Optimized WvW zerg/GvG builds
you are speechless, as in you dont talk? the 2nd trait setup on metabattle is the best one. try valkyrie armor with zerker trinket and weapon. i prefer pack runes. Hardcore guilds do prefer people that talk, personally id prefer an ele that doesnt die. Try joining a guild that uses many eles already. That way even if you dont talk the other ones can fufill the role in your place.
Bad Elementalist
I can’t talk yes, it’s frustration in the real life, and more frustrating in games were we should feel more liberty.
I Understand how important would be to call water fields or statics, but when we can’t do it we can’t, i’v even asked in temspeak forum if there’s a TTS plugin that can be mapped on some keys but it does not excist.
Due to the high cost of ascended armor i’d really like to be sure.
Thank you again.
This is a build I used to run for WvW before I joined my guild.
Trait wise Lightning Rod has become fairly good in the new CC heavy meta. The biggest problem I find with it is it doesn’t give credit for tags unfortunately (bug reported). In Water you can swap around the Master Trait between Soothing Disruption, Cleansing Wave and Aquamancer’s Alacrity. All are good options depending on your situation and the key really is adaptability. Earth points are variable and can be swapped around as desired. I like the 10 in Earth for the extra 100 Toughness and Earth’s Embrace because I play very aggressively.
Utility wise is all about self survivability and mobility. Again with the CC heavy meta Armor of Earth is a must. Mist Form I used to skip but now I find it’s very useful for charging through chokes and the like as you can effectively get two dodge roll distance out of it. Lightning Flash lets you reposition where you need to be if you get caught in a bad scenario. Even FGS is all about mobility and getting to an objective quicker or escaping.
The Health is a bit low stats wise, but honestly with Robust HP WvW boost and 5 Guard Stacks (2500 HP) it’s more than enough to survive (usually 17k – 18k HP). The 2500 toughness, decent HP and utilities makes me one hell of a robust character when played right. Usually I only go full down (as in lose guard stacks) once or twice an evening even in Tier 1 battles. Bloodlust stacks are easy to maintain as well.
Offensively speaking we’re solid. After Guard Stacks (100 power) and Bloodlust we’re sitting on a comfortable 2700+ power on top of 48% crit and 199% crit damage before we’re even touching Might, Fury or any other kind of boons. Even Ice Spike is incredibly painful for groups and I easily see it go off for 5k crits all the time.
Defensive Infusions I’d eventually throw in Toughness/Agony. This is about 100g I believe per one however so not in a huge rush to get those in. Eventually though that’s enough Agony that I can easily do 1-29 Fractals which is all I’ve ever been interested in doing personally. The WvW defensive Infusions (or even the offensive ones for that matter) seem largely unimportant as guards don’t do any real damage nor last long enough to matter. It may be more important when HOT hits and the new Borderlands maps introduce new mobs to the equation however.
As for what to do, most WvW servers I know of have TS and if you can listen in that’s usually what most are looking for. Even if you’re unable to call fields, being able to listen to what’s needed is clutch.
If you can listen in, usually you can try to find patterns for different Commanders and simply do what you need to do. This means gauging how aggressive the Commander is and gauge what they need. For example if a Commander always leads with CCs chances are you’re going to want to be in Air when running around to drop down Static on enemies first. Just the same if they call for Water fields repeatedly you may not want to be locked out of Water after pushing. Eventually you get a feel for what’s needed and come up with your own rotation.
Doubling up usually isn’t bad, either. If a commander calls for a water field, people may drop Geyser and you can drop it as well but slightly off the tag (like edge on tag, and edge towards other people) so different groups of 5 people get the heal and it creates a bigger area for people to blast.
While I can understand the frustration of not hearing Geyser to blast it, ultimately I’d like to imagine that people would be appreciative of the fact it got cast at all when asked for rather than be upset it wasn’t mentioned. Then again this is the internet. I wouldn’t worry about it too much, find those groups out there and just run with them and you should be good.
If you can’t even listen in on TS…well that’s a whole other can of worms.