Need a nice and fun leveling build

Need a nice and fun leveling build

in Elementalist

Posted by: deepkumar.1230


I am a ele newbie just created my first ele dnt know what weps good armor type and traits all need a nice and fun leveling build and a small explanation will also be good^^

9 toons all 80s waiting for a new race and class

Need a nice and fun leveling build

in Elementalist

Posted by: dagne.8542


If you’re just looking to lvl a character none of that matters. Just go and run the champ train till you hit 80.

If you’re looking to actually experience pve and work on world completion than you’re going to want a build/gear set that has swiftness up-time as high as you can plus damage.

Because I don’t know your experience with the game outside of playing ele I don’t know where exactly to start in telling you how to build. My suggestion would be to start putting points into the power trait line as you level, than at lvl 20 when you get 10 points retrait and put them into arcane so you can get windborne dagger and keep perma 25% run speed.

From there feel free to do what you want. I would continue to put more points into the fire trait line afterwards because at low levels adding more power will do more for you than most the other stats will in my opinion. When you get to a higher level; say maybe around lvl 60 than worry more about an actual build for your character. Most of the established builds you will find online are meant for an 80 lvl character that can make full use of the combination of the trait lines build. Until you reach that point just work with power and movement speed buffing.

I could go into more depth, and I’m sure there are a lot of different ways that other people would do it. I just gave you a quick idea of one way you could go. Good luck