Please Revert Arcane Wave
I do quite hate the new wave. It is much more annoying to get off fast blast finishers, and now you can miss.
Endless Petrification Tonic
Congratulations ArenaNet in once again nerfing Elementalist.
- Arcane Wave… My god, what an absolute disaster that skill now is. What was once a great skill, keeping elementalist’s safe at close range, by blasting nearby foes quickly, or chaining combo fields together with this to gain perks, can no longer be done, purely because this skill now requires ground targeting. Please change it back, and perhaps just make it so Arcane Blast has an AoE when it lands of like 240 Radius, so that people ACTUALLY have a reason to use that waste of 6 skill-points. Also Arcane Wave cannot even be used underwater anymore due to the ground targeting. Please remove it, or at least make it a toggle-able option for that skill only.
Now that I just spent 10 minutes writing that up for it to be completely ignored by ArenaNet, I will say this. Listen to what your PLAYERS and FANS say and take our ideas into consideration. Also please stop reviewing the Warrior… It’s too bloody strong as it is.
Well said.
Make the heal the “ranged” version — this is actually a better solution for players because you can maximize the heal to hit 5 foes. It also preserves the pre-patch mechanics of Arcane Wave.
Is anyone seriously using Arcane Wave purely for the damage? Seriously?
I don’t recall anyone screaming (or even whispering) for another ranged blast finisher before this thread started. To say it’s now necessary to have Wave be ranged is not really fair.
Looking a gift horse in the mouth…
It won’t take long to get used to ground targeting, and it’ll show itself to only be an improvement once you get the hang of it. Ground targeting will happen naturally and fluidly. It’s very easy to get used to, just give it a chance.
Make the heal the “ranged” version — this is actually a better solution for player
This… this would be great. I could totally back this if people are that upset about getting ground targeting.
(edited by Oniyui.8279)
It would be great if A-net would add an option to the ground-targeting menu:
Instant, centered on caster... Problem solved!
I can say after 8 hours on my ele since the change that I can not get off all my field combos anymore, as I am constantly changing direction and dodge-rolling while casting and I need evasive arcana to trigger precisely and instantly without aiming… as it used to!
This change was uncalled for an unnecessary, I’d LOVE to hear ArenaNets explanation behind this.
RTL is still nerfed, because Spirit Watch.
i am signing a petition to revert back arcane wave …. or at least make players to pick ground target or instant cast. …………………………
SAD day for me!
also, water traits!
not happy
y ruining the fun . ele is my main. and i will always want to play my ele.. the way i like to play. if you want to make more improvement to staff weapon, go ahead but do not ruin the existing. such a disaster!!
lol, I’d sign a petition.
no more lol for this.. but col for me the day i try my ele after patch. cry out loud~~~
you are evil…..
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
This like people saying move the ground target to brilliance so they have the arcane wave from before. Moving the ground target to brilliance doesn’t do anything but make it worse. Who wants to ground target a heal? Or even have a heal that requires a target to do anything?
The explanation given behind the change to arcane wave is that the new heal would make 2 skills too similar (pb aoe blast finisher) so they decided to give arcane wave range.
I thought it was that AND it didn’t fit
The explanation given behind the change to arcane wave is that the new heal would make 2 skills too similar (pb aoe blast finisher) so they decided to give arcane wave range.
Huh, so ArenaNet is running out of ideas after all.
The explanation given behind the change to arcane wave is that the new heal would make 2 skills too similar (pb aoe blast finisher) so they decided to give arcane wave range.
Yea…ofc….because I totally want to replace an attack rotation skill with my heal…sure…that’s sustainable.
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
We get an amazing “Arcane Wave” like heal (in the right spot can get you from below 1k HP back to max) on a shorter cooldown untraited…
Nearly instant cast (certainly the fastest straight up heal we have now), does damage, counts as a blast finisher… and that’s very cool in of itself, but then on top of that…
The original Arcane Wave get’s an amazing range buff, keeps it’s radius, retains it’s instant cast nature… and the players are asking for a revert?
Seriously? What am I reading here? Are there that many bad elementalists? Anet’s been mean to us (RtL) before.
This isn’t one of those times. Hell, they even buffed FGS for use on the move. That was really nice.
Every change in this patch was a big step in the right direction. If any devs are reading, thank you. This is a glorious ele update.
We get an amazing “Arcane Wave” like heal (in the right spot can get you from below 1k HP back to max) on a shorter cooldown untraited…
Nearly instant cast (certainly the fastest straight up heal we have now), does damage, counts as a blast finisher… and that’s very cool in of itself, but then on top of that…
The original Arcane Wave get’s an amazing range buff, keeps it’s radius, retains it’s instant cast nature… and the players are asking for a revert?
Seriously? What am I reading here? Are there that many bad elementalists? Anet’s been mean to us (RtL) before.
This isn’t one of those times. Hell, they even buffed FGS for use on the move. That was really nice.
Every change in this patch was a big step in the right direction. If any devs are reading, thank you. This is a glorious ele update.
The conversation isn’t below you, its way, way above what you’re talking about.
We’re talking about fast combos with BS and flash becoming impossible for daggers or losing 100 plus power for the followup swap burst, and you think 900 range in anyway makes up for that? Maybe for scepters/staffs, but why do they need another ranged blast finisher? Why can’t you just take Arcane Blast? What field is my dagger set supposed to spit out that will take 900 range to use?
Start thinking at a higher level.
Also: Base heal on brilliance caps out at around 8k with the standard 15 in water minimum. In pvp, you will never, ever hit five targets unless you’re playing hotjoin or the enemy team is spectacularly bad. In wvw, Placing yourself in the frontline to get a zerg shot off is a horrendous kitten idea. It does negligible damage even for burst builds, and the difference between the 3/4 cast and 0 cast, is immense. Go play a day with a burst dagger kit, or really any dagger kit that isn’t just bunkering behind water heals.
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
Let me check if i’m getting it right…
You guys are complaining about the new AW just because now it takes ground targeting to use it.
What i can’t understand is why you’re using lightning flash + AW combo as an example. LF is group targeted SO you have to ground target to wherever you need to teleport to. Then what’s the problem in doing a second click for AW ?
Last patch they offered a new posibility for ground target in wich you didn’t have to click twice to perfomr the ability. Use it and you will still have your instant AW while staff eles will have another awsome and neccesary tool on their kitten nal.
The conversation isn’t below you, its way, way above what you’re talking about.
Seems that way, mate. So why can’t you use the new Arcane Wave again? You may have to change your rotation around and rethink how you use it.
But that’s not very hard. If you do it with flash, you can do it with AW.
Start thinking at a higher level.
Tells me to think at a higher level, complains about having to learn how to click one more time.
You know what, you’re absolutely right. If I channel my inner diva, I can totally understand your first world problem.
The conversation isn’t below you, its way, way above what you’re talking about.
Seems that way, mate. So why can’t you use the new Arcane Wave again? You may have to change your rotation around and rethink how you use it.
But that’s not very hard. If you do it with flash, you can do it with AW.
Start thinking at a higher level.
Tells me to think at a higher level, complains about having to learn how to click one more time.
You know what, you’re absolutely right. If I channel my inner diva, I can totally understand your first world problem.
The reason why we’re complaining is because the change was unnecessary, in sPvP, clicking one more time or being forced to aim can easily mean death.
But you wouldn’t know that because you’re a bad Elementalist.
Tells me to think at a higher level, complains about having to learn how to click one more time.
Way to miss the point. Nobody is having problems with the clicking. It’s the extra time needed to execute a combo. No matter how good you are, pressing 1 button is always faster than pressing 1 button and clicking 1 time. So, yeah, you aren’t just a possibly bad ele, you also fail at reading comprehension. If I were you, I’d be quiet.
As pointed out already, you can turn on fast-ground targeting so if you manage to move your mouse fast enough with accuracy, you can still execute arcane wave without clicking.
With enough practice, the spot to click on to blast burning speed should come very naturally. If we’re talking about playing at a high level here, I have no doubt some of you have already put hundreds, if not, thousands of hours on your elementalists and practiced a ton.
This process is but the natural cycle of evolution. Learn. Adapt. Practice. #ELEtism
This change gave a much-needed ranged utility skill for staff users like myself, and maybe scepter too. Think of us staff users! I’m really liking it..
Red circles heal you. Just relax.
Fast cast ground targetting is bad. It limits the things you can do with your hand by forcing you to hold that button. And it should be an option, where either works just as well, just depending on the user’s taste.
I also really dislike this change. Did anyone actually ask for this? It wasn’t broken or OP.
If the reasoning is that having a utility with a similar effect as one of the new heals, is that same reasoning not applied to other classes, like Endure Pain? Maybe that should have an arbitrary delay to make it different. Or maybe we should just leave unbroken things unfixed.
Ele has enough ground targetting. It feels exhausting in wvw trying to just get the target on the right pixel with FPS drops. Other classes don’t need to deal with this as much. This is the opposite direction that ele should be moving in in terms of quality of life.
As pointed out already, you can turn on fast-ground targeting so if you manage to move your mouse fast enough with accuracy, you can still execute arcane wave without clicking.
With enough practice, the spot to click on to blast burning speed should come very naturally. If we’re talking about playing at a high level here, I have no doubt some of you have already put hundreds, if not, thousands of hours on your elementalists and practiced a ton.
This process is but the natural cycle of evolution. Learn. Adapt. Practice. #ELEtism
I appreciate your reasoning, however as stated in this and other posts it was an unnecessary change to Arcane Wave when they could have accomplished their goal differently.
A couple of examples that would make sense:
1. Adding a blast finisher to Arcane Blast, changed to ground-targeted (which would likely kitten off sceptor burst builds).
2. Add a feature to Blasting Staff to make Arcane Wave ground targeted (doesn’t screw up d/d fast combos, sceptor users may be on the fence, staff users mostly happy).
3. Modify one of our arcane related traits to make Arcane Wave ground targeted.
I cannot fathom why the team responsible for skill and class balance feel that having similar functionality on a heal and utility skill is a problem? Is it really that OP?
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
There’s nothing to “fix”, your entire gripe can be avoided by simply clicking the skill while you have fastcast on, it’ll function exactly the same way it did before the “devastating eff-up”.
Shh staff user. You clearly don’t realize how annoying this little change can be.
Even a 0.5 second delay can mess up a combo. What makes you think that the extra timing needed to put the cursor behind you isn’t enough to destroy your coordination?
This is a tricky balance change…D/D loved the melee version, staff’ll love the ranged version. So which one to listen to?
That’s an easy one. Listen to the people that loved how it used to work for 15 months.
We get an amazing “Arcane Wave” like heal (in the right spot can get you from below 1k HP back to max) on a shorter cooldown untraited…
Nearly instant cast (certainly the fastest straight up heal we have now), does damage, counts as a blast finisher… and that’s very cool in of itself, but then on top of that…
The original Arcane Wave get’s an amazing range buff, keeps it’s radius, retains it’s instant cast nature… and the players are asking for a revert?
Seriously? What am I reading here? Are there that many bad elementalists? Anet’s been mean to us (RtL) before.
This isn’t one of those times. Hell, they even buffed FGS for use on the move. That was really nice.
Every change in this patch was a big step in the right direction. If any devs are reading, thank you. This is a glorious ele update.
If there’s a bad ele in there, that would be you my staff friend.
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.
(edited by Razor.6392)
This change gave a much-needed ranged utility skill for staff users like myself, and maybe scepter too. Think of us staff users! I’m really liking it..
Arcane Wave being reverted and the ranged ability attached to Arcane Brilliance, would be a much better staff ability.
It would be a better fit for every weaponset like that, not just a staff perk.
I hate this current setup, but would adore it if it was reversed, for several reasons.
So far I’m liking the new Arcane Wave a lot.
In my experience there are several advantages. It allows you to blast fields at a distance (like blasting a lava font you placed on a target). You can also use it to insta-tag mobs at range in pve. It is also more accurate at hitting several targets because you get to pinpoint the damage ‘ring’, and you can do so at a safe distance. Arcane Wave has gotten a lot more versatile in pve.
I admit I have not yet tried it in Pvp, things might be different there. I can imagine its a little slower. The underwater issue sounds like an oversight that might be fixed later on?
I prefer the old one, this is just annoying to deal with imo.
yeah if you anet don’t want two skills to be the same put the healing skills ranged everybody will be happy then its nice to get a healing skills ranged plz plz plz change it back this new change is annoying annoying can’t play without my wavae back plz i only like ele and now everything is ruined
I’m not going as far as saying the new skill is broken or unplayable. On it’s own a ranged Arcane Wave is nice, and I appreciate that the new ranged skill is useful to some Players.
However you can’t deny that the new Arcane Wave has made some skill rotations more difficult to play, and some combo chains impossible unless you have incredible mouse-keyboard-finger mashing skills.
I think ANet didn’t even realize this was going to be an issue to a portion of the player base. This is really disappointing as it means there’s no Champion inside ANet for the Elementatlist — someone that would have reviewed the change and said “hey wait, that’s going to cause some problems…”.
It would be nice to have both a ranged and PBAoE version of Arcane Wave. Maybe we’ll get lucky and somehow have access to both, but I think we’re stuck with what we have.
It allows you to blast fields at a distance (like blasting a lava font you placed on a target). You can also use it to insta-tag mobs at range in pve. It is also more accurate at hitting several targets because you get to pinpoint the damage ‘ring’, and you can do so at a safe distance. Arcane Wave has gotten a lot more versatile in pve.
Question: Why would you want to execute a blast finisher away from yourself and deliberately miss out on the buff?
(edited by TWMagimay.9057)
The new Arcane Wave purely favors Scepter and Staff.
The new Arcane Brilliance purely favors daggers.
ArenaNet, why even have a trait system if you are not even going to use it?
Seriously, the change to Arcane Wave is something I expect to see as a trait.
But meh, ArenaNet doesn’t even know their own combat system let alone traits.
The reason why Elementalists favor Water and Arcana is because everything else sucks balls and offers nothing but gimmicks or hard counters, which after this update, still has the same problem.
Even as an PvE S/D I’d prefer the PBAoE version of AW. I like the option to RtL into a group, AW, then Updraft away while knocking people down. I can help any warrior that’s waded into the heart of the mob. The extra click will really slow down the Updraft escape.
If ANet was worried about having 2 similar skill then don’t design a new skill that looks like an existing skill. What’s so hard to understand about that?
Even as an PvE S/D I’d prefer the PBAoE version of AW. I like the option to RtL into a group, AW, then Updraft away while knocking people down. I can help any warrior that’s waded into the heart of the mob. The extra click will really slow down the Updraft escape.
If ANet was worried about having 2 similar skill then don’t design a new skill that looks like an existing skill. What’s so hard to understand about that?
What I don’t understand is what about all the other skills that look exactly the same? Specifically with bows, Signets and guns.
It’s really hypocritical…
(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)
What I don’t understand is what about all the other skills that look exactly the same? Specifically with bows and guns.
It’s really hypocritical…
It’s about similar functions not appearances. They didn’t want two skills that function almost exactly alike. PBAoE Blast finisher and PBAoE Blast finisher that heals, was too similar.
What I don’t understand is what about all the other skills that look exactly the same? Specifically with bows and guns.
It’s really hypocritical…It’s about similar functions not appearances. They didn’t want two skills that function almost exactly alike. PBAoE Blast finisher and PBAoE Blast finisher that heals, was too similar.
Then the designers are at fault for lacking any imagination, why not ask your community for suggestions. Oh no no no, we can’t do that because we are never wrong.
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
Yeah I simply would like the ranged version on Arcane Brillance. It makes more sense, and revert Arcane Wave back to it’s original design.
It’s cool having a ranged blast finisher, but should have been added to Arcane Brillance.
On top of that Arcane Brillance should be instant cast like all the other “Arcane” abilities; although I suppose they can’t because its a heal and need to give enemies time to interrupt it.
(edited by Wraistlin.6072)
After i’ve switched to instant ground cast and it’s bearable with d/d. Also quite ridiculously fast combos with scepter
BTW this thread is becomes a whine, we’d better cry over traits
Had a lot of fun using AW last night as staff nuker in wvw, plus also handy for blasting water fields from a distance for allies.
As for D/D (preferred playstyle) I can understand the added timing challenge the ground targeting requires. Only suggestion I can offer is to set another keybind for AW on your mouse (much like lightning flash etc) for quicker reaction/placement times.
That said the number of times a thief has reappeared just out of reach (on D/D) with <10% health whilst dueling can be rather galling, this might be where the ground targeting comes into its own.
Because they wanted to make it different from Arcane brilliance which works the same way except it does less damage and heals.
Arcane Blast is different to the heal skill than Arcane Wave. Plus Arcane Blast is like 1500 range.
If anything the healing skill should of been the ground targeting skill. Would of been more interesting if we could choose to use our healing skill to support melee by throwing the heal and damage down on them.
Really, I love the constant wall of tears on this forum most of the time because it helps shield me from nerfs… but when they buff us by giving a power range without any added drawback and then you guys cry to have it nerfed back, I gotta protest. Spell is still instant cast; please learn to mouse target faster rather than trying to take away my new candy.
It’s about similar functions not appearances. They didn’t want two skills that function almost exactly alike. PBAoE Blast finisher and PBAoE Blast finisher that heals, was too similar.
Endure Pain – Take no damage from attacks. You are still susceptible to conditions and crowd control effects.
Defiant Stance – Heal yourself. Absorb all incoming strikes for a period of time.
They’re both stances, they both cause no damage while active. One heals at the same time. It’s exactly like both arcanes blasting nearby enemies but one heals at the same time.
That can’t be the reason why they changed Arcane Wave, since they didn’t change Endure Pain. So what was the reason?
It’s about similar functions not appearances. They didn’t want two skills that function almost exactly alike. PBAoE Blast finisher and PBAoE Blast finisher that heals, was too similar.
Endure Pain – Take no damage from attacks. You are still susceptible to conditions and crowd control effects.
Defiant Stance – Heal yourself. Absorb all incoming strikes for a period of time.They’re both stances, they both cause no damage while active. One heals at the same time. It’s exactly like both arcanes blasting nearby enemies but one heals at the same time.
That can’t be the reason why they changed Arcane Wave, since they didn’t change Endure Pain. So what was the reason?
Huh? Endure is physical damage but still affected by conditions. Defiant works against condition damage also. So change endure pain and zerker stance cause defiant stance does both of them albeit for only 3 seconds.
Really, I love the constant wall of tears on this forum most of the time because it helps shield me from nerfs… but when they buff us by giving a power range without any added drawback and then you guys cry to have it nerfed back, I gotta protest. Spell is still instant cast; please learn to mouse target faster rather than trying to take away my new candy.
Well, show me the person which suggested this change here. Nobody?
Not surprising, it hasn’t came to anybodys mind that arcane wave should be ground-targetted, ever.
Suddenly, Anet make this change (while the ground-targetting was originally announced for the new heal skill), and every one of the players who never used wave/never really cared about D/D are fighting the ppl who actually used the skill since the beta. Am I the only one who find this weird?
I play staff Ele btw and even I understand that Arcane wave is better without targetting, this class is about timing and every targetting skill = losing time.
please if you are not an elementalist or elementalist don’t mean any thing to youu don’t go in here and write nonsence ….and i can’t beleive there is hardy ppl here defend elementalist if anet don’t have anyone to speak for elementalists out there and if anet don’t change back a simple thing like this imagine all the mistakes it will do in the future we wanna play the proffession we want the way we want … if anet can’t do that for us ,then whats the point of this forum whats the point of the game if u finnaly find a good build for your character and organize skills and everything then one day you open ur staff ele and BAMM!!! instead of blasting things up u get a new confusing healing skill which i look like a warrior when i use it and a skills that you have been using for forever and a confusing ground targeting " a green circle which practicly cover 90% of my screen " hardly get an animation with it just like the healin skill they both sometimes miss .
switched to guardian ….hope they change it back soon
I hate ground target spells, probably because i use only d/d ele…should be reverted or put into a trait imo that won’t affect d/d. Having the spell “instant” and centered on me is much preferred to the ground target.
yeah im not talking about staff ele only D/D and S/D ELEs also get more kitten ed off with the new change more than staff ELEs
this skill should be changed ,hate my ele now
(edited by lewi.5497)
I would really like a hotfix for this…
Here’s a typical example of a D/D skill rotation involving Arcane Wave in WvW:
1) Use Ring of Fire in a large melee of mixed enemies and friendlies.
2) Burning Speed to shoot out of the mob, causing damage on the way.
3) Dodge-roll while turning 180 to lay down a Flame Burst, burning foes on the edge of the mob.
4) At the end of the twisting dodge-roll, switch attunement to Lighting (granting yourself swiftness) while simultaneously click-targeting an enemy on the opposite side of the mob (back-line).
5) Immediately cast Ride the Lightning to shoot back through your fire fields.
6) Trigger both Arcane Wave and Shocking Aura precisely in the middle of the Ring of Fire, granting might and an electrical aura to yourself and your allies while damaging multiple enemies and stunning any enemy that hits you or your allies.
7) You are now in the enemy back-line, where you can either continue causing mayhem with your up-mighted skills, or use your swiftness to escape.
There are literally dozens of combos that require this precise use of Arcane Wave while changing direction at high speed and also click-targeting enemies. I defy you to both click-target an enemy for an attack while simultaneously placing Arcane Wave where you need it with your mouse-pointer when Riding the Lightning. You CAN’T.
If you’re not a D/D elementalist, you may have no idea what I’m talking about. We have terrible HP and Armor, so speed is our major defense, and blast-finisher/field combos are our only major offense (and also a defense, but that’s another combo). This is a nerf to D/D elementalists of epic proportions.
(edited by Daddar.5971)
Earlier today I decided to actually give it a go, and by “it” I mean a “burning speed + arcane wave + lightning flash” hot drop. As mentioned by others you need to have fast ground targeting with range indicator enabled now.
For reference purposes my latency is 160 – 180ms on average which makes pulling this off even more difficult. I don’t have a Naga either.
I spent 30 minutes practising outside of a real combat situation i.e. a stationary target or circle strafing some random and attempting to pounce. I was able to do the combo less than ten times.
Yes I admit there is some L2P here, I could practise more until the action becomes reflex but in the heat of battle there are so many stars that need to line up to pull this off consistently now.
From a staff perspective I like ground targeted AW, from a D/D perspective I don’t like it for a hot drop combo, do like the option to blast a waterfield when called if I’m out of position and do like the possibility to potentially drop a low health target if my gap closers are on cooldown.
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
(edited by MarzAttakz.9608)