NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


The elemental “Eyes” glitch after being transmuted and will not show up in game

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Draaky.2436


Glyph of (lesser) elements:

Summoning an element will sometimes give bugd sound.
the sound goes way beyond the sound limit i put up or the people around me.
I hear people complaining about this everytime.

When it happens? Totaly random!
Same for Necro minions they sometimes have this to ;/

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: MaXi.3642


two weeks from big patch, Dragons Tooth still dont trigger blast finisher…

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

After using Undercurrent, the is a second or so of time where none of your skills work. There’s no indication as to why, as you can still move around. It lasts about as long as the skill affects the enemy, which makes it seem like it CCs yourself too.

(edited by Clark Skinner.4902)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Yareon.2835


I think this is a bug if not a typo that should go here. In the Arcana line of the elementalist it says “increased attunement recharge rate by 60%” assuming you have 30 points in arcana (after Evasive Arcana ‘fix’ not many do anymore) it should reduce the time it takes to recharge a specific attunement by 60%. What I am getting is a 40% reduction in time rather than the 60%.

Here is part of the maths:
15 * 0.6 = 9

So the 60% reduction in time should reduce the attunement recharge by 9 seconds, not make it 9 seconds.

Here is what the maths should look like:
15 – (15 * 0.6) = 6 seconds
15 – (15 * 0.4) = 9 seconds
15 – (15 * % reduction) = __ seconds

So what should happen is you can swap back to the same attunement you were just in every 6 seconds assuming 30 points in the arcana line, currently we are getting it every 9 seconds.

Edited for grammar

wrong math: it does not reduce the cooldown, it hasten the recharge, so, with 160% recharge rate you have (100/160) *100% cooldown —> 62,5 % cooldown (near that 40% you see thanks to rounding numbers)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: konosh.4721


New bug with:

Flame Axe: This weapon now grants the wielder power and condition damage.
Frost Bow: This weapon now grants the wielder increased condition duration and increased healing power.
Fiery Greatsword: This weapon now grants the wielder power and condition damage.
Magnetic Shield: This weapon now grants the wielder vitality and toughness.
Lightning Hammer: This weapon now grants the wielder increased precision and critical damage.

You get the new buffs ONLY when the weapon is summoned. Picking up the weapon gives you nothing.

Quoting this because I didn’t see any other report on it. I can confirm the bug is there

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Draaky.2436


Waaaaaaah sound when using an scepter does not only apply to asurans my female sylvari has the same problem

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


I have latency in only double digits (ms) and I still see the burning speed issue.

It was fine last night.. now it’s consistently showing up on the beginning of the slide only rather than across the entire length of it.

it fubars the initial attack, and it fubars the potential to combo into might becuase you have to spend 4 seconds getting back to your own combo field.

if you swap to another weapon (I used staff) and use fire spells on it, then swap back to dagger it fixes this spell (burning speed).

(edited by plasmacutter.2709)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xolo.3580


Concerning Arcane Power, please add this:

Fireball + Arcane Power = 3 crits and buff is gone.
My bet is that the aoe component of the spell will eat a charge alongside the projectile, resulting in one Fireball eating 2 charges.
This is effectively killing the build I was trying to make…

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Concerning Arcane Power, please add this:

Fireball + Arcane Power = 3 crits and buff is gone.
My bet is that the aoe component of the spell will eat a charge alongside the projectile, resulting in one Fireball eating 2 charges.
This is effectively killing the build I was trying to make…

Then also add this:

When combined with Elemental Surge the following effects appear:
~Water: next 5 Water Blasts activate Arcane Precision, but when using Frozen Ground, the frozen ground ‘eats up’ charges without giving an effect.
~Air: next 5 Chain Lightning casts activate AP but each hit procs, resulting in a grand total of 15 activations per AP.
~When using both Arcane Precision AND Arcane Wave, in water they cause the DOUBLE amount of chill, wheras in Earth they cause only HALF the immobilize.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: BRAiNZ.7480


Regarding Mist form, it’s fixed in sPvP with Cantrip Mastery – but it’s still broken in anything else (man this one is annoying).

And i’m still shocked the churned earth cooldown hasn’t been fixed when interupted, it still goes on a full cooldown and not the 3 second one.

Mist form cd reduction still not fixed, despite them stating it in that patch’s notes. That’s amazingly bad.

Churning earth cripples while channeling, so it makes sense that it should go on full cooldown, but this skill needs revisiting. Arenanet only changed the tooltip to remove the intended use that was stated before on the tooltip: a ‘hold and release’ functionality.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: konosh.4721


NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shinarika.5642


That’s because the OP doesn’t update it anymore.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Curring.9752


Anet stop breaking us please. ._.

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadow.1059


When will you fix cripples affecting magnetic grasp and burning speed? You guys said this would be fixed soon 2 months ago.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: konosh.4721


Anet stop breaking us please. ._.

Next time, please include a description in the post.

The video shows that using Glyph of Elementals (elite) while in mist form will result in an instant “kill” of the elemental: the button will change to a countdown of 60 seconds (the lifetime of an elite elemental) and instantly change back to the 120 CD (regardless if you use the -20% CD for glyphs trait or not).

Edit: I think I understand why this is happening, that is, Mist Form ignoring the -20% off of the CD for glyphs trait. Mist Form is removing the attunement that you are currently on. All traits are tied to work with 1 attunement or all attunements – not “none” attunements, which is what the Mist Form is doing. So it removes any trait points and traits themselves.

[If you test it in Heart of the Mists, however, the Glyph of Elementals (elite) will follow the behavior of the Glyph of Lesser Elementals, below]

A similar thing happens with Glyph of Lesser Elementals. However. besides NOT SPAWNING the lesser elemental, it will enter a FULL cooldown (first 60 seconds of the lifetime of the elemental + 36 seconds [traited with -20% CD for glyphs] of CD without the elemental).

The behavior is the same in or out of the Heart of the Mists. The reason for the difference in the first case is because the elite shows a different behavior, but not quite, in and out of sPvP. In sPvP, as soon as you cast the skill, a 60-seconds time will start (the lifetime of the elemental). After this timer is over, the skill will enter its regular CD of 96 seconds (traited). In PvE, as soon as you cast the skill, the 96-seconds timer will start. However, it does not integrate the 60-seconds timer in it. So it will not go to 36 seconds, kill the elemental and then proceed to go down to 0 so you can use it again; it will go down to 36 seconds, kill the elemental and restart the CD all over again from the 96-seconds mark. This is obviously a bug related to breaking the skill in PvE and sPvP.

Plus, if you use Glyph of Storms and enter mist form, that glyph will be out of CD and can be used again only during mist form. However, despite the glyph being cast, there’s no effect – damage, no animation, nothing. As soon as the Mist Form is over, the CD of the glyph will revert back to when it was cast before using Mist Form.

In addition, casting Glyph of Storms while in Mist Form will NOT work, even if you DIDN’T use it just before entering Mist Form.

Glyph of Renewal as well – If you use it outside of Mist Form and, before the CD is up, use it while in Mist Form, 3 things will happen:

1- The activation time will be reduced from 4 and half seconds to 1 and a half seconds – this is shown in the tooltip.

2- The glyph will work as advertised, both times.

3- The cooldown will NOT be reset again if you use it while in the Mist Form. That is, if you use it before mist form, then during mist form, the cooldown when you get out of mist form will be the first one. In other words, you’ll get 2 CDs for the same skill: one for inside Mist Form (that will still be there the next time you enter Mist Form – it counts down just as the one outside of it) and the other for outside. They are independent and don’t go away.

Glyph of Renewal has another bug that may have been listed already: it will not revive your target, but the ally closest to you.
In addition, if you use the glyph while inside Mist Form, it treats you as having no attunement (Mist Form is REMOVING the attunement), so attunement bonuses won’t work. For example, it won’t teleport the revived ally to you while in Air Attunement. In Earth Attunement, it won’t revive 3 allies, just the one closest to you.

I’ve also tested Mist Form with all other Utility Skills and Healing Skills. However, I only tested the effect of having a separate cooldown inside the mist form (like casting Glyph of Storms out then in mist form), not if the other utility skills work while in Mist Form.

The only skills affected by that were the ones I listed.

Update 1:
Glyph of Elemental Power doesn’t work while inside Mist Form as well. It’s cast, but no effect appears on target. Combat log shows nothing.

By now, I’m fully convinced that every single issue listed here (besides the duplication of Glyph of Storms and Glyph of Renewal while inside Mist Form) is completely dependent on the fact that Mist Form, as of December 3rd’s patch, removes any attunement you may be set to. Thus, any skill that is tied to an attunement (like the glyphs) either work partially (like Glyph of Renewal) or just plain don’t work (like the other glyphs), using up the skill and entering a cooldown.

Update 2: The december 5th patch didn’t fix any of these issues. It did fix the trait stats bug, not listed here.

(edited by konosh.4721)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Curring.9752


@konosh, next time look at the video description, it gives a brief explanation as to what is happening, plus it is quite self explanatory.

It was working before hand, there have been multiple times I have summoned the water elemental while in mist form. I also know what you mean with the glyphs, I was running glyph of storms (I think it is) and I noticed that when I went into mist form that it would be off C/D even though I used it 5 second prior, can you use them while in mist form? (I never got to test as usually I’m using ether in Mist form)

So it breaks Elemental but could also be abused to use the skill twice in a row.

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: konosh.4721


@konosh, next time look at the video description, it gives a brief explanation as to what is happening, plus it is quite self explanatory.

That’s not the point. The description should be in the post so that the person who reads it doesn’t need to check the video. You could be just baiting for views. Describe what the video shows and, if people are really interested, they will check it.

It was working before hand, there have been multiple times I have summoned the water elemental while in mist form.

Yes, it was working before. This is broken since the last patch because of the change to transformation skills.

I also know what you mean with the glyphs, I was running glyph of storms (I think it is) and I noticed that when I went into mist form that it would be off C/D even though I used it 5 second prior, can you use them while in mist form? (I never got to test as usually I’m using ether in Mist form)

Yes, you can (could). I often used it to grab several enemies, like when attacking a supply camp in WvW. Aggro all NPC defenders, pop mist form, use glyph of storms while attuned to earth (perma blind for duration), use glyph of elementals while attuned to earth for sturdy tank, change to fire attunement and aoe them down while they attack the elemental. As you can see, this bug completely kills this setup for me.

So it breaks Elemental but could also be abused to use the skill twice in a row.

You’ll notice that I said in my post that, while you can cast it again in Mist Form, there’s no effect: no animation, no damage.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


I updated the first post to indicate I’m no longer playing GW2 or updating after the Ascended gear went in. Hopefully people will notice that more than a post here.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fyras.3915


Cleansing Wave animation from Evasive Arcana is not showing, not sure if is that suposed to happen.
Also, churning earth from Evasive Arcana, doens’t always work and its not hiting enemys in the suposed max 360 Radius.
Plz some one confirm this? ty

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


So it breaks Elemental but could also be abused to use the skill twice in a row.

You’ll notice that I said in my post that, while you can cast it again in Mist Form, there’s no effect: no animation, no damage.

Could it be abused with ‘When casting an elite’ runes?

Also, churning earth from Evasive Arcana, doens’t always work and its not hiting enemys in the suposed max 360 Radius.

Is it affected by Blasting Staff? Should it be affected by Blasting Staff? Could it be that Blasting Staff reduces the range?

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: konosh.4721


So it breaks Elemental but could also be abused to use the skill twice in a row.

You’ll notice that I said in my post that, while you can cast it again in Mist Form, there’s no effect: no animation, no damage.

Could it be abused with ‘When casting an elite’ runes?

No, because the issue with Glyph of Storms and Glyph of Renewal (where you get an off-CD skill while in mist form) is different from the Glyph of Elementals (where, if you cast it in mist form, no elemental appears).

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Azunai.1065


Sigil of Intelligence and Arcane Power not working as intended

As you can see i switch to Fire Attunement to get my sigil active, you see the “Buff” poping up next to the attunement icon
and the enemy is burning

Still, my Fire Grab “consumes” the 100% Crit chance buff and deals normal non-crit dmg
Arcane power therefor doesnt work at all

Namefather of the Asuran Elementalists from [Bots]
My first Video:

(edited by Azunai.1065)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shinarika.5642


Sigil of Intelligence and Arcane Power not working as intended

As you can see i switch to Fire Attunement to get my sigil active, you see the “Buff” poping up next to the attunement icon
and the enemy is burning

Still, my Fire Grab “consumes” the 100% Crit chance buff and deals normal non-crit dmg
Arcane power therefor doesnt work at all

You had less then 75% hp the entire fight & you didn’t have arcane power on your bar so I don’t get how you want that to proc either.
For the sigil, yes it’s bugged sadly enough.
You can read more of it here:

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: SecondtoNone.7549


The masterair trait, aeromancer’s alacrity, that gives -20% air cd reduction doesn’t work on RTL.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taggert.7048


Superior Sigil of Energy no longer working on attunement change…not sure when this started, but I’m guessing it was last patch because I just noticed it…not sure if this is the same for any other sigils that are “on weapon swap” based….but I was under the impression staff eles were supposed to be able to use them when changing attunements.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadow.1059


When you cast ride the lightning while you are immobilized, you will stay as the form of lightning for the entire cast time, in the same place, unable to cast any spells, even if the immobilization only had .1 seconds left, you will remain in a stunned state for the entire duration of ride the lightning, even worse than the immobilization state. This is a situation that causes your own spell to disable yourself. This is a very serious issue with ride the lightning.
But knowing Anet, this issue will probably never be fixed, or even addressed.

Additionally, there is still no word on the issue with cripples and slows affecting magnetic grasp and burning speed, even though Anet claimed to be working on a solution 2 months ago?

Could we get a reply to these issues?

Superior Sigil of Energy no longer working on attunement change…not sure when this started, but I’m guessing it was last patch because I just noticed it…not sure if this is the same for any other sigils that are “on weapon swap” based….but I was under the impression staff eles were supposed to be able to use them when changing attunements.

Superior Sigil of Energy is working for me with D/D.

(edited by Shadow.1059)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkeeLd.2164


My Minor Sigil of Hydromancy keeps triggering every time I RTL, usually at the start of it, as if I was switching attunements. Am I the only one getting this?

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: SlimJim.3087


To lazy to read through to see if this is posted or not, but it was just being done on me and seems buggy.

An ele was casting the big Earth AoE on me the that does 9 stacks of bleed, anyway I would dodge out if it he would use lightning flash to port to me and have the AoE follow and cast on me.

I would think casting lightning flash would cancel the cast of the AoE instead of moving it with the ele…

Anyway if this is working as intended it seems OP for an already powerful AoE

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


To lazy to read through to see if this is posted or not, but it was just being done on me and seems buggy.

An ele was casting the big Earth AoE on me the that does 9 stacks of bleed, anyway I would dodge out if it he would use lightning flash to port to me and have the AoE follow and cast on me.

I would think casting lightning flash would cancel the cast of the AoE instead of moving it with the ele…

Anyway if this is working as intended it seems OP for an already powerful AoE

It’s working as intended. Not like you can’t dodge based on timing or interrupt 3s long charge.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Comaetilico.3645


To lazy to read through to see if this is posted or not, but it was just being done on me and seems buggy.

An ele was casting the big Earth AoE on me the that does 9 stacks of bleed, anyway I would dodge out if it he would use lightning flash to port to me and have the AoE follow and cast on me.

I would think casting lightning flash would cancel the cast of the AoE instead of moving it with the ele…

Anyway if this is working as intended it seems OP for an already powerful AoE

lightning flash is a cantrip and as all cantrip (as well as shout and other utility type of skill for other classes ) don’t interrupt the cast.. and is the only pratical way to land the churning earth… that is a 3 second standing lon cast…

also the way to avoid it is still pretty easy… u don’t have to dodge OUT of the aoe… u simply have to dodge at the last second so that your dodge will make u evade… this way your and his position is not a problem

(edited by Comaetilico.3645)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Arcane Power doesn’t work in the Mists. I tested it on the dummies/robots, and never got any crit when activating it. Not sure whether it works other places. Will test it.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Arcane Power doesn’t work in the Mists. I tested it on the dummies/robots, and never got any crit when activating it. Not sure whether it works other places. Will test it.

Arcane Power works for me in the Mists. I tested it with various skills and it does give criticals.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lothial.7859


I switched to Elemental Shielding recently hoping to use it with Zephyr’s Boon so that every aura i used would grant me fury, swiftness, and protection. But when I’ve used it the stats for my protection don’t kick on. Picture one is my stats with protection, and fury from switching to Earth. Picture two show’s the fury, swiftness, and protection icons but the protection buff doesn’t show up in the stats. Just the crit chance buff from fury. The same thing seems to happen when I cast Armor of Earth.

Is this designed limitation, or just a stat listing glitch, or a glitch that is keeping protection from applying?


King Fire Rat
Anvil Rock

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Lightning Whip: It has its issues in SPvP. In Khylo fx, it can’t break windows, unless you are lucky, but will miss 90% of the time approximately. It also constantly missed the trebuchet yesterday, and I tried using it from different angles. While the next thing is redundant to combat, I feel like mentioning anyway. It also very often misses boxes you are able to destroy on the map, where other skills work every time. Again, a 90% miss chance approximately.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


I switched to Elemental Shielding recently hoping to use it with Zephyr’s Boon so that every aura i used would grant me fury, swiftness, and protection. But when I’ve used it the stats for my protection don’t kick on. Picture one is my stats with protection, and fury from switching to Earth. Picture two show’s the fury, swiftness, and protection icons but the protection buff doesn’t show up in the stats. Just the crit chance buff from fury. The same thing seems to happen when I cast Armor of Earth.

Is this designed limitation, or just a stat listing glitch, or a glitch that is keeping protection from applying?

Protection doesn’t appear on your character stats as far as I know, it doesn’t increase your toughness or armor, it reduces all damage you take by 33%

That “buff” to your toughness comes from your first minor trait in Earth Magic: Gain 1 Toughness per level while attuned to Earth, it has nothing to do with protection

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Lightning Whip: It has its issues in SPvP. In Khylo fx, it can’t break windows, unless you are lucky, but will miss 90% of the time approximately. It also constantly missed the trebuchet yesterday, and I tried using it from different angles. While the next thing is redundant to combat, I feel like mentioning anyway. It also very often misses boxes you are able to destroy on the map, where other skills work every time. Again, a 90% miss chance approximately.

Also, Lightning Whip misses a lot on stationary objects in PVE, most notably the Burrows in AC

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: OddFinrir.6801


Reflect (Magnetic Aura) no longer works on rangers attacks.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wryog.5073


Not sure if anyone’s mentioned this but Dragon’s Tooth(Scepter Fire 2) can be cast on targets behind LoS objects. Noticed this in WvW when I managed to cast a Dragon’s Tooth on a person behind the door. Also worked on people up on the walls(couldn’t see them).

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Not sure if that’s a bug as it’s not a targetted spell. Pretty harmless as it never actually hits anyone anyway.

I think if Anet gets around to it, they’ll nerf the lightning flash + churning earth skill.

As for the Glyphs in mist form. The elemental elite works for me, but I do have points in Arcane, which makes attunement bonuses linger after switching, which should make them last through mist form. I wish I could change attunes while in mist form though, as I’d like to set up my next attacks.

The Arcane trait that causes an effect on dodge based on attunement, I can’t remember its name.. When the Churning Earth version pops, it doesn’t do any bleed damage, just the initial hit.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zaviel.1245


“Shatterstone — Function bug
For around 2 seconds after casting, you can move and dodge normally (and spell goes off as usual) but can’t cast anything else during the dead period. Still lacking a cast bar after Oct. 7 update, despite remaining “hidden” cast time.”

Please fix

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: konosh.4721


Reflect (Magnetic Aura) no longer works on rangers attacks.

can you elaborate on this? Which attacks?

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: OmegaAlpha.9086


Fix/change the animation on the Asura when using Dragon’s Claw while moving.

When you start to move around and use Dragon’s Claw, it still does the upper animation part, but not the bottom, which means it looks like the Asura just broke their back and needs a medic. It’s very weird, and not suppose to be like that. Make the animation for the Asura when using Dragon’s Claw while moving like the other races.

(edited by OmegaAlpha.9086)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sera.6539


Cross posted from the game bugs thread I posted.

This is a new bug, as of the 12/14 patch. I use the Sigil of Hydromancy on my staff (freeze nearby enemies on weapon swap). The sigil only procs in combat, and when summoning a conjured weapon, the sigil will activate and it will not place the weapon in my hands.

I tried it with my daggers which do not have the sigil, and I tried it when I was not in combat with staff. Only when the sigil effect procs, would the conjured weapon not appear in my hands.

As you can see in the screenshot, I have the effects of the frost bow on my character, but I do not have the frost bow itself.


Gelda Nebilim – Nagare [NGE] – Crystal Desert

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: DragonM.2170


Hi ther i whana show elementalist bugs after a 14.12.12 patch . Post focused to arena nets gm’s .

Infnite fury + swifthnes on d/d aura build .

Reset atuments after switching to air + ride of lighting

Make hot fix on it fast !

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Signet Of Air:

Tooltip has been updated in the skills bar to say “25%” However, on the Aura/Boon Duration bar the tooltip only shows:

“Increased movement by 10%”

Will post picture laters.

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: guza.6170


Burning speed evade not working.

aka Subl

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Comaetilico.3645


Burning speed evade not working.

burning speed (dagger fire 3)doen’t have an evade component… u’r probably confusing it with burning retreat (staff fire 4) that indead has an evade component and is working correctly (last used a few hours ago)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: guza.6170


Burning speed evade not working.

burning speed (dagger fire 3)doen’t have an evade component… u’r probably confusing it with burning retreat (staff fire 4) that indead has an evade component and is working correctly (last used a few hours ago)

It does they aded it in the same time as for burning reatreat (long time ago, think it was in beta) which also didnt used to have evade on it.

aka Subl

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Comaetilico.3645


Burning speed evade not working.

burning speed (dagger fire 3)doen’t have an evade component… u’r probably confusing it with burning retreat (staff fire 4) that indead has an evade component and is working correctly (last used a few hours ago)

It does they aded it in the same time as for burning reatreat (long time ago, think it was in beta) which also didnt used to have evade on it.

don’t remember this addition (and played all the beta but it could be my memory going wrong ^^‘) anyway no tooltip indication of this evade… at leat since release (I didn’t tested D/D a lot during beta but played it a lot at release) and I don’t remember ever reading an evade while performing burning speed…

also no mention of this evade atribute is present in the wiki (that is generally more complete and usefull than game tooltip)