My scepter Buffs for 2016

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: Supreme.3164


If you like what you will read…do pls show your support by adding a comment, the more we have, the better chance we have

AIM To make the ranged burst ele a reality, something to be feared when truly mastered

-First I will talk about supporting traits for scepter then I will focus on individual scepter skills


1) Elemental bastion = base healing reduced by 33%
2) Invigorating Torrent = removed vigor/regen; added “2s quickness on aura use at 20s ICD + remove 1 condi on aura no CD”
3) Harmonious Conduit = new GM minor applies now 2 stacks of stab on overload , removed the dmg increase part
4) Hardy conduit= new master major- renamed( ????) – now increase scepter range by 300, scepter dmg increased by 15% [add few scepter buffs I’d discuss on ele subforum]
5 Diamond skin= applies 5s resistance when you have 5 condis on you , 20s CD ( brainless condi spam will be punished )

[copied from my other thread]


1) =Bolt to the heart switch with Inscription, bonus dmg reduced from 20% to 10%
2) = Lightning rod base dmg increased by 40% ( from 400 to 566 or so)
3) = Pyromancer puissance – renamed – applies 3 stacks of torment lasting 6s on burning foes on crit 5s CD

[will propose changes to inscription at a later stage]

Now to the Scepter


-Flamestrike = base dmg(140) increased by 80%; burning reduced from 3s to 1s; dmg coefficient increased from 0.4% to 0.6%

-Dragon’s Tooth= base dmg reduced from 800 to 550, dmg coefficient reduced from 2.5% to 2%, now dragon’s tooth hits as fast as comet, CD increased from 6s to 8s

-Phoenix = Appear at target last location, explode after 1/2s, reappear at the caster current location giving vigor and removing one condi [removed the whole pointless flying animation and replaced it with a far less visible teleport skill]


-Ice shards= base dmg (200) increased by 50%, now applies 1 vulnerability lasting 1s, dmg coefficient increased from 0.5% to 0.6%

-Shatterstone = base dmg coefficient increased from 0.3% to 0.6% , now applies 4s cripple, explode after 3/4s, CD increased from 2s to 10s, still applies vulnerability now lasting 8s

-Water Trident = removed the vigor, base healing reduced from 1400 to 900, added an aoe knockback 450 radius


-Arc lightning = full channel base dmg reduced from 600 to 450, full channel duration reduced from 4s to 1.5s

-Blinding flash = applies now aoe blind


-Stone shards = casting time reduced from 1.9s to 0.7s

-Dust Devil = creates a pulsing blind aura effect with 360 radius (mele radius) lasting 4s

-Rock barrier= removed dmg component from Hurl, now if you drop rock barrier, Hurl will block the next 2 attacks for the next 5s

Finally I’d like to add few changes for focus too

-Frozen Gust = now applies 3 stacks of torment lasting 8s on top of chill
-Gale= Unblockable effect added
-Fire aura = CD reduced from 40s to 30s


My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: reikken.4961


-Dust Devil = creates a pulsing blind aura effect with 360 radius (mele radius) lasting 4s

smoke field? so that ele can join every other class in having access to stealth? lol (except necro)

Fire aura doesn’t need a reduced cooldown, making it more useful only to aura spammers. What it needs is to be useful outside of aura focused builds. Give it an additional effect, or buff the aura itself (even after the buffs, it’s still the most underwhelming aura, especially in pve)

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadowflare.2759


The flying animation on phoenix wasn’t pointless. With the right positioning it has the potential to do a considerable amount of pass-through damage. A simple increase to phoenix flying speed would help a lot. Or if the buffs/condi clear were given upon explosion rather than at return.

Water trident doesn’t even give vigor right now, it’s regen. Furthermore, I’d much rather that it keeps its healing and instead earth 3 gets the knockback.

Turning diamond skin into yet another auto proc is also not a great decision. If it’s to be changed, it should be something more interactive that both player and enemy can play around, not counting on RNG.

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: Winds.3087


smoke field? so that ele can join every other class in having access to stealth? lol (except necro)

We already have access to smoke field underwater.

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: reikken.4961


smoke field? so that ele can join every other class in having access to stealth? lol (except necro)

We already have access to smoke field underwater.

yeah, but anet is no longer pursuing underwater combat. no underwater pvp maps anymore, and no new pve water zones

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

I don’t think you quite understand how direct damage works. There’s no such thing as “base damage.” There’s only the coefficient… which is either rendered as “X.X” (a multiplier) or “XX%” (a percentage) not “X.X%” as you have done. You’ve accidentally gutted the coefficients by a factor of 100.

More generally, though, I don’t like these changes, nor do I think it realistic to expect anything as sweeping as this.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


quickness is terrible for ele so i’d rather not have that. not only does ele benefit little from it due to our mostly bad auto attacks but afaik it also messes with overloads and ticks. auras give resistance would be interesting though.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: Supreme.3164


I don’t think you quite understand how direct damage works. There’s no such thing as “base damage.” There’s only the coefficient… which is either rendered as “X.X” (a multiplier) or “XX%” (a percentage) not “X.X%” as you have done. You’ve accidentally gutted the coefficients by a factor of 100.

More generally, though, I don’t like these changes, nor do I think it realistic to expect anything as sweeping as this.

1 × 50% and 1 × 0.5 give the same result, the percentage is there more for an obvious addition so I really don’t get your point.
Ofc there is base dmg for every skill, it’s taken in consideration with the dmg coefficient and total stat power to give you the final dmg ….

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: Supreme.3164


The flying animation on phoenix wasn’t pointless. With the right positioning it has the potential to do a considerable amount of pass-through damage. A simple increase to phoenix flying speed would help a lot. Or if the buffs/condi clear were given upon explosion rather than at return.

Water trident doesn’t even give vigor right now, it’s regen. Furthermore, I’d much rather that it keeps its healing and instead earth 3 gets the knockback.

Turning diamond skin into yet another auto proc is also not a great decision. If it’s to be changed, it should be something more interactive that both player and enemy can play around, not counting on RNG.

Why ele must have all these attacks with obvious animation, hour long casting..when the other professions got almost everything instacast?…It doesn’t make sense

Vigor on water trident was an error, and originally water trident had the knockback…I don’t need the healing at all, we need to take the ele out of the bunkerbot hole where it is now, the more dmg/control you have..the less heal spamm/facetank dmg you need

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: Supreme.3164


-Dust Devil = creates a pulsing blind aura effect with 360 radius (mele radius) lasting 4s

smoke field? so that ele can join every other class in having access to stealth? lol (except necro)

Fire aura doesn’t need a reduced cooldown, making it more useful only to aura spammers. What it needs is to be useful outside of aura focused builds. Give it an additional effect, or buff the aura itself (even after the buffs, it’s still the most underwhelming aura, especially in pve)

Pulsing blind field, never said smoke field, earth 5 on warhorn is not a smoke field is it?

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


-40% damage increase on Lightning Rod? Relax. Let’s make sure that the awful bugs on that ability are fixed first.

-The vigor and regen is perfectly alright already on Invigorating Torrents. Now, if you want a condition clearing aura, you need to look toward Fire. Combine One with Fire with Conjurer as a start. Reduce Conjures cooldown to 45 seconds. Then with the new fire trait opening on master, make it so that fire auras you apply clears a damaging condition and increases damage by 5% and condition damage (not the stat) by 5% while the elementalist is affected by the aura.

And you want inscription to be Grand-Master?… That’s pretty wrong: the new worst GM trait (though, I notice your will to give an idea, and I have my own idea too on that). If you want damage increase on the master tier of air, two traits out of 3 are already working on that department.

Why would you do a weapon specific trait on a minor trait on an unspecific trait line? I am talking about your Hardy Conduit suggestion increasing scepter damage by a flat and unfair amount.

Your scepter suggestions are totally over-the-top broken.
Dragon Tooth landing as fast as Comet; you must be kidding me.

You are also seriously considering Focus buffs when it’s easily the best elementalist weapon. The unblockable Gale is pretty odd.

I try to find one change I like amongst the list…
There was none I found in the Tempest changes.
I was close from liking the torment idea on Pyro’s Puissance, but I believe a lingering fire attunement (5 seconds) would be best as an addition to the trait (lingering that affects major and minors).
I did not like any of the scepter changes. Though, the fire auto-attack one seemed sophisticated, but with the drastic reduction of the burn duration along the pushes toward a condition option for Pyro’s Puissance seemed inconsistant; therefore, I did not like it. So none of the scepter changes were decent in my opinion.

Alerie Despins

(edited by Alekt.5803)

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadowflare.2759


The flying animation on phoenix wasn’t pointless. With the right positioning it has the potential to do a considerable amount of pass-through damage. A simple increase to phoenix flying speed would help a lot. Or if the buffs/condi clear were given upon explosion rather than at return.

Water trident doesn’t even give vigor right now, it’s regen. Furthermore, I’d much rather that it keeps its healing and instead earth 3 gets the knockback.

Turning diamond skin into yet another auto proc is also not a great decision. If it’s to be changed, it should be something more interactive that both player and enemy can play around, not counting on RNG.

Why ele must have all these attacks with obvious animation, hour long casting..when the other professions got almost everything instacast?…It doesn’t make sense

Vigor on water trident was an error, and originally water trident had the knockback…I don’t need the healing at all, we need to take the ele out of the bunkerbot hole where it is now, the more dmg/control you have..the less heal spamm/facetank dmg you need

Because that’s how the game should be. Turning everything into insta-cast was a terrible decision on Anet’s part to start with, so it’d be even worse to make more skills that way. Ideally the other skills should be slowed down so they could be countered.

But that’s beside the point, just increase the speed of the cast/animations and the skill would already be great. The flythrough animation does aoe damage, so it isn’t pointless like you said. Furthermore, I also suggested making the vigor/condi removal occur on explosion, way to ignore that.

Those who play scepter hardly play the “healbot bunkering” playstyle to start with, so your suggestion to remove the heal from water trident hurts the burst builds far more than it would hurt the sustain ones. Like I said, make earth 3 have the knockback because it’s far more thematic.

I disagree that more dmg/control without other changes will make eles less of a healbot. Sure, you put out more pressure, but these days any decent build can also pressure you back just as hard with half the effort, due to how low elementalist’s defensive stats are. Without methods to actually negate damage, ie. blocks, evades, invulnerability, all your damage/control does is turn you into a one-trick pony, because you can’t survive long enough to do your rotation a second time.

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

I don’t think you quite understand how direct damage works. There’s no such thing as “base damage.” There’s only the coefficient… which is either rendered as “X.X” (a multiplier) or “XX%” (a percentage) not “X.X%” as you have done. You’ve accidentally gutted the coefficients by a factor of 100.

More generally, though, I don’t like these changes, nor do I think it realistic to expect anything as sweeping as this.

1 × 50% and 1 × 0.5 give the same result, the percentage is there more for an obvious addition so I really don’t get your point.

Let’s say I have 3000 power. A 0.3% skill would deal .9 damage. A 0.3 skill would deal 90 damage. That % symbol means you still need to convert the number into a coefficient, whereas leaving it off means you can just directly plug it into the formula. I realize what you’re trying to say but your notation makes it much less clear than it needs to be.

Just use coefficients; that’s pretty standard, so everyone will know what you mean. No need to include % symbols.

Ofc there is base dmg for every skill, it’s taken in consideration with the dmg coefficient and total stat power to give you the final dmg ….

No, that’s not how direct damage works in GW2. Look, here’s the wiki article that has the formula :

Damage done = (Weapon strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)

Notice something missing? There’s no base damage. The calculation doesn’t include any additions. The reason skills appear to have a “base” damage is because everyone has a base power of 1000 at level 80 regardless of equipment, which means a skill with a .3 coefficient can never deal less than 300 damage before taking your weapon strength or the target’s defenses into account. However, no such base damage actually exists. It’s all just coefficients.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)

My scepter Buffs for 2016

in Elementalist

Posted by: shinta.8906


would be nice if air #2 would hit at max range and would not be shorter than 900.. or shorten the air aa.. whatever u got wrong there.. aa hits lightning will miss. since forever.

(edited by shinta.8906)