[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
Place with most mobs.
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
Go in SoD, ML, CS and aggro risens.
There´s barely any place you can comfortably aggro more than 10-15, i was wondering if anyone knows a place that would be completely packed with mobs
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
In cursed shore when the defend the camps (Shelter’s Gate) event start, groups of 10-20 spawn a little ways away (south, down the road past the bridge), depending on how many people are defending the camp and what wave it’s on. When they initially spawn, they’re in a tight little group but they are invulnerable. The groups consist of all the different types of risen, so multiple pullers and knockbacks are in there.
Soloing the entire group is possible, but there’s no real point in pulling that many since AoE is capped.
At the temple of grenth, when it’s contested, you can run around and aggro everything there. The end with the boss contains immobilizers and you’ll have to LoS to gather everything, same with the other end, where you can hide around or in the little house.
In Frostgorge, it’s relatively easy to run down the path with all the grawl and aggro around 10 at time. I’d imagine the area with all the trolls in the center is the same, as long as you’re willing to deal with a few veterans.
(edited by Healix.5819)
There´s barely any place you can comfortably aggro more than 10-15, i was wondering if anyone knows a place that would be completely packed with mobs
There’s a lot of places in Cursed Shore where you can grab a lot of mobs. Not all in one pull no, but there are a ton of mobs, closely packed and thus impossible not to aggro, and they follow you around for a long time (all of these things are a pain in the rear for most people but in your case, a blessing!). So get a nice train going, bunch them up when you’re done, and have fun. Just make sure not to take out any innocent bystanders with your train.
Edit: But if you’re looking for a place to start, some of the skill points, not just in Cursed Shore but in Malchor’s Leap as well, tend to have a lot of quickly spawning mobs bunched around them. Especially those skills points that are up on a slight hill and force you to go through the pack to get to them.
(edited by Leiloni.7951)
Problem with training mobs is that they lose aggro far too easy, especialy when trying to manover with ele.
Grenth room is nice for mob density, but i was wondering if theres´s similiar places that you can aggro even more enemies in one go.
Event´s are not optimal for my purposes as there´s too many people around them usualy, making it impossible to solo.
Also the aoe caps and such don´t really matter either, as i´m trying to find a place to try how much i can survive rather than farm.
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
When Jofast sets out to retake her camp, there are waves of attackers. If you let all the NPCs die except the dolyaks, you can probably be pretty busy on the next wave.
Same idea in her camp after she retakes it.
When Shank Anchorage is under enemy control there are a lot there and, as a bonus, most of them are immune to burning.
The Temple of Lyssa is a good place to go. The three objectives that need to be taken to spawn the Goddess have quite a few mobs, there are follow up events that bring good sized waves of mobs, there are fast respawns, and there is usually no one around.
This would be a good place, that is, if you are interested in the number of mobs that will instantly agro on you and keep coming in waves and respawns.
Personally I try to pull them in small groups, but if you want to run up to the objective and agro them all at once, have a blast.