(edited by Super Riceman.8702)
More uses for conjures and signets
When I read your title, I was planning to write that signets would be viable if they had a stunbreaker. So I wholeheartedly agree with your suggestion for Signet of Earth.
I feel that in many ways, that’s the issue. Because there are many lethal (to eles at least) stunlocks in PvE, you more or less HAVE to take at least 1 stunbreaker, and seeing how they’re all cantrips, you’re forced to bring a cantrip. On other professions, like for example the ranger or the engineer, they’re spread out among the various skill types. That allows for more diversity in builds.
However, if you do implement your suggestions, a few cantrips will have to lose their stunbreakers or we’d have too many of them.
I don’t agree with the signets, would be nicer if Signet of Water would be a stun breaker instead of signet of earth Or some way in which the signets would give boons like the glyphs do with the trait in 20 air.
The conjure adjustments however are great ideas
Or some way in which the signets would give boons like the glyphs do with the trait in 20 air.
There are traits that do exactly that.
Or some way in which the signets would give boons like the glyphs do with the trait in 20 air.
There are traits that do exactly that.
I’m not talking about the one with auras, that just requires too many trait points compared to glyphs. Being able to get 1+ minute of swiftness just by casting glyphs in air atunement on a 20ish second CD far out weighs any aura thing you do with signets. Especially since signets have such a long casting time.
I’m not talking about the one with auras, that just requires too many trait points compared to glyphs. Being able to get 1+ minute of swiftness just by casting glyphs in air atunement on a 20ish second CD far out weighs any aura thing you do with signets. Especially since signets have such a long casting time
However they currently suffice for getting permanent swiftness and fury, the latter being something glyphs cannot do at all.
you can get fury from simply swapping atunements and triggering any auras you already have so you really don’t need the extra fury and swiftness since it only stacks in duration and not in intensity.
Getting permanent fury from attunement swapping is a bit more tricky though. You main concern however seems to be the way boons are implemented on signets, rather than wheter they give boons or not. For me, the passive buffs combined with the boons on fire aura, not to mention the fire auras themselves, work well enough. If anything, don’t you think it would be a little boring if cantrips, signets and glyphs all worked the same way?
i’d like to see, before adjusting damage or nature of each indivudual skill some basic changes:
earth shield cast time reduced to 1/4 like on the other conjures
earth shield, no self root on 4 and 5
bow, remove self root for 5, keep 4
hammer, remove selfroot
elite, remove selfroot while casting, keep casttime, remove selfroot on 2
let the “recharge 20% faster” traits work on the respective weapons, maybe except elite
I really love your changes ! I agree that we should either have more access to stun breakers or get some stun breakers off cantrips to give them to different skills.
I would just replace the stun break radius by a stability lasting 4s.
I think the passive might need to come up in non-healing builds. If I run a clerics tactics build this signet can hold its weight, but it currently has NO place in a berserker build. Not sure it should be as viable in a seeker build, but it needs to see some play in soldiers, and certainly Valk and Shaman builds. Really signets are still going to have a hard time without a stun breaker (particularly in PvP and WvW). Obviously Dolyak signet is the most likely candidate here. Our next balance patch will absolutely be looking at stun breakers and spreading them out on all professions to make more categories of utilities viable. I’ll probably post this in general later as well but this was a larger balance pass and we will likely let this meta sit a bit longer than previous ones while we work towards taking time to push more less effective builds towards viable status.
Taken from
Changes I’d like to see
—Earth Grandmaster trait 11, add “signets break stun” or “activating a signet grants an aura based on attunement”
-- Conjured weapons… allow weapon swap while the weapon is active, 15-20 sec cd.
Yeah, it makes me a bit worried about stun/daze builds if they spread too many stun breakers around…
As for the OP’s ideas:
“[Signet of Earth]: Change the active to make it a stun breaker” I like it. Although I’d hate to lose all CC from it as it was a staple of some Scepter tactics.
“[Signet of Fire]: Change the passive to grant a bonus to condition duration” I wouldn’t be opposed to this change. If it was something like +15% condition duration or 10% condition and 10% Stun/daze duration.
“[Signet of Water]: Also steals two boons from the enemy” Boon stealing seems overused. How about a different mechanic? Boon Freezing. No stealing, not stripping, not quite corruption, Water Signet would chill a foe for 4sec and remove 3 boons from the target, applying 1sec of chill for each removed boon.
“Conjures in general”
Some of those ideas could work, but I guess it’d depend on the direction the devs want to go with them. Considering the conjures are suppose to help with versatility, and the other utilities don’t really offer this specific effect, I’d like Conjures to aim toward mobility.
Some ideas:
- Improve the range on some of the leaps (Flame Axe and Fiery GS are good at this, Shield could be made better by unrooting its #5 skill and lengthening its leap, Hammer can take the same treatment as shield)
- Some more traits. My favorite idea would be something like reworking the Conjurer trait into “Master Conjurer” which gives 10 extra charges to your conjure utilities and teleport to your conjured weapon in a burst of blinding smoke (or burning flames, whichever is more balanced) up to 1500 range. ‘Summon Self’ would be a skill that replaces your conjure on your bar after you summon a weapon, lasts for its duration and shares a 60 sec cooldown with all conjures (no setting up 4 conjures around your foe and porting 1500 range over and over). Basically like Necro’s wurm port…
The skills on the conjures themselves are overall alright except for some of the roots (Shield needs to be very mobile! It’s a defensive weapon!).
“Arcane in general”
Also a set of utilities I feel is fine. Don’t really need a change and if a stunbreaker is added to it, I’d likely expect it to be a longer recharging skill like Arcane Power or Arcane Shield, not Arcane Wave. If Arcane Power were a stunbreaker, that’d probably would be amazing for your offensive builds as with the right trait set-up, it can do some nasty things with spells.
Arcane Blast/Wave don’t need changes except perhaps a slight decrease to Blast’s cooldown (15sec would be perfect!). Don’t change Arcane Shield…maybe lower cooldown to 60sec and increase the duration it can block to 10 (still limited to 3 blocks).
Make conjures work like kit of the engineer? But with the current cooldown on the relased enviroment weapon and 9 sec on wepon swap, ofc.
Right now conjures are weaker versions of the engineers kit.
Make conjures work like kit of the engineer? But with the current cooldown on the relased enviroment weapon and 9 sec on wepon swap, ofc.
Right now conjures are weaker versions of the engineers kit.
This is actually a great idea in my opinion. Although I would recommend a few changes to some of the conjure weapon abilities, as some of the abilities are simply too powerful if possible to switch to on the fly with no kit swap cooldown. . I would also like to see them turn one of the conjured weapons into a condition dmg heavy focus in conjunction with your suggestion. Something similar to grenade kit for engis. This would increase build diversity greatly.
Make conjures work like kit of the engineer? But with the current cooldown on the relased enviroment weapon and 9 sec on wepon swap, ofc.
Right now conjures are weaker versions of the engineers kit.
This is actually a great idea in my opinion. Although I would recommend a few changes to some of the conjure weapon abilities, as some of the abilities are simply too powerful if possible to switch to on the fly with no kit swap cooldown. . I would also like to see them turn one of the conjured weapons into a condition dmg heavy focus in conjunction with your suggestion. Something similar to grenade kit for engis. This would increase build diversity greatly.
I think if it would need a cooldown it should be 5 sec (like warrior w/ fast hands).
And they can just add burning to skills 1-2 on the flame axe so conjures have a condi dmg weapon, power dmg is already fufilled by the hammer.
Make conjures work like kit of the engineer? But with the current cooldown on the relased enviroment weapon and 9 sec on wepon swap, ofc.
Right now conjures are weaker versions of the engineers kit.
I would love to see this implemented.
Conjure frost bow 5 = 4 second stun that is unremovable by the target (it bugs out I think, but stun breaks don’t work on it).
FGS is the only elite I use, massive movement increase, massive damage when used correctly.
I use sig of earth, fire and air in several of my builds.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sig of earth is perfect as is. Maybe add a earth trait that breaks stun when you use any signet but only triggers once every 30 seconds. This way no noe signet is buffed beyond the others (say they put hte break on an active or passive that sucks while other signets get/keep good active passives without getting break).
I love playing conjur spec, and feel it is already pretty viable in pve while hilarious in WvW in the right situations. Only really necessary change to conjure spec is that one should be a potent 1200 range dps. Easily fixed by just bumbing up the damage numbers on Ice bow with no skill changes. LH covers mele dps wonderfully, FGS is great at skirmish fighting, need a stand-off weapon. Maybe add a mobility skill to the bow (mimics thief sb 5, call it ice flow or something).
Similarly, the leap on LH should be made into a lighting-flash version of shadow step (since hammer’s weakness in PVP is that you just get kited into oblivion). I actually hate LH4 because.. its just stupid. You already aoe in almost the same range for way more damage just swinging the hammer like the thunder god(dess) you are. Why waste another slot on the same thing to hit for less? Trash the skill entirely and replace with some sort of projectile counter. "Smite the ground, calling down storm clouds which reflect incoming projectiles (Same cd as similar abilites are on other classes). This also gives us access to the mechanic that many classes lack and are overlooked in pve because of (projectile reflect is king in high level pve). Balance remains in PVP since a player knows you have to go back for your conjur if the fight carrys on very long.
Not sure how i feel about on conjur effects. For PVP I could see making each of them a stun breaker (cus… no one is going to go 4 conjures just to get stun breaks abusively.) Conjurer trait itself is fine, though maybe increase it to 30 charges total (so you can be sure to have 100% up time if you take this trait, which is fair for a master trait).