New Mechanic idea: Synergyc Elements
Switching from Air…
… to Fire: Fire Whirl: sends out a fire whirl traveling in a line, damaging and applying burning to enemies and granting swiftness to allies it passes through.
cast time: 0.5 seconds
travel range: 600
burning duration: 3 seconds (2 stacks)
swiftness duration: 8 seconds
number of targets: 5 enemies and 5 allies (including caster)
… to Water: Water Spout: sends out a water spout traveling in a line, damaging and applying vulnerability to enemies and granting vigor (or regeneration maybe) to allies it passes through.
cast time: 0.5 seconds
travel range: 600
vulnerability duration: 5 seconds (2 stacks)
vigor duration: 5 seconds
number of targets: 5 enemis and 5 allies (including caster)
… to Earth: Howling Rocks: sends out a resonating wave, damaging and dazing enemies around you (PBaoe).
cast time: 0.5 seconds
radious: 300
daze duration: 2 seconds
number of targets: 5
Switching from Water…
… to Fire: Overheating Steam: create a ground target area that explodes after 0.75 seconds, damaging, blowing up and burning enemies inside it.
cast time: 1 second
range: 900
radious: 300
burning duration: 3 seconds (1 stack)
number of targets: 5
combo finisher: blast
… to Air: Mist Conductor: create a mist link between you, enemy target and up to another enemy near it. After 2 seconds an electrical discharge passes through the link, damaging and stunning the linked targets.
cast time: 1.5 seconds
range: 450 (if target enemy gets farer than 600, the link is broken)
stun duration: 1.5 seconds
… to Earth: Quicksand: target area gets covered with quicksands, applying slow and cripple to enemies inside.
cast time: 1 second
range: 1200
radious: 300
slow and cripple duration: 2 seconds (apply on cast and every 2 seconds)
number of targets: 5
field duration: 6 seconds
combo field: dark (or ethereal maybe)
Switching from Earth…
… to Fire: Pyroclastic Flow: sends out a fast traveling debris wave, damaging, crippling and burning enemies it passes through.
cast time: 1 second
range: 1200
cripple duration: 5 seconds
burning duration: 5 seconds (1 stack)
number of targets: 5
… to Air: Fulgurite Dome: a lightning creates a fulgurite dome on target enemy, preventing it to move out. After 2 seconds the dome breaks, applying vulnerability and bleeding to the target.
cast time: 1 second
range: 900
vulnerability duration: 5 seconds (3 stacks)
bleeding duration: 8 seconds (3 stacks)
… to Water: Mud Flow: sends out a mud flow, damaging and applying slow and torment to enemies around you (PBaoe).
cast time: 1.5 seconds
radious: 450
slow duration: 4 seconds
torment duration: 5 seconds
number of targets: 5
This is definitely an interesting idea!
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
hehe I don’t know if they are going this way but I like your idea a lot! It is innovating and interesting
Ah btw some of the skill ideas that you are describing remind me of a post I did some time ago about my thoughts on how Tempest could work. Check it if you like:
(edited by Jaetara.4075)
With my suggestion to lingering element before they just delete this poor little weak trait, i can only +1 your suggestion ^^
One little thing tho:
I wouldnt require to press F5 one first time to “activate” it. The game should perma check the element combinaison. It allows you to react to some “surprise” if by chance you’re in the right combinaison to deal with it.
I think it’s a bit too late for Tempest, but i hope for the next elite spec <3
It does the job well :-)
i think it is a good idea
Ah btw some of the skill ideas that you are describing remind me of a post I did some time ago about my thoughts on how Tempest could work. Check it if you like:
I took a look, very nice idea too, i missed it ^^
One little thing tho:
I wouldnt require to press F5 one first time to “activate” it. The game should perma check the element combinaison. It allows you to react to some “surprise” if by chance you’re in the right combinaison to deal with it.
I see your point, and i like it very much! It all flips around on how much hard the use of this mechanic should be;
Anyway, i thought even to a variant: after activating Synergyc Elements the first time, when you select an attunement you do not switch to it, but instead you gain the new skill like described above, while the attunement you used to get the synergy goes on a cooldown for X seconds (something between 3 or 5); if that attunement is already on cooldown, it simply get extended.
This way you could get use of 3 different skills (by synergy) without switching your attunement, paying this with the impossibility to switch to the “used” attunement for a while.
Sounds interesting. Would definitely make the ele gameplay more innovative. I like it!