My final thoughts on the Elementalist

My final thoughts on the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Roziel.5720


A lot of threads have been started on if someone should or should not try the elementalist. Even more have been started stating that the class is underpowered. After playing the class over the last week I can finally say with absolute certainty what I think on this class. Yes, you should try the class if for no other reason then just to try it. If you are curious there is no real reason not to see if you like it. But yes, the class is severely underpowered. Not only in damage but in accessibility, cool downs, and survivability.

This is not an easy class to play. It is complex and unintuitive in mechanics and what abilities might be assigned to what weapons. It has overly long cast times for some of its abilities that simply do not hit hard enough to justify the cast times or cool downs. Even worse is that to play the class to its full potential you will not only have to balance ability cooldowns but the cooldowns you accrue trying to switch ‘attunments’. These attunments are billed as different play styles, but the truth is that to effectively play the class you will be constantly switching between the elements to use their various abilities. Taken with the squishy nature of being a mage where it will only take a monster 3-4 hits maximum to down you and you have a VERY unfriendly class.

So then why would I say anyone should play this? Well a couple reasons. Yes it is extremely unfriendly to play and not a class you can pick up in even a day or two. I would venture as far as to say it even has the longest time to learn all it’s abilities since you have to unlock each ability in each elemental attunment. But once you do you will find various play styles to explore, more abilities available then anyone else, and more maneuverability then most classes.

For example, my personal favorite is the dagger/dagger combo. This turns your mage from the traditional support or background fighter into a mystic close combat monk. This combo has so much maneuverability I personally think it even outmaneuvers the thief with it’s shadow-walk. other combinations with the dagger could use the rod or focus, or even just the rod and focus. Finally the two handed staff could be used for more traditional support and damage spells. All this with four attunments that gives you 20 weapon abilities each. There is nothing more thrilling then taking on a giant mob and winning despite knowing just one of those monsters will make short work of you if they get their hands on you.

But in the end, as the current elementalist stands, you will be severely behind compared to anything any other class can do. It is widely believe that Arenanet will be buffing or changing this class sometime in the next month or two. Will it happen? I don’t know. But I can tell you the class is playable, and more importantly enjoyable, but either because or in addition to the underpowered nature VERY unfriendly to new players. Compared to doing just about anything other classes are doing in every scenario you will have a tougher time with this class. But if you try it you might find the elementalist growing on you despite yourself like I did.

Underpowered or not, I think the elementalist has replaced my engineer as my main character now. Might happen to you if you try it too.

My final thoughts on the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Erebus.7568


like your post ^^ (don’t agree with the thief part, a good theif got sooooooooo much movability and is just impossible to match in this area by any other class.)

but do remember that the ele can be extremely frustrating in some instance’s due to its weak nature and if you want the tradisional nuker type mage you will have to have perfect dodge timing every dodge and perfect movement to just survive the hard parts of instances (which can be extremely annoying while lvling, remember some frustration on perfect playing for a good 20min through a dungeon and my first misclick instantly killed me -_-)

My final thoughts on the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Batlav.6318


The main problem is in that if we want to do better DMG still lower compared to most if not all classes we have to be one shot targets
If we want to survive longer we have to lower our not so good DPS

I still like my ele tryed other classes but i dont like any
We are not so bad but also we are not good enough so a small buff will be nice
we also need change to some of our abilities because they are too slow for the low dmg they provide and can be avoided by just runing eg dragon tooth ice spike etc