My problem with all casters including ele

My problem with all casters including ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

First off the problem I have is that spells are currently being BLOCKED.

The problem with ele though is ride the lightning, obstructed, stunned, rooted, all of that can happen while riding.

They should be immune to cc during the actual ride the lightning AND they should NOT be getting obstructed by things that are easy to walk around a wall is understandable but the corner of stairs, a pole, etc?

Spells no matter what kind of caster you are shouldn’t be getting blocked like a physical attack either.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

My problem with all casters including ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


Shouldn´t get blocked because…….?
Give me a good gameplay reason and i´ll support it.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

My problem with all casters including ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


lol welcome to the thieves world.
all our skills that include pathing and teleporting fail 90% because of a slight elevation or gap :P
i feel u bro

My problem with all casters including ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


…Shouldn’t get blocked because it’s buggy? I can count the times I’m been stuck in Ride the Lightning for no apparent reason while me enemy wailed on me.

My problem with all casters including ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zarron.6420


Just a quick note: I think he means the path is getting blocked (so, when you Ride the Lightning, a rock that you’d normally walk over causes you hang in space), not complaining about someone using a skill to BLOCK the attack.

My problem with all casters including ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


Not very well worded if he means getting blocked by terrain.

But yeah, corners have always meant trouble with abilities like these in any game….i´m not too hopeful they´ll fix that.

And i´m not sure about fixing getting disabled by other players during the ride either…it still promotes player skill in combat. Having it cancel any existing cc i could support.

And ofcourse there´s the bug that it doesn´t cancel properly after reaching target, that should be fixed.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]