Necromancer v.s. Elementalist

Necromancer v.s. Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: bloodmage.1465


Hi guys. I stopped pvping with my guild mate last night to cool off. Every time I face him in pvp not a fight. Its a slaughter with him walking away with the kill. I’m really frustrated when i fight two classes so far. Mesmers and Necromancers.

I would like to know the community view on how to handle a necromancer in a 1v1 fight. They essentially have two lives with death shroud and the dps they do in lich is incredible. I’m considering using my elite the next time one goes into lich since we gain hp just to buy some time. Also I am not a “bunker” or tank elementalist. I am a dps elementalist. And since staff is seen as the weakest build for 1v1’s I’d like to know how you guys would handle a Necromancer WITH a staff if you had no other weapon choice to choose from hypothetically. The assumption is that you will be fighting a staff weilding Necromancer only.

You are capping the graveyard which is oddly empty. None of your team is anywhere to be seen with the naked eye when an icy chill tip toes down your neck. You turn and realize You’re not alone. A Necromancer stands at the other side of the graveyard Staff drawn. What would you do?

Necromancer v.s. Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: boozer.7815


You need a lot of condition removal in your build. They are not that hard to beat.

Necromancer v.s. Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mathiuzz.4760


First of all ,water golem. Water is your main attune vs necro – just for cond removal. Ure doing combo like air4,5 then fire 2,3,4,5 and arcanas and then back to water waiting for cooldowns ,then earth 4 then fire 2,3,4,5 and again back to water. Well ALSO u can kite him with earth to stack some bleed then back to water (just to deal a bit more dmg).

Was talking bout scep dagger.

(edited by Mathiuzz.4760)

Necromancer v.s. Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadowflare.2759


First thing I’d do? Ditch that staff for another weapon combo that can handle 1 v 1. Maybe you feel like the staff is the natural choice for an ele because they’re like the traditional mages, but the fact is that staff is pretty terrible at 1 v 1. It was given aoe for a reason, and dueling was not one of them. Sorry to say this, but every time I see another elementalist using a staff in sPvP, I think “free kill”.

Also, I can’t really make accurate predictions based on what you’ve told me, but if you’re built as a fire/air/arcane dps mage, you’re going to get slaughtered anyways by a necro whose base hp is nearly double of ours. So you really need to look at your build too, keep in mind that there are traits which are not bound to one single attunement, and those tend to be the more effective traits.

It’s unfortunate, but in order to do well with ele in sPvP right now you need to choose from a limited selection of viable builds.

Necromancer v.s. Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: TehRoboRoller.2376


Tbh, DPS-Staff isn’t very good. Go bunker or go Scepter+Dagger/Focus.

Necromancer v.s. Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: zencow.3651


Equip Cleansing Fire and Signet of Water, press “H” and equip scepter/dagger since your traits are a lost cause to try switching to scepter/focus. Why wouldn’t you carry other weapon sets?

Failing that, run away and rejoin your team. As you said, you’re not a bunker, it’s not your job to hold the point. With a staff you are support, team player, what ever you want to call it, you’re not meant to be by your self. Don’t like it? Switch to scepter/dagger and be a roamer but your job is then to gank and power play. Ele’s don’t really excel in 1v1.

Quasi-elitist dungeoneer and missing Gw1 GvGs greatly.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”

(edited by zencow.3651)

Necromancer v.s. Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Turpo.9458


Ele’s don’t really excel in 1v1.

atleast with a staff, with D/D or S/D you might have a chance. Im running 0/25/0/30/15 build with Cleansing Wave and Cleansing Water from the water tree (=lots of condition removal) so it really helps me out against especially necros.

By the way the name’s Herman… And I hate musicals…

Necromancer v.s. Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Looria.8019


I agree with those guys. Staff is an awesome weapon when there are more enemies. Its not so efficient for 1v1 fights. For that i would prolly go with scepter + focus. Invulnerability, destroying projectiles, slows, vulns and have all you can in water attunement trait line for cond removals.

I will just add one more thing. This game isnt balanced around 1v1s. You would never be able to balance it that way. WoW is trying to do exactly that and look where it goot them. No this is a team play. You are supposed to be fighting 2v2s or 3v2s or things like that. Thats where the combo fields and stuff like that really kick in and you have decent fight.

Keep that in mind.

Necromancer v.s. Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: zencow.3651


atleast with a staff, with D/D or S/D you might have a chance. Im running 0/25/0/30/15 build with Cleansing Wave and Cleansing Water from the water tree (=lots of condition removal) so it really helps me out against especially necros.

With scepter/focus (bunker for life!) you are guaranteed to hold whatever cap point against a necro with with Magnetic Wave and Phoenix and SHOULD be able to hold at least 1v1 against anyone.

Who doesn’t take 30 water? It’s like the only thing viable! I prefer the 0/20/0/30/20 so I can have the chance for vigor (10+2 seconds) on crit trait for infinite dodge!

Quasi-elitist dungeoneer and missing Gw1 GvGs greatly.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”

Necromancer v.s. Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Towren.1745


I play with a staff in tPvP and I find 1v1 with Necro’s to be fairly easy. The key is condition removal. Nearly every Necro I’ve ran into in tPvP (and there aren’t many) run with condition/boon stripping builds. Personally I run high condition removal for group support and self defence anyway, and it just counters Necro’s completely…

I use three cantrip utilities: Armor of Earth, Cleansing Flame, and Lightning Flash.

I have traited so I get condition removal on regeneration. And then boosted cantrip to grant regeneration. Combined with staff 5 and Healing Glyph in water attunement you have the ability to cleanse 8 conditions from you immediatly…. Oooor if you’re smart about it, you’ll target the bleed/burn stacks which do the damage.

I’ve just quickly (and I stress quickly) gone through some tPvP video’s and found a 1v1 with a Necro who decided to chase me,.I’ve uploaded it to Youtube so you can see how I play. It’s not the best example in the world I’ll admit, but I will play the same sort of tactics vs any Necro and have never had problems with them 1v1… Just watch the condition removal that I can pump out whilst playing a game of attrition…

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