Non HoT Staff Ele for PvP?
Anything can work but it won’t be optimal. I’m just getting back into the game after leaving right before hot. The HoT specs are just better then pre HoT. They add defense and damage. So while you can have success and fun without owning HoT I wouldn’t be upset if you have a tough time in pvp.
I play a variety of builds, some of which are non Hot. One of my most successful builds in pvp on ele that doesn’t run HOT is a glass staff ele build. I run fire, air, arcane for maxumim damage, and just play carefully to blow people up. It takes a lot of practice, but it works. Here is a game from a few days ago in ranked.
There are combos on staff ele with arcane skills that can deal so much spike damage it’s hard to not land kills once you can pull them off. (earth 2 → water 2 → fire 2 (arcane wave right before earth 2 and water 2 hit). I run reduced cooldowns on arcane skills, bolt to the heart, and might on fire skills. And let me tell you, a meteor shower, arcane shielded tornado at 25 might is scary. Also don’t forget to cancel tornado, I usually only cast it for 2-5 seconds, sometimes just for skill 5 & 4.
Good luck, and have fun.
ps: I found that zerker d/d can work well as well this season if anyone gets curious about the build. Although, this one gets countered hard by good revs and DH, which make it hard to pull off.
Fire/air/Arcane staff ele can be realy fun. I personaly prefer scepter which is more effective for me. Good players are very hard to hit with staff.
Zerker staff works well against bad players who will let you stand on the side of a fight and free-cast, dropping bombs.
Good players will pressure and crap all over you, especially if there is a daredevil, revenant, or burst mesmer; or good players playing DH, scrapper, or druid will just mitigate 90% of your damage by spamming blocks, evades, invulns, etc.
If you are happy enough to be stuck playing against bad players, staff will work. If you improve and get better, you WILL reach a point where, no matter what you do, you are ineffective against other players. At that point, you MMR will be kept artificially low enough that you are stuck fighting players making very obvious mistakes (double-dodging, spamming multiple defensives on top of one another rather than being patient, dancing around in your meteor shower like its a light rain, etc.) and still barely beating them by being light-years beyond them in skill.
So go ahead and play staff and work harder than your opponents for worse results. If that is enjoyable for you, then its worth it…its just a game and not everyone even cares about winning.
^^ on top of last post, you have to realise spvp is a team game, and playing a spec that is poorly performing in relation to other specs means you are putting your team at a disadvantage as well. The key thing to remember is that ele staff is aoe based, and aoe doesn’t work when your target simply moves out of it and pressures you instead (especially if you have poor dmg mitigation)
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
Ty for your replies, guys
I have in mind more tank/healing/support oriented gameplay with Staff. Dmg part is really awful, so i don’t want to focus on dmg with this weapon. Something like Earth/Water+maybe Arcane or Fire?
Btw how is Staff with HoT in PvP: any better?
I’m playing with Scepter right now and while dmg part is high enough, survivability seems very low …
Hi, Sifu, to give you an idea: Altough i’ve been inactive for the last two months, and only just checking the latest updates right now, I have been playing gw2 for about 3 years now and basically played nothing else but STAFF ele for like 75% of that time (yeah, i looove the staff elementalist xD).
So to give you an answer: The staff ele is one of (if not) the hardest profession-weapon combo in the game and it took me waaaay more time to master than other professions and weapon sets. So it’s completely normal if you’re still dying on every encounter after rolling staff ele for 2 weeks (^.^). The difficulty in the staff lies in the fact that you have to find a way to put your opponents in places where they don’t want to be (your damaging fields) if you don’t do this correctly, they’ll just step out rendering your skills constantly wasted. Luckily we get the means to keep them in our fields (we’ve got cc’s for DAAYS) but that’s just as mutch a weakness as a strength, a weakness because actually USING your cc to put them in your fields is EXTREMELY hard, a strength because no other weapon or class has the potential to constantly control 3 to 4 players AT THESAME TIME on a cadence so you basically controle the battlefield. In that manner, the staff is really rewarding. Not mutch players realize this about the staff ele! The thing is, i almost gave up on staff because things seemed to difficult and underpowered, but luckily I liked it tomutch to not be able to endure the time requered to master it. So go for it!
little help:
As a “beginner” i suggest you max out your heal-/tankyness (as you were allready planning to). This way you’ll have more feel for the mechanics. I suggest this build:
Now, as you can see there are some open slots, the skills, traits, runes or sigils you choose are dependent on what you want to be (team-based or 1v1 capholder) or what the opponent’s teamcomposition is (high condi or raw damage output). Now to go over the choices:
*skill slot 9:
armor of earth: for when you expect more raw damage and cc.
Glyph of storms: for if you rrrreally want to go pure team based, the most usefull defensive one is sandstorm that pulses an area blind every 0.9 sec. for 10 seconds. When casted on a cappoint during teamfights it gives your team some breathing space (if not making them basically invuln.). Ice storm is the next good one (there’s nothing more annoying than getting chill repeatedly applied over the whole point). Lightning storm raps up to 25 stacks of vuln soooo fast, VERY usefull when in an organized team and you’re a staff ele who can keep all five of them in the lightning (and the other fields) for as long as it takes.
Cleansing fire: You shouldn’t run this unless you really want to go crazy on the condi cleanse or when there’s more than 1 condi necro in the opponent’s team.
Glyph of elemental power: because ‘Weakness’ is an underrated debuff.
*elite skill:
Rebound: again, when you’re team-based or want to max out your viability, this skill makes tanking a 3v1 a bit less stressfull. (you could still do it without though, but whether you have it or not it takes more than just a build to pull off a 3v1 while holding the cap point).
Glyph of elementals: for when you expect more 1v1 situations, the fire elemental’s damage is crazy, and it compensates for the damage lost in your build (without it you’ll need more mechanical skill (and time) to kill a competent player. The ice elemental heals for more than 6k! ’Nuf said.
earth: by far the most important line for deciding to go anticondi or antiburst. For the first collumn, go for Elemental shielding or Earth’s embrace (doesn’t really matter, more of a personal choice) The third collumn is why earth trait is so important, Diamond skin or Stone heart (you get the idea when you read the tooltips )
water: ‘soothing ice’ or stop ‘drop and roll’ (again, your own preference). Cleansing water is quiet important, you could go for powerfull aura, as a staff shouter, you already have sooooooomutch support output that it becomes overkill, so Cleansing aura is the last thing you should change for both anticondi and antiburst builds.
Tempest: speaks for itself.
sigil of doom or energy or purity. All depends on either having more 1v1 encounters as capholder, wanting more defence or going for anticondi
rune of earth or rune of the soldier (again: choice of playstyle!)
build before Hot
this is what i kinda used as a healertank capholder before HoT
glass builds
As ‘Loboling’ partially pointed out, it’s true that for the staff, the best glass builds are non-HoT/non-tempest builds. This, partially because tempest skills requiere you to be too close to your opponent. But it isn’t true that full glass canon staff ele is not viable, yes, if you want to do sweet, sweet damage you can go for ’Loboling’s’ build. But it’s true that with this build, you’re a sitting duck, all it takes is a medium competent team to negate your contribution to the match.
IMO, i think Loboling’s spike is a bit of an overkill (however satisfying :P), so what if i told you that you can have as mutch (but a tiny bit less spiky) damage output in order to be a COMPLETE NIGHTMARE for any1 who focuses you? As a matter of fact, since i found this build and playstyle out, i loooove getting in 1v1 situations as a glass, especially against thieves (they WERE the most annoying since they could basically kill you before they even get reveiled xD) if you can beat any thief as a glass you can beat any other class (except for revenant, i still have to find a mechanic against revs) the following build is the first build i found to give me a chance on 1v1 encounters (on XvX encounters you’ll have to back off thou, but since you’re running with your buddies, they should get the aggro, this is solely for when in a teamfight one of the opponents try to pick you off or when you’re decapping):
Using the lightning hammer, this was specially designed against thieves.
Better build for against all classes:
The conjure earth shield allows you to target multiple foes with same effectiveness and also sustain longer and possibly escape when an organised team desides to gangrape you xD
Cleansing fire is for the lack of condi cleanse (you could also go for ether renewal, but you’ll lose your damage pressure when on 1v1)
AS LONG AS YOU GET ASAP IN EARTH ATTUNEMENT WHEN YOU’RE OUT OF IT AND USE YOUR CONJURES IN HERE. (this is because of the god-like stone heart master trait)
PS: remember, the more pressure you apply the less you’ll get, that’s kind of the motto :P
I’ll try posting a gameplay example.
(edited by MrJefferson.1704)
Zerker staff works well against bad players who will let you stand on the side of a fight and free-cast, dropping bombs.
Good players will pressure and crap all over you, especially if there is a daredevil, revenant, or burst mesmer; or good players playing DH, scrapper, or druid will just mitigate 90% of your damage by spamming blocks, evades, invulns, etc.
If you are happy enough to be stuck playing against bad players, staff will work. If you improve and get better, you WILL reach a point where, no matter what you do, you are ineffective against other players. At that point, you MMR will be kept artificially low enough that you are stuck fighting players making very obvious mistakes (double-dodging, spamming multiple defensives on top of one another rather than being patient, dancing around in your meteor shower like its a light rain, etc.) and still barely beating them by being light-years beyond them in skill.
So go ahead and play staff and work harder than your opponents for worse results. If that is enjoyable for you, then its worth it…its just a game and not everyone even cares about winning.
Good point about the zerker staff, i’d hate to recall everything i just wrote so pls read my long, seperate post above (that isn’t a reply) and tell me what you think.
Just one thing extra though, assuming we’re only talking about berzerk, you indeed have to work harder for getting the mechanical skill but why do that the hard way (berzerk) when you can do it the easy way (tank healer). The next step is finding a way to survive in certain situations while running berzerk, that’s try and error, practically just getting the idea’s (and getting killed a lot). After that, honestly, when fighting an oponent it’s not harder for you than for your opponent. If youguys are equally skilled it just took you longer to get there, but you’ll be there (and you’ll enjoy your play).
(edited by MrJefferson.1704)
I play a variety of builds, some of which are non Hot. One of my most successful builds in pvp on ele that doesn’t run HOT is a glass staff ele build. I run fire, air, arcane for maxumim damage, and just play carefully to blow people up. It takes a lot of practice, but it works. Here is a game from a few days ago in ranked.
There are combos on staff ele with arcane skills that can deal so much spike damage it’s hard to not land kills once you can pull them off. (earth 2 -> water 2 -> fire 2 (arcane wave right before earth 2 and water 2 hit). I run reduced cooldowns on arcane skills, bolt to the heart, and might on fire skills. And let me tell you, a meteor shower, arcane shielded tornado at 25 might is scary. Also don’t forget to cancel tornado, I usually only cast it for 2-5 seconds, sometimes just for skill 5 & 4.
Good luck, and have fun.
ps: I found that zerker d/d can work well as well this season if anyone gets curious about the build. Although, this one gets countered hard by good revs and DH, which make it hard to pull off.
That’s actually a very fun (but maybe not viable) zerk staff playstyle! I’ll think i’ll start experimenting with this :P
^^ on top of last post, you have to realise spvp is a team game, and playing a spec that is poorly performing in relation to other specs means you are putting your team at a disadvantage as well. The key thing to remember is that ele staff is aoe based, and aoe doesn’t work when your target simply moves out of it and pressures you instead (especially if you have poor dmg mitigation)
The ele staff skills are, as a whole, deliberately designed by the devs for this exact phenomenon: Making sure your oponents don’t get out of your AoE’s! No matter how good your opponent is you’ll always be able to subsequently keep him/her in each and every one of your AoE’s. It’s hard as hell, but it’s made possible. In other words, the staff has a particular set of skills (reference pun intended) that could accompany an AoE making sure your target doesn’t “simply move out of it.”
Don’t forget either that conquest really helps with staff, by creating so much incentive to stand on the circle. I’ll admit that better players can avoid some staff burst, but don’t downplay it’s power at dealing damage. The truth of the berserker spec is surviving is a lot harder than dealing damage once you know how to combo.
My spec is not a strong 1v1 build at all. It should make sure team fights go in your favor, by controlling the battle field with damage and cc. Doing that, you’ll have to secure your positioning to avoid counter attacks. Funny, I find that all my years playing thief help me know some of the “no path available” spots for fighting revs and thieves a little easier.
Hi, Sifu, to give you an idea: Altough i’ve been inactive for the last two months, and only just checking the latest updates right now, I have been playing gw2 for about 3 years now and basically played nothing else but STAFF ele for like 75% of that time (yeah, i looove the staff elementalist xD).
So to give you an answer: The staff ele is one of (if not) the hardest profession-weapon combo in the game and it took me waaaay more time to master than other professions and weapon sets. So it’s completely normal if you’re still dying on every encounter after rolling staff ele for 2 weeks (^.^). The difficulty in the staff lies in the fact that you have to find a way to put your opponents in places where they don’t want to be (your damaging fields) if you don’t do this correctly, they’ll just step out rendering your skills constantly wasted. Luckily we get the means to keep them in our fields (we’ve got cc’s for DAAYS) but that’s just as mutch a weakness as a strength, a weakness because actually USING your cc to put them in your fields is EXTREMELY hard, a strength because no other weapon or class has the potential to constantly control 3 to 4 players AT THESAME TIME on a cadence so you basically controle the battlefield. In that manner, the staff is really rewarding. Not mutch players realize this about the staff ele! The thing is, i almost gave up on staff because things seemed to difficult and underpowered, but luckily I liked it tomutch to not be able to endure the time requered to master it. So go for it!little help:
As a “beginner” i suggest you max out your heal-/tankyness (as you were allready planning to). This way you’ll have more feel for the mechanics. I suggest this build:
Now, as you can see there are some open slots, the skills, traits, runes or sigils you choose are dependent on what you want to be (team-based or 1v1 capholder) or what the opponent’s teamcomposition is (high condi or raw damage output). Now to go over the choices:
*skill slot 9:
armor of earth: for when you expect more raw damage and cc.Glyph of storms: for if you rrrreally want to go pure team based, the most usefull defensive one is sandstorm that pulses an area blind every 0.9 sec. for 10 seconds. When casted on a cappoint during teamfights it gives your team some breathing space (if not making them basically invuln.). Ice storm is the next good one (there’s nothing more annoying than getting chill repeatedly applied over the whole point). Lightning storm raps up to 25 stacks of vuln soooo fast, VERY usefull when in an organized team and you’re a staff ele who can keep all five of them in the lightning (and the other fields) for as long as it takes.
Cleansing fire: You shouldn’t run this unless you really want to go crazy on the condi cleanse or when there’s more than 1 condi necro in the opponent’s team.
Glyph of elemental power: because ‘Weakness’ is an underrated debuff.
*elite skill:
Rebound: again, when you’re team-based or want to max out your viability, this skill makes tanking a 3v1 a bit less stressfull. (you could still do it without though, but whether you have it or not it takes more than just a build to pull off a 3v1 while holding the cap point).
Glyph of elementals: for when you expect more 1v1 situations, the fire elemental’s damage is crazy, and it compensates for the damage lost in your build (without it you’ll need more mechanical skill (and time) to kill a competent player. The ice elemental heals for more than 6k! ’Nuf said.*Traits
earth: by far the most important line for deciding to go anticondi or antiburst. For the first collumn, go for Elemental shielding or Earth’s embrace (doesn’t really matter, more of a personal choice) The third collumn is why earth trait is so important, Diamond skin or Stone heart (you get the idea when you read the tooltips)
water: ‘soothing ice’ or stop ‘drop and roll’ (again, your own preference). Cleansing water is quiet important, you could go for powerfull aura, as a staff shouter, you already have sooooooomutch support output that it becomes overkill, so Cleansing aura is the last thing you should change for both anticondi and antiburst builds.
Tempest: speaks for itself.*Sigils:
sigil of doom or energy or purity. All depends on either having more 1v1 encounters as capholder, wanting more defence or going for anticondi*Runes:
rune of earth or rune of the soldier (again: choice of playstyle!)
build before Hot
this is what i kinda used as a healertank capholder before HoT builds
As ‘Loboling’ partially pointed out, it’s true that for the staff, the best glass builds are non-HoT/non-tempest builds. This, partially because tempest skills requiere you to be too close to your opponent. But it isn’t true that full glass canon staff ele is not viable, yes, if you want to do sweet, sweet damage you can go for ’Loboling’s’ build. But it’s true that with this build, you’re a sitting duck, all it takes is a medium competent team to negate your contribution to the match.IMO, i think Loboling’s spike is a bit of an overkill (however satisfying :P), so what if i told you that you can have as mutch (but a tiny bit less spiky) damage output in order to be a COMPLETE NIGHTMARE for any1 who focuses you? As a matter of fact, since i found this build and playstyle out, i loooove getting in 1v1 situations as a glass, especially against thieves (they WERE the most annoying since they could basically kill you before they even get reveiled xD) if you can beat any thief as a glass you can beat any other class (except for revenant, i still have to find a mechanic against revs) the following build is the first build i found to give me a chance on 1v1 encounters (on XvX encounters you’ll have to back off thou, but since you’re running with your buddies, they should get the aggro, this is solely for when in a teamfight one of the opponents try to pick you off or when you’re decapping):
Using the lightning hammer, this was specially designed against thieves. build for against all classes:
The conjure earth shield allows you to target multiple foes with same effectiveness and also sustain longer and possibly escape when an organised team desides to gangrape you xD
Cleansing fire is for the lack of condi cleanse (you could also go for ether renewal, but you’ll lose your damage pressure when on 1v1)
AS LONG AS YOU GET ASAP IN EARTH ATTUNEMENT WHEN YOU’RE OUT OF IT AND USE YOUR CONJURES IN HERE. (this is because of the god-like stone heart master trait)
PS: remember, the more pressure you apply the less you’ll get, that’s kind of the motto :P
I’ll try posting a gameplay example.
That’s exactly what I’ve been looking for! Thank you so much
As you mentioned above, Staff is one of the hardest profession weapon combo in the game, but I’m addicted to it:P
Don’t forget either that conquest really helps with staff, by creating so much incentive to stand on the circle. I’ll admit that better players can avoid some staff burst, but don’t downplay it’s power at dealing damage. The truth of the berserker spec is surviving is a lot harder than dealing damage once you know how to combo.
My spec is not a strong 1v1 build at all. It should make sure team fights go in your favor, by controlling the battle field with damage and cc. Doing that, you’ll have to secure your positioning to avoid counter attacks. Funny, I find that all my years playing thief help me know some of the “no path available” spots for fighting revs and thieves a little easier.
the issue woth staff is not its damage, its that it is not suitat4d to small group pvp, e.g against equally skileld players:
1v1 – you cannot kill, you cannot bunker for extended periods of time.
2v2 – again massive movement is normal – equally skileld players know how to avoid and mitigate your cc such as it is.
3v3 – as 2v2.
the average fight is very rarely everyone fighting and leaving a ranged to dump aoe endlessly.
Basically the staff strategy is keep in range and spray aoe – where small group pvp actually requires burst damage or heal or sustained mitigation to gain momentum and numerical advantages. You get lots of pretty numbers aoeing, but that means nothing if your not bunkering or bursting someone down.
On the positive it is awesome for wvw or pve.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
Ty for your replies, guys
I have in mind more tank/healing/support oriented gameplay with Staff. Dmg part is really awful, so i don’t want to focus on dmg with this weapon. Something like Earth/Water+maybe Arcane or Fire?
Btw how is Staff with HoT in PvP: any better?I’m playing with Scepter right now and while dmg part is high enough, survivability seems very low …
You can play staff decently well in pvp as a tank (earth/water/arcana), but again, its not as good as other people for your role (support/tank) or even other ele builds.
While pre-HoT, the build was very viable at high levels, it relies very much on disruption (hard and soft CC) as much as it does protection + water blast heals. You could do well in a teamfight with chill field + earth 1 to finish it and stack up chill on a priority, or static/unsteady ground to disrupt a teamfight/isolate a target, or tank almost endlessly on a point through heals + cc, but nowadays those small effects that add up can mostly be ignored. Too many other tanks builds have too much free stability, plenty of condi cleanse, and way easier access to damage/support, with better map mobility to boot.
Overall, what you bring to the fight as a staff tank:
4v4 or 5v5: you have cc that does nothing b/c everybody farts out stability nowadays, you have water fields, but give less healing than something like just a druid, and your damage is laughable. This is not a strong point for a staff tank.
3v3 or 2v2: pretty good to hold a point here, but you will output way less pressure than a similar bruiser/tank build can, and can be pressured away by any burst.
1v1: you are mostly useless. If you rotate your skills really well, you might be able to hold a decap for a long time, but any proper bruiser (scrapper, druid, symbol DH, even mesmer) has much higher damage/sustain ratios and will feel 0 pressure, allowing them to play 100% offensively while you play defensively at all times. Any burst build (rev, thief, power warrior) should be able to kill you if you make even the slightest mistake, and maybe even if you don’t b/c you can’t properly respond with decent pressure+hard mitigation. Even against condi, d/f auramancer is better because it isn’t as susceptible to condi bursts when leaving water (due to cleanse options in every attunement + utilities).
When HoT came out, one of the lower-tier teams in EU pro-league played staff water/earth/arcana as a tank (with celestial), and even then it couldn’t keep up (with a proper amulet). There isn’t even that amulet choice anymore.
To answer your question about how HoT helps staff tank ele: it mostly gives you the ability to bring more support via aura cleanse/healing and more on-point pressure with overloads, which can be especially helpful b/c staff autos are dreadful and 90% of staff damage can be avoided by decent players with just strafing.
(edited by BlackBeard.2873)
Hi, Sifu, to give you an idea: ….
That’s exactly what I’ve been looking for! Thank you so much
As you mentioned above, Staff is one of the hardest profession weapon combo in the game, but I’m addicted to it:P
Ok, i’ve read the changes, and it seemed they removed the cleric amulet. I’ll be honest, at first I was kinda in panic, because that’s kind of a bummer, and that change could overall make being an elementalist a lot harder for the following months, harder than it should be.
But then i realised, when running cleric, i barely used my water overload, and my actual healing skill, because of the amount of healing my staff skills could do for me. another thing i was able to do with the cleric amulet was holding off a 1v3 situation, and potentially winning 1v2’s. So I guess in that extent, the cleric amulet was a bit OP. BUT yet again, i specced to be hard to kill and i was and should be, the only reason i could still put out as mutch damage needed was because staff ele fields stack up on damage and are individually virtually longlasting, so as long as i could keep them inside, it was just a matter of time before they died. But non expert staffies couldn’t do this so the cleric was well in it’s place, and i think the ability to controle where you want your oponent should be rewarded by being able to kill them with cleric on.
I feel that the devs are narrowing the build diversity by forcing players to spec mostly for power or condition damage (they’ve got like 10 variations of power amulets 5 for condi but only maximum 2 for the rest -.-’)
so now i’ve been theorycrafting and designed two builds that should be cleric-like but will requiere more gameplay mechanics, they could potentially be even better than the cleric build, but i have yet to test (and variate) them:
Build 1:
Build 2:
build 1
This build’s a bit selfish in the manner that you don’t have much healing power and so you can’t really give decent heal support. But it’ll be incredibly hard for your opponent to get your health down. Also notice the sigil of life, when this gets to max stack, your healing power should be anough to keep yourself up.
also another thing to notice is that you use conjure flame axe, the reason you should choose this above flash-freeze is because it has an additional fire field and most importantly a leap and blast finisher, and a second underrated burning retreat. I urge you to experiment with these (and your other) finishers on your fields. Keep in mind that getting an aura is beneficial, so leaping and blasting your ice field is almost twice as good as flash-freeze. i’d prefer the conjure earth shield in more organised play tough, because you could really do some crazy coordinated kitten with your fields combined with this weapon.
For the elite, on second toughts, don’t use rebound, use the water elemental in glyph of elemental instead. it’s healing power isn’t scaled like yours. So just spam the secondary skill (=“crashing waves”, control your opponent yourself so your elemental doesn’t have to first chase him/her around before actually beginning the skill)
use diamond skin for condi, stone heart for anything else.
build 2:
this build focuses on heavy team healing so you’ll want to be on every team fight, rebound is now more fitting and you could also use powerfull aura master trait. A maximum stacked sigil of life makes up for the lowered toughness, because your healing is consistent. one of all the glyphs (except of lesser elementals) could be also very usefull. you could also use flash freeze (or anything else, really) instead of flame axe.
I still have to test al these and see if they work, they’re the best tank builds i can come up with for now, (maybe i could also check with the arcane line).
But if all of these don’t work as well as i think it should, then the bunker elementalist is momentarily dead.
(edited by MrJefferson.1704)