[????] – HoD
New Ele Alt
For those settings I’d reccomend staff
Bad Elementalist
What do you want to do in WvW? Zerg / group play or more roaming oriented?
I agree with FrownyClown unless you plan on roaming solo.
more then likely just group play with my guildies. Not gonna go to heavily into ele but want to be somewhat useful when i do play him.
[????] – HoD
For casual ele play def go staff. Gear wise stay pretty balanced. Dont need too much healing power so focus on raw damage and toughness/vitality
Bad Elementalist
So I’m thinking of using something close to this. Hopefully I can get some feed back for it. Again this is for casual play in open pve and group wvw.
[????] – HoD
Less crit chance more crit damage. Build itself looks fine
Bad Elementalist
Updated Build: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?fEAQFAWhImmbxR5gjDAkHn4CLhCKUeMzO2A-jwxAYrgQfCSCsIas1zioxqYw0nER1ejioVLFQEjBA-e
Switched armor upgrades to Runes of the Wurm. Changed trinkets to Cavalier. Tried to have some half decent crit dmg, while keep some toughness.
[????] – HoD
Bad Elementalist
hmm, looks like it will work for me. Thank you for all the help FrownyClown.
[????] – HoD
Sure just change some traits for more dps if needed
Bad Elementalist