My WvW Elementalist Builds

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

My WvW Elementalist Builds:

WvW Roaming Elementalist:

WvW Group Play Back Line Elementalist:

WvW Group Play Front Line Elementalist:

Explanations in the links too.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


How is the damage for the wvw frontline build? To me it just feels like I can do much more for my team if I stick to backline.

Everyone running mallyx and durability runes makes condi damage seem like a non-factor to me.

Bad Elementalist

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

How is the damage for the wvw frontline build? To me it just feels like I can do much more for my team if I stick to backline.

Everyone running mallyx and durability runes makes condi damage seem like a non-factor to me.

You provide almost permanent up time for protection, frost aura, vigor and regeneration to your allies in the front line. That comes out to ~46% damage reduction for them as well as a lot of regeneration and condi clense. The damage is decent, its about on par with a front line Guardian in my opinion. The primary focus of the front line ele is more for supporting the front line.

Unfortunately, if you run in to a guild like BOO that is running 50 people that are full condi, you’ll change your mind about condi being a non-factor lol. Raw damage seems to be the thing you have to fight most against, which is why the build is very heavy on the damage reduction.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Just do what every guild on mag does and stack 40 seconds of resistance

Bad Elementalist

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

Just do what every guild on mag does and stack 40 seconds of resistance

I’m sure we all know that durability runes will be nurfed into the ground before too long. Nothing stays that OP for long.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: mcarswell.3768


hey, thanks for posting these. I just started playing my ele again and am trying to get used to the tempest playstyle.

do you have any videos of the roaming build in action? i tried it for a bit over the weekend and was struggling not having access to lightning flash/armor of earth. do you rely solely on FGS to disengage or escape from zergs?

Berner | Nitzerebb | Suna | Shivayanama
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

hey, thanks for posting these. I just started playing my ele again and am trying to get used to the tempest playstyle.

do you have any videos of the roaming build in action? i tried it for a bit over the weekend and was struggling not having access to lightning flash/armor of earth. do you rely solely on FGS to disengage or escape from zergs?

Yeah I just use FGS to disengage if I need to, I don’t use lightning flash or armor of earth because FGS is usually good enough. I have a lot of my roaming footage on my stream at – that should show you a bit of the game play. I main my ele so most of those videos will be my ele roaming.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mark.1679


I dont think you will ever survive in a zerg busting guild with this build though. (frontline ele that is).
The traits/gear/utilities are all over the place.

I think full celestial is not the way to go in a zerg. Since the support/burst ele doesnt need any condi damage. its relies more on direct damage. Try to use zerker trinkets/weapons and cele gear. For that extra umppff.
Now with the extra power from your gear you can remove bloodlust en draining and replace it with Energy and hydro. (energy is a life saver and freaking OP, Hydro is a 2k opening burst. Ill explain the rotation below)
I myself prefer focus much more then warhorn simply because it provides way more utility, is way faster and overal has way better skills then the Warhorn.

Since you have a focus equipped now we can look at the traits.
You should never ever trait Rock solid. Please let the gaurdians in your group give you stab. the 1 stab for 2,5 sec isnt doing kitten. 33% reduction on the 2 best skills in the game (earth #4 and #5) however is amazing.

Powerfull aura is pretty good in this setup since you dont need to cleanse a lot of condis. So I would switch cleansing water. The gaurdians in your group cleanse enough with their skills anyway. If you stick tight to your guild driver you wont have any problems with condis ever. (you even got Earth #4 for a panic button to cleanse 3 condis on a 16! sec CD)

The tempest line is pretty straight forward. I myself go for Harmonius conduit just for the extra damage. But I can see why people would want to go for the extra boons.

The ulities are decent but I would switch aftershock for blink. Blink is a skill you can use both offensively and defensively. Aftershock is clunky and has a huge CD for the little effect it has. (Swirling winds on the bomb will give enough projectile hate anyway. And if you overload earth you give your party reflection as well. That and atleast 1 gaurd in your group has a wall anyway. Or a druid with staff.)

You might even want to change flash freeze for either arcane wave or feel the burn. just because it will make your burst a lot harder since they are instant cast. But I think all 3 of them work fine. (flash freeze gives your party a little more damage reduction)

Now we have ended up with this build.

It has big burst, survivability and lots of support for your melee train.
Opening rotation is:

Fire shield -> Burnign speed -> Blink (so the burst happends on the bomb) -> Magn. wave -> arcane wave -> Obs. flesh (if you need it) -> ring of earth -> Swirling winds and shocking aura -> Air 1 until air overload on the downed.
(Hydro will proc when switching from fire to earth for an extra 2k damage burst on the bomb)

by this time you will regroup for empower. try to use your heal when you see people from your party low. (since you have 2 panic buttons both obsidian flesh and mist form).

Using reboud 5 sec before a bomb will give the party reflective aura and protection.

This has been a longer rant then I wanted to in the first place. Sorry for the wall of text.


This all said, D/F ele can even double blast smoke in the beginning of the fight. You want to start in water for this. use water 3 and 5 and switch to fire when you smoked.

D/F frontline for [PUSH]

(edited by Mark.1679)

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mark.1679


I think you either have your build wrong on or you have the wrong text below it. Since you talk about Aura share but you dont have it traited in the build above the text?

“Cleansing Water, every time I apply regeneration – I clear a condition. No internal cooldown, every time I apply an aura, I apply regeneration so then every time I use an aura skill, I clear a condition.”


“When I’m critically hit, I gain vigor and frost aura (due to aura share, allies get frost aura as well.)”

You kinda contradict yourself a lot in this link

D/F frontline for [PUSH]

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

I think you either have your build wrong on or you have the wrong text below it. Since you talk about Aura share but you dont have it traited in the build above the text?

“Cleansing Water, every time I apply regeneration – I clear a condition. No internal cooldown, every time I apply an aura, I apply regeneration so then every time I use an aura skill, I clear a condition.”


“When I’m critically hit, I gain vigor and frost aura (due to aura share, allies get frost aura as well.)”

You kinda contradict yourself a lot in this link

Yeah I changed part and forgot to change the other part lol. Sorry. I was in a hurry when I updated the link last time from when I was testing playing with aura share.

Updated both links, thanks for pointing that out.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

I dont think you will ever survive in a zerg busting guild with this build though. (frontline ele that is).
The traits/gear/utilities are all over the place.

I have used this pretty heavily doing front line in groups of 15-20 people with very little issue.

I think full celestial is not the way to go in a zerg. Since the support/burst ele doesnt need any condi damage. its relies more on direct damage. Try to use zerker trinkets/weapons and cele gear. For that extra umppff.
Now with the extra power from your gear you can remove bloodlust en draining and replace it with Energy and hydro. (energy is a life saver and freaking OP, Hydro is a 2k opening burst. Ill explain the rotation below)

You would never survive in the front line with that armor combination and you’re underestimating the burning that this build pumps out as well. I would rather have the extra 250 power than energy and hydro. Draining also has no internal cooldown, so its an extra 1140 damage + 1023 heal every time it procs, if I interrupt 5 people, thats an extra 5700 damage on the field and 5115 heal to myself. That happens very frequently when I use air 3, air 4, air over load or water 4.

I myself prefer focus much more then warhorn simply because it provides way more utility, is way faster and overal has way better skills then the Warhorn.

Focus has literally no group support, it is a very selfish weapon and you lose out on heals as well.

Since you have a focus equipped now we can look at the traits.
You should never ever trait Rock solid. Please let the gaurdians in your group give you stab. the 1 stab for 2,5 sec isnt doing kitten. 33% reduction on the 2 best skills in the game (earth #4 and #5) however is amazing.

Guardians don’t put out perm stability, every front line player should have their own stability to save them from getting caught.

Powerfull aura is pretty good in this setup since you dont need to cleanse a lot of condis. So I would switch cleansing water. The gaurdians in your group cleanse enough with their skills anyway. If you stick tight to your guild driver you wont have any problems with condis ever. (you even got Earth #4 for a panic button to cleanse 3 condis on a 16! sec CD)

I don’t know when the last time you played front line was, but being condi bombed is a big problem in the front line. Aura share is a waste of a trait since they nurfed the durations of the auras as well. You’re much better off with cleansing waters because that is also more condi clear in the field as well.

The tempest line is pretty straight forward. I myself go for Harmonius conduit just for the extra damage. But I can see why people would want to go for the extra boons.

So you’re telling me you’d take 10% damage for a few seconds over permanent regeneration and vigor from Invigorating Torrents??? That means also when you give an aura from a utility that shares by default with allies, they miss out on regen, vigor and a condition clear lol…

The ulities are decent but I would switch aftershock for blink. Blink is a skill you can use both offensively and defensively. Aftershock is clunky and has a huge CD for the little effect it has. (Swirling winds on the bomb will give enough projectile hate anyway. And if you overload earth you give your party reflection as well. That and atleast 1 gaurd in your group has a wall anyway. Or a druid with staff.)

What groups do you play with?? lol.. Aftershock is a blast finisher as well as providing an aoe magnetic aura, which in my build also clears a condition from yourself and allies effected and grants regeneration and vigor to them. The way you want to build is too offensive and would never survive long enough in a front line.

You might even want to change flash freeze for either arcane wave or feel the burn. just because it will make your burst a lot harder since they are instant cast. But I think all 3 of them work fine. (flash freeze gives your party a little more damage reduction)

Give up 10% damage reduction and slowing down allies for a burn or extra crit??? I’m sorry but I am really questioning your ability to build right now.

So you opted for almost no defensive and plan to play front line. This build might be OKAY for roaming, but in a larger group situation, this build would fail you more often than not. You also have protection on aura trait, but only have 2 auras that you will share aside from overloads.

This all said, D/F ele can even double blast smoke in the beginning of the fight. You want to start in water for this. use water 3 and 5 and switch to fire when you smoked.

D/W has water 3 and earth 4 for blasts as well. I also have aftershock. Auras are also the bread and butter of my build, you giving them up is for the utilities you took is baddddd.

Honestly, no offense – but your build is really bad and I’ve been down that road before. I have been theory crafting and actually playing front line ele for almost a year now and my build has probably changed 500 times, this build that I listed for you all here is the end result of a lot of testing for a lot of time while actually playing WvW.

Focus is easier to play with than warhorn, sure – but it isn’t better, any baddie can run in with earth 5 on to just be invuln for awhile to survive. It is not even close to as good as warhorn for the utility and support. Your armor choice will not allow you to survive in the front line, your lack of stability will get you killed, you don’t have enough healing to survive or assist your front line members. You’re barely supporting your team, you’d be better off playing a stance warrior if you think that your build is actually doing anything in the front line. Your whole set up is selfish and would be much better used for roaming than front line, and even for roaming, it isn’t going to be able to beat my ele in a fight because it won’t be able to survive the damage I put out or damage me enough.

What ever group you’re playing with is carrying you and you’re bringing literally nothing but an extra body to the group if you’re playing the build you posted. Front line is about synergy, if you aren’t sharing boons and supporting your fellow front line members, you might as well just be a stance warrior – at least the warrior will do more damage and live longer than what your build is going to.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

(edited by Josh XT.6053)

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I would rather have the extra 250 power than energy and hydro. Draining also has no internal cooldown, so its an extra 1140 damage + 1023 heal every time it procs, if I interrupt 5 people, thats an extra 5700 damage on the field and 5115 heal to myself. That happens very frequently when I use air 3, air 4, air over load or water 4.

Based on our testing in WvW, Sigil of Draining is not working at all. It doesn’t put anything in the combat log of the attacker or the defender. It also stopped healing the attacker on interrupt. Hard to verify if it is damaging but best we can tell it is effectively doing nothing at the moment.

We tested it on 2 handed weapons and on single handed weapons in both hands. Just could not get it to proc no matter how many interrupts we tried.


Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

I would rather have the extra 250 power than energy and hydro. Draining also has no internal cooldown, so its an extra 1140 damage + 1023 heal every time it procs, if I interrupt 5 people, thats an extra 5700 damage on the field and 5115 heal to myself. That happens very frequently when I use air 3, air 4, air over load or water 4.

Based on our testing in WvW, Sigil of Draining is not working at all. It doesn’t put anything in the combat log of the attacker or the defender. It also stopped healing the attacker on interrupt. Hard to verify if it is damaging but best we can tell it is effectively doing nothing at the moment.

We tested it on 2 handed weapons and on single handed weapons in both hands. Just could not get it to proc no matter how many interrupts we tried.

Yeah I’ve heard that, I haven’t done any recent testing to see if its just a bug with the log or if it is actually just not working right now. I imagine it’ll get fixed soon if it isn’t working, I just don’t want to drop the sigil and have to go do more PvE to get another one lol.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mark.1679


“Your armor choice will not allow you to survive in the front line, your lack of stability will get you killed”

Im really curious why you would think that 1 stack of stab for 2 sec is the almighty thing that will help you… (and simultaniously say that harmonious conduit is bad)

Im not going to argue with you about this or that. But apparently I can trust my driver and my gaurdians for the active defenses. (aside from obsidian flesh and mist form)

To anwser your qeustion about our group.
We play with 2 melee partys, 1 ranged and 1 focus party. Containing of 4 Gaurds/1 DF ele/1 Druid/2 Warriors. our ranged is 2 necros and 1 staff ele. Our focus is 2/3 thiefs and a mesmer.

We try to rely on each other for stability/heals. I have played this build for a long period now. Sure it is squishy and generally very hard to play. It also requires a lot of coordination to execute, but thats how we like to run.
Grabbing a build and play a mindless zero issue build is what every windowlicker can do.

D/F frontline for [PUSH]

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

“Your armor choice will not allow you to survive in the front line, your lack of stability will get you killed”

Im really curious why you would think that 1 stack of stab for 2 sec is the almighty thing that will help you… (and simultaniously say that harmonious conduit is bad)

1 stack of stability for that 2 seconds is enough to get me through a line or a guardian LB5 and has saved me more times than not. Harmonious Conduit IS bad compared to granting regeneration and vigor every time you apply an aura.

Im not going to argue with you about this or that. But apparently I can trust my driver and my gaurdians for the active defenses. (aside from obsidian flesh and mist form)

If you can trust your driver, then why do you need the extra invuln from focus? I trust my driver and I don’t need a second invuln. Oh wait, I actually AM the driver in a lot of cases when I am playing this. Guess I forgot to mention that to you too.

To anwser your qeustion about our group.
We play with 2 melee partys, 1 ranged and 1 focus party. Containing of 4 Gaurds/1 DF ele/1 Druid/2 Warriors. our ranged is 2 necros and 1 staff ele. Our focus is 2/3 thiefs and a mesmer.

So you’re playing with 20+ people generally, do you have any game play videos or stream? What server do you play on? I am playing on Blackgate on my main account and Fort Aspenwood (Borlis Pass) on my alt account. On Blackgate I lead a group of 5-8 people generally. On FA/BP I switch between playing front line and back line ele for a group of 15-20 people and some times lead that group as well.

We try to rely on each other for stability/heals. I have played this build for a long period now. Sure it is squishy and generally very hard to play. It also requires a lot of coordination to execute, but thats how we like to run.
Grabbing a build and play a mindless zero issue build is what every windowlicker can do.

But what exactly is the point in playing it??? You provide little to nothing to the front line because of the way you built your ele, you’re really not even doing a great deal of damage. Also because you opted to take Focus over warhorn, you just lost 2 CCs – one from air 4 and one from water 4. So you’re even more useless in the front line lol. The way you’re playing ele, you’d be a lot more useful to your group by just playing a selfish stance warrior. At least then you would have CC from hammer and more damage than your ele build.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mark.1679


I litterally said with how many we play.. usually around 12-14.

“1 stack of stability for that 2 seconds is enough to get me through a line or a guardian LB5 and has saved me more times than not”

Yea but.. thats so innefficient. You kitten up your rotation and give people stab that might not even need it…
The extra invuln is needed because we are zerg busting. ever fought a 40 man HEAL group with 15 man? Those guys also know what to do and if you are bombing with your melee group you will not survive the bomb for 1 sec without the invuln.

We play on Aurora Glade.

Like I said previously. My build gives lots of burst/support. Why do you need CC when there are 4 gaurds allready pulling and warriors with hammer stuns. What this build brings is the insane amount of burst and the support of aura’s/heals. (Wash the pain away is insanely strong if coordinated correctly.)

I do think your build can work in a less organized group. If you cant rely on anyone for stab/cleanses or heals. And as long as you are not jumping into a 20 man backline from the opposing zerg.

D/F frontline for [PUSH]

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

“1 stack of stability for that 2 seconds is enough to get me through a line or a guardian LB5 and has saved me more times than not”

Yea but.. thats so innefficient. You kitten up your rotation and give people stab that might not even need it…

Earth is only a part of my rotation when I need magnetic aura or stability for front line. If I attune to earth, I’ll always use 4 for magnetic aura, 5 for the big aoe blinding, 2 then earth overload. It ONLY becomes a part of my rotation when I need it.

The extra invuln is needed because we are zerg busting. ever fought a 40 man HEAL group with 15 man? Those guys also know what to do and if you are bombing with your melee group you will not survive the bomb for 1 sec without the invuln.

We play on Aurora Glade.

The extra invuln is a crutch, I play without the extra invuln and have no issues surviving. I don’t know what life is like on EU servers, but on NA, the bombs are hard and the condis are everywhere.

Like I said previously. My build gives lots of burst/support. Why do you need CC when there are 4 gaurds allready pulling and warriors with hammer stuns. What this build brings is the insane amount of burst and the support of aura’s/heals. (Wash the pain away is insanely strong if coordinated correctly.)

I do think your build can work in a less organized group. If you cant rely on anyone for stab/cleanses or heals. And as long as you are not jumping into a 20 man backline from the opposing zerg.

You can’t have too many boons or too much CC on the field. Your build lacks the group support that makes front line ele viable to begin with. My group can tell the difference between if I am playing front line and if I am not because of how much extra regeneration, protection and vigor that I provide to them. One extra person playing a build with real support makes a world of difference.

Also, your build isn’t doing a whole lot more damage than mine to begin with. You lose out of all of the support to have an extra 10%~ or so damage.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mark.1679


You asked for a vid.
This is how play.

Surviving pretty kitten good with my build. (I know it isnt my perspective since I dont record. But Its safe to assume that im always on tag.)

I start playing at 2:30 Since i have a life and cant play every raid

D/F frontline for [PUSH]

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

You asked for a vid.
This is how play.

Surviving pretty kitten good with my build. (I know it isnt my perspective since I dont record. But Its safe to assume that im always on tag.)

I start playing at 2:30 Since i have a life and cant play every raid

That isn’t really helpful if it isn’t from your perspective lol.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

After I tested some more, looks like draining sigil is broken. Taking Air sigil is a good alternative.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

Another variant I’ve been playing with for roaming that has been really fun. I have some videos of 1v1s there too with the build.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: XTR.9604


Here are some stream highlights of game play with these builds.

Asphyxia [XT] – Crystal Desert & Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pantoufle.9015


Here’s a question: how required is ascended gear vs exotic (celestial wise)?

Because I’m currently running a Soldier’s with your build (just what I had/new to game) and Im’ trying to plan out my gear.

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: XTR.9604


Here’s a question: how required is ascended gear vs exotic (celestial wise)?

Because I’m currently running a Soldier’s with your build (just what I had/new to game) and Im’ trying to plan out my gear.

If I remember correctly, Ascended is a 10% stat bonus over Exotic. So while it isn’t required, it is better to have to get the most out of the build. If you’re going to go as far as to make Celestial exotic, you’re better off just going the extra mile and making ascended.

I’d suggest running Fractals for the dailies every day, I got 1 ascended armor or weapon piece generally every other day. Any stat combo you get for ascended is fine since you can convert it to Celestial with the insignia. That is the easiest, cheapest, best way to obtain an ascended set as far as I know.

Asphyxia [XT] – Crystal Desert & Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

My WvW Elementalist Builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

Bumping this up for visibility, some builds updated. Same links as above.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at