are near them. its only variable to buff up right before a fight, and wont last for very long after. so permanent is a bit happy thinking and ignoring cd concerns) in tpvp equel with spvp you would buff 1-2 people at best and besides that be just as freaking useless as you always have…
i dont see how these changes in any way would make the ele valid. so please do enlighten me of to what exactly in the changes would suddenly fix the current issue’s of using an ele over any other class -.-
Ok, I’ll bite.
“Near” is a relative term. The radius of Blast finish effects is not that small. If you position intelligently that has a huge impact on team fights. Essentially you will have no CD concern in maintaining combo based buffs when equipped and traited properly. If anyone else in your comp has blast finishers as well, then 25 stacks with permanent upkeep is easily possible for an infinite period of time. Even if you are in Soldiers or Knights ammy when you have capped might + fury you are a serious threat that will 75%-0 anyone short of a full bunker with a near instant burst that you can set up with your own CC. I can see this type of build facilitating a new iteration of a bunker/tank heavy meta, because you could fill a team with builds that have really solid sustain and still have them doing Zerker or Rabid level damage while providing ridiculous amounts of support. Specifically the tweaks that I am looking at facilitate a new comp style that has not existed previously, so it isn’t taking some other profession’s role, but rather creating an entirely different role and team strat that the meta hasn’t seen before.
Now… the buff to staff will make a staff bunker the most miserably unkillable pain in the kitten that the game has seen since D/D bunker was God mode. The only difference is that know you will have sufficient knockbacks available to cap points out from under the defender quickly and consistently without risk of dying in a 1v1 pretty much ever. Not just decap, you will be able to cap the point unless they get help or you get outplayed (this holds for any of the common close point defender builds I have seen recently). You will have enough sustain to tank just about anything even in 2v1’s for considerable period of time while still maintaining enough knock back to hold the node neutral at a minimum.
I suppose this is all speculation based on unconfirmed, leaked patch notes, but I see a few different roles that ele could play legitimately with these alleged tools.
You people praising the Staff Water Auto heal buff realize the splash is still 90 radius right?
You literally have to be very close in melee of the target for it to heal you, the only place I can see that being useful is some warrior zerg dungeon speed run where everyone is hugging mobs, even then why would you sit there in water spamming some piddly heal in that situation?
It needs to be 360-600 range and the healing left alone.
“We are getting buffs to useless skills”.
That’s the point of buffs.
That isn’t a buff… Now your meteor showers will now deal 10k dmg instead of 20k.
I don’t think this change will affect meteor shower at all in practise.
we are getting minimistic buffs which Doesnt change that they will still be terrible.. if it was huge buffs that made them actually really good then ok. but it isnt. thats what he was trying to say
(edited by Erebus.7568)
“We are getting buffs to useless skills”.
That’s the point of buffs.
That isn’t a buff… Now your meteor showers will now deal 10k dmg instead of 20k.
I don’t think this change will affect meteor shower at all in practise.
So you are saying that buffing a skill that pretty much has no advantage to using is suppose to be a buff? Buffing crap, doesn’t change it from being crap. If they had rework the skills to reward you for using them that would be nice, unfortunately the buff skill punishes you for using them.
There is almost no reason to ever take a conjure (non elite or even elite) with you in PvP, you lose access to all your skills and get stuck with mediocre skills.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
emm how again would this fix ANY! of the curren issue’s with using an ele in tpvp (even as bunker) instead of lets say guardian, engi, war, necro or ranger ?! which all would do a better job at it.
even IF the situation precented it where you effectively could buff up others permanently (ofc only for the time you are near them. its only variable to buff up right before a fight, and wont last for very long after. so permanent is a bit happy thinking and ignoring cd concerns) in tpvp equel with spvp you would buff 1-2 people at best and besides that be just as freaking useless as you always have…
i dont see how these changes in any way would make the ele valid. so please do enlighten me of to what exactly in the changes would suddenly fix the current issue’s of using an ele over any other class -.-
Ok, I’ll bite.
sooo many words and yet you said nothing new..
you restated your first statement saying “it will work” without saying why, which changes does the difference or even a scenario where change X from the notes would allow such a setup that would be preferrable to what you can make and do with semilar roles on any of the other classes…
which was what i was asking..
in which changes NOW NAME THE ACTUALLY PATCH CHANGES!!!, which you think will FIX the current issues that the ele face and the reason other classes out preform the ele by far, right now!.
becouse i see absolutely nothing in those notes which would even remotely come close to allowing a build which could change the sad state the ele is in right now..
the buffs to the staff is soo minimal it will barely be felt (geyseer still have the same issue, if you couldnt stay in it before you wont be able too now)…
asking like this becouse i am of the completely opposite oppinion when looking at the actual changes. i see nothing which would have any significant impact and nothing which will have an impact on the actual issue with the ele.
PS: creating 25stacks of might when build for it is nothing hard to do for 2+ people working well together, i really dont see why you get all hard becouse of it -.-
and its not like that extra maybe 10 stacks of might is gonna make up for what you sacrifice to get it (rotation time, utility slots, etc) there is much more efficient ways to raise the dps potential when considering timeframe, skill slots and what other classes can do while in themselve being a lot more dangerous as well..
(edited by Erebus.7568)
Buff wars, nerf eles.
Anet logic.
Regeneration and protection are the reason people pick e. attunement,
wrong: I pick e.attunement because all other traits in that tier are almost useless.
If A.Net would give us eight VIABLE options (so good that you would take days hitting your head on a wall crying whyyyyy they are all sooo goooood oohhh I can’t choooose ecc ecc) you would probably see 90% less people using that trait.
So the elementalist nerfs consist of better healing on staff auto(aim at your feet,not hard) ,unsteady ground working like line of warding (omg), better geyser for staff..
You also get lighting hammer buff on static field and n4 and number 3 nockback getting the range of guardians banish (OMFG we can play finally play golf in skyhammer)
I dont know..Its sad that ele is getting so much nerfed but i think i ll take it !!!
I can already see it!!Staff bunker at far point with lightning hammer and tornado that can decap anything! Holy kitten! More cc than engi
So the elementalist nerfs consist of better healing on staff auto(aim at your feet,not hard) ,unsteady ground working like line of warding (omg), better geyser for staff..
You also get lighting hammer buff on static field and n4 and number 3 nockback getting the range of guardians banish (OMFG we can play finally play golf in skyhammer)
I dont know..Its sad that ele is getting so much nerfed but i think i ll take it!!!
I can already see it!!Staff bunker at far point with lightning hammer and tornado that can decap anything! Holy kitten! More cc than engi
Water Auto only heals for like 11 unless you hit someone with it, aiming at your feet won’t heal for anything.