New patch notes for Ele?
no nerf. All buffs so far from the stream. Watch it at and skip to 25:16 for the elementalist talk. Burning speed will need a nerffffffffffffffff
(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)
no nerf. All buffs so far from the stream. Watch it at and skip to 25:16 for the elementalist talk. Burning speed will need a nerffffffffffffffff
I’m thinking most likely a revert. I’m confused as to why they bothered to do anything to it in the first place; it has never been wanting in comparison to other ele skills as it offers mobility, damage and a field all in one on a really good cooldown.
I’m really hoping they take a more comprehensive look at offhands/continue to streamline staff play.
no nerf. All buffs so far from the stream. Watch it at and skip to 25:16 for the elementalist talk. Burning speed will need a nerffffffffffffffff
Im curious as to why you think burning speed will need a nerf because it will get evade frames? It will be stronger in a duel but thats a duel and dueling balance is meh. You still know when the ele went in to fire anyway. You can proc electric discharge from a fresh air build and put out close to as much damage as burning speed over that same amount of time and thats instant non telegraphed 900 range damage. This allows a safe way for a main hand dagger user to do damage when the numbers get large safely.
Right now if there is any kind of hammer train or group fighting of 4-5 people you can’t safely apply any good damage safely. You can drake breath, cone of cold and churning earth the outside of the group but you can’t drop good damage inside the group. Only if you have armor of earth up, arcane shield or mist can you go in do something get smashed to about half health and mist out.
(edited by oZii.2864)
no nerf. All buffs so far from the stream. Watch it at and skip to 25:16 for the elementalist talk. Burning speed will need a nerffffffffffffffff
Im curious as to why you think burning speed will need a nerf because it will get evade frames? It will be stronger in a duel but thats a duel and dueling balance is meh. You still know when the ele went in to fire anyway. You can proc electric discharge from a fresh air build and put out close to as much damage as burning speed over that same amount of time and thats instant non telegraphed 900 range damage. This allows a safe way for a main hand dagger user to do damage when the numbers get large safely.
Right now if there is any kind of hammer train or group fighting of 4-5 people you can’t safely apply any good damage safely. You can drake breath, cone of cold and churning earth the outside of the group but you can’t drop good damage inside the group. Only if you have armor of earth up, arcane shield or mist can you go in do something get smashed to about half health and mist out.
I already explained my reasons on other threads where you posted Ozi. You support this update because well you main dagger. For me even if I was still using dagger as main I would still be realistic to see how this skill will be a bit too strong. I would argue that dueling balance is definitely not meh but I also understand that is a matter of opinion, experience and preference. I might consider something you find great as “meh” too. In summary, a single skill shouldn’t be offering all 4 excellent features which are: mobility, high damage, field and now evasion. The trade off of d/d is the melee range and that comes at the price of receiving more damage at higher scale battles. Burning speed was never in demand for a buff. It was already balanced. The weapon skills that actually do need buffs are completely ignored by Anet.
(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)
I already explained my reasons on other threads where you posted Ozi. You support this update because well you main dagger. For me even if I was still using dagger as main I would still be realistic to see how this skill will be a bit too strong. I would argue that dueling balance is definitely not meh but I also understand that is a matter of opinion, experience and preference. I might consider something you find great as “meh” too. In summary, a single skill shouldn’t be offering all 4 excellent features which are: mobility, high damage, field and now evasion. The trade off of d/d is the melee range and that comes at the price of receiving more damage at higher scale battles. Burning speed was never in demand for a buff. It was already balanced. The weapon skills that actually do need buffs are completely ignored by Anet.
I am not biased because I main D/D at all. I don’t think it is that big of a deal that it gets an evade because it is still a highly telegraphed move. The problem with D/D against competent enemies is that as soon as you swap attunements the opponent that has knowledge of a elementalist has an idea of what is coming.
A main hand dagger swaps to fire you know drakes, burning speed or ring of fire is coming. Fire Grab is coming IF you are on fire. It isn’t about the individual skill of burning speed being buffed which is what I think you are focused on it is the entire skill set. The reason Karl gave in stream is that as a D/D you would do burning speed and get smacked with a hammer which is true if you didn’t have stab up. You see 5+ hammer warriors fighting your group and you don’t have stab up all you can do is burn them with drakes or eat retal damage with lightning whip.
I am not saying dueling is “meh” I duel often, I am saying balancing around dueling is “meh” or to clarify I don’t get hung up on dueling balance it isn’t officially supported by Anet and they don’t balance around duels so why get hung up on the fact that something will make it harder to duel a specific spec.
Dueling is rock, paper, scissors so I don’t really get hung up on dueling I know people do but they really shouldn’t. I have 6 of the 8 classes at 80 and I know there is a build to rock, paper, scissor on all of my 6 classes. I can go get on my thief put on P/D with perp runes and kill just about everything in a duel and anything left I can’t beat get on my Necro and run Terrormancer and if that doesn’t work lame it up with Hambow. Still having my mesmer and PU to come off the bench. Win at all cost duelers do this often so why dwell on duel balance when someone can go get a rock to your scissors. Dueling is fun alot of fun but the game just isn’t balanced around dueling.
I want Ele to be viable not just in dueling, S/X and Staff only get play at high level s/tPvP if a Ele is even wanted main hand dagger is last choice. You are hung up on dueling balance when currently your preferred main hand would get picked before my preferred main hand. I am not biased but looking at the whole picture not just duels in the Obsidian sanctum or dueling servers. A S/X Ele gets +250 toughness within it’s set and 900 range and a 1:1 scaling heal with higher base then main hand dagger’s heal. A evade on D/X burning speed is not that big of a deal.
If I looked at it from dueling I see this helps a Ele against Mesmers, Necros, Warriors, Thieves, Engi’s, and Rangers. Classes who can lame it up going range in a duel forcing the Melee D/D Ele to eat all its damage before the Ele even gets there giving them a HP advantage. Something that your S/D or S/F Ele can deal with much better.
(edited by oZii.2864)
wow you make it sound like dueling is a competition to show who’s the “best”/ what class can beat a certain class.
wow you make it sound like dueling is a competition to show who’s the “best”/ what class can beat a certain class.
I don’t let the outcome of duels change my perspective of the game. I could care less really about the outcome of duels. I stated on these forums I lost to Serane 0-10. So E-Fame and pride is something I care little about. I just tried to put dueling in perspective of what it really is fun. I wouldn’t say they should nerf dragon tooth if they decide to make it more reliable for Ele’s to land just because it would make a duel with a S/D Ele harder. I don’t think they should revert the staff buffs they gave because it technically made them better in a 1v1. Revert the burning retreat buff on staff cause they are harder to kill?
Many people don’t come to duel much anymore to try new things most come to win. Fight a warrior running something weird beat him a few times he comes back with Hambow. Fight a thief running power beat them a few times they come back with P/D Perp I’ll never duel on my P/D thief running perp condi cause I know 9/10 it is a easy win why even bring it to duel?
Why bring my Terrormancer to duel then pick out the shout 30 valor Guardian or the D/D cantrip ele and slot corrupt boon, well of corruption, spectral wall with focus? Then next fight the condi Engi and put on plague signet, off hand dagger? Any necro worth their salt will tell you that you should never lose to another condition class with P/D being the hardest which is true. These type of things happen all the time at duels in the Sanctum.
I don’t duel much anymore except other Ele’s, power rangers, power thieves, power PU or Phantasm Mesmers and Med Guardians. Most sanctums are filled with P/D theives, PU condi mesmers, S/S bow warriors in full apoth with banners, Hambow warriors, Terrormancers.
(edited by oZii.2864)
In summary, a single skill shouldn’t be offering all 4 excellent features which are: mobility, high damage, field and now evasion. The trade off of d/d is the melee range and that comes at the price of receiving more damage at higher scale battles. Burning speed was never in demand for a buff. It was already balanced. The weapon skills that actually do need buffs are completely ignored by Anet.
I agree that one skill shouldn’t have too much going for it, but there are plenty of skills across all the classes that do one or two things too many.
-instant cast
-low cooldown
-removes snares
-creates distance
-still good damage
-low cooldown
-blast finisher
-aoe stun
Ideally, Anet would nerf the above and similar offenders, but they clearly don’t see much issue with them. Burning speed will be a bit too strong, but ele could use some skills that are a bit too good to compete with other classes better.
Yeah, it is regrettable that Anet ignores the useless ele skills. Burning retreat is only good for evades and creating some distance. It is a fire field too, but so is lava font. However, it takes longer to cooldown than burning speed. When the patch hits burning speed will literally be superior to retreat in every single way. Flamewall is still not technically a skill. It wouldn’t even be hard to fix some of these issues either. 10 or 12 second cooldown on retreat and it’s good. Flamewall turns into a circle the size of pre-nerf combustive shot. May not be the best solutions, but it would be better than doing nothing to them for over a year.
-Damage- 252
-Explosion – 571
-Blast Finisher
-Removes condition
-Range 900
Burning speed (with update)
- Fire wall damage 34
- Blast Damage 672
- Evade
- Fire field
- Aoe
- Range 600
Nerf phoenix cause it has to much stuff? I’m the biased person though rofl.
(edited by oZii.2864)
they could remove the field.
The evasion was needed.
If you can t see why you should try D/D in pve and see how its the 1st cause of Death in istances… (and you can t do nothing about it since the aftercast is so long that covers the Whole reaction window by a long margin)
Consider that the move is telegraphed due to positioning, and reactable…..
Also can t be used at will like blurred frenzy (both positioning and attunement requirements).
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I already explained my reasons on other threads where you posted Ozi. You support this update because well you main dagger. For me even if I was still using dagger as main I would still be realistic to see how this skill will be a bit too strong. I would argue that dueling balance is definitely not meh but I also understand that is a matter of opinion, experience and preference. I might consider something you find great as “meh” too. In summary, a single skill shouldn’t be offering all 4 excellent features which are: mobility, high damage, field and now evasion. The trade off of d/d is the melee range and that comes at the price of receiving more damage at higher scale battles. Burning speed was never in demand for a buff. It was already balanced. The weapon skills that actually do need buffs are completely ignored by Anet.
I am not biased because I main D/D at all. I don’t think it is that big of a deal that it gets an evade because it is still a highly telegraphed move. The problem with D/D against competent enemies is that as soon as you swap attunements the opponent that has knowledge of a elementalist has an idea of what is coming.
A main hand dagger swaps to fire you know drakes, burning speed or ring of fire is coming. Fire Grab is coming IF you are on fire. It isn’t about the individual skill of burning speed being buffed which is what I think you are focused on it is the entire skill set. The reason Karl gave in stream is that as a D/D you would do burning speed and get smacked with a hammer which is true if you didn’t have stab up. You see 5+ hammer warriors fighting your group and you don’t have stab up all you can do is burn them with drakes or eat retal damage with lightning whip.
I am not saying dueling is “meh” I duel often, I am saying balancing around dueling is “meh” or to clarify I don’t get hung up on dueling balance it isn’t officially supported by Anet and they don’t balance around duels so why get hung up on the fact that something will make it harder to duel a specific spec.
Dueling is rock, paper, scissors so I don’t really get hung up on dueling I know people do but they really shouldn’t. I have 6 of the 8 classes at 80 and I know there is a build to rock, paper, scissor on all of my 6 classes. I can go get on my thief put on P/D with perp runes and kill just about everything in a duel and anything left I can’t beat get on my Necro and run Terrormancer and if that doesn’t work lame it up with Hambow. Still having my mesmer and PU to come off the bench. Win at all cost duelers do this often so why dwell on duel balance when someone can go get a rock to your scissors. Dueling is fun alot of fun but the game just isn’t balanced around dueling.
Based on the first sentence on each paragraph you go on about dueling. I don’t know where you you got the idea I was referring to only dueling but I’ll give you my opinion and personal experience on this topic. Every single skill even the most telegraphed can land successfully against above average players as long as it isn’t as predictable and it is used at the right time. Those telegraph skills are a lot easier to land on higher scale battles. Every build have other builds that completely counter and there will be players that prove us wrong when we think one class/build can counter one of our Ele builds or for other professions. Anet always make up a reason for every unnecessary buff or nerf they make so that shouldn’t be taken as a defense. I would be ok if indeed d/d needed some love but it didn’t because it already have many useful and powerful skills. I completely doubt any good player ever complaint about burning speed. I just don’t see the need to buff burning speed when you can easily see many Ele players performing this skill on a group/Zerg without getting damaged and without the conjunction of other utilities to prevent receiving damage/interrupt. I said it once and I’ll say it again d/d already is the weapon of choice for all its reliable and useful skills.
It isn’t about the one skill burning speed alone. Look at the entire set up main hand dagger. Yet you say it will be to strong. You stated it would be to strong needing a nerf later.
. For me even if I was still using dagger as main I would still be realistic to see how this skill will be a bit too strong.
This doesn’t match unless you think groups and zergs will start complaining about burning speed Eles.
It isn’t about the one skill burning speed alone. Look at the entire set up main hand dagger. Yet you say it will be to strong. You stated it would be to strong needing a nerf later.
. For me even if I was still using dagger as main I would still be realistic to see how this skill will be a bit too strong.
This doesn’t match unless you think groups and zergs will start complaining about burning speed Eles.
It will be too strong. What is the trade off of this skill when you can land it successfully, deal great amount of damage, help you escape, get closer to someone and all without receiving damage as a setback. The same can be said about focus earth skill 5. It is more powerful than the earlier version of mist form but with focus there are still some skills that need buff. We can’t say that for dagger.
It will be too strong. What is the trade off of this skill
1) being locked in short range with no reliable immunity skills (that is: in zergs you melt as the burning speed ends)
2) locked in fire attunement means not available on demand
3) needs positioning; making it telegraphed.
4) deals average damage
5) since rtl nerf a D/D lacks reliable gap closers..
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
It will be too strong. What is the trade off of this skill when you can land it successfully, deal great amount of damage, help you escape, get closer to someone and all without receiving damage as a setback. The same can be said about focus earth skill 5. It is more powerful than the earlier version of mist form but with focus there are still some skills that need buff. We can’t say that for dagger.
So your whole deal is that you like focus now and don’t want anything else buffed till focus gets buffed? Maybe you sympathize with staff users?
What does dagger main hand getting some love have to do with focus needing love?
I have seen numerous Eles saying and making suggestions about dagger main hands auto attacks. We can dig those up in the December 10 dev thread.
I suggested that dagger main hand get something like rock barrier since it is melee. I suggested this many times dagger main hand isn’t fine! It’s ok it’s in a better shape then focus but it isn’t fine! They aren’t going to raise ele base hp so dagger main hand Eles need something for when they mix it up with melee. When you fight a cc heavy warrior with d/d you run out of cantrips quick and you can’t even get close to do damage because you get stunned.
Hammer was mentioned in stream by Karl so I bet this was specifically done to help d/x warriors against CC heavy warriors with hammer. This helps d/f users also not just /d.
It will be too strong. What is the trade off of this skill
1) being locked in short range with no reliable immunity skills (that is: in zergs you melt as the burning speed ends)
2) locked in fire attunement means not available on demand
3) needs positioning; making it telegraphed.
4) deals average damage
5) since rtl nerf a D/D lacks reliable gap closers..
You are stating these for the sake of making things up, but I’ll feed you 1) d/d is mostly about short range. The evasion obtaining from this skill is about the same as having immunity skill while casting it. In Zerg, you’ll only melt if you are built glassy, being focused by many or fail to gain distance to recover. 2) are you kidding? You want this to be available on other attunement a as well? 3) positioning yourself for this skill is easy and not a weakness now if it fails due the evasion. 4) it deals high damage specially on bursty, high dps builds. 5) dd excels at gap closers it has 3 very good weapon skills to get closer to your opponent. Rtl is still awesome specially when cripple and chill still not affecting us while using this skill.
Buffing already strong skills might be questionable, but let me ask you this: Which other MH dagger skill would you buff to offer more defense? And you’ll suddenly notice that there’s no much room for more defensive buffs, and what little there is, is highly situational.
The earth line has cripple, but Anet clearly doesn’t wants long-duration cripple without investment (same applies for chill from Frozen burst). It is, generally, an attunement for bleeding and gap glosing, while dealing damage. Fine.
Air has Shocking Aura, which is already strong enough as it is, and Lightning Touch, which outside of unreliable functionality (can miss too often), weakness is a very strong defensive condition, and the base weakness duration in this skill is already high enough. I wouldn’t touch the numbers herem either (but certainly improve the functionality).
Let’s look at water. Frozen Burst is a gap closer with some damage. With the addition of the blast finisher, it’ll lead to higher dps investment. The auto-attack is already a dps investment, even if underwhelming. Only Cone of Cold could perhaps get a slight heal boost.
Conclusion? There’s not much to buff defensively. Lightning Touch could get improved functionality, Cone of Cold could get higher healing, and maybe Anet is even planning that, but both are a bit restricting at what they help you defend against. A more reliable weakness is good agaisnt direct damage, and healing is good if you are not being bursted down and, especially, if you have invested in the healing power stat… which not all builds will do.
In the dec 10th thread, I have written some really big walls of text explaining how elementalists need more stat-independent active defenses, like the mesmer has, because they currently rely too much on auras and healing (and cantrips). The problem with relying on auras and healing, is that they are only truly effective if you invest on healing/ vitality/ toughness. Else, your healing won’t be enough, and getting bursted under frost or shocking aura won’t do much against a sudden 7k hit, or a warrior with stability.
For all those reasons, I feel that giving an evasion effect to Burning Speed is the best thing they could have done, considering how little room they have in MH dagger’s skillset.
- It’s in the fire attunement – the only MH dagger attunement without an active defense yet.
- It’s a stat-independent skill, you don’t need to invest in defensive stats to make it work.
- It can be used to defend yourself from many new situations, because evasion works against almost everything.
- And it’s placed in a skill that is mechanically challenging, so it’ll demand skillful playing from the user, not only to position themselves at the right place, but to time it off and attempt to not be predictable.
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
It will be too strong. What is the trade off of this skill when you can land it successfully, deal great amount of damage, help you escape, get closer to someone and all without receiving damage as a setback. The same can be said about focus earth skill 5. It is more powerful than the earlier version of mist form but with focus there are still some skills that need buff. We can’t say that for dagger.
So your whole deal is that you like focus now and don’t want anything else buffed till focus gets buffed? Maybe you sympathize with staff users?
What does dagger main hand getting some love have to do with focus needing love?
I have seen numerous Eles saying and making suggestions about dagger main hands auto attacks. We can dig those up in the December 10 dev thread.
I suggested that dagger main hand get something like rock barrier since it is melee. I suggested this many times dagger main hand isn’t fine! It’s ok it’s in a better shape then focus but it isn’t fine! They aren’t going to raise ele base hp so dagger main hand Eles need something for when they mix it up with melee. When you fight a cc heavy warrior with d/d you run out of cantrips quick and you can’t even get close to do damage because you get stunned.
Hammer was mentioned in stream by Karl so I bet this was specifically done to help d/x warriors against CC heavy warriors with hammer. This helps d/f users also not just /d.
That’s not my “deal” at all. My point is this buff is unnecessary to a weapon set that already have all it’s reliable and useful skills. I have to include focus because this is the weapon set that really cries for some workaround and not dagger. You said auto attacks and not burning speed. There are many suggestions made by players that doesn’t justify to be valid because mostly are based on personal preferences with their playstyle.
You are stating these for the sake of making things up, but I’ll feed you 1) d/d is mostly about short range.
And this is not a drawback?
Its the hugest of all and being kitable is the reason anet buffed the warrior until today….
The evasion obtaining from this skill is about the same as having immunity skill while casting it.
Oh no…..there is a HUGE difference being able to cast an evasion skill with a defined movement and being able to fo whatever you want for 3 seconds.
In Zerg, you’ll only melt if you are built glassy, being focused by many or fail to gain distance to recover.
This is an undeniable proof you NEVER played in zergs with a dagger.
The guy who invented the D/D tanky build already said how the profession wasn t viable for zergs…
But since you say so…it all changes.
2) are you kidding? You want this to be available on other attunement a as well?
You should look how some profession have evades on a short CD on 1-2 weaponsets.
Warrior and mesmer to say a couple.
3) positioning yourself for this skill is easy and not a weakness now if it fails due the evasion.
Playing means looking at what happens and reacting.
most D/X ele skills have a range.
Fire 3 is one of the FEW exceptions….and THE ONLY in fire…
That means you know its coming exactly when you see ele at the proper distance…
And the counter is extremely easy.
Unless you want your build to play for you….
4) it deals high damage specially on bursty, high dps builds
that is why D/D full zerk is so popular?
I think i saw one once and he quit WWW in 20 seconds
Feel free to browse this section for zerker WWW D/D builds….
. 5) dd excels at gap closers it has 3 very good weapon skills to get closer to your opponent. Rtl is still awesome specially when cripple and chill still not affecting us while using this skill.
I ll tell you clearly…
IF you assume something that is the exact opposite the general consensun thinks…
You should first provide proofs and argumentations.
Since RTL nerf D/D almost disappeared due to the fact RTL can be evaded/blinded/stealthed/blocked
And since the condition meta everyone brings some cond clears ….that will get easily rid of earth 3 that was ALREADY nerfed.
I strongly suggest you to play some D/D in www and then review your position.
D/D is totally unviable in zergs unless you try to go fullbunker+diamondskin and you are quite useless…
You are providing theories that goes against general consensus.
You should either provide arguments or whatever you say is pointless due to false assumptions.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
It will be too strong. What is the trade off of this skill when you can land it successfully, deal great amount of damage, help you escape, get closer to someone and all without receiving damage as a setback. The same can be said about focus earth skill 5. It is more powerful than the earlier version of mist form but with focus there are still some skills that need buff. We can’t say that for dagger.
So your whole deal is that you like focus now and don’t want anything else buffed till focus gets buffed? Maybe you sympathize with staff users?
What does dagger main hand getting some love have to do with focus needing love?
I have seen numerous Eles saying and making suggestions about dagger main hands auto attacks. We can dig those up in the December 10 dev thread.
I suggested that dagger main hand get something like rock barrier since it is melee. I suggested this many times dagger main hand isn’t fine! It’s ok it’s in a better shape then focus but it isn’t fine! They aren’t going to raise ele base hp so dagger main hand Eles need something for when they mix it up with melee. When you fight a cc heavy warrior with d/d you run out of cantrips quick and you can’t even get close to do damage because you get stunned.
Hammer was mentioned in stream by Karl so I bet this was specifically done to help d/x warriors against CC heavy warriors with hammer. This helps d/f users also not just /d.
That’s not my “deal” at all. My point is this buff is unnecessary to a weapon set that already have all it’s reliable and useful skills. I have to include focus because this is the weapon set that really cries for some workaround and not dagger. You said auto attacks and not burning speed. There are many suggestions made by players that doesn’t justify to be valid because mostly are based on personal preferences with their playstyle.
So why state that Dagger is fine when in fact it is not Diogo hit it on the head. It is defense that doesn’t require stats. There is a reason why S/X can get away with going 30 in Air and that is called rock barrier. I can spec for 2.4k armor because when I press 2 in Earth I get +250 toughness.
You bring up focus like people run around with just a focus and no main hand. The main issue when you run D/F is what a D/D does to Necro or a Ranger you abuse los on their back. Thieves abuse this against D/F users this helps D/F users and provides it almost with another escape tool to go along with Earths Skills.
I don’t think they say lets buff focus because people just run around with a focus.
I don’t see how you can say I am biased when it seems like you think Dagger main hand is only tied to Dagger off hand. This buff to burning speed helps D/F. It doesn’t help S/F obviously. Scepter isn’t the only main hand that gets to play with a focus off hand like you seem to think.
No love for focus yet
. D/D weapon set will be even more powerful than what already is
Focus gets to use Dagger to you know D/F
That crit dmg nerf will hurt my burst ele but with fire/air sigil working together and at 100% crit might make up for it. We’ll see. That evasion on burning speed is a huge buff for dd ele and it might cry for nerf on future patches though. I’m still mad there’s not a single buff or fix on my beloved focus offhand weapon set.
Forgot about D/F again?
I still fail to see the logic from Anet on buffing a weapon set that is already very strong and balanced as it is yet fail to arrange the ones that really need attention like focus and scepter. Water trident addition is lame.
only Scepter can be paired with Focus?
(edited by oZii.2864)
From a PvE standpoint I have been asking for an evade factor on Burning Speed for a long time now. My suggestion to Anet was to “balance” the buff from adding an evade by reducing the range of the leap to 400. But if I have to be completely honest I want a smaller range because it would make it easier to land the spell, as well as Sunspot, in PvE
Sunspot is high on my list on useless compulsory (minor) traits, along with Lingering Elements and Arcane Precision.
There is definitely an issue with Sunspot because its radius is smaller than the range of the vast majority of elementalist attacks. This traits begs to affect the next attack issued by the player instead of being a PBAOE. Let’s hope devs hear me.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Those telegraph skills are a lot easier to land on higher scale battles.
This. You just said 1v1’s aren’t important at all and then said that burning speed is too easy to telegraph. In a 5v5, you most likely won’t see it coming unless you are watching the ele carefully, in which case other professions will be just as likely to burst you with a telegraph-able skill.
I’m kinda “meh” about this buff. I would be much happier if they took away evasion on this skill AND the warrior GS 3 skill. Skills that allow you to deal massive damage and run away from your opponent SHOULD be able to be interrupted.
In summary, a single skill shouldn’t be offering all 4 excellent features which are: mobility, high damage, field and now evasion.
- Damage
- Mobility
- Evade
- Finisher
- Lower CD than BS
Northern Shiverpeaks ~ [dO] Drop Otter
I have not much to add here. I can’t tell if I’m biased or not…
D/D is my weapon set of choice, as everybody knows. The weapon set isn’t as well rounded as some may think. This buff will be a good one, and I think every ele should b happy for the change.
My opinion is every attune should have defensive and offensive skills. Until now, I hardly could have said burning speed was defensive. I’m sorry but too many classes can easily catch us in combat, and burning speed puts you into combat more often than not; your fire tail is unfortunate.
I can say now fire will have a defensive skill, and water will have a new use offensively and defensively with its blast finisher.
There’s no doubt that these are good buffs, but why do people keep calling them overpowered? They aren’t even here yet. The evade frame isn’t going to be that long, and it will protect you more when attacking, just so you can land your attack for once. Yes, I’ve figured out how to land BS on more than one good opponent, but it hits infrequently enough that a buff was merited.
I’ll also say.. This skill just looks like it should have an evade on it. That it didn’t baffled me. When I was learning the class, I thought it did.
So yes, perhaps I’m a little biased, which is why you can take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I just don’t think eles as a whole should ever complain about the paradigm shift from nerfing to some buffs.
We are supposed to work together, and it’s unfortunate to see some of my favorite eles on the forum bickering.
Those telegraph skills are a lot easier to land on higher scale battles.
This. You just said 1v1’s aren’t important at all and then said that burning speed is too easy to telegraph. In a 5v5, you most likely won’t see it coming unless you are watching the ele carefully, in which case other professions will be just as likely to burst you with a telegraph-able skill.
I’m kinda “meh” about this buff. I would be much happier if they took away evasion on this skill AND the warrior GS 3 skill. Skills that allow you to deal massive damage and run away from your opponent SHOULD be able to be interrupted.
I said 1v1 is not important at all? Was I drunk? You sure it wasn’t ozi? I gotta read that post again when I get a chance.
I have to admit, Heidia, when you posted “nerf it already” on my thread, I thought you were joking.
oZii is right in the fact that D/D ele’s aren’t strong enough to merit nerfs, and I’m quite good at them. I know my limitations, and I know that this will certainly help me, but not as much as people give it credit for.
For example. If I used this defensively, I’d have to sit in fire, and wait for an attack, then press three to dodge it. The other form of defense is running away, and that is going to make it decent there, but it will STILL be putting you into combat.
So it makes more sense to use it offensively, where several frames of evade aren’t going to bring D/D ele over the top.
Look at thieves that can spam evade.. And they still can be brought down.
Those telegraph skills are a lot easier to land on higher scale battles.
This. You just said 1v1’s aren’t important at all and then said that burning speed is too easy to telegraph. In a 5v5, you most likely won’t see it coming unless you are watching the ele carefully, in which case other professions will be just as likely to burst you with a telegraph-able skill.
I’m kinda “meh” about this buff. I would be much happier if they took away evasion on this skill AND the warrior GS 3 skill. Skills that allow you to deal massive damage and run away from your opponent SHOULD be able to be interrupted.
I said 1v1 is not important at all? Was I drunk? You sure it wasn’t ozi? I gotta read that post again when I get a chance.
I’m talking to Sinn. I simply quoted you because you made the point before i did, but i wanted to elaborate on it.
I’ll just leave this alone with I love D/D playstyle I’ve said it, but I don’t think this buff is OP or makes D/D some god.
Maybe I misinterpreted your position but the only one I can think of is dueling. That is the only place I can remotely see anyone calling this OP. Zergs and 5 mans aren’t going to complain about Ele’s blowing them up with burning speed. They will see the attunement of the Ele and dodge it followed by teamspeak chatter of “What was he thinking?” followed by chuckles and then “I don’t know”. Thats what we always say when some Ele comes in Rambo and that won’t change with this buff.
The fight flow against Ele doesn’t change because it has a evade on burning speed it just means the Ele has a way to get in without eating damage. Now you can’t interrupt the Ele doing burning speed he still on his way rotating to Earth after he presses burning speed. Gotta get that might!
If talk to any non ele and ask them what woud bring D/X ele back into the meta and put them up there with the top classes an evade on burning speed would not be the suggestion that comes up.
(edited by oZii.2864)
I’ll just leave this alone with I love D/D playstyle I’ve said it, but I don’t think this buff is OP or makes D/D some god.
Maybe I misinterpreted your position but the only one I can think of is dueling. That is the only place I can remotely see anyone calling this OP. Zergs and 5 mans aren’t going to complain about Ele’s blowing them up with burning speed. They will see the attunement of the Ele and dodge it followed by teamspeak chatter of “What was he thinking?” followed by chuckles and then “I don’t know”. Thats what we always say when some Ele comes in Rambo and that won’t change with this buff.
The fight flow against Ele doesn’t change because it has a evade on burning speed it just means the Ele has a way to get in without eating damage. Now you can’t interrupt the Ele doing burning speed he still on his way rotating to Earth after he presses burning speed. Gotta get that might!
If we to talk to any non ele and ask them what woud bring D/X ele back into the meta and put them up there with the top classes an evade on burning speed would not be the suggestion that comes up.
The discussion would more likely direct itself into adjusting traits, utilities and weak weapon skills and not buffing already strong ones like burning speed.
It won’t be too strong. It’ll be good; it’ll be better. It won’t all-of-a-sudden excel d/d eles to top tier.
Bossy B – Elementalist
Pocket Rot- Necro
Though LightningBlaze has a point: we have plenty of blatantly underpowered skills and traits to look at in priority.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
It won’t be too strong. It’ll be good; it’ll be better. It won’t all-of-a-sudden excel d/d eles to top tier.
Exactly this. It’s not gonna be some huge game changer. It’s just one skill, and the other buffs are rather minor.
Though LightningBlaze has a point: we have plenty of blatantly underpowered skills and traits to look at in priority.
This is my issue. It’s not that the evasion will suddenly make Burning Speed over-the-top (though I do have an issue with Evade being put on so many mobility skills), it’s that there are plenty of skills that are still extremely wanting, and they picked one to buff that was already pretty solid.
I have not much to add here. I can’t tell if I’m biased or not…
D/D is my weapon set of choice, as everybody knows. The weapon set isn’t as well rounded as some may think. This buff will be a good one, and I think every ele should b happy for the change.
My opinion is every attune should have defensive and offensive skills. Until now, I hardly could have said burning speed was defensive. I’m sorry but too many classes can easily catch us in combat, and burning speed puts you into combat more often than not; your fire tail is unfortunate.
I can say now fire will have a defensive skill, and water will have a new use offensively and defensively with its blast finisher.
There’s no doubt that these are good buffs, but why do people keep calling them overpowered? They aren’t even here yet. The evade frame isn’t going to be that long, and it will protect you more when attacking, just so you can land your attack for once. Yes, I’ve figured out how to land BS on more than one good opponent, but it hits infrequently enough that a buff was merited.
I’ll also say.. This skill just looks like it should have an evade on it. That it didn’t baffled me. When I was learning the class, I thought it did.
So yes, perhaps I’m a little biased, which is why you can take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I just don’t think eles as a whole should ever complain about the paradigm shift from nerfing to some buffs.
We are supposed to work together, and it’s unfortunate to see some of my favorite eles on the forum bickering.
Nex sorry i missed your posts in all this bickering like you said. Just like I told ozi, even if we are biased, there is nothing wrong with that in a game. It is perfectly understandable that dagger users feel glad to get this buff and I’m glad ele are getting buffed overall instead of more nerf. I just would prefer the buffs to start with traits/utilities and specially to the weapon skills that are weak instead of improving the ones that are already stable/powerful.
(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)
Thank you all for the post and yes I watched the whole thing! Thank you thank you. Better than I expected. I will see you guys out in the battle field! THANK YOU!
I have not much to add here. I can’t tell if I’m biased or not…
D/D is my weapon set of choice, as everybody knows. The weapon set isn’t as well rounded as some may think. This buff will be a good one, and I think every ele should b happy for the change.
My opinion is every attune should have defensive and offensive skills. Until now, I hardly could have said burning speed was defensive. I’m sorry but too many classes can easily catch us in combat, and burning speed puts you into combat more often than not; your fire tail is unfortunate.
I can say now fire will have a defensive skill, and water will have a new use offensively and defensively with its blast finisher.
There’s no doubt that these are good buffs, but why do people keep calling them overpowered? They aren’t even here yet. The evade frame isn’t going to be that long, and it will protect you more when attacking, just so you can land your attack for once. Yes, I’ve figured out how to land BS on more than one good opponent, but it hits infrequently enough that a buff was merited.
I’ll also say.. This skill just looks like it should have an evade on it. That it didn’t baffled me. When I was learning the class, I thought it did.
So yes, perhaps I’m a little biased, which is why you can take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I just don’t think eles as a whole should ever complain about the paradigm shift from nerfing to some buffs.
We are supposed to work together, and it’s unfortunate to see some of my favorite eles on the forum bickering.
Nex sorry i missed your posts in all this bickering like you said. Just like I told ozi, even if we are biased, there is nothing wrong with that in a game. It is perfectly understandable that dagger users feel glad to get this buff and I’m glad ele are getting buffed overall instead of more nerf. I just would prefer the buffs to start with traits/utilities and specially to the weapon skills that are weak instead of improving the ones that are already stable/powerful.
Oh no problem. I just dislike to see friends bicker, even if they have differing opinions.
Perhaps instead of calling for a premature nerf, you suggest other skills are looked at as well? I don’t think any other MH Dagger skills need a buff (other than earth 1), so perhaps if you spent your energy petitioning other weps also receive buffs, everybody would be peachy. Also, you don’t have to rationale any farther than “If you were willing to buff one weapon, why not buff others?”
You labeled yourself and me as biased. I said you obviously support this buff because you main dagger which is understandable. I meant no harm with that statement but apparently it did caused some. Never I mentioned you are inclining yourself to just one weapon or having a lot more preference towards the dagger than the other sets. Even if we were, there is nothing wrong with that. I mentioned d/d just because it is most commonly used and of course I’m aware of d/f. My whole point that you misunderstood was that dagger skills in GENERAl (whether is main or offhand)already have very strong and reliable skills. Thus this new addition to burning speed is unnecessary while the skills from other weapon sets like scepter and focus(not meant as s/f together but individually like you also misunderstood) are left behind. I believe you letting your anger get the best of you and allowing it to cloud your judgement. That sentence of you whispering me for advise on how to play scepter was not intended with the purpose you misinterpret. In other words i meant it as "I already told you this when you whispered me and that’s why I shouldn’t repeat myself.
I don’t now why you are saying that scepter and focus aren’t getting buffs. They only mentioned three skill in the “Ready Up”. They still have a whole list to put out of buffs and nerfs they want to do with classes. Those ones mentioned were the ones that were most likely going to make it in game. Since the patch isn’t till after March 4th they still have some work and testing to see how skills work out. As the date gets closer you will see a dev blog on the changes they are making to the Elementalist class. I bet you anything those three skills are not going to be the only thing under Elementalist. So don’t get to caught up on you scepter and focus not getting much love. They still have a lot of time to tweak those skills.
I’ve just started playing an ele, but from my thief and guardian gameplay i think ele’s need all the buffs they can get.
Eles we’re 2nd only to rangers in terms of free loot bags in my roaming experience.
The gap between eles and say…warriors in terms of survivability/mobility/damage/defence is so SO huge you guys shouldn’t be complaining about getting buffs.
You’re the only class who can’t make any decent condition spec either it seems, and considering the meta is completely condition dominated, and you’re a low hp, low armour class, a boost is in order after your previous nerfs.
Dagger Mainhand:
PvP: absolutely useless. Nobody runs ele, but even if somebody did (for fun ect.) they don’t run dagger mainhand, because it cannot compare with any other melee build in the current metagame. Let’s compare:
Thief – s/d and s/p are the current meta, both have frequent, close to constant evade frames, numerous teleports and still access to stealth for disengage, not to mention the option to go for range with shortbow that has great mobility/AoE/utility.
Warrior – constant HP regen, naturally tanky, numerous CC on very short cooldowns, stances that provide immunities on shorter cooldowns than most ele utilities, option to go range with biggest AoE in game and some more crowd control.
Guardian (DPS) – Shelter, Renewed Focus, Shield of Wrath, Aegis, numerous sources of blinds, incomparable healing per second with traited meditations on a pure DPS build, very high burst potential
in comparison to:
D/D ele: horrible self-sustain, locked into melee, 0 ability to live through spike, weak AoE, barely any CC.
In order for D/X ele to become viable in PvP this is just the first step, more will need to be done
PvE: dagger/focus is the “sustained DPS with self-sustain” build for dungeons/fractals because of focus’ defensive capabilities. In spite of being melee, dagger mainhand is inferior in terms of burst damage output to both staff and scepter builds (that utilize lightning hammer, which dagger doesn’t utilize as much due to inferior might stacking options). And yes, burst is useful in PvE for speedruns, where bosses die in a few seconds and therefore burst is preferable to sustained damage. In spite of being the “sustain” build, it has significant issues surviving in PUGs (provided you attempt to play optimally in terms of DPS output, and not just sit back and get carried) even compared to mesmers (the full melee ones), who have 2.5s evade window every ~9.5 seconds (traited) (compared because of being the only 2nd useful light armor class in dungeons) or guardians, who have numerous ways of negating damage on a much shorter cooldown than d/x ele (compared because of the same health pool and reliance on active defense mechanics).
d/x ele is not neccessarily in a bad spot in PvE if you know your game, but I feel that the buff will not upset the balance at all, and would be rather justified
WvW: This game has never really been balanced around WvW. There is no way it could, because it’s inherently imbalanced due to difference in gear/levels/numbers of enemies. I’ve only seen ANet address issues stemming from WvW, if they were breaking the game. This won’t break anything, it will just help an underplayed class get somewhere decent. If people complain about roaming/dueling in WvW, well that’s just a small insignificant part of the game, deal with it.
EDIT: almost forgot, about burning speed doing too much according to some, there are many skills that do many things at once. As long as they are telegraphed, it’s ok (F1 on longbow with warrior is a: combo field, direct damage, condition damage, condition cleanse).
[S]illy [L]ittle [U]gly [T]rolls – our little dungeon forum community
“My mind has left, my body follows”
(edited by Silferas.3841)
It is a misconception that S/x+LH builds have more burst (and more damage) than D/x.
This is mainly because in PvE you can fight most bosses against walls. This means that you can “stack” the fire trail of Burning Speed like you would with FGS’s 4 to do massive damage (and inflict lots of vuln with Weak Spot). On larger bosses like Lupi you may also cast Firewall.
Still I believe that an evade fact on BS is highly needed at least in PvE due to our lack of survivability.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
I would have preferred the evade skill to be put on an air main hand skill rather than fire. Actually using burning speed as an evade rather than a way to do dps might feel a bit clunky and unpredictable since you might have put fire on cooldown before the need for an evade arise and air is the only reliably accessible attunement you could ever get on an elementalist, thanks to fresh air.
Unless you do the wrong thing by camping fire attunement, burning speed is NOT going to be the equivalent of a mesmer’s blurred frenzy or a warrior whirlwind or a guardian shelter and will only have very occasional uses.
Anet doesn’t really “get” the ele.
I would still like to know how people think Anet should have handled it.
Elementalists utilities are not meant to be stronger than what other professions have to offer. Elementalist’s traits are not meant to be stronger than what other professions have to offer. And Elementalists have the lowest base defense values of all professions, with no stealth or clones to compensate either.
The only thing elementalists have for survival, is built-in defensive skills. Most of them that – think about it – require defensive stats to be meaningful enough. Heals? Auras? Elemental Attunement? Evasive Arcana? Healing Ripple? All effects that depend either on defensive traits, or defensive stats.
Tell me, how can an elementalist ever be designed to be a viable glass cannon without points in defensive traits and without defensive stats? They can’t.
You might be thinking: whaaat? Just buff their weak traitlines! How? By making earth better at condition damage and fire better at damage? How is that going to help us our survival? By making defensive traits even more defensive? How is that going to help our build diversity? By overloading offensive traitlines with defensive traits? Then they would be no longer offensive traitlines, would they? What’s the fun of having five defensive lines?
By giving them a higher base health? Anet is determined in balancing each class based on its fixed stat values.
Elementalists ultimately need more built-in active defenses in their weapon skills. More so, they need more stat-independent active defenses, because they already have plenty of auras, healing and defensive traits, most of them which will either be underwhelming or unable to be picked if you try to conceive an offensively-traited elementalist. And more CC? Elementalists already have enough. What they need is more condition defenses, but that might come at the risk of making them too similar to necros. They need more evades/ blocks, but that might come at the risk of making them too similar to mesmers/ guardians. They need more mobility, without being a copypaste of thieves.
So, how would you all improve the MH Dagger’s built-in defenses in a way that would not depend on defensive stats? Can think of a better alternative, without having to redesign the already-existing skills?
Buffing cone of cold’s heal? Good idea, but won’t do much to eles with low toughness/ healing power. Buffing Lightning Touch? The functionality can be enhanced, but the weakness duration is already high. Buffing the cripple/ chill values from Frozen Burst and Ring of Earth? Anet doesn’t seems to wants cripple and chill to go over 3 secodsn without investment. Buffing Shock Aura? It’s already strong enough. Buffing anything else? Everything else is offensive.
Maybe they could give protection or evasion on the magnetic leap, but what if you don’t want to leap? It’s a slow skill that you normally won’t want to use while being focused, nor waste it before you need it.
Maybe they could give weakness to earth’s auto-attack, but that would make it too similar to staff’s AA, and redudant with lightning touch.
Anything else?
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
Unless you do the wrong thing by camping fire attunement, burning speed is NOT going to be the equivalent of a mesmer’s blurred frenzy or a warrior whirlwind or a guardian shelter and will only have very occasional uses.
Anet doesn’t really “get” the ele.
That is the point…
Unless anet thinks they gave blurred frenzy to ele to compensate the lack of defense….
They just reduced a slow skill vulnerability
Differently from BF you can t use BS as reliable extra evade for 2 reasons:
1) it just ruins positioning
2) it will available on 1/4 attunements and in the only without any defense.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
That is the point…
Unless anet thinks they gave blurred frenzy to ele to compensate the lack of defense….They just reduced a slow skill vulnerability
Differently from BF you can t use BS as reliable extra evade for 2 reasons:1) it just ruins positioning
2) it will available on 1/4 attunements and in the only without any defense.
With Burning Speed you will be able to:
- Leap through marks, traps and other ground effects while evading them.
Great to catch staff necromancers, or prevent engineers from disabling your point. - Burst moving foes without being caught by a sudden movement-impairing effect.
Similar to the above point. - Burst foes with less interruption from external sources.
Especially important in team fights where warriors from the opposing team are spamming KDs and stuns everywhere. - Evade a burst when immobilized, while still dealing a lot of damage and burning from the stacked fire trail.
Elementalists are very weak to immobilize, and any squishy profession that will depend on it will get hit hard if their sudden burst is evaded all the while getting bursted down.
Increase ele’s base health.
They have the least health coupled with the least armor.
Healing and buffing as a defense was annoying when effective, so it was nerfed.
Since those two things don’t work, just increase ele’ base health. Then there will be no need for extra convoluted evades on skills that won’t help you to not get two shotted.
Doesn’t matter if you think anet won’t change that. It is, from my point of view, the only way to prevent this constant cycle of too-much-healing/free-loot-bag/too-much-healing-again/killed-in-one-hit-again.
(edited by magic fly.2041)
I have not much to add here. I can’t tell if I’m biased or not…
D/D is my weapon set of choice, as everybody knows. The weapon set isn’t as well rounded as some may think. This buff will be a good one, and I think every ele should b happy for the change.
My opinion is every attune should have defensive and offensive skills. Until now, I hardly could have said burning speed was defensive. I’m sorry but too many classes can easily catch us in combat, and burning speed puts you into combat more often than not; your fire tail is unfortunate.
I can say now fire will have a defensive skill, and water will have a new use offensively and defensively with its blast finisher.
There’s no doubt that these are good buffs, but why do people keep calling them overpowered? They aren’t even here yet. The evade frame isn’t going to be that long, and it will protect you more when attacking, just so you can land your attack for once. Yes, I’ve figured out how to land BS on more than one good opponent, but it hits infrequently enough that a buff was merited.
I’ll also say.. This skill just looks like it should have an evade on it. That it didn’t baffled me. When I was learning the class, I thought it did.
So yes, perhaps I’m a little biased, which is why you can take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I just don’t think eles as a whole should ever complain about the paradigm shift from nerfing to some buffs.
We are supposed to work together, and it’s unfortunate to see some of my favorite eles on the forum bickering.
Nex sorry i missed your posts in all this bickering like you said. Just like I told ozi, even if we are biased, there is nothing wrong with that in a game. It is perfectly understandable that dagger users feel glad to get this buff and I’m glad ele are getting buffed overall instead of more nerf. I just would prefer the buffs to start with traits/utilities and specially to the weapon skills that are weak instead of improving the ones that are already stable/powerful.
Is scepter really all that weak though? Most eles see in tpvp use s/d or s/f. The fresh air burst build seems to have been, and remained, the “go-to” ele build for pvp. I prefer s/d or s/f myself but that’s just anecdotal.
I think the real problem with the elementalist is traitlines/utilities. The only eles i see are ones that run all cantrips or run arcane burst gimmick builds.
As I think I have replied to you before I think Prot on aura’s would be good for all elementalist and it provides that more active defense for Eles. Prot is good no matter what gear you are wearing and Elemental shielding duration isn’t to long.
Rock barrier for main hand dagger users or something similar. You do bring up a good point who wants to use magnetic leap? I use it sometimes but usually that is only 1v1 and only against certain enemies. In group fights you almost never will want to leap in with a Ele.
They could allow you to create a rock barrier with magnetic grasp. You cast grasp and get the barrier while it wouldn’t be under your control since you need a target they could allow you to receive rock barrer with no hurl even if you miss a target with the grasp. 250 toughness would go along way for dagger main hand users. Now you can get the 5 in earth but what you give up is better then 5 in earth.
I agree with you that putting more defensive traits in offensive lines takes the fun away from going offense.
I have not much to add here. I can’t tell if I’m biased or not…
D/D is my weapon set of choice, as everybody knows. The weapon set isn’t as well rounded as some may think. This buff will be a good one, and I think every ele should b happy for the change.
My opinion is every attune should have defensive and offensive skills. Until now, I hardly could have said burning speed was defensive. I’m sorry but too many classes can easily catch us in combat, and burning speed puts you into combat more often than not; your fire tail is unfortunate.
I can say now fire will have a defensive skill, and water will have a new use offensively and defensively with its blast finisher.
There’s no doubt that these are good buffs, but why do people keep calling them overpowered? They aren’t even here yet. The evade frame isn’t going to be that long, and it will protect you more when attacking, just so you can land your attack for once. Yes, I’ve figured out how to land BS on more than one good opponent, but it hits infrequently enough that a buff was merited.
I’ll also say.. This skill just looks like it should have an evade on it. That it didn’t baffled me. When I was learning the class, I thought it did.
So yes, perhaps I’m a little biased, which is why you can take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I just don’t think eles as a whole should ever complain about the paradigm shift from nerfing to some buffs.
We are supposed to work together, and it’s unfortunate to see some of my favorite eles on the forum bickering.
Nex sorry i missed your posts in all this bickering like you said. Just like I told ozi, even if we are biased, there is nothing wrong with that in a game. It is perfectly understandable that dagger users feel glad to get this buff and I’m glad ele are getting buffed overall instead of more nerf. I just would prefer the buffs to start with traits/utilities and specially to the weapon skills that are weak instead of improving the ones that are already stable/powerful.
Is scepter really all that weak though? Most eles see in tpvp use s/d or s/f. The fresh air burst build seems to have been, and remained, the “go-to” ele build for pvp. I prefer s/d or s/f myself but that’s just anecdotal.
I think the real problem with the elementalist is traitlines/utilities. The only eles i see are ones that run all cantrips or run arcane burst gimmick builds.
Honovi, i have been using scepter with 30 points in air waaaaaay before fresh air was even introduced. The majority of this Ele forum community didn’t even know back then that Ele can actually massive burst without being glass cannon and I was called troll for stating this fact in here. With that said I perfectly know scepter is not weak but some of its skills need adjustments like shatterstone, dragon tooth and even air 3 (blinding something.. I’m bad with names) that only offers blind. Ele god mode d/d build was nerf really hard in spvp because of its stage of abusement by the majority of Ele players. Now you see s/d because if you can’t bunker as well as before in spvp/tpvp might as well go for the other role of being a damage, burst dealer. S/d provides that with the great defense to keep yourself at range or go in and out like a boxing match.
I have not much to add here. I can’t tell if I’m biased or not…
D/D is my weapon set of choice, as everybody knows. The weapon set isn’t as well rounded as some may think. This buff will be a good one, and I think every ele should b happy for the change.
My opinion is every attune should have defensive and offensive skills. Until now, I hardly could have said burning speed was defensive. I’m sorry but too many classes can easily catch us in combat, and burning speed puts you into combat more often than not; your fire tail is unfortunate.
I can say now fire will have a defensive skill, and water will have a new use offensively and defensively with its blast finisher.
There’s no doubt that these are good buffs, but why do people keep calling them overpowered? They aren’t even here yet. The evade frame isn’t going to be that long, and it will protect you more when attacking, just so you can land your attack for once. Yes, I’ve figured out how to land BS on more than one good opponent, but it hits infrequently enough that a buff was merited.
I’ll also say.. This skill just looks like it should have an evade on it. That it didn’t baffled me. When I was learning the class, I thought it did.
So yes, perhaps I’m a little biased, which is why you can take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I just don’t think eles as a whole should ever complain about the paradigm shift from nerfing to some buffs.
We are supposed to work together, and it’s unfortunate to see some of my favorite eles on the forum bickering.
Nex sorry i missed your posts in all this bickering like you said. Just like I told ozi, even if we are biased, there is nothing wrong with that in a game. It is perfectly understandable that dagger users feel glad to get this buff and I’m glad ele are getting buffed overall instead of more nerf. I just would prefer the buffs to start with traits/utilities and specially to the weapon skills that are weak instead of improving the ones that are already stable/powerful.
Is scepter really all that weak though? Most eles see in tpvp use s/d or s/f. The fresh air burst build seems to have been, and remained, the “go-to” ele build for pvp. I prefer s/d or s/f myself but that’s just anecdotal.
I think the real problem with the elementalist is traitlines/utilities. The only eles i see are ones that run all cantrips or run arcane burst gimmick builds.
Honovi, i have been using scepter with 30 points in air waaaaaay before fresh air was even introduced. The majority of this Ele forum community didn’t even know back then that Ele can actually massive burst without being glass cannon and I was called troll for stating this fact in here. With that said I perfectly know scepter is not weak but some of its skills need adjustments like shatterstone, dragon tooth and even air 3 (blinding something.. I’m bad with names) that only offers blind. Ele god mode d/d build was nerf really hard in spvp because of its stage of abusement by the majority of Ele players. Now you see s/d because if you can’t bunker as well as before in spvp/tpvp might as well go for the other role of being a damage, burst dealer. S/d provides that with the great defense to keep yourself at range or go in and out like a boxing match.
meh, I like air 3. short cd ranged, instant cast, unavoidable blind is really nice.