Please revert RTL-Changes

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gorni.1764


Dear Anet,
I can totally accept most of the changes in the last patch, for example the nerf of the healing signet. They make sense in a way, but what I still can’t understand is the change of RTL. A 40s CD on a skill that is used for movement only makes this spell not only weak but nearly useless. Even travelling with fire attunement and using dagger-3 only might be faster now, making RTL redundant.
The mentioned “problem” of “roaming tanks” in tPvP is not really a reason to make such a change. Even before the nerf an Ele could use RTL only once to travel between the points, so why nerf the CD?
The same goes for WvW. An Ele can still use RTL to easily escape combat and run away, but the overall travel-speed has been extremely nerfed – what reason for? Other classes can travel at that speed too or even faster.
I don’t even want to mention PvE where I least understand these changes.

By continously nerfing RTL you’re making this weapon-set less fun with each patch. I still can remember the days when RTL could be used to bypass canyons for example … it was unique to Eles and very much fun. You’re just taking away these mechanics and the fun we can have with them for no reason.

So Anet, what’s the exact reason for the RTL-Nerf? And even if you stick to those changes could you at least fix the problem with stealthing/dodging/blocking/outranging enemies? Regardless of having a target when casting the spell (in sPvP) it will have a 40s CD 80% of the time.

Rachat – Elementalist (Abbadon’s Mouth)

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: NeuroMuse.1763


I’d be fine if they reduced it to 30s on non-hits really 40s is to extreme.

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Dear Anet,
I can totally accept most of the changes in the last patch, for example the nerf of the healing signet. They make sense in a way, but what I still can’t understand is the change of RTL. A 40s CD on a skill that is used for movement only makes this spell not only weak but nearly useless. Even travelling with fire attunement and using dagger-3 only might be faster now, making RTL redundant.
The mentioned “problem” of “roaming tanks” in tPvP is not really a reason to make such a change. Even before the nerf an Ele could use RTL only once to travel between the points, so why nerf the CD?
The same goes for WvW. An Ele can still use RTL to easily escape combat and run away, but the overall travel-speed has been extremely nerfed – what reason for? Other classes can travel at that speed too or even faster.
I don’t even want to mention PvE where I least understand these changes.

By continously nerfing RTL you’re making this weapon-set less fun with each patch. I still can remember the days when RTL could be used to bypass canyons for example … it was unique to Eles and very much fun. You’re just taking away these mechanics and the fun we can have with them for no reason.

So Anet, what’s the exact reason for the RTL-Nerf? And even if you stick to those changes could you at least fix the problem with stealthing/dodging/blocking/outranging enemies? Regardless of having a target when casting the spell (in sPvP) it will have a 40s CD 80% of the time.

Whelp, for being ‘useless’, it sure helping your mobility a lot still, innit? Elementalist is still in the top tier of mobility rating among all the professions.

The reason for the change was primarily PvP/WvW. Too much abuse to.. well, never die, ever. You get the good cooldown rate when you use it as a gap closer – you get punished when you use it to zap to a node or cheat death.

It was totally warranted, whether or not it makes you sad that your favourite weapon was nerfed.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: xbaunx.6438


Whelp, for being ‘useless’, it sure helping your mobility a lot still, innit? Elementalist is still in the top tier of mobility rating among all the professions.

The reason for the change was primarily PvP/WvW. Too much abuse to.. well, never die, ever. You get the good cooldown rate when you use it as a gap closer – you get punished when you use it to zap to a node or cheat death.

It was totally warranted, whether or not it makes you sad that your favourite weapon was nerfed.

**Also punished while using it to move across maps in PvE, where we all know cheating death can be done without RtL.

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Dear Anet,
I can totally accept most of the changes in the last patch, for example the nerf of the healing signet. They make sense in a way, but what I still can’t understand is the change of RTL. A 40s CD on a skill that is used for movement only makes this spell not only weak but nearly useless. Even travelling with fire attunement and using dagger-3 only might be faster now, making RTL redundant.
The mentioned “problem” of “roaming tanks” in tPvP is not really a reason to make such a change. Even before the nerf an Ele could use RTL only once to travel between the points, so why nerf the CD?
The same goes for WvW. An Ele can still use RTL to easily escape combat and run away, but the overall travel-speed has been extremely nerfed – what reason for? Other classes can travel at that speed too or even faster.
I don’t even want to mention PvE where I least understand these changes.

By continously nerfing RTL you’re making this weapon-set less fun with each patch. I still can remember the days when RTL could be used to bypass canyons for example … it was unique to Eles and very much fun. You’re just taking away these mechanics and the fun we can have with them for no reason.

So Anet, what’s the exact reason for the RTL-Nerf? And even if you stick to those changes could you at least fix the problem with stealthing/dodging/blocking/outranging enemies? Regardless of having a target when casting the spell (in sPvP) it will have a 40s CD 80% of the time.

Whelp, for being ‘useless’, it sure helping your mobility a lot still, innit? Elementalist is still in the top tier of mobility rating among all the professions.

The reason for the change was primarily PvP/WvW. Too much abuse to.. well, never die, ever. You get the good cooldown rate when you use it as a gap closer – you get punished when you use it to zap to a node or cheat death.

It was totally warranted, whether or not it makes you sad that your favourite weapon was nerfed.

Top tier?
Dunno what game you’re playing but currently ele is even less mobile than GS warrior with the real top tier for mobility occupied by thieves, what you and more people like you don’t get is that Anet delivered a series of unjustified nerfs for the whole profession based on a single build

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avead.5760


Not to mention that the whole “use it to engage for the low cd” is crap.
Random dodges,aegis,invuln,blocks,blinds ,rtl bugging out,enemy moving away from 1200 range ,getting up on higher ground will guarantee that it will go to 40sec
For last kittening time…I am not outplayed when i engage from 1200 range and the opponent clicks a button to mess my disengage.
You cant control rtl.
You cant use any spells.
You cant cancel it.
You cant counterplay the enemy and force him to get hit especially when using rtl akittens intented range at 1200.
Pls tell me how d/d removes aegis off of guards with his amazing max 600 range spells before engaging from distance?
(yeah i know hit em with arcane blast,right? )
/rant off

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Nah, I think it’s a good balance at the moment. I used to use this constantly and it was a bit too easy to just escape. Now I really need to think about how and when to use it.

Keep it the way it is.

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avead.5760


Nah, I think it’s a good balance at the moment. I used to use this constantly and it was a bit too easy to just escape. Now I really need to think about how and when to use it.

Keep it the way it is.

My complaining is about its use as of an engage.You are supposed to get the benefit of 20 sec cd when using it to engage but thats not happening atm.
At the very least make blocks ,blinds ,invuln trigger the low cd.Which is actually what they said in the sotg..but apparently Jonathan and Karl werent 100% informed about it :P

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Resouled.5614


Double it’s damage and we’re good.

[vE] Visceral Effect – Blue

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


Top tier?
Dunno what game you’re playing but currently ele is even less mobile than GS warrior with the real top tier for mobility occupied by thieves, what you and more people like you don’t get is that Anet delivered a series of unjustified nerfs for the whole profession based on a single build

? A gs warrior has always been one of the top tier mobility classes very close to elementalist. That shouldnt be news of a warrior having mobility.

The 1500 range on RTL is what really helped it outpace many classes.

A warrior can have pretty much perma swiftness traited GS would be 1200 range rush 16 sec cd, Whirlwind 450(600 with swiftness) on 8 sec cd and Savage leap on 8 sec cd 600 range (about 900 with swiftness)

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


Nah, I think it’s a good balance at the moment. I used to use this constantly and it was a bit too easy to just escape. Now I really need to think about how and when to use it.

Keep it the way it is.

My complaining is about its use as of an engage.You are supposed to get the benefit of 20 sec cd when using it to engage but thats not happening atm.
At the very least make blocks ,blinds ,invuln trigger the low cd.Which is actually what they said in the sotg..but apparently Jonathan and Karl werent 100% informed about it :P

Yea they did state that blocks would register as a hit in the code so it would still give the lower cd. I don’t know about blinds, or invuln nothing registers as a hit in game when blinded or invuln.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kirbyprime.2645


They said it “should” register as a hit. Here’s a hint, it doesn’t.

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


See… It could be worse… It could be a Dark path like skill.
Just enjoy your luck, it’s still a pretty good skill. And, it only affect X/D Ele, not all Ele.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Whelp, for being ‘useless’, it sure helping your mobility a lot still, innit? Elementalist is still in the top tier of mobility rating among all the professions.

The reason for the change was primarily PvP/WvW. Too much abuse to.. well, never die, ever. You get the good cooldown rate when you use it as a gap closer – you get punished when you use it to zap to a node or cheat death.

It was totally warranted, whether or not it makes you sad that your favourite weapon was nerfed.

Actually, you get punished for using RTL as a gap closer due to it not procing 20s under various conditions or at near max range. It is actually less punishing if you use it as an escape because you know exactly what you are doing and what to accomplish. If you use it as a gap closer and fail due to bugs, range issues, blinds/blocks/invul/etc then you are punished heavily because you will be closer to your enemy for them to engage, will not have RTL for mobility or escape for a VERY long time (40s), and you are prone to be dead if other people come to attack you while RTL is down.

ArenaNet should just make RTL a flat CD like 30s under all conditions. Like Pre-Patch: RTL escape – Extremely good RTL gap close – Ok, predictable, but you are only punished slightly if you fail. Post-Patch: RTL escape – Still really good RTL gap close – Terrible.

Either way Dagger OH is still the way to go because the only other option would be Focus OH (lol).

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


40sec is stupid, 30 second just as bad.
Especially as it can bug on blocks, pebbles or someone blinks/stealths soon as they see our huge telegraphed spell.
20 seconds was as lengthy as it should ever of been for the class that is strictly melee only with no weapon swap.

As for the one that said Ele` is top tier in mobility. Wow, how long since you`ve logged on?

My Necro can outrun Ele` & has 1200 range at hand.
My Ranger has 1100 leap every 12 seconds & can weapon swap to hit at 1200-1500 range.
Show me an Ele` that can do that.

I can understand the whack-a-mole nerfs for two of the “pvp” maps, but for anything else it was idiotic, but not remotely surprising after seeing how they “balance” since launch.

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


I do think the CD should have been increased, but 40 seconds was a bit ridiculous. I think 30 seconds w/o a hit might have been decent.


Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


I agree with the OP. EA you shouldn’t have made the change and the cooldown on RTL should be 15 seconds. Oops I mean anet… same thing?

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Do what you want in PvP

But revert nerf to WWW and PvE…..even devs knows those were unneeded and gratuitous…

Stop destroying PvE and WWW in favor of your esport dream..

Most players don t play PvP.

P.S. for those asking argain RTL nerf reason is “SPIRIT WATCH” and maybe capture points.
That is all..

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: makku.2508


By continously nerfing RTL you’re making this weapon-set less fun with each patch. I still can remember the days when RTL could be used to bypass canyons for example … it was unique to Eles and very much fun. You’re just taking away these mechanics and the fun we can have with them for no reason.

After 9 months of GW2, my guess is they just don’t want their game to be fun (for anyone but Thieves & the 8 people playing sPvP at least). Every other patch they release is pretty much ‘Oh I see you’re having fun with this skill/build? Would be a shame if someone… NERFED IT!’ Seems like they measure their success by the amount of fun they removed from the game. Either that, or they are showcasing an astonishing amount of incompetence.

There is only one god, and his name is Death.
And there is only one thing we say to Death: ‘Not today’.

Please revert RTL-Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Apparently they felt Ride the Lightning was too much fun, therefore Overpowered – even if it does very little damage… Meanwhile they are fine with a class being invisible all the time and bursting in 1 second twice the damage we do in 5.

Such an imbalance multiplayer game is never fun to play in the long run, and I predict that as soon as a good alternative is released (ESO perhaps) people will jump ship. I know I will.