Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


Elemental have an invulnerability get out of jail free card. They have cantrips and other goodies. So, I do not understand your statement sometimes.

Why are you still trolling? Mist Form is on a significant CD, now can’t be used with other skills, which means when you need to use it for defense, its basically stalling the inevitable death blow by 3 seconds. Its ONLY use now is for stomping.

Other classes also have utility skills, you may have missed that. Cantrips are good yes, but not because of the skills alone, its their interplay with certain Water traits, which got nerfed. And are also on significant CDs, generally longer than other classes.

You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about, as page after page on thread after thread has shown. Please stop spreading disinformation and lies.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


Those are dueling build and dueling builds do not scale unlike a d/d elemental

Besides, wvwvw is huge and stealth does not last that long for a mesmer.

Elemental have an invulnerability get out of jail free card. They have cantrips and other goodies. So, I do not understand your statement sometimes.

Protection boon can add alot of tankiness to any build

If you’re roaming, you should be running a dueling build rather than a zerg-v-zerg build. Even in zerg fights, you can take blink + decoy + feedback (or portal where necessary) and still contribute a good amount.

I don’t know what you mean by dueling builds not scaling. If you mean that dueling builds are not as effective in zerg fights, then I stand by my above statement. In a zerg fight, I can target a player, leap in and shatterburst him (usually killing him and severely damaging those around), then decoy + blink back to safety. But again, we’re talking about roaming and not zerging.

About WvW being huge, I go back to my earlier statement about juking people as a mesmer. Your goal shouldn’t be to outrun people. For example, if you’re Blue or Green on EB and you’re attacking Speldan, you would disengage by cloak+blinking into the hills North of Speldan where you can drop LOS. Then just waypoint back to your keep.

Elementalists can’t juke because they can’t go invis. Your opponent can see you running away in one direction and he’s going to chase you. Whether he catches you depends entirely on how fast you are compared to how fast he is. Your cantrips will give you a headstart but, as you said yourself, WvW maps are large. Your average speed is going to be lower than many classes now.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Honestly, if one class is low hp light armor, and another is low hp medium armor and both are melee range, wouldn’t it make sense for the lighter armor one to be more mobile, or similarly mobile?

Eles have much better access to defensive boons, healing, and condition removal than thieves making them much less squishy.

Baseline armour and health of a class doesn’t do much for staying power. If it did, we’d be seeing warriors everywhere in tpvp.

Good job quoting out of context by ignoring the other half of the post. As I already said, eles do have better healing by default, but thieves have easy access to stealth, which is a strong defensive mechanic. And they can also trait for good condition removal and passive heals.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Raptured.9307


The entire class itself is a nerf magnet

Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


I think that RTL needed a slight nerf, but 40 seconds does seem a bit excessive. 25 seconds for 1200 range or even 900 range, I think, would be fine, but this is just… Ew. No.


Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Elemental have an invulnerability get out of jail free card. They have cantrips and other goodies. So, I do not understand your statement sometimes.

Why are you still trolling? Mist Form is on a significant CD, now can’t be used with other skills, which means when you need to use it for defense, its basically stalling the inevitable death blow by 3 seconds. Its ONLY use now is for stomping.

Other classes also have utility skills, you may have missed that. Cantrips are good yes, but not because of the skills alone, its their interplay with certain Water traits, which got nerfed. And are also on significant CDs, generally longer than other classes.

You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about, as page after page on thread after thread has shown. Please stop spreading disinformation and lies.

exactly, I was trolling resjudictor because he really thinks that a few utilities really make a class.

Right now, he is arguing strategies that are available for most class and forget that element can down state into keeps…

Direct comparison between CD is utter pointless.

Sometime against the Mistform CD argument, people still whine at a 90 second portal cd and 210 sec timewarp cd in tpvp. I do not think skill that are balance against their effectiveness matter much in the argument.

On the other note, Elementalst CD are balanced because they have 4 different atonement on each weapons. Its a class mechanic.

You are correct that the synergy between water traits and skill make those traits powerful . Right now, its arguably overpowered which Anet also made direct a nerf. I would rather have anet buff other build but not nerf unless its is completely overpowered

In reality, D/D elemental should not be as strong in practice as it seem pretty weak paper. I think there is a much large problem with the current state of the game. Guild Wars 2 is really kite wars. The class that have the natural ability to kite the enemy will be deem overpowered. In addition, they can reset a battle on their own terms when other classes cannot. This feature of the build separates other classes.

On the site note: Anet does not balance base on 1 vs 1 or else the strongest 1 vs 1 build which phantasm will be nerf. However, fighting 2 or more players changes the build from a dueling to a power anti zerg build which is more like a team build since it possible to troll a large amount of people

(edited by loseridoit.2756)

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


a bunch of stuff

You’d come off as more persuasive if you actually took the time to understand what others are saying and then respond to their arguments.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


a bunch of stuff

You’d come off as more persuasive if you actually took the time to understand what others are saying and then respond to their arguments.


This subforum is a circle jerk for elementalist. The amount of elementalist outnumber me. I do not have the time to respond to each and every post.

The fact is that it hard to kill a good d/d elementalist in spvp and wvwvw. The need some type of nerf and buff to compensate for the mobility nerf. However, Anet have done little to solve this problem.

Athough there is daphenoix, tpvp, and other famous people who make this build OP. Anet will definitely have balance it base on the skill cap. Or else, we end up with a situation with Akuma and Super Street Fighter.

Join a thread like this

Suggestion are better than a rant on this thread

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Why bring up Osicat, his burst is due to an overpowered combination of food buffs and armor stats.

His winds of chaos hits for 700-1k.

I can bring up Dapheniox and his ability to kite 10+ people.

Not sure if this is trolling or not. Osicat uses food buffs, Excala uses food buffs, everyone in WvW uses food buffs. Food is OP not the profession. Osicat shows not only burst but also mobility to disengage. Just watch the videos.

Excala can kite people through the use of certain items or builds which he explains. Nobody is saying Eles can’t do that, I have specifically stated that Eles used the environment a lot defensively and offensively. If you look at Excala’s videos he really showcases this.

actually, that guy immobile the d/d elemental right before he want to use RTL. I wonder if that guy is crazy good or lucky. D/D elemental deserve to die in those situations. The D/D elemental fought a completely better player. If the d/d elemental does not die then the class is broken and OP

Your idea of OP/broken is misguided. OP is when if an Ele can tank and do insane amount of damage that no other profession can compete. The reality is that Eles are not the #1 tank/bunker in fact Guardians are. Damage from an Ele is not high compared to other professions like Mesmers or Thieves. What an Ele has is superior usage of the environment along with a nice “toolkit” to use to adapt to situations. The reality is that Eles are strong while certain flavors of s/d in s/tPvP are really really strong.

Why bring up mesmer. Out of all the classes, mesmer have the most problems running away from a fight. Do you play a mesmer at all?

A combination of RTL + perma swiftness will always beat a mesmer in a race.

Staff #2 is only just as as fast as a swiftness boon. Blink have a short cd because Mesmer tends to use all their skill. Most mesmers will find most of their skills on cd because that the way the class is design.

sword #3 skill is extremely buggy

I will only agree about your comment about taking Wvwvw camps if the mesmer portal is set up which the mesmer have to sacrifice dps to use. In most cases, the d/d elementalist will be able to run away easier

I will not comment on Ranger because I never care about learning that class

I play Mesmer quite often. Again look above were you refused to see that Osicat guide about using Mesmer’s burst mobility. I never had a problem running away on multiple professions outside of an Ele. It is about the mindset and knowing what to do in specific situations. That is not to say that it is a walk in the part if you overextend.

The thing is perma swiftness comes on an Ele from stacking a lot before hand through like Excala or using Auras (which requires a trait) + swapping into air + a healing skill people don’t use often + updraft (which you will not have again if you engage into battle soo soon along with requiring reverse camera).

I bring up Mesmer because you feel that Thief = Ele in terms of mobility which is not true. Saying Warrior is another option but their roaming abilities aren’t that good cause they cannot set up damage as well.

What you forgot about staff 2 is that you blink but you can swap weapons to like say a focus OH for swiftness along with a cripple if the enemy moves through it or to pull the enemy back if they past it. That in itself can help you escape along with portals and stealth.

Sure sword 3 is buggy at times but RTL is extremely buggy and has a signficantly higher CD now. RTL to a mob but the game doesn’t connect your RTL well it is 40s CD not 20s. And yes I tried this today. The point is that regardless of how buggy a skill is in a perfect world where these skills are not bugged Mesmers have good options to disengage from a battle if they wanted to.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

I think that RTL needed a slight nerf, but 40 seconds does seem a bit excessive. 25 seconds for 1200 range or even 900 range, I think, would be fine, but this is just… Ew. No.

20 seconds for 1200 range would have been fine.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


Right now, he is arguing strategies that are available for most class and forget that element can down state into keeps…

Direct comparison between CD is utter pointless.

Sometime against the Mistform CD argument, people still whine at a 90 second portal cd and 210 sec timewarp cd in tpvp. I do not think skill that are balance against their effectiveness matter much in the argument.

So now you’re comparing WvWvW strats to PvP? Outside of WvWvW, there are not protected keeps scattered all over PvE and PvP. Timewarp and Portal can give massive benefits to entire ARMIES of players, Mist Form is a 3s invuln on an excessive CD. Just stop.

On the other note, Elementalst CD are balanced because they have 4 different atonement on each weapons. Its a class mechanic.

As an Ele main I understand the class mechanic. The Ele skills and attunements are NOT balanced. Ele’s have to utilize two to three times as many skills at any one time to be effective as any other class. What many forget are the casting times, poor scaling, and the need to manage both individual CDs and attunement CDs which are longer than any other class. This is “artificial complexity” for its own sake, and makes Eles is any game mode other than sPvP bunker point holding arguably one of the weakest.

You are correct that the synergy between water traits and skill make those traits powerful . Right now, its arguably overpowered which Anet also made direct a nerf. I would rather have anet buff other build but not nerf unless its is completely overpowered

Healing is not OP in any way shape or form. Healing WAS the only viable defensive mechanic the Ele had, to be able to heal through damage that any other class would have inherent defensive options against (stealth, death shroud, illusions, blocks, etc.)

In reality, D/D elemental should not be as strong in practice as it seem pretty weak paper. I think there is a much large problem with the current state of the game. Guild Wars 2 is really kite wars. The class that have the natural ability to kite the enemy will be deem overpowered. In addition, they can reset a battle on their own terms when other classes cannot. This feature of the build separates other classes.

Not really. The majority of “kill damage” is melee range, ranged classes are quite weak. This means that kiting serves no purpose but to draw out the time before the melee class closes and kills you. Which is perfectly illustrated by the Ele itself, out of the few weapon viable builds it has, only the D/D build is really seen as a threat, the Staff is seen as a free kill and S/D is mostly the bunker point holder.

Just stop posting about stuff you don’t understand. Everything I read from you is just filled with hyperbole, generalization and blatant disinformation.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Navzar.2938


^You can kite melee. And you dont* have to stop using your own melee to do it either.

*forgot this in the initial post

(edited by Navzar.2938)

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Attunement is a gift and a curse to Eles. If you do not have lightning flash then your ability to hit a Earth dagger 5 changes. Therefore, if the skill isn’t useful to you because you don’t want to run lightning flash well then you are stuck with not using the skill at all. Other professions can pick their 2H weapon or MH+OH weapon to fit their build and style of play. The upside is Eles have a wide selection of skills to adapt in a wide ranging set of situations. 2H/MH+OH weapon swap can do this as well but it requires a specific build that people may or may not use. Another thing is that each individual skill on an Ele may not be as strong as each individual skill on a 2H/MH+OH weapon set just to balance Ele’s 4 attunements with 10 weapon skill slot of other professions. Lastly, Eles have 2 sigil versus 3 on a 2H/MH+OH common set up or 4 on a MH+OH x2 set. There are a lot of different things to consider and it is not simply that Ele attunement > 2H/MH+OH combo. It isn’t that black and white.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


I think that RTL needed a slight nerf, but 40 seconds does seem a bit excessive. 25 seconds for 1200 range or even 900 range, I think, would be fine, but this is just… Ew. No.

20 seconds for 1200 range would have been fine.

I have a utility that goes only that far and has a CD of 30 more seconds…


Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


So now you’re comparing WvWvW strats to PvP? Outside of WvWvW, there are not protected keeps scattered all over PvE and PvP. Timewarp and Portal can give massive benefits to entire ARMIES of players, Mist Form is a 3s invuln on an excessive CD. Just stop.

Dude all Aoe including time warp is capped at 5 random players. It takes coordination since any random player can ruin a time warp. I dont think you understand the game at all.

As an Ele main I understand the class mechanic. The Ele skills and attunements are NOT balanced. Ele’s have to utilize two to three times as many skills at any one time to be effective as any other class. What many forget are the casting times, poor scaling, and the need to manage both individual CDs and attunement CDs which are longer than any other class. This is “artificial complexity” for its own sake, and makes Eles is any game mode other than sPvP bunker point holding arguably one of the weakest.

Bunker? I thought sPvP been d/d elemental use more glass cannon armor to do heavy damage. Guardian are a better class to hold points.

Healing is not OP in any way shape or form. Healing WAS the only viable defensive mechanic the Ele had, to be able to heal through damage that any other class would have inherent defensive options against (stealth, death shroud, illusions, blocks, etc.)

Healing was the only viable defense option? I am pretty sure the class have more mechanic to migrate damage such as protection boon generation. they can stun they can cripple while you run away… yea……..The fact is that Anet has the data to makes these decisions. We are only pawns

Not really. The majority of “kill damage” is melee range, ranged classes are quite weak. This means that kiting serves no purpose but to draw out the time before the melee class closes and kills you. Which is perfectly illustrated by the Ele itself, out of the few weapon viable builds it has, only the D/D build is really seen as a threat, the Staff is seen as a free kill and S/D is mostly the bunker point holder.

Just stop posting about stuff you don’t understand. Everything I read from you is just filled with hyperbole, generalization and blatant disinformation.

What is hyperbole about kite wars? Putting your enemy in disadvantageous situation is a strong skill.

(edited by loseridoit.2756)

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Not sure if this is trolling or not. Osicat uses food buffs, Excala uses food buffs, everyone in WvW uses food buffs. Food is OP not the profession. Osicat shows not only burst but also mobility to disengage. Just watch the videos.

I am a saying that Osicat can easily pick out people one by one due to his ridiculous burst. Right now, food buff slightly favors crit builds which is the basis of Osciat Shatter cat.
I always say his videos, he always spend some time to set up his portals which is an con to some extent

Excala can kite people through the use of certain items or builds which he explains. Nobody is saying Eles can’t do that, I have specifically stated that Eles used the environment a lot defensively and offensively. If you look at Excala’s videos he really showcases this.

Mobility allows such the elemental able to use those tactics easier. Kiting is a strong tactic in this game.

Your idea of OP/broken is misguided. OP is when if an Ele can tank and do insane amount of damage that no other profession can compete. The reality is that Eles are not the #1 tank/bunker in fact Guardians are. Damage from an Ele is not high compared to other professions like Mesmers or Thieves. What an Ele has is superior usage of the environment along with a nice “toolkit” to use to adapt to situations. The reality is that Eles are strong while certain flavors of s/d in s/tPvP are really really strong.

No, I was replying to the fact that his opponent outplay his elemental. Reacting to a RTL cast by casting immobilize should reward the attacker. The attack counter the build and his cast. Therefore, the elemental should die. If the game does not reward should a brilliant counter, then the game is broken

I never had a problem running away on multiple professions outside of an Ele.

there you said it. why does an elemental in particular gives you so much trouble

What you forgot about staff 2 is that you blink but you can swap weapons to like say a focus OH for swiftness along with a cripple if the enemy moves through it or to pull the enemy back if they past it. That in itself can help you escape along with portals and stealth.

I mention the mesmer lack of swiftness boon and the fact that staff #2 have to be properly micro. #2 staff only gives slightly more distance than a guy with swiftness boon which means a guy with swiftness will always beat a mesmer in a race.

Portals have to be set up. Stealth uses up another utility

Sure sword 3 is buggy at times but RTL is extremely buggy and has a signficantly higher CD now. RTL to a mob but the game doesn’t connect your RTL well it is 40s CD not 20s. And yes I tried this today. The point is that regardless of how buggy a skill is in a perfect world where these skills are not bugged Mesmers have good options to disengage from a battle if they wanted to.

Now, RTL have a larger CD since it was nerfed. I was talking about it in its pre nerf state

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Benji.9203


I wonder if some of you even realize that D/D is considered nonviable by many top level players. S/D is the preferred weapon set, with it’s higher healing, blinds to secure stomps (saves mist form), free armor, longer range, spamable low cooldown abilities for signet heal, zoning ability, burst, etc.

Crying about D/D is kind of a sign that you don’t actually understand the problem and shouldn’t be taken seriously in balance discussions.

This is something I’ve always thought too.

It’s funny when you hear people say “scepter is basically unusable”. I’m like whaaaa

I thought I may have been the only one. (sigh of relief)

I have always found dps oriented builds to be much easier utilized with a scepter main hand rather than a dagger (More so with RTL nerf). D/D aoe is fairly easy to kite away from and predict imo. More reason why glass builds (especially d/d) are at a disadvantage.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576



The way I see it is that Osicat uses burst but also the insane juking mechanic of a mesmer along with great in combat mobility to confuse opponents and go for a kill when the opportunity comes. This is no different from Excala using a bunker build with knights and crit dmg. He uses walls, trees, and the environment along with unique Ele mechanics to create opportunities to take down opponents. All skilled players will maximize their professions to create opportunities that they can exploit to take down their opponent. Nobody who is skilled rely solely on the fact that they have high burst or high tankiness. That helps but it isn’t like 100% win or anything.

As for food there are a lot more that are really really strong outside of crit dmg. Mango Pie regen is better than 100 healing power food. -Cond Duration is really strong under certain builds (-33% immob, chill, cripple stack for example). Zerg food like composte.

There are a lot of things that you have to set up that doesn’t mean it is a con. That is like saying Earth 5 isn’t that great because you have to set it up and use a cantrip to actually hit something. The mentality is that if you want to use a portal juke you would first know where your enemies are, set the start portal, then after some time you set the end portal. The choice is yours if you end up using it or not to juke. Compare that to Earth 5 + lightning flash set up. I channel Earth 5 but that doesn’t mean I’ll flash to the person I was fighting. I can flash to someone else that I just saw by panning my camera. Skilled players play proactively and keep their enemies guessing. Players that don’t play their profession at their fullest usually default or automate their combos where they use the same thing/moves/combos 90% of the time.

Mobility allows such the elemental able to use those tactics easier. Kiting is a strong tactic in this game.

But a lot of classes have mobility and as I said before Eles mobility isn’t first class and other professions have great in combat mobility. What made Eles unique is the fact that they maximize the use of the environment like trees and walls. This gives them the needed edge for their lack of burst damage and tankiness.

No, I was replying to the fact that his opponent outplay his elemental. Reacting to a RTL cast by casting immobilize should reward the attacker. The attack counter the build and his cast. Therefore, the elemental should die. If the game does not reward should a brilliant counter, then the game is broken

You spot Ele attune to Air. You hit an immobilize they are forced to use a condition removal or swap to water attunement. On the one hand you are forcing the other player to do something or take damage. That should be rewarding in itself. On the other hand, this situation isn’t exclusive to Eles. Any profession can use a condition removal to remove immobilize to dodge and run away. So either the game is fine or every profession in the game with condition removal is broken.

What I said is that running away from a bad situation on other professions outside of an Ele like Thief, Mesmer, or Guard isn’t that hard.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I mention the mesmer lack of swiftness boon and the fact that staff #2 have to be properly micro. #2 staff only gives slightly more distance than a guy with swiftness boon which means a guy with swiftness will always beat a mesmer in a race.

Mesmers don’t lack swiftness boon. They can use focus OH which is common to use in WvW. That same skill also offers additional effects that allow Mesmers to pull enemies closer or the escape by pulling them further away.

If anyone that plays any profession needs to escape they will have a plan and route in mind. This goes from Eles to Thieves to Mesmers to Warriors. It is pointless to try to dash away only to realize you have nothing to follow up because they are on CD. If a Mesmer sees a situation that is bad 1vX wise then of course they would plan something and drop a portal. Or they can do that to juke enemies to burst someone. On paper is one story but the reality is that this gives Mesmer some really good option offensively and defensively.

Stealth uses an Elite. So what, just like Eles getting Fire GS on Elite for mobility. Or they use armor of earth for their only source of stability. It is like saying Eles have no stability because Armor of Earth uses another utility slot. You build your professions to cover certain weaknesses or to handle certain situations better. In roaming or 1vX stealth on elite is much better when you are by yourself against 2-4 other people.

Now, RTL have a larger CD since it was nerfed. I was talking about it in its pre nerf state

RTL was always buggy it just felt better since the CD wasn’t like 40s. Point is Mesmers have mobility in combat to close gaps like Eles. Both skills are buggy and that doesn’t take away from the fact that in perfect world Ele > Mesmer in combat mobility or vice versa. The fact that doing RTL + updraft is soo predictable and most Ele counter videos discuss predicting that and evading the combo.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


This subforum is a circle jerk for elementalist. The amount of elementalist outnumber me. I do not have the time to respond to each and every post.

Many of us play multiple classes. I play mesmer about as much as I play ele. I want Ele to be as enjoyable as the other classes, not for it to be the best.

The fact is that it hard to kill a good d/d elementalist in spvp and wvwvw.

Only if they’re running a bunker build. If they’re not, then it boils down to your skill vs. theirs.

The need some type of nerf and buff to compensate for the mobility nerf. However, Anet have done little to solve this problem.

Agreed, but I would rather they restore the mobility and balance other skills/numbers around that because many people decided to play ele BECAUSE of their mobility. Taking away mobility and buffing other skills to compensate is one way to balance the class, but it is not the ideal way. It’d be like taking away stealth from thief but increasing thief survivability and damage to compensate. You end up with more stale gameplay.

Athough there is daphenoix, tpvp, and other famous people who make this build OP. Anet will definitely have balance it base on the skill cap. Or else, we end up with a situation with Akuma and Super Street Fighter.

What is “this” build that you are referring to? D/D ele is not a build. Daphoenix plays a very different build from what many top players run in tpvp. His setup also does very low damage — he slowly wins in his videos because he isn’t fighting very good players.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hanako.1827


There is no reason to nerf the skill in PvE. They split other skills they nerfed this patch, I honestly don’t understand why they didn’t split this one when such a split was so obviously the way to go.

I can only conclude someone gets a jolly from pointless, mean spirited nerfs.

wvwvw is considered to be pve. rtl needed the nerf there because the ele beat a thief as the best roaming class. I guess anet wanted to change that

All I hear is “Gaize, d/d elementalist was beating me and I don’t liek dat so I agree wiv the changez”. It’s quite clear that you main thief, you’re either jealous, stupid or both.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: DarnDevil IV.2143

DarnDevil IV.2143

I agree that a 40sec cd is a bit overkill… but let’s accept it.

The thing is, engaging on 3 or more people and working it out (with other class than the thief) is quite OP, IMHO. The 40sec cd has no effect on 1v1 battles (with a tanky build, but the glass cannons are pretty much dead now which is bad nerfing) but it will make you think twice before going into the middle of a group of players.

Why thieves can survive this then? It is because they can’t accomplish anything solo in that kind of situations. You can’t stomp with a glass cannon thief in the middle of 3 ppl if they know what they are doing.

Warrior has the greatest mobility in game on the long run but is forced to gs, the thief has the best mobility but is not so good in team fights apart from decimating ppl to downed state, otherwise they can just stay ranged or get blown up.

Ele could do all the things but I think this RTL change will balance up things in the game, glass cannon eles just need new toys to make it worth it. Grab a FGS and you can run like a wind when you need to. Let’s face it, we can still escape, now it just takes more skill and is harded to pull of when there is 2+ ppl.

That equals more balance to me, and yes I play ele and yes the 40sec cd hurts but I have a level 80 necro so we should be happy with the mobility eles have. If you want to solo roam, reroll a thief, thieves are the best solo roamers in the game.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: makku.2508


Dude, a d/d elemental was the best build in the game.

Yep guys, you heard it. Best. Build. In. The. Game.

Seriously, stop embarassing yourself already. Get back to the Thief forum.

There is only one god, and his name is Death.
And there is only one thing we say to Death: ‘Not today’.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Dude, a d/d elemental was the best build in the game.

Yep guys, you heard it. Best. Build. In. The. Game.

Seriously, stop embarassing yourself already. Get back to the Thief forum.

Was the best heals, stun, aoe damage, ridiculously high versatility to the point that everyone call it the jack of all trades, boon generation, mobility, tankinesss

yea, I really am embarassing myself

I think thieves would love some tankiness other than stealth

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Mesmers don’t lack swiftness boon. They can use focus OH which is common to use in WvW. That same skill also offers additional effects that allow Mesmers to pull enemies closer or the escape by pulling them further away.

easy defeated by dodging. The problem is not exactly the lack of swiftness boon but the lack of swiftness uptime. Focus is a nicely design weapon in Wvwvw. Temporal curtain is awesome

If anyone that plays any profession needs to escape they will have a plan and route in mind. This goes from Eles to Thieves to Mesmers to Warriors. It is pointless to try to dash away only to realize you have nothing to follow up because they are on CD. If a Mesmer sees a situation that is bad 1vX wise then of course they would plan something and drop a portal. Or they can do that to juke enemies to burst someone. On paper is one story but the reality is that this gives Mesmer some really good option offensively and defensively.

Stealth uses an Elite. So what, just like Eles getting Fire GS on Elite for mobility. Or they use armor of earth for their only source of stability. It is like saying Eles have no stability because Armor of Earth uses another utility slot. You build your professions to cover certain weaknesses or to handle certain situations better. In roaming or 1vX stealth on elite is much better when you are by yourself against 2-4 other people.

The problems is that elemental is notoriously difficult to catch and has the ability to reset battle. Thevies are still nake which the player can aoe and other goodies. Mesmer are slow. Warrior just are plainly affected by all CC. This update just limits the distance that elemental can disengage. Each fight will be a high risk and reward the way Anet wants it


RTL was always buggy it just felt better since the CD wasn’t like 40s. Point is Mesmers have mobility in combat to close gaps like Eles. Both skills are buggy and that doesn’t take away from the fact that in perfect world Ele > Mesmer in combat mobility or vice versa. The fact that doing RTL + updraft is soo predictable and most Ele counter videos discuss predicting that and evading the combo.

RTL was design to close gaps. The nerf was anet reflection of it. Notice the 20 sec cd when RTL hits something

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756



The way I see it is that Osicat uses burst but also the insane juking mechanic of a mesmer along with great in combat mobility to confuse opponents and go for a kill when the opportunity comes. This is no different from Excala using a bunker build with knights and crit dmg. He uses walls, trees, and the environment along with unique Ele mechanics to create opportunities to take down opponents. All skilled players will maximize their professions to create opportunities that they can exploit to take down their opponent. Nobody who is skilled rely solely on the fact that they have high burst or high tankiness. That helps but it isn’t like 100% win or anything.

As for food there are a lot more that are really really strong outside of crit dmg. Mango Pie regen is better than 100 healing power food. -Cond Duration is really strong under certain builds (-33% immob, chill, cripple stack for example). Zerg food like composte.

There are a lot of things that you have to set up that doesn’t mean it is a con. That is like saying Earth 5 isn’t that great because you have to set it up and use a cantrip to actually hit something. The mentality is that if you want to use a portal juke you would first know where your enemies are, set the start portal, then after some time you set the end portal. The choice is yours if you end up using it or not to juke. Compare that to Earth 5 + lightning flash set up. I channel Earth 5 but that doesn’t mean I’ll flash to the person I was fighting. I can flash to someone else that I just saw by panning my camera. Skilled players play proactively and keep their enemies guessing. Players that don’t play their profession at their fullest usually default or automate their combos where they use the same thing/moves/combos 90% of the time.

Currently, food isnt balance. No matter how much we theory craft. Anet just wanted to nerf the mobility.

I dont think anybody are asking a nerf bat to their fighting abilities. They just dont want them to reset battle as easily.

But a lot of classes have mobility and as I said before Eles mobility isn’t first class and other professions have great in combat mobility. What made Eles unique is the fact that they maximize the use of the environment like trees and walls. This gives them the needed edge for their lack of burst damage and tankiness.

might stacking changes the equation a little bit which mean any build will have decent damage. I agree that there are trade off but all classes have the same trade offs.

You spot Ele attune to Air. You hit an immobilize they are forced to use a condition removal or swap to water attunement. On the one hand you are forcing the other player to do something or take damage. That should be rewarding in itself. On the other hand, this situation isn’t exclusive to Eles. Any profession can use a condition removal to remove immobilize to dodge and run away. So either the game is fine or every profession in the game with condition removal is broken.

What I said is that running away from a bad situation on other professions outside of an Ele like Thief, Mesmer, or Guard isn’t that hard.

Dude, figuring out when the elemental is using a certain skill and the opponent counters it. I do not see a problem. Besides, Element have access to invulnerability because these moment happen. For a class that can always overcome being overplayed is overpowered.

Thevies get countered by channel attack before steal or dodgerolling

Mesmer get counter by dodge rolling the burst and LOS or condition

Every class have its flaw which helps balance the game. I do not see anything wrong with the ele dying in that scenerio.

nobody complain about other classes resetting battles.

Maybe Guard since they heal like crazy. I wonder if AH trait will be nerf

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: makku.2508


I think thieves would love some tankiness other than stealth

Then spec for it? No? Why? Because your damage would drop to a point it’s as pathetic as a D/D Ele’s damage and you couldn’t instagib people with 10k backstabs anymore?

Again, stop embarassing yourself. Get back to the Thief forums.

There is only one god, and his name is Death.
And there is only one thing we say to Death: ‘Not today’.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I think thieves would love some tankiness other than stealth

Then spec for it? No? Why? Because your damage would drop to a point it’s as pathetic as a D/D Ele’s damage and you couldn’t instagib people with 10k backstabs anymore?

Again, stop embarassing yourself. Get back to the Thief forums.

Thief Defense tree is stealth. You Stop trolling

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: makku.2508


I think thieves would love some tankiness other than stealth

Then spec for it? No? Why? Because your damage would drop to a point it’s as pathetic as a D/D Ele’s damage and you couldn’t instagib people with 10k backstabs anymore?

Again, stop embarassing yourself. Get back to the Thief forums.

Thief bunker tree is stealth. You Stop trolling

There’s something in that game called armor stats. Plenty of tanky stats to your avail.

Again, stop embarassing yourself. Get back to the Thief forums.

There is only one god, and his name is Death.
And there is only one thing we say to Death: ‘Not today’.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I think thieves would love some tankiness other than stealth

Then spec for it? No? Why? Because your damage would drop to a point it’s as pathetic as a D/D Ele’s damage and you couldn’t instagib people with 10k backstabs anymore?

Again, stop embarassing yourself. Get back to the Thief forums.

Thief bunker tree is stealth. You Stop trolling

There’s something in that game called armor stats. Plenty of tanky stats to your avail.

Again, stop embarassing yourself. Get back to the Thief forums.

yea…. make a build that will always lose against a 1vs1. gosh I must be smart…..

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: makku.2508


I think thieves would love some tankiness other than stealth

Then spec for it? No? Why? Because your damage would drop to a point it’s as pathetic as a D/D Ele’s damage and you couldn’t instagib people with 10k backstabs anymore?

Again, stop embarassing yourself. Get back to the Thief forums.

Thief bunker tree is stealth. You Stop trolling

There’s something in that game called armor stats. Plenty of tanky stats to your avail.

Again, stop embarassing yourself. Get back to the Thief forums.

yea…. make a build that will always lose against a 1vs1. gosh I must be smart…..

You said you wanted to be tanky. I told you how to do it. You’re still moaning. WTF?

<- Thief forum is this way.

There is only one god, and his name is Death.
And there is only one thing we say to Death: ‘Not today’.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I think thieves would love some tankiness other than stealth

Then spec for it? No? Why? Because your damage would drop to a point it’s as pathetic as a D/D Ele’s damage and you couldn’t instagib people with 10k backstabs anymore?

Again, stop embarassing yourself. Get back to the Thief forums.

Thief bunker tree is stealth. You Stop trolling

There’s something in that game called armor stats. Plenty of tanky stats to your avail.

Again, stop embarassing yourself. Get back to the Thief forums.

yea…. make a build that will always lose against a 1vs1. gosh I must be smart…..

You said you wanted to be tanky. I told you how to do it. You’re still moaning. WTF?

<- Thief forum is this way.

I didnt say I wanted to be tanky. Beside I never like playing a thief since they class is stupidly designed.

The goal I want is balance. The state of ele during the pre nerf was OP. Face it d/d element is OP

Thevies are not OP

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Thieves are not OP haha! I laughed so hard I almost peed! So stabbing even tanky people for 10k then resetting the fight then stealthing so you can keep trying to hit them for another 10k over and over again till you kill them isn’t OP? And I can stab squishy people for more than that usually. Eles used to be able to get away, but are now guaranteed kills for any thief with half a brain. Oh and if more of his buddies show up you can just stealth and be halfway across the map watching them try to AoE the spot where you used to be standing while you bust out some sweet dance moves. Yeah thief is totally not OP. Just look how weak this is.
and this was before all the buffs they recently got making them even more OP. As the other guy said, go back to the thief forum and stop trolling on here.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Thieves are not OP haha! I laughed so hard I almost peed! So stabbing even tanky people for 10k then resetting the fight then stealthing so you can keep trying to hit them for another 10k over and over again till you kill them isn’t OP? Oh and if more of his buddies show up you can just stealth and be halfway across the map watching them try to AoE the spot where you used to be standing while you bust out some sweet dance moves. Yeah thief is totally not OP. Just look how weak this is.
and this was before all the buffs they recently got making them even more OP. As the other guy said, go back to the thief forum and stop trolling on here.

yea nice example

the guy had gear superiority. Food buffs too.

charging into guys in while he had a back up zerg

Before the March update which means he is abusing culling.

very little one vs many situations and his opponents attention is divided.

I rate that thief a very average cheap shot.

a d/d elemental duel him pretty nicely

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


I agree that a 40sec cd is a bit overkill… but let’s accept it.

The thing is, engaging on 3 or more people and working it out (with other class than the thief) is quite OP, IMHO. The 40sec cd has no effect on 1v1 battles (with a tanky build, but the glass cannons are pretty much dead now which is bad nerfing) but it will make you think twice before going into the middle of a group of players.

I agree that you generally should not be able to run into 3 people, start losing, and then disengage. But there are ways to prevent that without crippling Ele’s ability to move around the map in general. For example, by reducing RtL’s range to 1.2k (which they already did). Now one RtL won’t take you out of range of your attackers so they can keep you in combat.

Why thieves can survive this then? It is because they can’t accomplish anything solo in that kind of situations. You can’t stomp with a glass cannon thief in the middle of 3 ppl if they know what they are doing.

Warrior has the greatest mobility in game on the long run but is forced to gs, the thief has the best mobility but is not so good in team fights apart from decimating ppl to downed state, otherwise they can just stay ranged or get blown up.

Several things wrong here. First, glass cannon thief can still shadowstep-stomp, which is usually very safe. Second, you’re assuming that the thief is glass cannon. You can make a semi-tanky highdamage D/P thief (see Cruuk’s 10/30/30/0/0 build). I’ve won many 1v3 fights on my D/P thief — often against bad players, but no class wins 1v3s against equally matched players.

Third, Thief is great in WvW team fights. The thief’s weakness in tPvP team fights is that all the fighting takes place on one tiny node filled w/ AOE. WvW team fights are far more spread out, so you don’t have this problem. In fact, WvW team fights are where the thief shines the most, because you can vulture down people who have been injured by your teammates and have been forced to pop their cooldowns.

Ele could do all the things but I think this RTL change will balance up things in the game, glass cannon eles just need new toys to make it worth it. Grab a FGS and you can run like a wind when you need to. Let’s face it, we can still escape, now it just takes more skill and is harded to pull of when there is 2+ ppl.

We’re less effective at escaping. Whether you escape or not depends on who is chasing you. It’s not a “skill” issue for anyone who’s played ele for more than a few weeks — it’s very easy to cycle through your remaining mobility skills and to activate your snares.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


Was the best heals, stun, aoe damage, ridiculously high versatility to the point that everyone call it the jack of all trades, boon generation, mobility, tankinesss

yea, I really am embarassing myself

I think thieves would love some tankiness other than stealth

You’re embarrassing yourself because the Ele actually didn’t have any of that.

Ele doesn’t naturally have the best heals, but Eles running bunker D/D commonly made use of Runes of the Monk and Water primarily for boon duration but also healing power. How many Thieves were using those Runes? Probably none, as many other classes would not, hence the perception of Ele heals is artificially inflated.

Stun? REALLY? Pistol Whip says hello. In the popular D/D build the Ele had access to only ONE stun, Shocking Aura. Which was great to avoid a telegraphed melee burst, but over its duration could only affect a unique target twice for a total of 2s of stun. And it required the enemy to HIT you, whereas a skill like Pistol Whip or Shield Bash are used offensively.

As for AoE damage? Yes, we do AoE. Even in full zerker output the damage is comparably low, in full bunker which the majority of Eles HAVE to run to survive to even do damage, said damage is abysmally low.

Boon generation was decent, problem was Eles HAD to boon up or be extremely squishy. Not booning as a D/D was and is simply not an option in almost any build, hence its not really valid as an argument. Other classes can easily outpace an Ele in damage normally for example, even if an Ele is running with maxed out Bloodlust and might stacks.

Mobility was meh. About half the other professions in game even prior to the RtL nerf had combined distances on their gap closers/creators well in excess of what the Ele could do. The issue for many was the Ele’s “burst mobility” which discouraged pursuit, but wasn’t difficult for any experienced player. Even watching daphoenix play prior to the nerf, you can see he has trouble disengaging not only through use of both weapon movement and utility skills but also in combination with inventory items. I mean, how often do you see Warriors and Thieves making use of Hylek Poison as a NECESSARY COMPONENT of their gameplay?

Tankiness was a byproduct of heals, cleansing and gearing, which was only achieved via full bunker builds. And nerfed into the ground. AND necessary for a tissue paper armor wearing melee combatant with comparatively low mobility.

How is it people don’t get it? I mean, I understand the difference between berserker and cleric or PVT gear, but all the “nerf Ele” people don’t seem to. Its also as if many believe the Ele can simultaneously wear all sets of gear, while quadruple wielding Scepter-Dagger-Staves and running a 30/30/30/30/30 build.

Unless I’m missing some secret exploit, that’s not possible.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


I just don’t understand it. Other classes have similar skills (Warrior’s Savage Leap, Rush, Ranger’s leaps on sword and greatsword, thief heartseeker spam) and yet they have a way lower cooldown.

Why? They do the exact same thing? And don’t give me the crap of an elementalist is supposed to be slower. An ele is a kitten wizard and wizards can dissapparate.

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I just don’t understand it. Other classes have similar skills (Warrior’s Savage Leap, Rush, Ranger’s leaps on sword and greatsword, thief heartseeker spam) and yet they have a way lower cooldown.

Why? They do the exact same thing? And don’t give me the crap of an elementalist is supposed to be slower. An ele is a kitten wizard and wizards can dissapparate.

those skill are affected by external factors. You can still stun a thief or warrior using leap skills.

RTL… once activated the only thing the enemy can do it dodge or perhaps blind.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


those skill are affected by external factors. You can still stun a thief or warrior using leap skills.

RTL… once activated the only thing the enemy can do it dodge or perhaps blind.

Before you keep posting disinformation and hyperbole, you may want to read the Notes on this:

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


As for AoE damage? Yes, we do AoE. Even in full zerker output the damage is comparably low, in full bunker which the majority of Eles HAVE to run to survive to even do damage, said damage is abysmally low.

Boon generation was decent, problem was Eles HAD to boon up or be extremely squishy. Not booning as a D/D was and is simply not an option in almost any build, hence its not really valid as an argument. Other classes can easily outpace an Ele in damage normally for example, even if an Ele is running with maxed out Bloodlust and might stacks.

I am thief, I am squishy when I do not use stealth

I am mesmer I am squishy when I do not teleport

I a aguard I am squashy when I do not trait for healing

I am a warrior, I am squishy if the opponent do not die

I can keep going. Stop arguing about class feature they are meant to be used. They are tanky and you just admitted it

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


I am thief, I am squishy when I do not use stealth

I am mesmer I am squishy when I do not teleport

I a aguard I am squashy when I do not trait for healing

I am a warrior, I am squishy if the opponent do not die

I can keep going. Stop arguing about class feature they are meant to be used. They are tanky and you just admitted it

You might not want to keep going. Boon generation is not a class feature of Eles, most of our boons come from self-comboing on fields, WHICH ANY CLASS CAN DO. hence its not a unique feature, as I said.

Eles are not tanky by nature. They need to build for it just to reach the baseline survivability of other classes who don’t need to boon up for survival. Which means the Ele has to sacrifice a lot to get to the starting line of class power balancing.

Can you not even read? When was the last time you saw a Thief or Mesmer running boon duration runes because they HAD TO JUST TO SURVIVE? Again, Eles are not tanky unless they build for it, which they have to just to compete with other professions’ inherent survivability.

If you can’t understand that simple fact, then there’s really no point in arguing with you, you obviously are here just to get further nerfs to the Ele for whatever sadistic reasons you have, I presume because you want Eles to be loot and badge pinatas in WvWvW.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I am thief, I am squishy when I do not use stealth

I am mesmer I am squishy when I do not teleport

I a aguard I am squashy when I do not trait for healing

I am a warrior, I am squishy if the opponent do not die

I can keep going. Stop arguing about class feature they are meant to be used. They are tanky and you just admitted it

You might not want to keep going. Boon generation is not a class feature of Eles, most of our boons come from self-comboing on fields, WHICH ANY CLASS CAN DO. hence its not a unique feature, as I said.

Eles are not tanky by nature. They need to build for it just to reach the baseline survivability of other classes who don’t need to boon up for survival. Which means the Ele has to sacrifice a lot to get to the starting line of class power balancing.

Can you not even read? When was the last time you saw a Thief or Mesmer running boon duration runes because they HAD TO JUST TO SURVIVE? Again, Eles are not tanky unless they build for it, which they have to just to compete with other professions’ inherent survivability.

If you can’t understand that simple fact, then there’s really no point in arguing with you, you obviously are here just to get further nerfs to the Ele for whatever sadistic reasons you have, I presume because you want Eles to be loot and badge pinatas in WvWvW.

Currently, some people are not affected by the change because they are using RTL as it was intended. A gap closure

If you were one of the people who been using it as solely a get out jail card.

Anet basically told you were abusing the skill and have to be nerfed.

Besides, the problem is not fighting a elemental but the fact they can reset the battle at their luxury.

Anet nerf that and get use to it

All classes make sacrifices and each sacrifice is unique for each class. Stop using that as an excuse

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nerien.5412


I a aguard I am squashy when I do not trait for healing

Sorry, I never had to trait for healing on my guardian in order to survive…

marnick.4305: “Just because you went down last
doesn’t mean you’re the best player in the group
it means the enemies considered you a low priority.”

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scryar.2954


I am thief, I am squishy when I do not use stealth

I am mesmer I am squishy when I do not teleport

I a aguard I am squashy when I do not trait for healing

I am a warrior, I am squishy if the opponent do not die

I can keep going. Stop arguing about class feature they are meant to be used. They are tanky and you just admitted it

You might not want to keep going. Boon generation is not a class feature of Eles, most of our boons come from self-comboing on fields, WHICH ANY CLASS CAN DO. hence its not a unique feature, as I said.

Eles are not tanky by nature. They need to build for it just to reach the baseline survivability of other classes who don’t need to boon up for survival. Which means the Ele has to sacrifice a lot to get to the starting line of class power balancing.

Can you not even read? When was the last time you saw a Thief or Mesmer running boon duration runes because they HAD TO JUST TO SURVIVE? Again, Eles are not tanky unless they build for it, which they have to just to compete with other professions’ inherent survivability.

If you can’t understand that simple fact, then there’s really no point in arguing with you, you obviously are here just to get further nerfs to the Ele for whatever sadistic reasons you have, I presume because you want Eles to be loot and badge pinatas in WvWvW.

Currently, some people are not affected by the change because they are using RTL as it was intended. A gap closure

If you were one of the people who been using it as solely a get out jail card.

Anet basically told you were abusing the skill and have to be nerfed.

Besides, the problem is not fighting a elemental but the fact they can reset the battle at their luxury.

Anet nerf that and get use to it

All classes make sacrifices and each sacrifice is unique for each class. Stop using that as an excuse

Seroiusly you have absolutely no clue about ele. cant you just get the kitten out of our forum?

WvsW smallscale & tpvp
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I a aguard I am squashy when I do not trait for healing

Sorry, I never had to trait for healing on my guardian in order to survive…

true, I was mentioning AH for bunker build. There are build that do not require AH but I was just tossing class mechanics around for the sake of an argument.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Thrashbarg.9820


I wonder why so many comments in this forum are from non-elementalist players.

As a player with over 1500 hours on elementalist and hundreds more across several other classes, I see those posts as “hi, I know next to nothing about one of the most complex classes in the game, however, I’d like to see it have all abilities I do not understand removed so that I can easily kill them without having to learn anything”.

I don’t rant on the necro or mesmer forums (the only 2 classes I don’t know anything about other than that when well played they are tough opponents).

There’s also a good measure of confusion about what winning means. Apparently to some people, winning means being unkillable. In tPvP that is true, and guardians do it a lot easier, if not better as well.

In WvW there is NO point to running away constantly other than to troll newbies. When I see an enemy D/D elementalist with a bunker setup trolling a group of my allies, I usually silently thank them for keeping those people away from the real action, where they would likely be free rallies to the enemy zerg….

Do they plan to make all mobility skills have double cooldowns if they miss? If not, why just RtL? One tPvP map?

Currently, some people are not affected by the change because they are using RTL as it was intended. A gap closure

I mostly used it as a gap closer and burst damage before the change. D/D bunker mobility was the target but they hit my S/D burst build square in the junk.

Between aegis, invulnerability, blind, stealth, dodges, animation glitches, server lag, and melee cleaving my rabbits right before RtL gets me to them, it goes on the long cooldown more often than not. I don’t generally use it to escape, either, since a well timed immobilize (or one of a dozen being spammed from a zerg) turns it into a deathtrap.

Hats off to all the ones who stood before me, and taught a fool to ride.

(edited by Thrashbarg.9820)

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I wonder why so many comments in this forum are from non-elementalist players.

As a player with over 1500 hours on elementalist and hundreds more across several other classes, I see those posts as “hi, I know next to nothing about one of the most complex classes in the game, however, I’d like to see it have all abilities I do not understand removed so that I can easily kill them without having to learn anything”.

I don’t rant on the necro or mesmer forums (the only 2 classes I don’t know anything about other than that when well played they are tough opponents).

There’s also a good measure of confusion about what winning means. Apparently to some people, winning means being unkillable. In tPvP that is true, and guardians do it a lot easier, if not better as well.

In WvW there is NO point to running away constantly other than to troll newbies. When I see an enemy D/D elementalist with a bunker setup trolling a group of my allies, I usually silently thank them for keeping those people away from the real action, where they would likely be free rallies to the enemy zerg….

Do they plan to make all mobility skills have double cooldowns if they miss? If not, why just RtL? One tPvP map?

Currently, some people are not affected by the change because they are using RTL as it was intended. A gap closure

I mostly used it as a gap closer and burst damage before the change. D/D bunker mobility was the target but they hit my S/D burst build square in the junk.

Between aegis, invulnerability, blind, stealth, dodges, animation glitches, server lag, and melee cleaving my rabbits right before RtL gets me to them, it goes on the long cooldown more often than not. I don’t generally use it to escape, either, since a well timed immobilize (or one of a dozen being spammed from a zerg) turns it into a deathtrap.

I said something about hit mechanics. The same mechanics apply to stealth which Anet should change. I already noted that it is buggy.

those those effects will not trigger an hit. Hit means doing damage in this game

Block, miss or many others do not trigger an hit which makes stealth strong but RTL weak

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


Besides, the problem is not fighting a elemental but the fact they can reset the battle at their luxury.

Its almost like you’re intentionally trying to show how much you don’t know.

The whole thrust of legitimate Ele QQ was the x/D bunker build in PvP. Do you understand that in PvP the point is to capture and hold points on the map? If you’re running away, you’re not capping.

The problem in PvP was the fact that the Ele’s weaknesses (low damage, low mobility) didn’t matter. To win, you needed to cap and HOLD. To do so, all you needed was to survive on the point. So lots of vigor, protection, regen and heals were needed, which classes like the Guardian can do much better anyway.

Do you even know what a “bunker” is? A stationary, defensive structure. Alludes to the bunker build by being tough and totally defensive. This type of build is terrible at damage output, which makes it uncompetitive in WvWvW, PvE and dungeons. High level fractals its useless, since if you get hit you die, which means DPS is king there as well.

In fact if you actually played D/D bunker in WvWvW for example, you’d quickly see that the build lacks any killing power, and only wins if the opponent(s) make glaring mistakes, repeatedly. “Resetting” the fight is only beneficial if you have the damage output to win, which, barring the above mentioned mistakes, the Ele doesn’t. The only upside to this tactic is stalling and harassing multiple foes, which other professions can easily do, because they possess tools inherent to their class to do so. Heck even Engineers are great at this:

So again, just stop posting if you can’t even be bothered to comprehend what other people are posting.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Thrashbarg.9820


Currently, some people are not affected by the change because they are using RTL as it was intended. A gap closure

I said something about hit mechanics. The same mechanics apply to stealth which Anet should change. I already noted that it is buggy.

those those effects will not trigger an hit. Hit means doing damage in this game

Block, miss or many others do not trigger an hit which makes stealth strong but RTL weak

I was responding to the quote that I re-quoted. You said my useage of RtL wasn’t affected by this patch. It was. My burst and gap closer ability has been reduced.

I know what “on hit” means in this game, thanks. Giving this skill a doubled cooldown on hit is in no way balanced. Heartseeker doesn’t cost double the initiative when used for mobility or if it misses for any reason. Heck, my warrior can use eviscerate to break immobilize and gain a fire aura if I find a fire field (easy), and if I miss something, I get to KEEP my adrenaline AND the skill gets a REDUCED cooldown.

No other gap closer in the game gets a cooldown increase if it misses, or a cooldown decrease if it hits (if you’d prefer to view it that way).

If you want to play “X class can do Y, so A class should be able to do B” we can do that all day, but I’ll take the bunker elementalist route and just run away from that argument. Which is cool, cause I guess that means I won. Winning illogical arguments by avoidance ftw!

(edit: forum mangled my quoting….)

Hats off to all the ones who stood before me, and taught a fool to ride.

Nerf Magnet - Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I was responding to the quote that I re-quoted. You said my useage of RtL wasn’t affected by this patch. It was. My burst and gap closer ability has been reduced.

I know what “on hit” means in this game, thanks. Giving this skill a doubled cooldown on hit is in no way balanced. Heartseeker doesn’t cost double the initiative when used for mobility or if it misses for any reason. Heck, my warrior can use eviscerate to break immobilize and gain a fire aura if I find a fire field (easy), and if I miss something, I get to KEEP my adrenaline AND the skill gets a REDUCED cooldown.

If you want to play “X class can do Y, so A class should be able to do B” we can do that all day, but I’ll take the bunker elementalist route and just run away from that argument. Which is cool, cause I guess that means I won. Winning illogical arguments by avoidance ftw!

I know that this patch sucks.

In reality, Anet is trying to change the usage habits of RTL. On paper it shouldnt change; however, the hidden nuisance to the change made things so much worse.

I agree to those statements.

For the RTL change….I wonder if anet could of done better. So, far people rarely made suggestions at all and keep iterating that they use it for escape etc. which is the unintended purpose.