Overload Benefiting Staying in Attunement
I really hope completing an Overload can have some positive impact for staying in the attunement.
For example, there are a lot of different things they could change with the first Tempest Minor Trait, such as:
- Completing an Overload reduces the Recharge Timers of its Attunment’s Abilities by 5 seconds.
- Completing an Overload applies a passive effect while remaining in the Attunement until it recharges. Air = +10% reduced casting time, stacking with Quickness. Fire = +10% damage and Condition damage. Water = +10% self Healing and +20% outgoing Healing. Earth = -10% damage received, stacking with Protection.
- Completing an Overload empowers the auto attack of its attunement until it recharges: Air = +20% Critical Damage. Fire = 2 seconds of Burning and +10% damage. Water = Healing to self and allies in AOE with each hit, removing a Condition every third hit. Earth = applies 2s Weakness and 5s Bleed on each hit.
Any of these ideas would help improve the “reward” for successfully completing an Overcharge while also providing a strong incentive to stay in the attunement rather than swapping immediately after.
This would change the entire dynamic of the Tempest’s style from the base elementalist: Instead of focusing on using your skills then rotating to the next attunement, you would stick to the attunement that is most appropriate for the current combat situation you are in. The goal should be to switch between functional “modes” of combat, rather than being rewarded for mindlessly shifting between attunements to complete a given rotation.
What are your thoughts about such an addition to our Minor Trait?
These are really solid ideas. your traits are actually more interesting than the current ones. I just think Tempest lacked a unified vision so they are picking ideas here and there from beta testers to avoid the catastrophe upon HoT release of an ineffective elite specialization (it is a huge and important part of the expansion). They need to refocus it around a strong concept, like the engi stuff that was shown last week.
I was JUST thinking of something quite similar. X) A bit more straightforward, though; a buff that reduces the cooldown on all spells of the Overloaded Attunement by 33% (stacking with the 33% reduction traits, allowing one to truly specialize in one Attunement by getting spells at 1/3 of their current cooldown), and perhaps a basic damage boost for the autoattacks.
Don’t get me wrong, your suggestions are certainly appealing, they’re just a bit complicated and thus harder to implement on the Developer end of things. XD Either one would make me quite giddy, though; I really wanna be able to justify staying in Air all the time with a Dagger. :P
It’s one of the possible solutions (to give overloads bonuses to staying in an attunement) and one I personally hope they aim for.
I like your ideas but I hope some of the bonuses they intend to provide are more unique to make the spec a bit more special although the idea to provide increased attack speed is rather unique since elementalists don’t have sources of quickness readily available to them.
The overload mechanic is meant as a trade-off. The risk is to stay longer in an attunement. It would be counter-productive to push the player into the same attunement so explicitly.
Of course, some traits and utilities can be good when you stay slightly longer in an attunement, or allows you to stay longer. For instance, Pyromancer’s Puissance and conjured weapons in general.