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AIM To make the ranged burst ele a reality, something to be feared when truly mastered
-First I will talk about supporting traits for scepter then I will focus on individual scepter skills
1) Elemental bastion = base healing reduced by 33%
2) Invigorating Torrent = removed vigor/regen; added “2s quickness on aura use at 20s ICD + remove 1 condi on aura no CD”
3) Harmonious Conduit = new GM minor applies now 2 stacks of stab on overload , removed the dmg increase part
4) Hardy conduit= new master major- renamed( ????) – now increase scepter range by 300, scepter dmg increased by 15% [add few scepter buffs I’d discuss on ele subforum]
5 Diamond skin= applies 5s resistance when you have 5 condis on you , 20s CD ( brainless condi spam will be punished )
[copied from my other thread]
1) =Bolt to the heart switch with Inscription, bonus dmg reduced from 20% to 10%
2) = Lightning rod base dmg increased by 40% ( from 400 to 566 or so)
3) = Pyromancer puissance – renamed – applies 3 stacks of torment lasting 6s on burning foes on crit 5s CD
[will propose changes to inscription at a later stage]
Now to the Scepter
-Flamestrike = base dmg(140) increased by 80%; burning reduced from 3s to 1s; dmg coefficient increased from 0.4% to 0.6%
-Dragon’s Tooth= base dmg reduced from 800 to 550, dmg coefficient reduced from 2.5% to 2%, now dragon’s tooth hits as fast as comet, CD increased from 6s to 8s
-Phoenix = Appear at target last location, explode after 1/2s, reappear at the caster current location giving vigor and removing one condi [removed the whole pointless flying animation and replaced it with a far less visible teleport skill]
-Ice shards= base dmg (200) increased by 50%, now applies 1 vulnerability lasting 1s, dmg coefficient increased from 0.5% to 0.6%
-Shatterstone = base dmg coefficient increased from 0.3% to 0.6% , now applies 4s cripple, explode after 3/4s, CD increased from 2s to 10s, still applies vulnerability now lasting 8s
-Water Trident = removed the vigor, base healing reduced from 1400 to 900, added an aoe knockback 450 radius
-Arc lightning = full channel base dmg reduced from 600 to 450, full channel duration reduced from 4s to 1.5s
-Blinding flash = applies now aoe blind
-Stone shards = casting time reduced from 1.9s to 0.7s
-Dust Devil = creates a pulsing blind aura effect with 360 radius (mele radius) lasting 4s
-Rock barrier= removed dmg component from Hurl, now if you drop rock barrier, Hurl will block the next 2 attacks for the next 5s
Finally I’d like to add few changes for focus too
-Frozen Gust = now applies 3 stacks of torment lasting 8s on top of chill
-Gale= Unblockable effect added
-Fire aura = CD reduced from 40s to 30s