One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: sinzer.4018


I wonder if anyone ever uses this trait as to me it seems pointless. An added 5% movement speed (maxing at 25%) every 10 seconds of being attuned to air is a terribly designed trait. As we all know elementalists do not sit in a particular attunement, our profession is based around switching attunements. This is how the devs want it. To have a trait that requires you to be in one attunement for 50 seconds to get its full effect is counter to the very mechanics of the profession. Every other adept trait in Air is more useful than this rendering this trait a waste of space.

I don’t pretend to be knowledgeable about game design nor balance so you’ll have to forgive me if what i propose is either overwhelming or underwhelming but i propose two possible solutions;

the first is scrap the trait and give us something else.

The second is a merging of this and the adept minor trait, zephyr’s speed, and a buff. I’d suggest 5% every 5 seconds. So, Air IV would then read “you move 10% faster while attuned to air. You move a further 5% faster every 5 seconds while attuned to air (maximum 25% movement speed)”

This would mean that it would take 15 seconds of being in Air to get the trait’s full effect. It would make it incredibly more useful when travelling out of combat and only marginally more useful when in combat. Probably resulting in no more than 20% passive movement speed during a fight but more likely 15%.

I of course do welcome other people’s criticisms as there’s no doubt a fair amount of people with a far better understanding of the elementalist and the game than me.

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


yes, it’s crap. just make it a passive 25% move speed bonus in Air and be done with it.

downed state is bad for PVP

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scorael.8952


It’s the same with One With Fire and other attunement specific traits. I’ll be glad to be done away with them if the devs want us to be switch attunements constantly.

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scorael.8952


Not to mention One With Air somewhat renders the minor trait Zephyr’s Speed useless because they don’t stack.

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: sinzer.4018


yes, it’s crap. just make it a passive 25% move speed bonus in Air and be done with it.

I would support that. It’s alot less faff.

Not to mention One With Air somewhat renders the minor trait Zephyr’s Speed useless because they don’t stack.

iirc, after 20seconds it does, for the first 20 seconds one with air is rendered useless by zephyr’s speed.

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Rework it: One With Air- lightning flash, signet of air and lightning hammer grant 8 seconds of fury

or cause x seconds of weakness

or cause x stacks of vulnerability for x seconds

You get the idea :p

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I like the trait. I use it running around the open world. I switch to Air when I want to run, and to w/e while fighting. I would use the speed signet, but would rather not switch utilities every time I fight some random mob. I’d rather — for dungeons or big DE’s — just change the trait beforehand.

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

I made a rework suggestion for it (along with the air magic traitline in general) in my thread a while back.

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Senjun.8149


How about you get a 50% chance to evade incoming attacks after attuning to air? Lasts 2-3 seconds.

Or you evade the next incomming attack after attuning to air

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Milennin.4825


One With Air: Switching to Air Attunement breaks stun.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tarvok.4206


I also use it for travel. It’s something to set to when you’ve got a lot of running to do but aren’t expecting particularly difficult combat. Good for most PvE, or at least the exploration part.

One with Air (Air IV) needs to be changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Navzar.2938


I just switch on of my utilities to signet of air for pve travel if I’m not perma swiftness. Then I just change it back before any serious fighting. No need to bother with a trait for that.