Please improve Staff non-fire attunements

Please improve Staff non-fire attunements

in Elementalist

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


Air, Water, and Earth are all weaker than they should be for the utility provided IMO. You are forced way too commonly to treat Fire as your fallback attunement and to stay in it disproportionately to keep up damage pressure.

#1-3 are all under-tuned on Air. Chain Lightning is too slow, Lightning Surge has too long of a cast time, and Gust is way too situational – it should at least have broader targeting and knockdown/cripple targets. The autos on Water and Earth sacrifice too much DPS for the healing/utility provided and need to be buffed substantially.

Please improve Staff non-fire attunements

in Elementalist

Posted by: P Fun Daddy.1208

P Fun Daddy.1208

I agree with Air about 2 and 3; 3 is unreliable to the point of just throwing it in case it hits, and 2 takes forever to cast, but the auto is acceptable (it brings a homing projectile to staff, which it doesn’t otherwise have).
I disagree vehemently with buffing auto damage in any attunement on staff; you could buff the other effects, but damage should belong for the most part to fire (the other 2 skills also do some significant damage, which is fine. You don’t want to be completely crippled when you switch attunements, and you aren’t). I also dislike auto attacks being generally strong, especially on ele. Situationally strong is fine, but general strength on an ele should be bound to combining skills and swaps and not pewpewing like a longbow ranger.

Other than that, as a staff ele main I welcome all buffs to staff.

Please improve Staff non-fire attunements

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t think earth needs to be changed at all other than maybe increase the damage and immobilise duration from #5, as it feels too underwhelming for a skill with a 30 second cooldown.

Water’s #2 probably could do with being a blast finisher, but that’s about it. I think the long cast time is justified by the decent damage it inflicts.

Air autoattack is perfectly fine as it is imo, but #2 needs to be reduced to something way lower, like 0.5s instead of the current 1.5s. As for #3, I think it would be fine if maybe they just increased the velocity of it a little bit.

Fire is fine as it is, other than the fact that flame burst has one of the dumbest unintended effects I’ve seen.

Please improve Staff non-fire attunements

in Elementalist

Posted by: xDudisx.5914


Air 3 and earth 5 should work line the revenant’s stability road or warrior’s GS #3. Instead of require a target let you ground target it.

Air, earth and water 1 also could get some projectile speed buff too.

Ouroboro Knight’s [OK]

Please improve Staff non-fire attunements

in Elementalist

Posted by: MadRabbit.3179


Water’s #2 probably could do with being a blast finisher, but that’s about it. I think the long cast time is justified by the decent damage it inflicts.

You would have to lengthen the cooldown. A blast finisher on that short of a CD would be pretty nuts. And even then, it’s questionable. Swapping from Earth → Water, I can line up Earth 2 → Arcane Brilliance → Arcane Wave on a water field for a massive self heal and a nice aoe heal. It won’t be too hard to add Water 2 to the mix. I bet I can prep Earth 2 and Water 2 and still get a fire field down before they pop. 4 potential blast finishers…so much fury and might.

To be honest, Fire and Water are where staff really shine, but you have to spec into Arcane and Water to get the healing and condition cleansing beast that is Water. With a Fire Water Arcane spec, I spend most of my time in those attunements.

For Earth, I mostly swap in for the protection buff from Arcane and to setup Earth 2 as a blast finisher. Air is mostly for perma swiftness via the static field and sometimes tagging mobs that are spread out.

The rest of Earth and Air’s skills could use a little work, but to be honest, they are largely situational and geared towards PvP.

Rehabilitated Elementalist. Now, trolling the Thief forums with my math.

Please improve Staff non-fire attunements

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bawi.9541


Air#2 is a complete joke. It takes an eternity to fire a blind, to a point where even predicting is too slow, you just throw it whenever and hope for the best.

As for the rest, I don’t have strong oppinions about those. Air#1 could be a little quicker to cast, but that’s more of a pve-tagging and convenience issue than anything else.

Ele / Guardian