Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: ljaphillips.3497



I thought i would start a post to create a list of Daggers that have particle effects, as i cannot find that much info on them in general, though plenty of info on GS and Staffs, and i suspect others are in the same boat as me trying to find information specific to daggers.

So here goes the daggers I have found (BUT NOT CONFIRMED MYSELF!):
(Name / Source / Effect / GWDB / Pic or Vid Links)

Incinerator / Ledgendary / Fire Effects inc Players Arms / Link / Video

Corrupted Shard / Crafting / Blue Aura Effect, icy Mist/ Link / Video1 Video2

Ghastly Dagger / AC Dungeon / Blue Glow, with mist effect in the night / Link / Video of Ghastly Effect on Staff

Peacemaker Dagger / T3 Asura / Purple Mist Effect / Link / Picture

Mystic Spike / Mystic Forge / Electrical Charge Pulsing/ Link / Video

Traveler’s Orrian Dagger / Drop or TP / Dripping Water / Link / PIC

Order of Whispers Dagger / Order of Whispers / Folding Dagger / Link / Pic Folded Pic Unfolded Video

Krait Rippers / Crafting / Dripping Water / Link / Pic

Destroyer daggers / Crafting / Fire Effect on Blade / Link / Pci1 Pic2 Video for destoyer effect on other weapons

So feel free to add others and i will update the post.

Thanks to:

Intigo, Zenyatoo, Fishbait, Norb, Nbikz, Aeyan, Heimlich

Updated 07/12/2012

(edited by ljaphillips.3497)

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strodor.6051


I can’t recall any other Dagger with an effect, I think this may be it. I have two mystic spikes myself.

Smaggle – Asura elementalist [INT]

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The Order of Whisper daggers supposedly fold when you put them away…

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: RawkFist.1935


I’d love to see YouTube vids of these. I have the AC daggers strictly for their glow & fog at night. I always tell my guildies it’s because there’s orcs near by. XD

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


I have 2 Corrupted Shards.

Sexy, sexy daggers.

Tarnished Coast [TC]

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Heimlich.3065


Orrian daggers do have a dripping water effect (and they’re giant), and you can get the skin super-cheap on the trading post. Even the Blue/Fine quality dagger has the particle effect.

The Peacemaker Dagger seems to have a purple-mist effect, though I only looked at it through preview. The vendor won’t sell stuff to my bookah.

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wreck.2634


I would love to see screenshots with the descriptions, or even maybe a youtube video of them!

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeyan.5943


Krait rippers drip water.

I believe in the cake.

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Pact Dirk + Corrupted Shard:

(or any other video on my channel from the last month or so)

Here’s a quick pic of Peacemaker:

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

(edited by Intigo.1653)

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Heimlich.3065


Pact Dirk + Corrupted Shard:

(or any other video on my channel from the last month or so)

Here’s a quick pic of Peacemaker:

Peacemaker looks really nice when unsheathed, much better than the preview pic.

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: emikochan.8504


Wow, indeed, I wish the preview was accurate :o I’d have bought one, is there any place to see all the unsheathed weapon graphics ?

Welcome to my world –

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Norb.4253


The Order of Whisper daggers supposedly fold when you put them away…


I’d like some confirmation on this if anyone has em – if so I’d consider actually buying the things now.

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


The Order of Whisper daggers supposedly fold when you put them away…


I’d like some confirmation on this if anyone has em – if so I’d consider actually buying the things now.

I dont have them, but I can confirm the folding/unfolding.

basically the blade has like 3 segments on it, when you draw them, the blade unfolds to its full length. When you sheath it, it folds back up again

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Norb.4253


The Order of Whisper daggers supposedly fold when you put them away…


I’d like some confirmation on this if anyone has em – if so I’d consider actually buying the things now.

I dont have them, but I can confirm the folding/unfolding.

basically the blade has like 3 segments on it, when you draw them, the blade unfolds to its full length. When you sheath it, it folds back up again

Huh, cool. I think I’ll actually pick up a pair now.

Thanks for the info!

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wreck.2634


The Order of Whisper daggers supposedly fold when you put them away…


I’d like some confirmation on this if anyone has em – if so I’d consider actually buying the things now.

I dont have them, but I can confirm the folding/unfolding.

basically the blade has like 3 segments on it, when you draw them, the blade unfolds to its full length. When you sheath it, it folds back up again

Huh, cool. I think I’ll actually pick up a pair now.

Thanks for the info!

Can you post a video/pic when you get them?

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Norb.4253


The Order of Whisper daggers supposedly fold when you put them away…


I’d like some confirmation on this if anyone has em – if so I’d consider actually buying the things now.

I dont have them, but I can confirm the folding/unfolding.

basically the blade has like 3 segments on it, when you draw them, the blade unfolds to its full length. When you sheath it, it folds back up again

Huh, cool. I think I’ll actually pick up a pair now.

Thanks for the info!

Can you post a video/pic when you get them?

Sure, I’ll get something up tonight or tomorrow.

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tanlen.5470


I don’t have a screenshot on me at the moment but I can confirm the dripping effect for Traveler’s Orrian dagger.

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Did a short clip of the Mystic Spike.
Excuse my Charr naked legs, cloth clipping would`ve blocked the dagger

Be a few min` until uploaded.

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Norb.4253


Ok, found some pictures

Thanks for finding the pics. I went ahead and did a video showing the folding animation. It’s hard to see with all the arm movement but you can pick it out eventually. The little cogwheels on the hilt constantly rotate.

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: nbikz.2708


Destroyer daggers have particle effects also, don’t really like how they look though.
What makes me sad is that for a game that boasts that the only difference in gear is the looks there aren’t any daggers in the mystic forge besides the two icicles.

Here’s the pics of the daggers though

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Timelord.8190


Orrian daggers do have a dripping water effect (and they’re giant), and you can get the skin super-cheap on the trading post. Even the Blue/Fine quality dagger has the particle effect.

Where do i search for it?
I can’t find it.

Far ShiverPeaks (EU)

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: ljaphillips.3497


Updated with info to this point from peoples posts

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Orrian daggers do have a dripping water effect (and they’re giant), and you can get the skin super-cheap on the trading post. Even the Blue/Fine quality dagger has the particle effect.

Where do i search for it?
I can’t find it.

Try searching for “Sunken”
Sunken and orrian are the same dagger skin.

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Updated with info to this point from peoples posts

Nicely done This is a really useful thread for people who want to get some fancy daggers and aren’t sure where to start.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dicemeister.9340


Oh.. if only I could afford the corrupted shard and destroyer daggers, I’d be lookin’ pretty epic lol

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


“Traveler’s Orrian Dagger / Not Sure / Dripping Water (not confirmed in a vid) / Link / No Pics or Vids yet”

Didnt see this.

I dont have very good picture of it. But here are a few. The drops are “water-like” but they’re often green or grey tinged, and look sort of ghostly in nature I guess. They appear all around the dagger, not just below it.

In the bank: look at the right dagger, you can see the green/purple particle effects hanging in the air
In CoE: the droplets trail behind you as you run
In fields of ruin: more droplets trailing behind me
In fireheart rise: more droplets from the daggers


Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: ljaphillips.3497


Thanks Zenyatoo, update the Orrian dagger line.

Just a note that Krait Rippers have bad clipping issues when attached to a belt.

Hmmm there have to be more daggers there are over 20+ staffs with particle effects!

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


does tear of grenth have any effect?
i can t seem to find any decent pic of that dagger

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grevender.9235


Traveler Orrian Dagger can also be obtained from Mystic Forge (I got it that way xD )

btw, that Corrupted Shard looks awesome, how do you get it?

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: ljaphillips.3497


Traveler Orrian Dagger can also be obtained from Mystic Forge (I got it that way xD )

btw, that Corrupted Shard looks awesome, how do you get it?

Its crafted by weaponsmith

Link on Guildhead

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Timelord.8190


Try searching for “Sunken”
Sunken and orrian are the same dagger skin.

I tried, 0 results.

Far ShiverPeaks (EU)

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dinkus.6480


your video of the destroyer effects is from Guild Wars 1, not 2…just saying

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: hharry.1967


How do u get the recipe for the destroyer dagger? I have already the one for corrupted shard, but im guessing the one for the destroyer dagger is just throwing in the mats with ur weaponsmith and discover it?

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


They may not have special effects, but I’ve found that the Priory daggers look very appropriate for a melee caster.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Particle Effect Daggers, for you Ele...

in Elementalist

Posted by: mcarswell.3768


all the destroyer weapon recipes are discovered just like regular recipes, just with the added destroyer lodestones.


Berner | Nitzerebb | Suna | Shivayanama
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry

(edited by mcarswell.3768)