Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Luterin.9876


My original post got deleted because I “demanded” something, so here is my new post where I humbly ask that we please get something. The original is quoted below.

As title suggests, this would help Elementalists, without making us “overpowered”.
I switch between S/D and Staff alot, but always out of combat, since that is the only way to do it, and I would love for a feature that allowed us to do this without having to mess around in our inventory. (dualwield -> 2hd = “good” weapon at the top of the bags)

I added the word “please” in the topic, and I hope it’s enough to not get it removed for “Threads that make demands are not allowed. Please refrain from such posts in the future. You’re welcome to make a thread in the Suggestions forum.”

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


Would love this, I’d go even further and allow people to save an armor set as well

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: rekina.6078


One thing that I most hate about GW2 is the forum moderators and communication coordinators. They lock, delete, and close all the thread they either don’t like, or hate to read because the tone of thread is kinda judging them, or criticizing, whatever the reason, they delete your thread. Even if you added ‘please’ on the topic, it won’t extend your thread lifespan because they will see through it that your tone is still somewhat sarcastic.

Oh yeah let me stick with your topic btw otherwise they will delete my post again. My point is: Yes I agree.

(edited by rekina.6078)

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Everlyte.6154


And while you’re at it, tie on a trait change with the gear switch. So you could for instance, immediately stop your open world experiences to do a dungeon or w3.

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: rekina.6078


And while you’re at it, tie on a trait change with the gear switch. So you could for instance, immediately stop your open world experiences to do a dungeon or w3.

It’s too much.

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Galdethriel.7524


To be honest, I’m not really seeing the point of having an out-of-combat weapon switch. We can sort of already do that just by opening our inventory and equipping a weapon. Maybe having specs that we could save could be useful, but that’s something else entirely.

Embrace simplicity! :D

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Luterin.9876


Galdethriel, then you never tried it…

It’s ok to have to swap weapons out of combat, but it being an inventory issue is not ok…

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Galdethriel.7524


I’m not sure what you mean; what have I never tried?

I just don’t really see the point of adding a weapon swap like this, at least not at the minute. It just seems like a shortcut to an already easy task. Just my opinion though.

Embrace simplicity! :D

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dreamslayer.7659


The problem is that even if you hit your hero panel which shows only items you can equip, you might have several weapons, each with the same icon/skin and you have to look at the stats of each one, then equip it.

It’s clearly a design/balance decision to not allow Elementalists to weapon swap in combat, but it would be nice to let me equip my favorite staff and daggers to conveniently choose what I want before engaging.

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


Agreed for 2 reasons.

1. In the heat of running from 1 battle to the next it’s such a hassle to have to open the inventory to have to do the swap – even more of a hassle if you have multiple items with the same image. Simply being able to hit ` (` is my swap button) would be so much easier.

2. Elementals actully have 3 less inventory slots than other classes due to this, as we have to have up to 2 extra items for land combat and 1 extra for water combat. Think about it, a guardian (or any other class) can fit say a scepter and focus and a trident as a 2nd set in the hero panel yet we can’t, it may not seem much but the fact is elementals do infact have less inventory space due to having to store our 2nd set in it.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sinth.1836


I hate switching from dagger/dagger to staff. After the switch, the 2nd dagger may not end up in the inventory slot beside the 1st dagger, because the slots beside it were taken. It may even end up going to a different bag.

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Makku.8203


I think OOC version of weapon swapping for Ele’s would be a good idea, afterall currently I just stick to my main weapon instead of switching, having this available would probably make Ele’s in general try out new weapon combo’s. Could be beneficial to the class as a whole.


Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: DreadShinobi.4751


I’m not sure what you mean; what have I never tried?

I just don’t really see the point of adding a weapon swap like this, at least not at the minute. It just seems like a shortcut to an already easy task. Just my opinion though.

1) Inventory space

2) detracts from immersion

3) simplifying a clunky system via shortcut key.

Kiiban -lvl 80 Elementalist
Sacaen -lvl 80 Warrior

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

I would like it but I wouldn’t want it to be high priority for Anet.

It’d be nice to run around WvW and be able to switch from Staff to Dagger/Dagger more easily, or to run around in dungeons and switch from scepter/dagger to scepter/focus easily.

Anet make Rev great again.

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Just no…

It is already hell to Anet to get us balanced with the 20 weapon skills , you want to make that 40?

Say good bye to any chance of ele balance in the next 2 years.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Greep.6394


Just no…

It is already hell to Anet to get us balanced with the 20 weapon skills , you want to make that 40?

Say good bye to any chance of ele balance in the next 2 years.

Out of combat.

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Everlyte.6154


I mean, isn’t it literally just enabling a second slot like every other class, then just not allowing a switch in combat and displays “You cannot switch weapons during combat.”?

I just did that for free. Go do it.

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taikanaru.5746


Implementing out of combat weapon swap for elementalists does not affect balance at all. It can already be done, manually. All this does is simplify the means of doing so. Weapon sets could also be a suitable feature for this.

(edited by Taikanaru.5746)

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: DarkSider.1079


I agree, it’s much easier to just hit ` out of combat to swap a pre set of weapons from bags rather than having to bring up the hero “H” then manually drag and drop. In addition to the items being rearranged in bag and potential to accidently sell. Aside from that, it’d streamline and make it more accomodating for everyone to test multiple weapon sets without the hassle and no balancing issues with it as it’s purely aesthetics.

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


@Nox – LMAO!

@ general topic:
Weapon swap out of combat would make life so much easier to going back to S/D as half the time I accidentally equip the wrong scepter or dagger when I get a 2nd one. Or end up with a scepter with bloodlust and a dagger with bloodlust (instead of equipping a dagger with a different sigil), little mistakes like that are so easy to do in a fast paced event.

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Antiriad.7160


Definitely – out of combat weapon switch please!
And with it also a ‘right skill bar’ switch same as currently happens for underwater combat and a trait switch.
Because right now you always have to do all of this carp manually each time and it is annoying as hell and really disrupts your game experience: You just cannot enjoy the game if you have to do all of this stuff all the time.
So yeah, nice suggestion @ OP.

Colin ‘The Liar’ Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


You could use an invisible bag, switch your backpack to slot 2 and put an “invisible” bag their. It will never be affected by compact or deposit and will nicely store your weapons and other things you need. The idea for weapons swap out of combat is a good one, I would like to see it for gear and traits as well, allowing me to be in pvp and quickly change my build from fun to torny.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: jaif.3518


Adding my voice in favor of this. It’s annoying to have my focus end up somewhere random, and then have to search for the dang thing when I want to switch back.

This would be a big deal in WvW, btw. Into the keep, pull out the staff. Charge out into the field, bring out the double-whammy.


Please give us weaponswap that only works out of combat!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Luterin.9876


Using a invisible bag (which I am, several) is not a sollution. The main issue here is going from dual wield to a 2hd weapon, which makes one weapon end up in your normal bag.

This change would make the Elementalist more fun to play without messing with any kind of balance…