Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Tonight, I tried to PVP as an Eles after the nerf. What I notice clearly is that my health drop way too fast now. Same Setup, same runes, same Trait, Guardian Whirlwind Wrath take me down to 1/4 of my health by its skill alone. Before the nerf, I can stand still and get hit and the health not drop that fast (50% at the most)?That Guardian is not Berserk trait for sure because he heal from 10% to 90% with just the signet. Is it just me or there is some Ninja Nerf that we are not wary about?

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gaidax.7835


Umm… If you say that he hit hard and he healed for 80% HP with signet then he is most certainly Zerker…

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Turkashi.4502


Don’t forget your healing got nerfed, and other classes got some patchs too

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

As far as outright getting hit harder, I don’t think anything’s changed.

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stealth.9324


I see, guess I have not duel that many zerker Guardian in tPvP. Plus they can fight in the middle of the group too. Thanks for the information.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


ive experienced this same thing. my build is the same but i seem to go down like cheap date….something isnt right.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: I Am Dansker.7105

I Am Dansker.7105

having the same issue, not entirely sure why as the signet of restoration nerf (18% less healing) seems to be the only thing for me that has changed while in battle

Might just be physiological but it does feel like i receive a ton more damage

But then again, might not be something on our end, might be the buffs every other class that already make up 90% of WvWvW got buffs…

Far Shiverpeaks

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


something isnt right.

Same here, makes you wonder if they really test these nerf.

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Caffynated.5713


There have been tanky guardian builds with heavy burst for awhile now. I’ve been caught napping, thinking “it’s just a guardian” so I didn’t dodge their attacks. Big mistake.

This isn’t new.

“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Based on what Anet done in the past with some ninja nerf here and there, I would not surprised. Can any pro players confirm this pls?

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Skyblue.9358


Just to remind 1 thing, when ele got nerf, other professions got buff. So it is not only ele heal less, its also other job would built same defense with larger dmg now.

Winter Skyblue, Elementalist, Kaineng

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Diemos.9854


I agree, I took an almost unrealistic amount of damage tonight from many classes not only guardians. I agree something isnt right

Diemos Kreigsherr – Engineer
Diemos Ki – Elementalist – Tempest Gaming Community [TGC] http://tempestguild.us

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stealth.9324


My experience before the nerf is I can holding a point against 3 other class in at least a minute before I am downed.Now,test it the same with my friend,take them like 10sec to down me and I am not even have time to heal.I am talking about our defense, not our health or healing power or mobility.At this point,I am positive that our Defense has been messed up somehow..

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Similar thread in thief forum… Most Common answer was more people going gc. Although I suppose it’s possible they flat out accidently forgot to mention defense nerfs or just accidently nerfed it?

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cirax.9231


I don’t think our base defenses were nerfed, it feels the same to me. Perhaps youve encountered more offensive builds that’re being tested post-patch. I’ve had ranger pets chew me up halfway across the map though, and they hurt a lot – those creatures are a threat now lol

Our Def greatly reduce. Is it just me?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadowsong.1560


Maybe its the signets? Those got a 100% buff this patch.