New to staff

New to staff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


Hi since i started lee I’ve always played s/x. I’m starting to look in to staff for wow and small groups but have no clue where to start. hows this look?

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

New to staff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Undi.5689


I have always used staff myself since game started and spent alot of time in wvw, but I have almost always used the same build so I cant say Im an expert on builds. But of all the builds that you can use the most valuable thing is experience, and positioning, since you are running staff .

As for your build id say it looks ok, depending on what you plan to do. It looks like you plan to do a bit of everything though ^^. I would REALLY suggest using Armour of Earth as utility, for the stabilitybuff which is necessary in both zerging and roaming.

This is my current build, for inspiration:

Yes, Im running berserker in wvw, in zerg, daring right :P. But I can tell it is completly do-able, as long as you stay out of the meleetrain. I do run away from most 1v1 situations though, just to be safe (the one i run the least from is amazingly vs thieves, it is possible to just burst them down if you can dodge the important stuff).

Other than that I usually switch out my elite skill Tornado between the Glyph och the Fiery Greatsword depending on the situation, the rest of the skills are pretty static.

New to staff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


yea thats my problem i was testing last night and i was in the enemies face and i melted every time. it took me a while to get use to staying back lol and yea i forgot to mention this build is meant to be all round, so when I’m in a group i can heal but also deal hard damage while also tanking quite a bit. and the 75 cd always pushed me away =p i will try it tho. and i don’t like tornado i always seem to die when i use it haha i stick with glyph and fgs.

also why not use tempest defense in your build -_- you have the zephyr auras so that means you will get fury and swift and a stunning shield AND you deals 20% incr dmg if they are stunned

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

New to staff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Undi.5689


I have tried Tempest Defense, and its nice. But since I mostly run with the zerg I feel like its not really needed for me. It only goes off when someone target me, and if someone is actually targetting me when I run in a zerg Im doing it wrong and wont last long enough to fully use it (Or I’ve gotten lazy and used to having shorter cooldown on my glyph-heal since I often use it for some extra might stacking). But maybe its more useful for roaming alone.

And I havent really noticed Zephyr Boon process on that one, I thought it was only for the auras that actually comes from skills, not traits?

And last Tornado is nice for when you cast Meteor Shower. You start casting the MeteorShower and right after you finished casting it you use the Tornado for the extra power/ferocity buff Tornado gives. Or to use Tornado in your icefield so enemies get chilled and cant run or in a waterfield for healingcombo :P

New to staff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vylor.3276


Quite frankly, the builds that have been put down in this thread are bad. I have sent you a mail on forums with some help.

Kizger Scorchclaw
Champion Magus/Paragon
80 Elementalist of [APeX]