(edited by EvilSardine.9635)
My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?
I’m having the same issues actually, it’s simply easy mode (D/D), and with the challenge completely removed in 1vs1’s or 1vs3’s, I’m finding myself getting bored of pvp. First, the survivability is insane, I can’t count how many times I just teleport—>mist form—>RTL to complete safety, its cheese mode for sure, as it’s a guaranteed ‘I WIN ROFL’ sequence. Second, these same techniques are also utilized to prevent your opponents from ever escaping if the fight is downhill for them. So…essentially what we’re left with is: You NEVER die if you play smart (they can’t catch you) and your opponents will ALWAYS die (they can’t escape you) even if they play smart. The only wild card is coming across another D/D ele, but it’s not too common for me. But now that I’ve gotten the taste of never losing, I’m finding it difficult to play my mesmer/thief/guardian. While these classes are all vastly different from one another, the D/D I’ve found out is the combination of all 3!
Mesmer: Generally great utility, but overall poor mobility and is fairly “slow” moving.
Thief: Great DPS, but is made of paper and can’t tank, with sucky heals.
Guardian: Very tanky with awesome heals , but mediocre DPS.
D/D Ele: ALL THE ABOVE. Hands down the best mobility with excellent utility, fantastic DPS, tanky as can be, with exceedingly powerful heals and regeneration.
What ironic about it is that it’s not complicated at all. It’s actually a relief not having to switch to different weapons, all you need to do is master the attunement+button sequences and you’re an instant PVP master.
I’m finding it to get boring too, glad I’m not the only one who’s noticed this.
Play an Engineer and see how GOD mode it is..
Play an Engineer and see how GOD mode it is..
Ele thinks they are the king of utility?
Engineer has “utility”, but it’s useless utility compared to the D/D ele.
Elixir novelty’s vs cantrips? Ele wins hands down
Thats funny. Every other profession bores me. Only 2 weapon sets and less than 4 profession skills.
What they should do is build every profession like the Elementalist and give them 4 weapon sets and 4 profession skills.
So finally eles are not the worst class in pvp and ppl are crying about it? really?
You are so limited that is not even funny, same traits, same builds, to be competetive.
Nothing to see here.
I only semi agree. I think D/D ele should be nerfed a little, but other builds/weapon sets should be buffed to make multiple builds viable.
So finally eles are not the worst class in pvp and ppl are crying about it? really?
You are so limited that is not even funny, same traits, same builds, to be competetive.Nothing to see here.
You’re not limited at all, there’s a whole bunch of viable builds that are balanced. The problem is that certain sequences are not balanced, regardless of the build, and this is what makes the class broken, in its current state. RTL, Mist Form, Teleport, are broken.
The ability to escape any fight and survive while also preventing your opponents from fleeing is OP
I just recalled this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh5zjK7ITpQ
Doesn’t seem that long ago.
No Builds/Classes shouldn’t be nerfed, other classes should be made as good, and the Engineer God mode line was sarcasm, they are maybe the worst class in this game at this time, even before the Grenade nerf…
I actually feel guilty playing one in a team cause it feels like i’m taking up a slot a real class could use…i shouldn’t feel like that in a game.
I just recalled this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh5zjK7ITpQ
Doesn’t seem that long ago.
Video is from September, outdated, and not an accurate reflection of the class today.
D/D ele’s are broken right now, PVP is boring!
Engineer has “utility”, but it’s useless utility compared to the D/D ele.
Elixir novelty’s vs cantrips? Ele wins hands down
The class that uses grenades and bombs and flamethrowers and the ability to switch between all those, and it’s useless DD?
Wow, can I have some of that crack you are smoking?
D/D is far from god mode. I’d like to see you post some of the other viable specs besides 30 arcane/30 water as well.
Its cool for sPvP but people that actually know the classes’ mechanics can shut down D/D with immobilization. If you are bunker build you arent really doing tons of burst, a good warrior can time your attunement swaps and out damage you with a weapon swap to rifle. A good thief can still almost insta gib you opening the fight. A good necro can pretty much destroy you removing your boons and immobilizing you.
So ya you can run away better than most classes with mist and RTL (which is also still buggy) but I wouldnt call D/D god mode. Its very movement dependent and can be locked down with immobilization.
Engineer has “utility”, but it’s useless utility compared to the D/D ele.
Elixir novelty’s vs cantrips? Ele wins hands down
The class that uses grenades and bombs and flamethrowers and the ability to switch between all those, and it’s useless DD?
Wow, can I have some of that crack you are smoking?
Grenades are way too fiddly and slow to use, Flame throwers are bugged to all heck and miss 75% of the time, even when things are in melee range and cannot hit static objects at all…as are bombs too weak, actually everything on Engi is too weak damage wise.
Sorry if off topic but when someone says a class is god made it makes me think how bad the balance in this game actually is…
Its cool for sPvP but people that actually know the classes’ mechanics can shut down D/D with immobilization.
Immobilzation doesn’t work against any good ele. Ton of cantrips and condition clearing makes it impossible to hold me down.
I actually made a CC heavy warrior at one point (with leg specialist so every cripple causes an immobilize) using axe/mace and hammer. That’s two cripples with immobilize. 3 knock downs. 1 stun. Then with bolas thrown in as well. You can’t hold a D/D down
I’ve tried and trust me, I know the D/D/ mechanics.
The D/D build needs a nerf. It’s quite obvious from how many D/D ele’s are appearing all over the place. I actually saw 8 D/D ele’s in the human starter training instance and I counted 12 running around in a zerg group of 20. All within an hour. Pretty sad…
(edited by EvilSardine.9635)
I play mostly WvW and run a sword/focus meditations guardian that is crit focused so I don’t have much health and can go down pretty quick, and as a solo roamer all I see anymore running around are d/d thieves and d/d eles. I can usually survive for a little and damage them enough to get them to run away (no chance of catching either of them assuming they know what they’re doing) while I retreat to a tower or something, but it would be nice to see a little more class variety. For a game where any class is supposed to be able to play any role they want (no trinity) it seems like most classes only have one viable build unless they want to severely gimp themselves. Yeah I could play a bunker guardian like 99% of other people and be impossible to kill, but that just seems boring to me even if it means most other players will be able to kill me in a 1v1 situation.
Elementalists figure out the best build for their class and learn how to play it and you want it nerfed? Hmm that’s so smart! I agree d/d elementalists are powerful. If played correctly. An ele was my first character created and i was d/d and staff from the get go. More staff to start, but then switched to d/d because i just enjoyed the play style.
It’s not overpowered. If you watch what an ele does you can predict what they will do and counter it/dodge it and be just fine. I have played on my ranger and taken down d/d eles. And they knew what they were doing, but just couldnt get me under control because i knew when to dodge and counter.
If you want to complain about an OP class, complain about thieves. Stealth and culling issues make them a real pain.
This topic is just silly -_-
D/D ele was fun before everyone started doing it. Not that I blame them, it’s about the only viable spec for WvW. I’d argue that D/D ele was one of the few classes that Anet got right. It’s got a lot of variety in abilities. A good mix of survibility and damage. Abilities often give you the choice of using them offensively or defensively.
The problem is not d/d ele. It’s that other classes are not on par with it. Other classes should be rewarded for skillful play, not just mashing backstab or whatever. Other classes are boring because there’s very little variety in how you approach fights.
Hardly anyone does sPvP. Why? Very little variety in fights, builds, etc. Very little options in how you can build your character effectively.
Skills are too much one dimensional. More skills where you have to aim them and less skills that autotarget. More skills that you have a choice to use it offensively or defensively. Shorter cooldowns. 60+ seconds is way too long for utility skills. Ultimates should be 60+ seconds long not your regular skills.
Different weapon sets are often a choice of “how much does it suck?”. Not a choice based on what kind of playstyle you would like.
Elementalists figure out the best build for their class and learn how to play it and you want it nerfed? . snip
This topic is just silly -_-
totally agree with this snipped statement.
My main is a Ranger but actually like not having to worry about dying . Thanks for the tip that an ele can be more powerful than a ranger. I hoping they make some parts of the game for example dungeons easier .
(edited by NovaBlast Shockwave.5164)
i see this thread as a post get ANET to nerf d/d ele, nothing other intention…..
Archeage = Farmville with PK
I run D/D for sPvP, and a staff for WvW.
The D/D mobility meshes really well into the sPvP, but for WvW I tend to think on what the team needs moreso than what it best for sniping kills.
More often than not, one of the most important tasks in a given seige is to eliminate the defensive siege along the top walls, as well as harass and distract defenders to clear space for the rams.
Geyser and Healing Mist are excellent to drop as defensives on the rams.
Generation of combo fields is one of the most important tasks in a large scale fight, and that long range is obviously a great advantage.
Staff is not and will never be the weapon of choice for sniping small groups. In a roaming party, you should never use the Staff, but it’s my weapon of choice for what I view are the core tasks of WvW. Carry a junk dagger to swap to off hand to cover long distances with RtL. It’s possible to switch between weapon sets, but the traits don’t quite overlap (Blasting Staff is integral to the staff bomber). Still, I believe the D/D elemental is a very powerful spec even without being optimally traited.
I’m not sure I consider it ‘overpowered’, though. While Ele and Guardians have been my primary PvE, For sPvP and tPvP I formerly played a Shatter Mes for several months, and it certainly had many distinct advantages as well. It’s possible that I have not built sufficient play skill with the D/D ele as of yet.
In any case, something I like about what ArenaNet has done so far is shown restraint with the nerf-bat. If anyone remembers the first month after release, Elementalists were declared the weakest class in the game, and had a large following screaming for a buff lest the class disappear into obscurity. Without any major changes, save to downed state, here we are 3 months later, declaring the Elementalist to be overpowered.
Through it all, ANet has not applied any drastic changes, and only minor tweaks more aimed at repairing broken mechanics. Good for them.
(edited by LFk.1408)
It’s not overpowered. If you watch what an ele does you can predict what they will do and counter it/dodge it and be just fine. I have played on my ranger and taken down d/d eles. And they knew what they were doing, but just couldnt get me under control because i knew when to dodge and counter.
It’s overpowered, and I play one! And the OP is in the same boat. The D/D techniques are predictable (((Be on lightning attunement—>initiate combat—>4, 5—>F1, 3, 4, (sometime’s followed with 2 and 5)—>F4, 4, 5—→repeat))). That’s all there is too it. It’s the most predictable class in terms of pvp, the primary issue is that the escape mechanisms are simply too strong. And that is the real determining factor as to how OP a class is. If you can finesse an escape every fight, regardless of how many opponents are attacking you, there’s a problem. No skill is involved here, it’s simply teleport—>RTL—>mist form. Its cake, and its utterly broken.
If you want to complain about an OP class, complain about thieves. Stealth and culling issues make them a real pain.
Thieves are a one trick pony. They’re not tanks, they got sucky healing, and they have poor mobility. Whereas a D/D ele has all the above.
Immobilzation doesn’t work against any good ele. Ton of cantrips and condition clearing makes it impossible to hold me down.
I actually made a CC heavy warrior at one point (with leg specialist so every cripple causes an immobilize) using axe/mace and hammer. That’s two cripples with immobilize. 3 knock downs. 1 stun. Then with bolas thrown in as well. You can’t hold a D/D down
Well said, for whatever reason people don’t like talking about the broken mechanics that currently exist for the D/D. I feel bad using my build and mopping the floor with 2-3 opponents without breaking a sweat. The regeneration and heals makes it over the top, another big issue!
i see this thread as a post get ANET to nerf d/d ele, nothing other intention…..
The escape mechanisms need to be looked into, for sure.
A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever getting away (with my D/D I’ve chased down thieves who use refuge + shadowstep + #5 on shortbow). RTL—>Mistform—>Teleport.
There is no escaping a D/D
A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever killing them (same technique as above).
There is no catching a D/D
This is the key problem, and yes, it’s broken!
Siege > DnD Ele
I play staff!
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
Op is a tool. go look at his post history he pullis the same ploy with other classes. oh im so and so look how op i am. it must be true i play one kitten
really they kitten kitten losers.
Yep, sounds like someone got whooped and is crying about it.
Wow, have you people ever played a good p/d condition theif?
We have decent healing and damage. In my expereience of WvW I go against D/D Eles all the time and 9/10 I have no problem with them unless there are 2 or more.
You know what I don’t understand though? How are people saying ele is more mobile than thief? I have ran away from d/d ele easily successfully and easily whenever it becomes a 1v2+. It’s simple , roll away, roll away, Withdraw (with superior runes of the adventurer), roll away, roll away, switch to bow (with sigil of energy) roll away, Infiltrators Arrow x3. Nobody ever catches me like that.
dd ele is in no way op.
(edited by Phoenixfudge.5290)
Op is a tool. go look at his post history he pullis the same ploy with other classes. oh im so and so look how op i am. it must be true i play one kitten
Actually most of his posts do no such thing. Making up stuff as you go along doesn’t help the discussion, so please don’t do that.
You know what I don’t understand though? How are people saying ele is more mobile than thief? I have ran away from d/d ele easily successfully and easily whenever it becomes a 1v2+. It’s simple , roll away, roll away, Withdraw (with superior runes of the adventurer), roll away, roll away, switch to bow (with sigil of energy) roll away, Infiltrators Arrow x3. Nobody ever catches me like that.
I’ve never had an issue with catching thieves, you can only roll once or twice. You can roll 10 times in a row or do infiltrator’s arrow 3x in a row and still not gain enough distance to outrun one cast of my RTL.
Thats funny. Every other profession bores me. Only 2 weapon sets and less than 4 profession skills.
What they should do is build every profession like the Elementalist and give them 4 weapon sets and 4 profession skills.
Man(woman?) of the hour here.
Every proff except the Ele is truly boring as all hell but I just don’t enjoy playing mage classes really although the Ele wasn’t bad because she has D/D which is OP as hell btw.
I think it’s funny because most people that play the profession seem to cry a lot on the forums just how weak and useless they are/were/have been since release when it’s quite the opposite.
I also think it’s funny how long it took the community to catch on how OP D/D is in both pvp and pve, you are basically unkillable most the time.
A caster using daggers seems wrong to me for some reason. So ill stick to my staff and still have that challenge.
Hey OP, remember that time when Anet came to your house, put a gun to your head, and forced you to play a D/D ele instead of using a staff like you enjoyed? No? Me neither.
the amount of trolling is huge…
I ll’ just quote one of the OP other discussions…
I play a level 80 thief as one of my characters. It’s completely OP and needs a fix on the stealth side
sick and tired of this trolling hoping to damage classes….
I use ele since day one as only main, till recently i got a mesmer to 80……
I use ele less every day…
Why? 4 reasons:
1) despite the sacrifice in damage, using a tank ele makes you squishy the same….you need long combos and complex positioning…..(you can run only if opponent is bad…see stun/daze/root etc those whose broken ele skills doesn t break despite tooltips).
2) the complete lack of stability skills……you have few with eternal cooldown.
3) NOT HAVING WEAPON SWAP: its a HUGE drawback……. (see range and walls)
What do you do when opponent is in high number OR use terrain at his advantage?
(just switch to staff and find yourself stuck with a weapon your build is bad at when opponent counterattack… i.e. you just die).
4) having 4 attunements with long CD is not a BONUS unless you never played an ele…
If opponent is skilled like an NPC you are free to do what you want, if u NEED something specific…..its possibly on cooldown…..
Anet just designed ele so you can use something other…..but less efficient….
If you miss your rotation because your opponent is not an NPC you just are cut out of your most efficient skills for that situation…
the day Anet will start to do something about thieves players complaining about ele with such low methods will be a step forward in the game itself…
Now i’ll wait other proofs of ele’s OPness like videos with people focusing 6VS1 on earth elementals >.> while ele kills them…..
Ele players knows very well how many counterbuilds/classes they have, but being forced to learn the game they don t complain….
Now back to my mesmer <.<
P.S: mesmer is not slow….he has permaswiftness too as most classes
Ele to get permaswiftness has to risk more than the mesmer due to CDs (see locking out of skills u need in case of fight).
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
the amount of trolling is huge…
I ll’ just quote one of the OP other discussions…
I play a level 80 thief as one of my characters. It’s completely OP and needs a fix on the stealth side
sick and tired of this trolling hoping to damage classes….
I use ele since day one as only main, till recently i got a mesmer to 80……
I use ele less every day…Why? 3 reasons:
1) despite the sacrifice in damage, using a tank ele makes you squishy the same….you need long combos and complex positioning…..(you can run only if opponent is bad).
2) the complete lack of stability skills……you have few with eternal cooldown.
3) NOT HAVING WEAPON SWAP: its a HUGE drawback…….
(just switch in battle and find yourself stuck with a weapon your build is bad at when opponent counterattack… i.e. you just die).the day Anet will start to do something about thieves players complaining about ele with such low methods will be a step forward in the game itself…
1) Good bunker eles are nigh impossible to kill 1v1.
2) You have more stability than most the classes in this game, and iirc mesmer has none.
3) Why are you using a weapon that your build is bad at in the first place.
Engineer has “utility”, but it’s useless utility compared to the D/D ele.
Elixir novelty’s vs cantrips? Ele wins hands down
The class that uses grenades and bombs and flamethrowers and the ability to switch between all those, and it’s useless DD?
Wow, can I have some of that crack you are smoking?
Grenades are way too fiddly and slow to use, Flame throwers are bugged to all heck and miss 75% of the time, even when things are in melee range and cannot hit static objects at all…as are bombs too weak, actually everything on Engi is too weak damage wise.
Sorry if off topic but when someone says a class is god made it makes me think how bad the balance in this game actually is…
Sounds like you don’t know how to play Engineer, or just being a troll.
Its cool for sPvP but people that actually know the classes’ mechanics can shut down D/D with immobilization.
Immobilzation doesn’t work against any good ele. Ton of cantrips and condition clearing makes it impossible to hold me down.
just to start looking at what supposed ele players says….
I think good ele players now makes unworking skills work….
I know you just opened wiki page on ele skills and try to pretend u use an ele….Unfortunately you forgot to check non working skills in ele pages….
I could probably answer to almost any post of players saying “i use an ele is OP” because its an old tactic i see since it became FOTM….
1st it was a 200 points trait build….
then was complaining about traits that doesn t work at all but on paper seemed strong….
after complaining about sigils doens t work together….
Ele are easily killable by equal skill player with one of the many counterclasses….
You can cleanse some stack of poison, cripple or burning, but if you say you can cure STUN etc easily, well you don t play an ele and you don t know how ele works….
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
1) Good bunker eles are nigh impossible to kill 1v1.
Why? Because you say so?
2) You have more stability than most the classes in this game, and iirc mesmer has none.
yeah…tell me wich….armor of earth (<=== see CD) and…..?
Also stun break…mesmer has plenty……
3) Why are you using a weapon that your build is bad at in the first place.
because as i said good players doent simply faceroll on keyboard but use terrain as an advantage expecially in WWW.
If you solo 1VS1 in openfuield with a non dueler class against a class that does only one thing (i.e. close range duels)….there is your problem.
It’s overpowered, and I play one! And the OP is in the same boat. The D/D techniques are predictable (((Be on lightning attunement—>initiate combat—>4, 5—>F1, 3, 4, (sometime’s followed with 2 and 5)—>F4, 4, 5—?repeat))).
no you dont….
Most decent (not even good) players can avoid RTL…
If they don t, they have plenty of time to use a stunbreak…
If they don t, ele TANK has still to deal withat least half of your energy
You still don t react?
Are you afk?
also why don t u use combos?
combining attack of a glasscannon ele with defence of a tank ele is indeed OP…….unfortunately i cannot put 200 points in my traits, possibly good ele players can…..
it seems this discussion is the usual rant against fotm class…..i’ll just proved how wrong it is….and i’ll leave it alone .-.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
Please don’t feed the troll.
Badly disguised post by someone who doesn’t play Ele wanting them nerfed.
Edited: To be less abrasive.
(edited by Kandrick.8054)
OMG, omg! Thats so funny! D/D ele OP, omg. Against noobs in WvW maybe. But against noobs even melee ranger Glassy can win 1v3 if players are bad. If u meet decent, very good player u will strugle 1v1 no matter what classs he plays
. And D/D eles are so predictible! Only someone who has no idea how D/D ele work can feel it OP
Man. If u feel D/D ele OP, go to tPvP, best go to paids, and try to win some 1v1 ^^. And best luck 1v2.
It just takes longer killing tank build than killing non- tank build. But if u dodge/interrupt his MOST OBVIOUS attacks (animations are so clear in ele) like RTL, BS, MG and stop attack him while he has BIG shiny Shock Aura- he has nothing left.
I think too it is stealth post to nerf ele. But any skilled player can write it for every class, if we base on WvW.
(edited by Voltron.1043)
I win 1v2’s all the time, Guardian is OP.
Doesnt matter what build is/traits/weapons/etc…the weakness of the elementalist still being the same and havent changed, which is being so squishy.
Not an OP at all, is not the top class at all.
Why always the same “eles are boring because they have no weapon swap”?
I know, switching atunements IS boring, but you actually have 5 more skillsets which DON’T follow the restrictions of the atunement swap and allow you to adjust to far more situations.
I’m talking about the conjured weapons, every single one of them contains a full new skillset and most sets are much better than all the skills you have in your regular build (even if you only pick the best skill from each atunement).
For me, taking “fiery greatsword” and “frost bow” as addition to my D/D build made things interesting again as i suddenly had 2 ranged skillsets i could switch to while in battle. (And both skillsets have higher DPS than my scepter / staff skillsets ) If i was a Charr, i would possibly have also chosen the Charrzooka.
Thieves are a one trick pony. They’re not tanks, they got sucky healing, and they have poor mobility.
you’re just trolling now.
to say thieves have poor mobility is just false. i wish the ignore feature actually worked on these forums, you’ve just lost all credibility
So finally eles are not the worst class in pvp and ppl are crying about it? really?
You are so limited that is not even funny, same traits, same builds, to be competetive.Nothing to see here.
This. Dont see the reason to make a post to show people that you can play DD… Everyone knows DD will be nerfed because its too strong, godly damage and godly survability. Overpowered as kitten. You feel bored? Put the daggers on the bag and play Staff or SD, or just play another thing. Cant understand all the crying people show here about everything.
1) Good bunker eles are nigh impossible to kill 1v1.
Why? Because you say so?
2) You have more stability than most the classes in this game, and iirc mesmer has none.
yeah…tell me wich….armor of earth (<=== see CD) and…..?
Also stun break…mesmer has plenty……3) Why are you using a weapon that your build is bad at in the first place.
because as i said good players doent simply faceroll on keyboard but use terrain as an advantage expecially in WWW.
If you solo 1VS1 in openfuield with a non dueler class against a class that does only one thing (i.e. close range duels)….there is your problem.
It’s overpowered, and I play one! And the OP is in the same boat. The D/D techniques are predictable (((Be on lightning attunement—>initiate combat—>4, 5—>F1, 3, 4, (sometime’s followed with 2 and 5)—>F4, 4, 5—?repeat))).
no you dont….
Most decent (not even good) players can avoid RTL…
If they don t, they have plenty of time to use a stunbreak…
If they don t, ele TANK has still to deal withat least half of your energy
You still don t react?
Are you afk?also why don t u use combos?
combining attack of a glasscannon ele with defence of a tank ele is indeed OP…….unfortunately i cannot put 200 points in my traits, possibly good ele players can…..
it seems this discussion is the usual rant against fotm class…..i’ll just proved how wrong it is….and i’ll leave it alone .-.
1) From my experiences in playing bunker ele in TPvP
2) Stun break != stability. How much stability does a thief have? engineer? necro? mesmer? I’m sure you get the idea.
3) So you’re complaining that because you are a good player, you use bad weapons for your spec? wow.
Hardly, the meta game has just shifted to make D/D more viable than the alternatives. If this game moved away from the bunker/regen builds for every class the build would fall pretty flat. You also fail to acknoweldge that D/D is really the only option in tPVP because the environment doesn’t really support staff builds and scepter is just too difficult to reliably land the spells to put out any real damage.
On my ranger in regen gear/spec I’m pretty sure no d/d ele is ever going to do the damage to down me so long as my pets up and you aren’t going to do the damage required to down the pet in 20 seconds where I’ll just swap it anyway. As for the ability to get away with RTL, that’s hardly a d/d specific thing as sc/d is quite common in tPvP as well.
the only legitimate complaint about d/d for ele’s is how it makes staff, sc/d, and sc/f all seem worthless in comparison. Perhaps the better solution is to make staff more useful and reduce the delays in damage for staff and scepter burst.
Yes the d/d ele is currently the best roamer class for WvW in the game. It is getting annoyingly popular as well, with d/d eles coming out of the woodwork in wvw these days. D/D ele is not particularly hard to play. You pretty much just cycle attunements spam abilities and use certain utility skills as necessary. I think the main issue with D/D eles is not that their skills are overpowered so much as the fact that they get 4 attunements, each on separate CDs with 60% reduced swap time. The attune swap mechanic is the problem. When you can attune swap every few seconds you basically always have a powerful skill to use at all times and you are never that far away from gaining access to something you really need like ride the lightning. A normal class has to wait 15 seconds to swap back and forth between just 2 weap sets. Ele can swap to a new set of skills every couple seconds and return to the original set in less than 10 seconds.
(edited by fishergrip.4082)
It’s ok for me that people finally learned to play an Ele, it was quite boring to kill them so easily and hear all the crying on the forums.
Ele isn’t OP or UP nor has ever been, there are just good and bad players.
Not that Ele requires any particular skill that is.
Please don’t feed the troll.
Badly disguised post by someone who doesn’t play Ele wanting them nerfed.
Edited: To be less abrasive.
Really? Here’s proof:
The only other class that I want nerfed is a thief. And oh….look at that. I also have a level 80 thief. I did make some past comments about mesmer’s confusion damage in WvW (where Anet confirmed it does 50% more damage than in PvP) but that’s not calling for a whole class nerf.
So, please stop trying to drag my name through the dirt. Back on topic please!