Please use this build

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taku.9351


to win

change the rune to divinity.. couldn’t find it

Amulet can be switched to berserker’s if living is not an issue for you

(edited by Taku.9351)

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


superior sigil of bloodlust? Good luck.

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


i use this build and can solo any normal mob except risen, 2 OP.

if i have help i can take a veteran easy no problems. please nerf sigil of fires anet thanks.

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


I would swap cleansing fire for lightning flash. It makes earth’s 5 awesome.

Also, think about taking sigil of superior fire.

Up Rerroll

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: dom.2534


Similar to a D/D build I’ve played around with. However, why not put 10 in Earth for Elemental Shielding (taken from Water) and switch out Pyromancer’s Alacrity for Spell Slinger? Bit more synergy that way especially since you’ve gone all cantrips. Also fun with +boon duration runes.

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taku.9351


Similar to a D/D build I’ve played around with. However, why not put 10 in Earth for Elemental Shielding (taken from Water) and switch out Pyromancer’s Alacrity for Spell Slinger? Bit more synergy that way especially since you’ve gone all cantrips. Also fun with +boon duration runes.

10 in earth taken from water = probably 20-30% less survivability, even with earth shield. The mass condition removal (works on all regen including the slot heal) is extremely strong. Coupled with vitality which > toughness by heaps, it is a better choice.

Also, every cantrip breaks stun, no need for another.

Spell slinger = 3% extra bonus whenever you use cantrips that does not recharge too fast, and goes out fast. The recharge actually is a great boost to overall damage since 50-60% of d/d direct damage comes from fire.

The strength of this build utilizes fury and big crits while having great survivability at the same time. +crit damage is superior to having +boon duration.

Make sure to use auras when you are charging up earth 5, always keep auras up for fury.

(edited by Taku.9351)

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taku.9351


superior sigil of bloodlust? Good luck.

Best damage boost, even in tpvp.

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taku.9351


I would swap cleansing fire for lightning flash. It makes earth’s 5 awesome.

Also, think about taking sigil of superior fire.

That is up to preference, lightning flash can be substituted for any 3 cantrips. But I prefer earth shield.

I prefer it because in tournies good players dodge roll anyway and stay in range.

(edited by Taku.9351)

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

Close but no cigar.

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: wertyuio.8630


Personally, i go 0/0/30/20/20
with: earth III, IX, and XI. III grants armor of earth when my hp hits 50% (really, it’s a glitched number closer to 30-40%, but w/e). IX reduces slows/stuns/etc. by 33% duration, and XI grants me 2s stability. with said stability, finishing a guardian or warrior becomes as easy as finishing an ele… their knockbacks stop working.

with water, i use III and V. honestly, i don’t really have much of a use for my III skill… but i put 20 points in water so i could use V, since it’s pretty decent in teamfights. (enemy elementalist uses churning earth? if you can’t escape it, just let it go off, immediately switch to water. the 8 stacks of bleeding on you and your teammates will be instantly wiped off and you’ll all heal for 50% of churning earth’s damage. therefore, a 5 second channel (i just realized it says 3 1/4 seconds on the tooltip) did 1k damage to you and your teammates, far less damage than autoattacks given the same amount of time… also, if you have multiple conditions stacked on you, cleansing wave gives you another chance at clearing said 8 stacks of bleeding)

I run arcana 4 and 5. final shielding… well, that’s a given. it has saved my life countless times, and is indisposable as both a trait and a skill. (even though that’s bugged and activates at ~10% hp as well) trait 5 grants you a stack of might (yeah, yeah… not too much. but it IS something), regeneration (again, a tiny bit of hp, but it’s still a decent feature to have.) what i really like are the swiftness and protection it grants. now… protection is a TON. 33%? as soon as a pistol whip spamming noob starts attacking you, arcane shield + switch to earth element + lightning flash away, and you’ll escape with half your hp left. the rest… well, is up to you and your opponent’s skill levels. and swiftness… well, as i switch elements rather often, and i tend to initiate with air element, the swiftness is good for both travel and for jumping into a fight.

I run signet of fire, lightning flash, and arcane shield
signet of fire… it’s a free 3.7k damage every 15 seconds that combos well with fire grab. what’s not to like?
lightning flash is my stun breaker and it combos well with churning earth.
arcane shield… no words are needed to describe how indispensable this ability is.

personally, i use 5 runes of the fighter for the focus on survivability and damage it gives me and a rune of divinity (i’d grab that 6th rune of the fighter if the effect weren’t bugged)

and finally, i use soldier’s armor (power/vit/toughness) for maximum survivability along with maximum base damage.

so in comparison, your build to mine… mine is more survivable in all situations except for when i get chain stunned and a warrior 100b’s me to death in 1 hit because i only have 1 stunbreak… my damage will be somewhat lower, but i make up for it easily by using a sigil of battle. generally, i have anywhere from 7-10 stacks of might at any given time during a fight, which brings me up to 2364 power and 3345 attack.

doing some math, i assume you have 2741 attack. compared to my 3345 attack, it means i deal 22% more direct damage per skill than you in combat.
compared to your 1836 armor, i have 2840 armor. with this math: you have 23035 (your hp) x1836(armor) = (meaningless number that can only be used to compare the relative amount of damage one can take before being downed)
your number is: 42,292,260
whereas mine is 19345*2840, or 54,939,800.
my number/ your number = relative amount of damage i can take compared to the amount of damage you can take. the number = 129.905%.
for sake of simplicity (and my laziness), we’ll ignore the 300 condition damage i have from speccing 30 points into earth, and your 20% bonus in condition damage duration from speccing 20 points into fire.

*TLDR: i can take almost 30% more direct damage than you AND deal 22% more base direct damage than you… so if you use my build instead, you’ll win even more.

edit… i forgot to factor in the 30% passive crit rate you have over me, so in retrospect, you will, statistically speaking, deal 11.4% more damage than i will if you’re lucky. the numbers would be tipped in my favor if we factor in the adept arcana trait, but i’m going to go there… math -_-

(edited by wertyuio.8630)

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taku.9351


Since I can’t quote right now.. wertyuio

You are not really taking in the account of perma-fury (from lightning 10), which is 20% increase in crit chance, (and also the 22% bonus crit damage)

bountiful power which has 2% more damage for every single boon I have,

and the added fire trait damages that comes from VI and VII runes. (Which I believe gives 20-30% added damage)

These all do not show up in numbers, but will help in fight.

(Btw, you can take water V by just going to 10)

I usually have protection up as well during fights due to earth’s attunment bonus as well as earth armor cantrip.

I also believe that cleansing conditions > arcane armor. It only blocks 3 hits.. Which I don’t think is a lot. I’ve tried taking arcane armor/earth armor/etc to see what works, and the water 30 is the best for me since it’s basically a perma-regen and we’ll be having about 8-10 condition removals per fight.

The cripple/burn/bleed/freeze/etc not only deals damage, but slows us which hurts us greatly. As a D/D, I believe that mobility is quite a factor in fighting any kind of an opponent, and removing these conditions is a must — if we don’t remove them, we will never be able to land combos/get close to them.

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Inconceivable.7823


no offense but I would roll you so fast it would make your head spin. Base tougness? I have fought 40-50 eles in PvP and about that many in WvW and I have lost twice only. I remember that it was only twice because when I see an ele I know its insta win because seeminly people don’t understand synergy, math, game design and weaknesses/strenghts of a profession.

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Curring.9752


For me this build too much HP and not enough toughness.
The sigil you have is ok for PvE, Blood Lust that is – Battle is far superior in s/tPvP. Also wht the purity sigil? Seems a tad useless considering there already a ton of condi removal, either couple Battle and Blood or Battle and Energy. I would also change the 20 points of fire and put them into either earth or arcana.

Also wouldn’t Spell Slinger be a much viable option considering you’re running 3 cantrips? Sorry didn’t read the whole thread, so if someone has said this sorry for repeating.

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taku.9351


no offense but I would roll you so fast it would make your head spin. Base tougness? I have fought 40-50 eles in PvP and about that many in WvW and I have lost twice only. I remember that it was only twice because when I see an ele I know its insta win because seeminly people don’t understand synergy, math, game design and weaknesses/strenghts of a profession.

I am a champion magus using only d/d, fought paradigm, a-crew, etc. The only things I have problem killing are bunkers (obviously) and shatter mesmers. If you’d like to 1v1 me, you could add my name.

Total armor should be around 1/10 of the total HP to be most effective. Toughness really isn’t that needed.

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pinkerton.5643


I’m not a big fan of the build, but I do feel the need to defend his choice of the purity sigil.
As one of the squishier professions, an elementalist needs to know how to keep themselves alive. With D/D in melee range, that means stopping damage and keeping mobility high. Conditions mean death to a dagger ele. You really need as many ways as you can get to cleanse yourself.

This build has five cleanses available (including the sigil). Mine has four, but one more is never a bad idea. Cleansing fire is great, but two of those cleanses require swapping to water attunement. That’s not always an option within the scope of your tactics. It might not even be possible when you need it (attunement CD). It’s amazing how often you’ll use cleansing fire to wipe out as many conditions as you can and you either still have one or two or someone comes by and slaps a poison on you immediately after. A lot of the time, something like that can be the entire reason that you die. One more cleanse, especially a more passive, non-ability based cleanse like the sigil, is almost necessary for a dagger ele as far as I’m concerned.
This guy has a little more room than I do since he has a vit heavy build. Mine is relatively low on vit but high tough. In my situation, DoTs are my worst enemy because toughness doesn’t help me against them. The cleanses (including the sigil) are absolutely vital.

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taku.9351


For me this build too much HP and not enough toughness.
The sigil you have is ok for PvE, Blood Lust that is – Battle is far superior in s/tPvP. Also wht the purity sigil? Seems a tad useless considering there already a ton of condi removal, either couple Battle and Blood or Battle and Energy. I would also change the 20 points of fire and put them into either earth or arcana.

Also wouldn’t Spell Slinger be a much viable option considering you’re running 3 cantrips? Sorry didn’t read the whole thread, so if someone has said this sorry for repeating.

Superior battle has a pretty long cooldown between the switches. I’ve already explained about spell slinger earlier. For hp/toughness, read above.

Here’s a link that explains how might/vul/toughness generally isn’t so good for pvp.

Anyway, try this build in spvp. You’ll see how good it is.

(edited by Taku.9351)

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taku.9351


Here’s a quote from the math guy

“Per 100 toughness will block about 34 damage for every 1,000 applied and only if it isn’t from conditions.
Per 100 Vitality will absorb 1,000 damage. Straight up. conditions/damage Vitality don’t care.”

Basically, if you have 15000 health
100 toughness will absorb around 500 physical damage while 100 vit absorbs 1000 all damage.

(edited by Taku.9351)

Please use this build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arc.9374


People don’t seem to realise that Toughness isn’t the default holy grail of build optimisation. Sure, it will probably help certain builds or certain styles, but the difference between base toughess and 2k toughness is about 30% damage mitigation (except conditions, which will eat through you just the same). That’s all nice and awesome until you realise that most of the time, to stack toughness that high, you’re either sacrificing HP to do so (resulting in the same effective survivability as someone with base toughness and more HP), or you’re sacrificing damage to do so (hence why it’s more viable for certain builds than others).

Base toughness is perfectly acceptable for an aggressive damage oriented build as long as you have a reasonable HP pool. I have few problems with my 17k health/900 Toughness apart from occasionally getting blown up by thieves when I’m out of cooldowns, or not paying attention, and it’s a problem I could easily solve by removing my Zerker amulet and putting something else in it’s place if I was really that concerned about it.
