I just came back, after not playing for a while (for my own reasons). I just like that phrase used before the game came out. Play the way you want. As an ele, you can do this. You’ll probably suck, but you can do it.
You could also go for a flavor of the month build. Some people seem to think they work ok. I would say they just hit the sweet spot of a “lesser level of suck”. Ele has no good builds. Simple as that. They don’t. They do not. You can argue, but again, you are only hitting the lesser level of suck by comparison to the grand level of suck the class has to begin with.
I could ramble about health, or armor, or whatever everyone else is posting about the class these days, but that’s mostly whining. It doesn’t matter.
If you really want to look at the game is a serious light, lets look at all classes. Again, they all far into various levels of suck. This is very true. You could start yelling about warriors face rolling, or thieves invis. Whatever, its all a level of suck. If you look at their traits lines, they have just as many useless traits as eles do.
In fact, the devs could remove two thirds of the traits (pretty much any two trait lines completely from every class) and have minimal impact on the state of the game.
Why does half of this garbage even exist? Even if the skills or traits aren’t broken, most of them are generally so useless you are kinda left wondering “Why did I even bother using that skill?”…oh yeah…I remember, a filler for the next skill to be cast.
All classes suffer from this issue, not just eles. Eles just have the benefit of seeing it much more frequently due to having many (many, many, MANY) more useless skills to try and fill the void until an actual useful skill is off cool down.
As much as I like the phrase “play the way you want”, it doesn’t work. As an ele, i’d just be happy if I could play with the same quality of life as the other broken classes (ie: all of them).
I read a dev post, and I cannot for the life of me find the link, that eles only really shine with a full suit of ascended gear. Really? So the class generally sucks well past the end of the full story line, and well past the point of mostly being bored with all the rehashed content…then it gets to be a better(?) level of suck? A level of suck on par with the rest of the classes level of suck? The devs don’t see an issue with the way the eles stats are distributed after basically admitting they’re broken until the game is pretty much over?
So an ele requires a full suit of ascended gear to be a lesser level of suck. Ok…so are they with holding ascended gear from all the other classes so the ele can catch up to their level of suck? Nope…so once an ele has full ascended gear, proportionately they are still at the same level of suck below everyone else’s level of suck.
So back at the start, as I stated people are whining about eles armor and health. Hrm, after careful consideration, and a completely out-in-the-left-field comment by a dev, maybe they aren’t. Maybe the devs actually WANT the ele to suck this badly. On the bright side though, when they crippled mobility at least they didn’t go so far as to add an effect to our skills to constantly cripple us on use. Although, at this point, I can’t see that causing anymore harm than the consistant river of nerfs that keep flowing the eles way.