(edited by Nurfed.5346)
New into elementalist and new player overall!
Anything works in PvE. Raids are about maximizing DPS. For PvP we only have healbot as the only legit build in high tiers. We’re pretty much expecting general nerfs that will hurt the class more than it will hurt the specific build and we’re kind of not expecting any consolation buffs on other traits because that’s how Anet has always been. Oh wait, we’ll probably get another buff on shatterstone.
PVE – Good
WvW – Always been good (staff ele never gets out of meta)
PvP – Meh.
Ele is very good in pvp. It is the #1 support class. Damage oriented builds, however, are bad.
Ele is very good in pve. #1 damage class. Can also support well.
and I don’t really play wvw. can’t advise you there
ele is far better in large scale wvw and general pve. both have a place in raids and pvp. ele is a great choice and viable in all game modes
Bad Elementalist
yeah but pvp would my main endgame intrest and forced to go support sucks ): if andurstand correctly for solo roaming ele isnt that great whit scepter ether or am i gotten wrong information? i know in pve the really good atm .
roaming with scepter is very possible, though not popular because of its difficulty. anet is doing a big balance patch at the end of the month so we might see dps builds become viable in pvp
Bad Elementalist
I dont get why so many are saying they are bad in pvp, there more classes in worst states for pvp, the dps is fine, it may not be what it was but I do fine in pvp.
I didn’t say it was “bad”. I did say it was “Meh” because you can probably only play healbot in higher tiers which will probably get nerfed by the next balance patch unless Karl decides to show his mercy on it again.
Healbot Tempest is good but Elementalist’s current state in PvP wherein it only has 1 build that will soon be nerfed is bad.
auromancer is fun, the issue is that auromancer is the only viable build at the moment and being stuck to 1 build will always make that build less interesting over time. On the brighter side outside spvp the builds are rich and diverse, spvp just needs a tweak.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
If you’re looking for a build, I have a few depending on how you plan on playing here: http://asphyxia.tv/builds/