R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!
OMG! What the hell is all the whining i’m reading on the forums??
My main is an ele since bwe 2, and of course i’m playing a DD cantrip build.
But just admit that OUR CLASS IS OP, everybody know that, just watch the number of eles in pvp in the last 2 months, that’s just stupid, 2/3 ele in almost every party.
So what the kitten is thinking all the people that ask for buffs? We cant have buffs, we need nerfs!
By the way, here the solution i’m goin to adopt:
1) Less condition removal: gonna put Cleansing Fire in my utilities
2) Signet of restoration nerf: goin back to a PVT set up instead of cleric, gonna use the Glyph
3) RTL nerf: just gonna use it to escape, not to enter the fight, not a big issue for me, the only real problem is that roaming is gonna be slower for us
And i want to make you know that signets are gonna get a buff like banners in the last patch, so i’m definetly gonna retry a 20-10-x-x-x aurasignet build
After some testing, pretending as if it’s all been patched, I think we’ll be fine. The only thing that would really break us is if they removed our ability to remove immboilizes, etc. via cantrips, which I heard rumors of but could not find proof of. That’s what I was worried about the most.
(edited by Crujiente.8612)
So what the kitten is thinking all the people that ask for buffs? We cant have buffs, we need nerfs!
only half true… as you say, you use D/D cantrip build and its obvious why… but how about other aspects of ele? they are what needs to be buffed, not OP D/D cantrip build guess why none use fire and earth traits and just a little air…
3) RTL nerf: just gonna use it to escape, not to enter the fight, not a big issue for me, the only real problem is that roaming is gonna be slower for us
That’s exactly what they don’t want you to do. Or didn’t you get the message of their changes? If this is still a viable tactic after the patch, expect RTL to be completely gone if you don’t hit a target. They might even make it that you’re stunned if you don’t, or something. They obviously want us to only use RTL to engage in a fight, not run away.
3) RTL nerf: just gonna use it to escape, not to enter the fight, not a big issue for me, the only real problem is that roaming is gonna be slower for us
That’s exactly what they don’t want you to do. Or didn’t you get the message of their changes? If this is still a viable tactic after the patch, expect RTL to be completely gone if you don’t hit a target. They might even make it that you’re stunned if you don’t, or something. They obviously want us to only use RTL to engage in a fight, not run away.
Yep lol you got it confused, OP. To reiterate, the RTL nerf is supposed to make it so that you CAN’T run away as much. They only want you to start battles with it. If you don’t have a target the CD is twice as long (40 sec).
tell me how is difficult to evade rtl….
Yep lol you got it confused, OP. To reiterate, the RTL nerf is supposed to make it so that you CAN’T run away as much. They only want you to start battles with it. If you don’t have a target the CD is twice as long (40 sec).
well, if you say it like this, its absolutely vice versa they toned down movement ability, not escape ability…
target → RTL in → fight → run away after 20sec CD, same as now
no target → RTL to move → cant run away if cough after this, because CD is 40sec
see the difference? they want ele to use it to fight and escape from fights, not to move across the map
Yep lol you got it confused, OP. To reiterate, the RTL nerf is supposed to make it so that you CAN’T run away as much. They only want you to start battles with it. If you don’t have a target the CD is twice as long (40 sec).
well, if you say it like this, its absolutely vice versa
they toned down movement ability, not escape ability…
target -> RTL in -> fight -> run away after 20sec CD, same as now
no target -> RTL to move -> cant run away if cough after this, because CD is 40secsee the difference? they want ele to use it to fight and escape from fights, not to move across the map
100% this, you need ! RTL to escape, and if you hit with the one that you use to engage, you’ll have it after 20 sec like now. If you’re not sure that you’re goin to hit with it, dont use it to engage and save it for the escape. I’m not confused at all.
tell me how is difficult to evade rtl….
Maybe they’ll buff Sig of Air so your next attack can’t be dodged
OMG! What the hell is all the whining i’m reading on the forums??
My main is an ele since bwe 2, and of course i’m playing a DD cantrip build.
But just admit that OUR CLASS IS OP, everybody know that, just watch the number of eles in pvp in the last 2 months, that’s just stupid, 2/3 ele in almost every party.So what the kitten is thinking all the people that ask for buffs? We cant have buffs, we need nerfs!
By the way, here the solution i’m goin to adopt:
1) Less condition removal: gonna put Cleansing Fire in my utilities
2) Signet of restoration nerf: goin back to a PVT set up instead of cleric, gonna use the Glyph
3) RTL nerf: just gonna use it to escape, not to enter the fight, not a big issue for me, the only real problem is that roaming is gonna be slower for usAnd i want to make you know that signets are gonna get a buff like banners in the last patch, so i’m definetly gonna retry a 20-10-x-x-x aurasignet build
1- Cleansing Water wont affect Cantrip D/D much. Many people were already running Cleansing Fire for its low cooldown. If you werent, you shouldnt.
Whats ironic is that staff Elems will be more affected but the change than tanky D/D.
1b- The real nerf is Mist Form, not being able to use ustilities (heal/glyph) while mist form will actually means many Elems are gonna skip it for Cleansing Fire or Armor of Earth.
2- Signet of Resto wasnt amazingly scaling with healing power anyways. Unless you run a Written into Stone build noone will use Signet anymore.
3- Like most said they made RTL such that you will use it more to charge and less to escape. Its a good change.
All in all the changes are no strong enough to discourage D/D Cantrips and strong enough to hit again staff support Elems who didnt deserved it.
More Elems will go to 0/0/10/30/30 D/D tanky build : Success?
target -> RTL in -> fight -> run away after 20sec CD, same as now
no target -> RTL to move -> cant run away if cough after this, because CD is 40sec
except that 2 is the continuation of 1 too when you try to run. reduced range + 40s CD – you won’t escape anyone but snails and critters.
The biggest complaint with the RtL nerf is that it significantly hampers our escape. The range reduction would make a sustained chase very very difficult to survive. With the cooldown, you can use RtL to create an initial gap, but in WvW if a thief or fast class wants to chase you, they will catch you no matter what. Maxing your mobility skills made it possible to survive this long chase previously. Now you can’t run from a zerg, so stand and fight your 1v40 like ele’s are supposed to. They aren’t supposed to be mobile, apparently.
1b- The real nerf is Mist Form, not being able to use ustilities (heal/glyph) while mist form will actually means many Elems are gonna skip it for Cleansing Fire or Armor of Earth.
9/10 i use mist form to stomp people in the middle of group fights to avoid CC and dmg, still able to do this.
Ele may be OP but this is not the correct way of balancing things.
I thought they had clear ideas of what they wanted the classes to do and elementalists having such high mobility was not one of them. Im not to sure how they will compensate for this but until the patch comes out and i can see all the notes ,besides the changes that were talk about, i will hold my breath.
1- Cleansing Water wont affect Cantrip D/D much. Many people were already running Cleansing Fire for its low cooldown. If you werent, you shouldnt.
Whats ironic is that staff Elems will be more affected but the change than tanky D/D.
Just on a side note, the part about staff water 5 in the youtube video was actually the most epic facepalm.jpg moment I had in years. It was literally like this:
1) Devs explaining the changes
2) One of the guests: “So, you guys are aware that changing the Cleansing Water trait will actually have a vast impact on any kind of ele build, especially staff?”
3) Both dev’s facial expressions suddenly going holy-kitten-we-didnt-think-about-that-what-did-we-do-oh-ma-gawd for a few moments, then all of a sudden they’re both “yeah of course we thought about that, we intended it this way. IT’S ALL GOOD GUYS, NEXT QUESTION PLOX!”.
With every other patch they release, I’m getting more of an impression these guys have absolutely no idea about what they are doing.
With every other patch they release, I’m getting more of an impression these guys have absolutely no idea about what they are doing.
It makes 30 Water as staff user quite kitten.
But do not forget the upcoming AE nerf.
Developer: “We don’t want players to use AE spells on single target mobs.”
Would somebody be so kind and show me our singletarget weapon? Oh, everything we have is AE? WHAT THE HELL should we do then, besides droping slow avoidable AE on single targets?
It seems like the developers completely forgot that we have any other weapons besides D/D.
(edited by Galrond.5972)
3- Like most said they made RTL such that you will use it more to charge and less to escape. Its a good change.
This is just not true. In wvw, I use rtl to try and close a gap larger than 1500, its current bugged range, quite frequently. On the 30th, trying to close a gap on a target more than 1200 range away will result in not hitting and double the cooldown despite the fact that I wasn’t trying to disengage, the intended target of the nerf. What makes any of you think this will make it a more popular chasing tool in any format?
How can so many people just ignore such an obvious flaw in this cooldown condition? How can so many people defend something they haven’t even thought about or comprehended?
OMG! What the hell is all the whining i’m reading on the forums??
My main is an ele since bwe 2, and of course i’m playing a DD cantrip build.
But just admit that OUR CLASS IS OP, everybody know that, just watch the number of eles in pvp in the last 2 months, that’s just stupid, 2/3 ele in almost every party.So what the kitten is thinking all the people that ask for buffs? We cant have buffs, we need nerfs!
By the way, here the solution i’m goin to adopt:
1) Less condition removal: gonna put Cleansing Fire in my utilities
2) Signet of restoration nerf: goin back to a PVT set up instead of cleric, gonna use the Glyph
3) RTL nerf: just gonna use it to escape, not to enter the fight, not a big issue for me, the only real problem is that roaming is gonna be slower for usAnd i want to make you know that signets are gonna get a buff like banners in the last patch, so i’m definetly gonna retry a 20-10-x-x-x aurasignet build
Correction: it’s OP IN PVP and PVP ONLY, everybody knows that.
We can’t have buffs? Are you even playing this game? What about Staff dps? Some Scepter skills that shouldn’t even exist (Shatterstone)? Focus cooldowns? Worthless Fire traits? Worthless Half of Air Traits? Worthless Most of Earth Traits? Have you seen the complete garbage things that Eles have?
And you ask for no buffs? Are you even playing this game? Nobody said to buff the freaking D/D cantrip bunker, but last I checked the profession is called Elementalist, uses more than D/D weaponset and has numerous traits on 5 trait lines. I bet you never saw those….
Five lines? Water and Arcana only makes two lines buddy :p
how does the new rtl works if the target evades it? 40secs or 20secs?
Most times if my enemy sees me approaching him with rtl they instinctivly evade because of the knockdown after it….
so even when we use it to get “in the fight” like we should, we get probably a 40secs cd because we didnt hit anybody….
1- Cleansing Water wont affect Cantrip D/D much. Many people were already running Cleansing Fire for its low cooldown. If you werent, you shouldnt.
Whats ironic is that staff Elems will be more affected but the change than tanky D/D.Just on a side note, the part about staff water 5 in the youtube video was actually the most epic facepalm.jpg moment I had in years. It was literally like this:
1) Devs explaining the changes
2) One of the guests: “So, you guys are aware that changing the Cleansing Water trait will actually have a vast impact on any kind of ele build, especially staff?”
3) Both dev’s facial expressions suddenly going holy-kitten-we-didnt-think-about-that-what-did-we-do-oh-ma-gawd for a few moments, then all of a sudden they’re both “yeah of course we thought about that, we intended it this way. IT’S ALL GOOD GUYS, NEXT QUESTION PLOX!”.With every other patch they release, I’m getting more of an impression these guys have absolutely no idea about what they are doing.
Exactly my thoughts. And this goes for almost everything they said on all classes. I am seriously afraid for the futur of the game.
Everyone agrees D/D EA tank builds are too strong, and every patch since release made all Elem even more pingeon holed into D/D.
Mist Form nerf? Hits staff and squishy builds more.
EA blast removal? Hits staff more.
Cleansing Water nerf? Hits staff more.
And I’m a D/D player since release. I rolled Elem because I liked melee mage idea but it is so idiotic every Elem is stuck into D/D.
As for using AoE for single target… seriously? Thats the whole point of GW2. The whole difference between this game and classic mmo scheme.
In other mmo:
ST dmg > AoE dmg but it doesnt affect defense.
In GW2:
ST dmg = AoE dmg but if you go for AoE you lose defenses.
Going back on that is a shame it would ruin what makes GW2 unique. Its like this different rules for PvP/RvR/PvE, hey and lets add taunt, resilience and raids… errrr wait?
These two guys looked like the devs team just changes random stuff, just a bit so people dont whine too much and see what players come with.
1- Cleansing Water wont affect Cantrip D/D much. Many people were already running Cleansing Fire for its low cooldown. If you werent, you shouldnt.
Whats ironic is that staff Elems will be more affected but the change than tanky D/D.Just on a side note, the part about staff water 5 in the youtube video was actually the most epic facepalm.jpg moment I had in years. It was literally like this:
1) Devs explaining the changes
2) One of the guests: “So, you guys are aware that changing the Cleansing Water trait will actually have a vast impact on any kind of ele build, especially staff?”
3) Both dev’s facial expressions suddenly going holy-kitten-we-didnt-think-about-that-what-did-we-do-oh-ma-gawd for a few moments, then all of a sudden they’re both “yeah of course we thought about that, we intended it this way. IT’S ALL GOOD GUYS, NEXT QUESTION PLOX!”.With every other patch they release, I’m getting more of an impression these guys have absolutely no idea about what they are doing.
Exactly my thoughts. And this goes for almost everything they said on all classes. I am seriously afraid for the futur of the game.
Everyone agrees D/D EA tank builds are too strong, and every patch since release made all Elem even more pingeon holed into D/D.
Mist Form nerf? Hits staff and squishy builds more.
EA blast removal? Hits staff more.
Cleansing Water nerf? Hits staff more.And I’m a D/D player since release. I rolled Elem because I liked melee mage idea but it is so idiotic every Elem is stuck into D/D.
As for using AoE for single target… seriously? Thats the whole point of GW2. The whole difference between this game and classic mmo scheme.
In other mmo:
ST dmg > AoE dmg but it doesnt affect defense.In GW2:
ST dmg = AoE dmg but if you go for AoE you lose defenses.Going back on that is a shame it would ruin what makes GW2 unique. Its like this different rules for PvP/RvR/PvE, hey and lets add taunt, resilience and raids… errrr wait?
These two guys looked like the devs team just changes random stuff, just a bit so people dont whine too much and see what players come with.
I agree, every change they’ve made limits our potential builds and forces us to all play the same D/D bunker build, no other build is even close to as viable. I’m glad that they are nerfing D/D some, but they aren’t opening up any other build options, and just forcing us to stick to dagger dagger and possibly even go tankier in order to survive. I’m really sick of going 30 water 30 arcana purely because the other traits are worthless. Fire line need to affect damage in all atunements, air affect crits and mobility in all attunements, and earth affect durability in all attunements. Water and arcana are mos viable because they help us no matter what attunement we are in, something that the other trait lines seriously lack.
The thing I’m most worried about is signet heal nerf. I had my reasons to make build with 1.1k healing power…
Didn’t read through the thread, but here’s my 2 cents. Has it ever occurred to you that not every ele is playing d/d? I hate the easy mode d/d bunker builds, and I’ve been calling for nerfs on the BUNKER build for months. But what they did here with this patch screws over people who don’t play the bunker build far more than those who do.
I’ve been playing an offensive S/D bruiser build for almost 2 months now (and never using evasive arcana), and because I don’t have the same innate survivability as a d/d bunker build, I do often rely on mobility and mist form to get out of tight spots.
After the nerf the bunkers will continue to bunker and be hard to kill, all that happened is that they’re not as good at running.
For people like me, the mobility and slipperiness we rely on has taken a hit. Anet claimed they want to open up more options, but all they’d done here is to drive people towards the bunker build because with that at least you can still be an annoying unkillable tank.
The BUNKER build was OP, not elementalists, I’ve seen so many people who can’t seem to comprehend this and just lump all elementalists together. The changes in the patch introduces a terrible way to address that issue because they’re hitting non-bunker builds harder than the bunker build. Ironic, that they said they didn’t want to do that.
Edit: I see many people mirror my stance. D/D bunker build needs to stop being the FoTM, but this patch is doing nothing to help it.
(edited by Shadowflare.2759)
Yep lol you got it confused, OP. To reiterate, the RTL nerf is supposed to make it so that you CAN’T run away as much. They only want you to start battles with it. If you don’t have a target the CD is twice as long (40 sec).
well, if you say it like this, its absolutely vice versa
they toned down movement ability, not escape ability…
target -> RTL in -> fight -> run away after 20sec CD, same as now
no target -> RTL to move -> cant run away if cough after this, because CD is 40secsee the difference? they want ele to use it to fight and escape from fights, not to move across the map
Because moving across the map with a 20 CD RTL was so OPed
1- Cleansing Water wont affect Cantrip D/D much. Many people were already running Cleansing Fire for its low cooldown. If you werent, you shouldnt.
Whats ironic is that staff Elems will be more affected but the change than tanky D/D.Just on a side note, the part about staff water 5 in the youtube video was actually the most epic facepalm.jpg moment I had in years. It was literally like this:
1) Devs explaining the changes
2) One of the guests: “So, you guys are aware that changing the Cleansing Water trait will actually have a vast impact on any kind of ele build, especially staff?”
3) Both dev’s facial expressions suddenly going holy-kitten-we-didnt-think-about-that-what-did-we-do-oh-ma-gawd for a few moments, then all of a sudden they’re both “yeah of course we thought about that, we intended it this way. IT’S ALL GOOD GUYS, NEXT QUESTION PLOX!”.With every other patch they release, I’m getting more of an impression these guys have absolutely no idea about what they are doing.
Funny, now people are imagining things that didn’t happen?
I just rewatched that part and not only did the interviewers not say anything of the sort (host mentioned changes based on meta affecting dodge roll cleanse because of staff water 5 which naturally removes conditions but applies regen quickly).
Then you’re inventing reactions that didn’t happen (lol the devs didn’t freeze up nor did they say something like that, the first reply to the info was one that the cleansing water nerf wasn’t enough to bring down cantrip builds to which the devs replied that they aren’t trying to bury cantrips, just slow them down, the second was about how these meta changes going into effect because of staff water 5. They then explain how the ICD isn’t ‘per-target’ but ‘per-skill activation’ meaning staff still can remove more conditions from a team since cleansing water will proc on all targets hit by water 5 before going on cooldown).
Anyway, this is just me doing my part to keep people’s sensationalism in check. Good day, all
As a Staff Ele, I couldn’t even play the game for the rest of the day after watching SotG. I can’t even say or truly express myself on the subject without getting an infraction. The shortsightedness of how this affect’s Staff is truly worrisome for the future.
What did I do the next day, I said screw it and spent 13g and a few stacks of BoH’s on new gear. Went 30-0-0-20-20 and gave the finger to the (I can’t say without infraction). Basically, I’d rather run naked and boil anyone that get’s within range than be squeezed into a little box O’ Play it this way.
btw… anyone every consider 2/3’s are playing ele because it’s simply fun? Not because it is or ins’t OP. Maybe there is something to it that lures in the better players? Not that it’s a balancing issue. I know for me run cycles, attack animations, sound effects, available armor’s, and more all affected my choice in what I play. No matter what there capacity in sPvP is. Because I do not care at all about sPvP. Which is why these changes should be limited to sPvP ONLY!
(edited by DeWolfe.2174)
My warrior Bull’s Charge only 1200 range
-Don’t hit a target 40 sec cd
-Hit a target ??? /care.Still 40 sec cd in your face
And it’s a kitten WARRIOR not d/d ele and no one EVER cried about it.LOL
Just Grow a pair :PPP
(edited by graverr.6473)
Yep lol you got it confused, OP. To reiterate, the RTL nerf is supposed to make it so that you CAN’T run away as much. They only want you to start battles with it. If you don’t have a target the CD is twice as long (40 sec).
well, if you say it like this, its absolutely vice versa
they toned down movement ability, not escape ability…
target -> RTL in -> fight -> run away after 20sec CD, same as now
no target -> RTL to move -> cant run away if cough after this, because CD is 40secsee the difference? they want ele to use it to fight and escape from fights, not to move across the map
Because moving across the map with a 20 CD RTL was so OPed
And it’s not even going to go as far to boot.
They should have done the 1500 range nerf to 1200 range and just left it. That’s a big nerf by itself.
Where do ppl even find the info on new patches?
My warrior Bull’s Charge only 1200 range
-Don’t hit a target 40 sec cd
-Hit a target ??? /care.Still 40 sec cd in your faceAnd it’s a kitten WARRIOR not d/d ele and no one EVER cried about it.LOL
Just Grow a pair :PPP
I’m missing 2 lines stating that RtL knocks the target down and is a Leap finisher, odd that they are missing, but I guess you only compared the CD. So you want RtL to be the same without those 2 lines?
Also, one more word: Greatsword, I don’t need to add more.
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