My personal opinion: Ride The Lightning is messed up
Ride the lightning goes toward whatever direction your character is facing, not the screen direction but character direction.
The fact that it randomly stops or doesn’t move… I think its because GW2 is still slightly broken.
Characters- Levicus (Ele); Levicus Gear (Eng);
Levicus Shield (War)
It definitely needs to be looked at. I’ve had more issues in pvp than pve with it. As an example last night I was trying to close the gap on a ranger and I when I hit RTL I didn’t even move with nothing else in front of mr
Ride the lighting will also go toward whatever enemy you have targeted, or if auto-target is on, will randomly pick an enemy in the area to head toward.
I have had some issues with it randomly stopping, but then the other day I also was unable to get my character to step over a rabbit. Just stopped him dead in his tracks and I had to walk around the little bunny.
I also feel it tries to predict where an enemy will be, (I’ll try to explain, but I really suck at explanations apparently) so sometimes an enemy is running at a 90 degree angle to me, I hit ride the lightning, only for them to turn and run at me, but I charge off in their original direction and get stuck about where they would have been, had they carried on running, not particularly useful as you’re then a ball of lightning on the spot for a few seconds xD
Hope that makes sense? =P
On the mention of the above post with the bunny, were you targetting it with the melee aid selected in the options? this stops you from walking through enemy targets you have selected in order to make staying in melee range easier, something I’ve turned off for the sake of being an elementalist >.>
The weapon skill goes towards targeted or nearest target-able enemy. There’s nothing to with the way you face your character.
It does feel buggy, it predicts enemy movement a lot of the time and you end up being yards away from your target
and it also likes to charge then continue charging even though you have touched your enemy with the damage and by the time it ends, you can’t follow with the knock down.
Now this doesn’t always happen so I assume there needs to be some kind of fix because when it works and charges properly, its so much fun.
If they would remove the auto target as well, would be brilliant for getting away without worrying ‘wait, are there any mobs or players to my left or right before I use this skill’ because that’s getting a little annoying.
Due to the profanity filter.. when I read your title I expected to see a RTL that looked like Nyan cat. I am disappointed.
This was never fixed from the betas. Add it to the long list of things that were never addressed.
This skill is definitely buggy, particularly in sPVP. It seems that either it or the ground is not optimized, as you get caught on ‘invisible obstacles’. Very annoying! Dare I suggest that it might be better as a ground target ability? This way you could better use it for both making the grab on your enemy and as an escape option (which is what I’d expect). I’m not really a fan of ground targeting, but I don’t know how else this spell could be better utilized.
This skill has a mind of it’s own.
We should make sure it is addressed. I main an ele and I main the scepter/dagger and I love the air skills but this is ridiculous. We shouldn’t have to pray that a skill will work as intended just to have fun. I can’t believe this was never looked at as it happens to me about 50% of the time in WvWvW!
Agreed. Fix this please.
This needs to be fixed. It’skitten how broken this ability is. Its simply unreliable in 90% of situations. It’s simply the most frustrating thing ever.
Indeed, when the target is moving it’s just like playing the russian roulette…
Turn off autotarget and it will work much better, I’ve found.
I’ve had no problems with it. The autotarget thing is important. It stops on terrain that would stop you if you were running, which makes sense. The thing that I get annoyed with is Magnetic Pull. Sometimes that will pull me to an enemy, stop, the bar will stop moving, and then I’ll just be stuck in the pull animation for WAY too long not able to do anything until it decides that I’ve been sitting there long enough.
Pinkerton, it doesn’t just stop you on mountains or steep hills. It stops you on flat land 10 feet from your target. I almost ALWAYS land within attack range or very close and just hover there for a second. It is most certainly broken and I won’t give up nor will I stop bumping this thread until it is fixed. It is a very important skill to S/D builds and it can’t be this broken.
It stops without hitting obstacles. It fails to explode on enemy impact. It rolls in place for differing durations. It targets the most obscure directions outside of your running direction or enemies. It seems to be totally broken when running away from groups.
This skill is utterly buggy. Please. Fix!
Ride the lighting will also go toward whatever enemy you have targeted, or if auto-target is on, will randomly pick an enemy in the area to head toward.
I have had some issues with it randomly stopping, but then the other day I also was unable to get my character to step over a rabbit. Just stopped him dead in his tracks and I had to walk around the little bunny.
There is an option to make your target olid to help melee. Turn it off.
Is this PvP ? I never had real issue with it in PvE. I have auto target off.
I have problems in PVE and PVP. Are we going to get any word from Anet on this? If it has been around for so long I would expect a fix for such a obviously broken skill.