Please give quick attunement swapping outside of combat

Please give quick attunement swapping outside of combat

in Elementalist

Posted by: PuffballPink.6035


Other classes can swap weapons instantly when outside combat Why do elementalists get screwed over for fifteen seconds? It’s very irritating, and there’s no reason to keep it that way.

Reduce out-of-combat attunement swapping to 5 seconds or remove it altogether.

Please give quick attunement swapping outside of combat

in Elementalist

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


[Elemental Attunement] and some other trait that trigger on attunement swapping like [Cleansing Wave] and [Healing Ripple] should only work in combat then?

Please give quick attunement swapping outside of combat

in Elementalist

Posted by: Westley.4716


If you’re not in combat you get auto-healed to full anyways, so that’s a bit of a moot point. Just set a trigger so that the moment your spells/attunement bonuses have an affect on an enemy (or a teammate who is currently in combat) it puts you back in combat. Same situation. Or set a global cooldown on the things like Elemental Attunement to prevent buff stacking. OP makes a very good point; no one likes going into a fight with half your attunements on cooldown.

Although the point could still be made that Engineers have no cooldown on their kits, which are arguably the same thing as our attunements…

Please give quick attunement swapping outside of combat

in Elementalist

Posted by: Korgath.6581


That’s just not going to happen for multiple reasons.

Please give quick attunement swapping outside of combat

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bvhjdbvkjf.1987


@DesertRose – You realize that sigils that take effect on weapon swap are exactly the same as boons/etc that take place on attunement swap? Simply put – the traits and whatnot could have a minimum of 15 seconds (or whatever) before they can take effect again just like everything else in the game.

Personally, I’ve hit the wrong key on the way to a DE and even though it’s only 2 seconds to get to the right attunement (taking into account I meant to switch to air not earth for example), the fact there’s a CD outside of combat when the CD needs only be on the effects from swapping just like with every other class – is pathetic.

Please give quick attunement swapping outside of combat

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kreit.4709


Some elementalist’s functions are analog to other classes function, but much worse:
1) Attunement swap CD out of combat (but it’s analog to weapon swap which has no CD)
2) Huge CD on main damage abilities
3) Some builds make 2 attunement from 4 almost useless, other classes can equip second weapon to fit their build. Engineer doesn’t have weapon swap, but he can edit 25 from 30 available skills using kits, which have no CD.
I don’t understand guys, who protect elementalist’s bad features and saying “all is fine”. Are you want to be elitist or just like to eat cactus? All is far from fine. At least we need to get rid of range stuck (weapon swap or viable conjure system similar to engineer’s kits or something new like swap one attunement skills with conjured weapon skills) and get critical bugs (like RtL) fixed. And then it will be close to “fine”.

Please give quick attunement swapping outside of combat

in Elementalist

Posted by: PuffballPink.6035


@DesertRose – It’s on case-by-case basis. Warrior traits like [Versatile Rage] and [Empower Allies] are combat-only, but [Quick Breathing] and [Inspiring Battle Standard] work anytime.

Thanks for the support everyone. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who is frustrated by needlessly long attunement times.