Oct. 1st Elem updates

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: veeblight.9736


Try playing a Funcom game and see how much dev interaction you get, lol. Anet is head and shoulders above that for sure.

What’s the point of comparing Arenanet to other companies? Why set the bar so low? I personally had VERY HIGH expectations and respect for Arenanet being a much better company in terms of PR than almost everyone else. Honestly, throughout the beta, they were, they addressed issues immediately and followed through… I don’t know what happened to that :\

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


I imagine Anet is pretty much in constant panic mode. If the bug list for elementalist alone is as big as it is (and it’s huge) how much else needs to be fixed?


I work with hard deadlines in my job and deadline pressure. Sometimes to get something done on time, you gotta skip the explanation/chitchat. In most cases I advocate transparency and documentation; a month after a launch this big? No.

Pretty much this, I’m very happy that Anet is addressing all exploits from some professions ( guardian-mesmer-theif) which are ruining the tPvP environment.

I’d wish for people to concentrate on these problems first, it doesn’t matter to have your skill dealing 1.5k dmg rather than 1k if a profession like thief can teleport with his team ( smoke field) behind you and all the guards in foefire, attacking the lord without the guards doing anything, or having a mesmer summoning clones directly next to you from behind a door/wall.

The bugs of the ele are many but none of them make the ele completely unplayable ( for RTl you just need to avoid to use it from too far away , I do the same with magnetic grasp), there are many useless traits but also some good ones, we should hold on those till we don’t get our fix

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


What job do you do Rainshine? Does your job depend on thousands of people being happy with your work at all times? I bet it revolves around a few people who know that you have a deadline.

I work at a newspaper that’s cut its staff by over 200 people in the last two years. (That’s over half of our original staff.) I don’t get kittened at by coworkers, but I do occasionally get stuck with the switchboard and have to deal with the calls of “Why wasn’t this in, this didn’t get it, why didn’t you cover this, this is wrong, how could mistakes like this get through, where are your priorities” etc.

Well, we’re understaffed and we have limited time. When pushed to the limit, appeasing entitled nerdragers with a response would not be my top priority. You guys are also overlooking the fact that maybe they haven’t decided what direction to take tweaks yet themselves. Then you either get an answer that says nothing, or you get an answer that’s later changed and people kitten all over again.

They need to get bugs fixed first. I can see why stories and dungeons take precedent over class tweaks. Once everything we get is working like it should, we may be in a MUCH better place.

Bugs first, balance after you see how classes performed when stuff actually works.

Honestly, throughout the beta, they were, they addressed issues immediately and followed through… I don’t know what happened to that :\

They’re slammed. That’s what happened.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


What job do you do Rainshine? Does your job depend on thousands of people being happy with your work at all times? I bet it revolves around a few people who know that you have a deadline.

I work at a newspaper that’s cut its staff by over 200 people in the last two years. (That’s over half of our original staff.) I don’t get kittened at by coworkers, but I do occasionally get stuck with the switchboard and have to deal with the calls of “Why wasn’t this in, this didn’t get it, why didn’t you cover this, this is wrong, how could mistakes like this get through, where are your priorities” etc.

Well, we’re understaffed and we have limited time. When pushed to the limit, appeasing entitled nerdragers with a response would not be my top priority. You guys are also overlooking the fact that maybe they haven’t decided what direction to take tweaks yet themselves. Then you either get an answer that says nothing, or you get an answer that’s later changed and people kitten all over again.

They need to get bugs fixed first. I can see why stories and dungeons take precedent over class tweaks. Once everything we get is working like it should, we may be in a MUCH better place.

Bugs first, balance after you see how classes performed when stuff actually works.

Honestly, throughout the beta, they were, they addressed issues immediately and followed through… I don’t know what happened to that :\

They’re slammed. That’s what happened.

What do you do when they call asking for an explanation? Do you ignore them until they hang up? Sounds like you would be better at PR than Anet is right now. They just keep hanging up on us.

Plus, at the moment we are only asking for some information. A good post about what their thoughts are would be most beneficial.

(edited by DaedalusDragon.3754)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: DreadShinobi.4751


I’d almost be more ok with them not balancing elementalists and telling us that they aren’t going to balance them, than them telling us nothing while we have to keep making blind shots in the dark as to what the actual state of the elementalist is in the minds of the developers.

Kiiban -lvl 80 Elementalist
Sacaen -lvl 80 Warrior

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razgriz.7319


I think we all need to step back a moment and take a deep breath. I can understand the frustrations the OP and a lot of other posters are expressing in here. I play an elementalist too. It doesn’t feel good to see other professions get fixes before the one you play.

It’s very understandable that people don’t like waiting in the dark and I agree with you that there may be a lack of communication here. However, all you have to do is look at the length of the patch notes to know that they are indeed working very hard on fixing things. A closer look would reveal that they are in fact trying to bring fixes to all aspects of the game.

I’ll echo the sentiments of another poster here: If you are really bothered by the state of the elementalist and the lack of communication on the subject, then perhaps taking a break from the profession would be a good choice to consider.

~ 80 Elementalist

(edited by Razgriz.7319)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


We shouldn’t have to take a break. Coming on the forums and posting a detailed response regarding their thoughts on the elementalist would take 30 minutes max. I should not have to play another class just so I don’t get mad at Anet for not communicating. They did it in beta weekends while they were fixing things much more furiously.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scarface.5203


I’m 88% exploration with my Elementalist. It was my first toon and I decided to stick with it because I was hoping some kind of damage buffs or even just fixes.

Now I can’t wait to finish this kitten map completion to play something else. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Elementalist. It’s just that I don’t want to play a broken and underpowered class for the next 3-6 months. They were pretty quick to nerf us in the beta. It’s seems that nerfing is easier than buffing for them.

And before some kind of wannabe pro come here and tell me I’m just a noob, no I’m not a noob, I just played other classes.


Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


Yo, people raging and demanding “transparency”, attention please.

Y’all should check every other profession sub forum and look for ANet responses. Tell us all how many you find in regard to profession specific balance responses.

What you’ll find is probably none by the devs and general PR statements from the CC mods stating ArenaNet is looking into skill fixes and balance for all professions.

So, y’all can demand, whine, complain, and claim entitlement all you want. Is that going to change the generic “We’re letting the Meta develop initially” response from the devs or the “Devs are aware of issues” responses from the CC’s? My opinion is no. ANet’s communicated what they’re doing, not the specifics because they haven’t commited to specifics yet. So take a chill pill and try some more constructive lines of thought.

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


I’m pretty sure we are more than right to demand transparency. Comparing the responses to other professions to ours is almost useless EXCEPT that they STILL get more responses than us (we haven’t had one in AT LEAST 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but that isn’t even considering that we are the/second most broken class in the game…. necros get responses…

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razgriz.7319


It should be noted that the people posting on the forums ARE NOT the programmers fixing the bugs. There’s a completely separate team for Public Relations, there is NO EXCUSE for the silence in these forums. We’re running around like headless chickens.

Actually, ANet generally has their staff shy away from posting about stuff that isn’t in their realm of expertise. For example, Jeff Vaughn posts a lot in the personal story subforum as that is what he’s working on. Robert Hrouda post regularly in the dungeons forum as he works to fix things there.

~ 80 Elementalist

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: veeblight.9736


It should be noted that the people posting on the forums ARE NOT the programmers fixing the bugs. There’s a completely separate team for Public Relations, there is NO EXCUSE for the silence in these forums. We’re running around like headless chickens.

Actually, ANet generally has their staff shy away from posting about stuff that isn’t in their realm of expertise. For example, Jeff Vaughn posts a lot in the personal story subforum as that is what he’s working on. Robert Hrouda post regularly in the dungeons forum as he works to fix things there.

I’m fairly new to the forums and assumed they worked a certain way, I stand corrected. Thank you for the clarification. That being said, i really wish they would throw us a bone, any bone. “We are aware that there are issues” is the most generic thing possible and should not be able to pass off as valid information.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


That doesn’t matter. They only have to take a few minutes out of their precious time and treat their customers right. I don’t know why anybody wants to argue against this. Are people against being treated like paying customers instead of garbage?

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razgriz.7319


That doesn’t matter. They only have to take a few minutes out of their precious time and treat their customers right. I don’t know why anybody wants to argue against this. Are people against being treated like paying customers instead of garbage?

I am not arguing with you. In fact, in my first post, I agreed with you about there being some lack of communication.

Just as an FYI for everyone here, ANet staff have said in the past that they do not generally like to post about where they might be taking certain things because they iterate a lot in their design process (in other words, try out different things). They are likely to make many changes along the way and things may turn out differently than they originally “promised” if they post about it too early. Being the internet, many people will no doubt be angry at the developers for “breaking their promise”.

I can’t remember who posted this. I’ll try to find the post.

Edit: I found it. The post was made by Robert Hrouda in a post over in the dungeon forums.

I think someone else, possibly Jon Peters, also made a similar post at some point. I can’t remember.

~ 80 Elementalist

(edited by Razgriz.7319)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


Are people against being treated like paying customers instead of garbage?

No, I just don’t have extreme entitlement issues. Garbage? Really? If you’re this volatile at restaurants, I can promise the servers are spitting in your food.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


How is this extreme entitlement issues? I’m just asking for them to be like they were before the game launched… I’m a nice guy when people treat me with respect. I don’t go to restaurants if they tend to ignore their customers.

I realize they may not be able to state specifics but if they just said what their stance is on the state of the elementalist, it would go a long way.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: ZaneStriker.2836


Still no Windborne Dagger fix.



Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razgriz.7319


I’m fairly new to the forums and assumed they worked a certain way, I stand corrected. Thank you for the clarification. That being said, i really wish they would throw us a bone, any bone. “We are aware that there are issues” is the most generic thing possible and should not be able to pass off as valid information.

It’s all cool man. I can understand people wanting to know what will happen with aspects of the game they care about.

~ 80 Elementalist

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


That doesn’t matter. They only have to take a few minutes out of their precious time and treat their customers right. I don’t know why anybody wants to argue against this. Are people against being treated like paying customers instead of garbage?

They’ve already stated what they’re doing. They’re letting the Meta develop before they go in making significant changes. You can not like what they’re doing, but they’ve communicated it. This was in the last week I believe, and I think it came from a Jon Peters post.

@Everyone else raging
If you pay attention to everything they’re doing instead of just looking at the elementalist, you’ll see that they are trimming down the effectiveness of other classes down to where the ele is. Bringing everything down to an equal playing field instead up pushing things up to an equal playing field reduces the risk of OP builds existing. It also means that as more of the playerbase becomes familiar with how to utilize classes effectively ANet can start to add power creep via updates and expansions to create some more interesting complexity in combat. Buffs will eventually role out. Starting with nerfs and bug fixes is the right move, even if it isn’t the bug fixes you want for the class. They’ll get to them. You have a right to complain about the bugs, just chill out a bit and give ANet useful information instead of useless rage. If you want more communication about specific topics, go to the suggestion forum and propose ANet offer a high level list of things they’re looking into.

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Victor.5819


Whoever is playing the ele on internal beta server for Anet must be too good that no buff is needed for him. And other people hate him so all the incorrect skills got fixed so soon.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: boozer.7815


I am having a hard time reading through this wall of tears. Can someone post a recap plz?

Really, they were bug fixes. Whats wrong with them fixing the many bugs this class has? Isnt that better than not fixing any of them? Granted, none of those things dealt with the class balance issues, but I dont think its worth crying over that they did not fix the bugs that were a priority for you.

What Anet needs to do is come clean with what their intentions are for this class. And they need to do it soon.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razgriz.7319


If you want more communication about specific topics, go to the suggestion forum and propose ANet offer a high level list of things they’re looking into.

I feel like this is a very good suggestion and a better way forward.

~ 80 Elementalist

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


I’m sorry but “letting the meta develop” isn’t enough. They aren’t letting it develop for any other class…

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: veeblight.9736


I posted the idea in the suggestion forums. If any of you guys would like to add anything, please feel free to do so. Please let’s not argue about who is right, we all care and want the game to do well

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Animosity.5231


Just wanted to say that IZerker still spawns on top of you and seems to ignore terrain. Only had one Mesmer on enemy team, though, so more samples might be needed to be sure.

I play a Thief build that can solo Lord with all the NPCs up anyway, and more often than not I still down him with 1-2 defenders on me. Actually, I did the same thing on an Ele build earlier, but without any defenders. Probably way harder with Ele than on my Thief with defenders, but there’s a good chance you’ll down him before the enemy comes to defend either way. The bug fix for that was relatively easy, and really shouldn’t overshadow bugs that severely hinder or break a class’ skills or traits, IMO. Besides that, these skill bugs have been around for months with no fix in sight.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zaor.6085


Now I understand why there is no monthly subscription.
There would be 10 people playing…

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: DaPala.5346


I know that no launch is perfect. But behavior like this can and does really ruin games. Not many people come back after they initially gave up…

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


I’m sorry but “letting the meta develop” isn’t enough. They aren’t letting it develop for any other class…

The rest of the classes only got bug fixes, too, minus maybe one or two necro skills. We also got number of targets increased for a couple of our skills. Did you read the patch notes fully, or does your tunnel vision not allow it?

I’m disappointed that so much is borked with ele skills and traits, too. But my god, what hyperbole.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rolo.9248


Are you guys for real?

Not that I agree with all the “demands” but it’s just rationalising to be happy to get only a part of what was promised from the beginning. (“yaaaaay, half my skills/TPs still don’t work but yaaaaaay, I got a buff on two skills that I almost never use, yaaaaaay!” no, not feelin’ it. sorry. heh

Don’t get me wrong, I understand there are priorities and Anet prrooooooobably knows better than we do on their optimal order. Besides, necro did seem like it was in worse shape than ours.

i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rezo.4815


I have to admit that the elementalist profession is broken. It has been broken and seemingly will remain broken until ANet finally realizes that it is broken, which it has not. There is REALLY only 1 viable high tier tournament play spec to go (healing power staff tank), the damage specs are atrocious since they trade off more defensive utilities to do this damage than any other profession. There are way too many traits that just bluntly give you movement speed but if you really wanted mobility you could never go over swiftness speed anyway since that is the movement speed cap. They have yet to understand how broken building a burst based elementalist is.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Loco.4561


All those saying that necros are “more” broken, head over to the necros forums there are nowhere near as many people complaining about that profession. In an mmo first impressions / early impressions count, so far a vast majority of the player base believe that ele’s are broken. I don’t believe that the profession is broken per second, but it needs a LOT of trait/bug fixes.

The only people who will be left playing this profession are die hards, the vast majority will either re-roll or quit. I have a level 80 mesmer and level 78 Ele, just for fun I rolled a warrior, at level TWO in WvW with a rifle I am out-damaging my level 78 Ele and have 6k more health…

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Novalight.7568


I’m sorry but “letting the meta develop” isn’t enough. They aren’t letting it develop for any other class…

The rest of the classes only got bug fixes, too, minus maybe one or two necro skills. We also got number of targets increased for a couple of our skills. Did you read the patch notes fully, or does your tunnel vision not allow it?

I’m disappointed that so much is borked with ele skills and traits, too. But my god, what hyperbole.

I’m not in the game to try it (yay work) but a couple of skills is just 2 skills (ok, technically it’s a couple) but 2 skills out of idk how many isn’t something that will majorly effect the gameplay (and people have suggested they became AOE coz they didn’t know how to fix the lightning whip bug, on which I agree).

The other two changes are meh. So all in all 3 whole changes. Out of plethora of bugs and problems with the class. Did you read the patchnotes? 3 crappy changes and you’re calling people out on how they missed all the changes, priceless (unless there is a magical 2nd patchnotes somewhere I missed).

In any case, I’m disappointed by the patchnotes. I mean, is it so hard to fix for example: trait, cantrips recharge 20% faster…I doubt it’s a major programming feat which can in essence be reduced to “if trait on, then recharge -20%”

And for shame Anet, is it so hard to just make 1 post in ele subforum to say, we’re working on a fix for the bugs or even “we think ele is fine coz it’s behaving ok in tPvP in a group environment with full support of a team on voicecomms and we don’t really care if it sucks in PvE or other types of play and we certainly don’t care that not many builds are viable coz the meta will possibly change and suddenly full DPS elementalists will be awsomesauce when ppl learn to play them and they will melt faces, bathe in opponent tears and we’ll be forced to nerf them”.

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otiz.3259


The other classes will be nerfed, don’t worry. Game’s only been out for a month, these things take a long time.

The issue is lack of communication, and this is bad – don’t give me no BS about them being bussy, ofc they are, but still need to let us know what they are planning before people change professions etc.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


I was a fanbooi to a certain degree, the marriage is over, not just because of the Elementalist but because the game is badly damaged in many places. Bottom line it wasn’t ready for release. Looking back to the time I spent playing Beta they should have allowed fast npc levelling to test ALL areas of the game.

Regarding the Elementalist and this talk of allowing the “meta” to establish, well it took them a week or so to nerf the class dramatically (anyone who played BWE 2 and 3 know what I’m talking about) and many of us are frustrated because it hasn’t been a month, BWE 3 was back in July so they’ve had ample time to communicate with us regarding where and what they plan on doing with the class.

Talking about Communication, this is the proverbial nail in the coffin for me. They were very vocal when they needed us (the beta testers) to spread the word and hype for them but have now proceeded to ignore pretty much everything that amounts to negativity, be it class complaints, wvw complaints or general complaints.

Where there is smoke, there is a fire (or a sneaky thief) and the only bucket of water that is going to douse the flames will be coming from ArenaNet’s mouth. Two simple sentences from someone on the balance team is all it would take, I don’t care if they blatently lie to us as long as they say something.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

(edited by MarzAttakz.9608)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Icewolfnector.1487


Now this makes me sad, really sad.
I don’t ask for any Elementalist buffs or such things yet and I understand that it’s better to wait than to overbuff or nerf something.
But what I really was hoping for in this patch and also the last one, were at least some fixes to some of the major skill bugs.
Not even our weapon skills are working as they should.
Furthermore like all our defensive skills like mistform, armor of earth, cleansing fire are broken and lots of traits are not working.
I tell you, this profession is so weak because nothing works like it should.
We lose a huge amount of power just because so many of our skills and traits are bugged. No wonder everyone is complaining about how weak the ele is.
And to be honest I feel like they enjoy to bully the Elementalist.
Only fixing bugs that benefit us, but leave us with all the bugs that weaken us.
I wonder if this class will ever work as it should :C

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Icewolfnector.1487


I already see it coming in the next patch notes.
Fixed a bug that made the Elementalist damage Foes.
Now working as intended, so the Elemnetalist applies conditions to himself and boons to the enemy.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Laivine.9308


I already see it coming in the next patch notes.
Fixed a bug that made the Elementalist damage Foes.
Now working as intended, so the Elemnetalist applies conditions to himself and boons to the enemy.

That made me laugh so hard! Cheers bro! Exactly what I am expecting as well!

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


next patch will fix underwater tornado damage! bet on it ._.//

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheWarKeeper.5374


I already see it coming in the next patch notes.
Fixed a bug that made the Elementalist damage Foes.
Now working as intended, so the Elemnetalist applies conditions to himself and boons to the enemy.

That made me laugh so hard! Cheers bro! Exactly what I am expecting as well!

If that made you laugh then take a look at this official nerf in GW1:

Nerfed from 5 energy cost to 25, from 10 seconds recharge to 90, from 30 seconds duration to 5.

And heres what Izzy says:
In a Developer update, ArenaNet stated, “We recognize that the changes to this skill will essentially remove it from play. In the future, we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of this skill that would be viable but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.”

4 years have passed and the skill is still in exact same shape, im glad PVP in that game disgusted me to a point it i didnt care if they would make all skills for monk like that as separate PVE skill list most of the times they were different.

AFAIK Izzy is still incharge of gw2, as soon as ive read that deep inside i knew to some point the professionalism in handling balance issues was still present in this game, these current GW2 patch notes mean nothing, at best it means the ele will never really get a proper buff and get what i call jokes like this one.
I assume the next buff will allow eles to gain 1hp per every person it is currently receiving damage at close range, or make ele throw 2 rocks instead of 1 if its currently receiving >5k damage per second, it was a failed strategy from their part to give us the illusion they are working on it and make us shut up and wait for the next update, looking forward tanking 3 guys with my current 10k hp

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


Are you guys for real? Anet is focusing on exactly what they said they would: fixing bugs and exploits. There are a lot more of them to fix, so really I wouldn’t expect any systematic attempts at class balancing any time soon.

Give the Chicken Little routine a rest. The sky is not falling.

This times 1000. Calm the kitten down people, seriously.

Did you honestly expect to get major class changes, new downed state skills, massive buffs, and a weapon swap 1 freaking month into the game?!? Seriously? For real?

The Elementalist as currently constructed is a pretty decent class with bugs affecting our effectiveness more than anything. Quit your whining, the class is not nearly as broken as many of these posts would suggest! I’ll admit, I wish they had fixed a few more Ele bugs (e.g., make windborne dagger actually work, cantrips mastery on mistform, etc.) but the game is just over one month old, they have more pressing issues (as evidenced by the number of fixes to Necro).

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Androira.4391


Are you guys for real? Anet is focusing on exactly what they said they would: fixing bugs and exploits. There are a lot more of them to fix, so really I wouldn’t expect any systematic attempts at class balancing any time soon.

Give the Chicken Little routine a rest. The sky is not falling.

This times 1000. Calm the kitten down people, seriously.

Did you honestly expect to get major class changes, new downed state skills, massive buffs, and a weapon swap 1 freaking month into the game?!? Seriously? For real?

The Elementalist as currently constructed is a pretty decent class with bugs affecting our effectiveness more than anything. Quit your whining, the class is not nearly as broken as many of these posts would suggest! I’ll admit, I wish they had fixed a few more Ele bugs (e.g., make windborne dagger actually work, cantrips mastery on mistform, etc.) but the game is just over one month old, they have more pressing issues (as evidenced by the number of fixes to Necro).

The game is 1 month old, but there was 6 months of beta testing and these bugs were reported by the time and still not fixed…

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


As I’ve mentioned before, the devs have made it clear that general bug fixes, general nerfs and necromancer changes were the priority now, and that’s what’s happening.

We’re still getting bug fixes (look at a few other professions: they haven’t even got changes in the last patch), we actually have gotten one buff or two, and several OP skills from other professions, due to functionality or due to bugs, were toned down or fixed, especially for two of the strongest classes at the moment, guardians and mesmers.

Blowing this out of proportions and saying that our changes were meaningless is ridiculous. The skills that were buffed were never used, but can’t you understand that is exactly the reason why they were buffed? MH air dagger is actually meaningful for pve now. If you never used it before there, then its time to start use it. If you never used D/ D before, then that doesn’t means no one else uses it. Likewise, the auto-attack on conjures ups the DPS overall. Will that make conjures worth using? I don’t know, but I know my FGS dealt about 2k-3k worth of extra damage thanks to auto-attacking while I was kiting and waiting for the best moment to use all other four skills. A 2k boost is a lot in a profession that can barely deal 500-1k damage per skill with their current best pvp builds.

Finally, elementalists actually do have a few good builds to use for pvp. They might not be your style, but they’re better than nothing. A 30 water/ 10 arcane regeneration/ cantrip/ condition removal build, with 20+ earth for even more defense and good condition damage, and the amulet that greatly improves toughness, healing power and power makes an elementalist very hard to kill, while having really appealing 6k-10k+ condition damage from several spammable skills individually. I can stand against any profession with that, going S/ D or D/ D. I’ve heard of the vitality/ tank healing staff build, but haven’t tried it, and from my experiences, a signet/ aura build is acceptable too.

In comparison, the necromancers had about one good build (condition damage), and tell me, did our fellow elementalists ever had trouble battling against a necro, as they have with thieves/ mesmers?

(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kellhus.8071


I would highlight how long the game has been out, and that this class is more than playable.

Prioritization of issues is important, and I don’t find any class to be so broken as to be unplayable and needing to be moved to the front of the line.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Selo.1250


I always manage to choose the class that gets ignored by developers..

GW2 – Ele, SWToR – Commando, Rift – Rogue, Aion – Assassin, AoC – Barbarian…and the list goes on.

The Ele needs fixes, and a damage increase in staff line, and making meteor shower actually hit something, and more if you take the bigger aoe trait, not only get spread out more.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


The game is 1 month old, but there was 6 months of beta testing and these bugs were reported by the time and still not fixed…

Fair enough, which is why i’m unhappy that more bugs weren’t fixed. There is no real reason why things like windborne dagger, or cantrips mastery not affecting mist form, shouldn’t have already been fixed. These are theoretically easy coding fixes. Others, like lightning whip (which is why they made it AOE) and RTL are much harder to fix and may require more time.

That being said, those in this thread complaining the class is “broken” and behaving like the class is just pure trash that can’t kill anything are completely overreacting and need to, quite honestly, “L2P”. Yeah, I said it! (and I loathe doing so, as I have flamed others for saying this dreaded turn-of-phrase)

Bug fixes will come, perhaps some buff/balancing will come as well, but it’s not as if the class is unplayable in it’s current state.

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


I’m sorry but “letting the meta develop” isn’t enough. They aren’t letting it develop for any other class…

The rest of the classes only got bug fixes, too, minus maybe one or two necro skills. We also got number of targets increased for a couple of our skills. Did you read the patch notes fully, or does your tunnel vision not allow it?

I’m disappointed that so much is borked with ele skills and traits, too. But my god, what hyperbole.

The other two changes are meh. So all in all 3 whole changes. Out of plethora of bugs and problems with the class. Did you read the patchnotes? 3 crappy changes and you’re calling people out on how they missed all the changes, priceless (unless there is a magical 2nd patchnotes somewhere I missed).

I’m not saying ele got a bunch of awesome fixes. I’m saying nobody else got them, either. If you reread the quote, Daedelus is saying “Well everybody else got cool stuff” when they got the same thing we did — a handful of bug fixes, some of which actually worked against those classes.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Selo.1250


Unplayable no, but compared to other classes, the Elementalist have to work much harder but dont get near the rewards as those classes get by pressing 4-5 skills.

At the same time they also have more base HP, more crit chance, more toughness, more vitality and have high burst aoe and ST in the same builds, and can switch from high ranged damage to high melee damage by switching weapons.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


The LW update actually made me happy….but then again my LW hits for 1500 – 2500 a pop.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: silvermember.8941


To all the people using the phrase “We have the right” the reality is that you really don’t.

We can all agree that the elementalist needs a good buff anybody that says is IMHO needs to tell me their secret. But unfortunately, topics like these are serve no purpose other than people making LOUD unnecessary noise. They have said in the past, once bugs have settle down and the meta game is down, they will start talking balance. You can argue, but hey they shouldnt have released the game with these many bugs, but unfortunately they did and that wont change the reality those bugs need to be fix.

Making angry post and labeling ppl that don’t agree with your PoV as fanboys in a civil discussion makes all your invalidate by other civil people. I would like the ele to be brought up to the level of all the other professions and I hope that Arenanet is hoping the same thing, but like everything it takes TIME and resource both of which are currently being used up by other critical bugs.

So you can keep making angry post threaten to quit, but it wont change the fact that just like in any major project the are priorities and atm those priorities seems to lie with the bugs. BTW in the future if you lack the patience needed to wait for balance, you might want to consider waiting a few months before purchasing an MMO.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

(edited by silvermember.8941)

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunch Rest.2945

Crunch Rest.2945

It’s sad that I am more excited to login to the forums to see if they fixed this junk class than I am to play the game. I was super excited for this game but very disheartened now.