Pls increase ele base HP
What game mode really needs more HP? Is it a particular problem in PvP, WvW, PvE, Dungeons, etc?
Is low HP keeping Ele from being viable somewhere? Do they compensate for it in other ways, and would those ways have to be nerfed to make up for increased HP?
You should request different and effective sustain in other lines/skills you don’t want more HP -necro player-
The Dhuumfire thread
I’m actually super interested to see how the Specialization will work because if it’s another melee weapon but they’re changing up traits, utilities, etc does that mean we’d also maybe get larger HP pool or how will they address our sustainability?
Can’t wait till they give us some details
For PvP, to be honest, I’d like it if healing was nerfed and health was more normalized. Having to play either a glassy Berserker Ele or a boring Cele-Healing Ele is pretty meh. It’d be nice to see Soldier Builds in general be more viable in PvP. Less sustain, less burst, more normalized and larger health pools with moderate damage in PvP would be better for the game in PvP.
Agreed with op. Such huge difference in hp and armor is harmful in many ways. Not only eles compensate by going into water which limit build diversity. we also are at disadvantage when it comes to finishing/downedstate/getting ressed. Zerker ele can’t possibly finish anybody(especially other class zerkers) without blowing cooldowns(how big the cooldown depends on class you are finishing – which on its own is not rly ok. and amount of enemy around) win downed fight, or be ressed while being attacked. Our “4 weapon sets” do not compensate in such situation.
Alternative solution is buff all of the useless weapon skills – so you actually want to use all of them and normalize downed state. That way downed state is equal for everybody, finishing is easier and less punitive for ele that cant move.
Still leaves issue of having to go either celehero or “one shot” build. With the later being in many ways inferior to other classes burst builds
Or lower the CD of our defensive utilities
In my opinion, an increase to the health pool by 5k would be way too strong if nothing is sacrificed for it.
I can see it being a good change if they nerfed our healing to compensate. I’d like that change, actually. It’s just crazy how there’s classes that can barely break 13k hp and then there’s warriors who can almost make it up to 35k.
or learn to play ele
so many heal and regen possibilities, no need to increase the HP
each class has his positive and negative issues, dont make them even, that would be sooooo boooring
it makes a class specific in its own …
or learn to play ele
so many heal and regen possibilities, no need to increase the HP
each class has his positive and negative issues, dont make them even, that would be sooooo boooring
it makes a class specific in its own …
Learning how to read is something we all learn in middle school. The OP’s comment has nothing to do with what your response.
Having more build diversity isn’t a lack of skill. Being force into water to improve simply to improve survivability isn’t a learn 2 play issue poor design issue (this is even made more apparent when you read the difference in the class description before and after launch). The guardian has its blocks, the thief has its stealth and the elementalist has it long CD skill and skill rotation spam aka a gloried bot.
Oh congratulations on being a skilled elementalist and for your worthless comment.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
(edited by silvermember.8941)
More HP would be nice, but I doubt Anet would have eles with 15k base HP. While it makes tons of sense and would definitely get me out of water magic, the dev(s) most likely looked at it internally and probably found that it was too much or didn’t match the “feel” or goals of the profession. However, 15k base HP is always nice, and I certainly wouldn’t need much if any points at all in water magic with that much HP.
Also, OP, how is 5k more HP more fun for everyone (not including eles)? What would players who don’t play eles and hate facing them in PvP say?
I think the OP has put forward a reasonable suggestion. Further to some of the reasons already given above, the majority of traditional sorcerer/mage damage dealing professions in other MMORPGs, 1) don’t have self-healing spells; and 2) if they do, the profession does not have to heavily rely on them due to other mechanics of the profession that helps compensate.
I would very much welcome an increase to our base HP.
“Take everything in moderation, including moderation…but not when playing GW2.”
Personally, I find that Ele’s are in a good place.
- True perma Vigor when taking Arcana II
- Evading Attacks on FDagger 3, FStaff 4, and Axe 3
- Lightning Flash
- Ride the Lightning
- Burning Retreat
- Mist form
- Obsidian Flesh
- Earth Shield 5
Projectile Control
- Swirling Winds
- Magnetic Wave
- Magnetic Aura
- Arcane Shield
- Shield 2
That’s just from weapons/utilities alone. Sure, traits and other gear choices will further help refine that. Granted, I’m coming from a PvE point of view where by the time I’m asking for more HP mos bosses are gonna one-shot me regardless. In PvP/WvW I’m one of those Cele ele’s so my two copper is limited it would seem.
When you list it like that it might look like a lot. It isn’t though, they are separated by weapons and most have really long cd while their effectiveness is comparable to similar skills of other classes whos cds are mostly lower.
Even with the current health pool without a complete (read not likely to happen) rebuild of the profession they are unlikely to make such a drastic changes.
Most of this as I understand it is that (the build that works best in spvp) elementalist is stuck in a place between garbage and godhood and even minor changes to just numbers could topple it to one side or the other. Much of this problem is systemic and most of the changes that could bring more diversity ultimately would throw the existing build into an area that would just see the entire profession nerfed far worse than any seen to date.
A simple increase by 50%. lol
base HP is part of class design and balance… increasing base HP of ele would make good builds too good, increasing of HP while adjusting everything else is a nonsense… instead of buffing whole class, we need to buff aspects which aren’t used by currently used builds, for example we can’t buff anything what would make cele eles even stronger, we need to buff something else to give a chance for other builds…
few things already asked for for example (you can find them it other topics in this forum, they are not my suggestions)
- blinding ashes internal CD per target, not per proc to help with defense of fire eles (this would work awesome with fire shields, signet build would get serious defense buff)
- decrease cooldown of arcane shield to help with defense of non-cantrip builds
- set blasting staff AOE range as default and change the trait to something what wouldn’t be so mandatory (for staff) but still would be useful for staff users as an option if they would go for arcane line
(edited by MaXi.3642)
If anything, elementalist is going to get hit by big nerfs. This class is easily the best/meta in all aspects of the game – by a significant margin.
I just hope they wont ruin whole class again, from zero to hero and back again over and over… that’s the life of ele…
If anything, elementalist is going to get hit by big nerfs. This class is easily the best/meta in all aspects of the game – by a significant margin.
I just hope they wont ruin whole class again, from zero to hero and back again over and over… that’s the life of ele…
Relax, no huge nerfs inc..he’s just trolling. The devs team has changed from the one we saw a couple of years ago, I won’t say any names, but now the situation is generally better, no more sweeping destroying profession nerfs, do you remember the might/drake’s breath nerf? If anything we get something along those lines, but then scepter buffs are to be expected, they started already to buff scepter….just a little at time ( too slow )
(edited by Supreme.3164)
Lol nerfs? nerf what, the sustain obtained through heavy treating?
Yeah they tried that route already, dozen of times, with the most epic time being the nerf list during April 2013 where they butchered all cantrips, Signet of restoration, cleansing wave…then they reverted all those nerfs and you know why?
Because it’s that much easier for them to keep what deemed broken than actually fix the profession
They know that the only changes that would seriously nerf eles would also destroy ele, they did that already after all if you don’t know..and they regretted it.
I stated countless times how broken is the base design of the class, that need to heavily invest in defensive lines to reach any resemblance of viability in PvP, so you nerf those and you remove the profession from pvp altogether.
If nerfs will happen…they won’t be anything close to sweeping changes you’re expecting, otherwise nobody would play ele in PvP once again ( including TOP players), as it was from April 2013 to April 2014.
Meanwhile do pls keep enjoying your doom and gloom prophecies
I don’t see why ele needs any help in the health department.
You go down very fast with glassy specs, but deal the absolute best aoe damage in the game.
You can trait defensively and also have some very good sustain while also maintaining enough offensive pressure to win in 1v1s in PvP.
Seems good to me.
I fully support this.
As a thief myself, I don’t enjoy fighting elementalists, because of the sheer fact that I can backstab them three times, and they are already done for, and they had little to no chance to take me down unless they were quite skilled. If there is a weakest PVP class, it’s Elementalist. Elementalist is the only class that requires people to use the same traits to stay alive, when all the classes I’ve played offer so much liberty, even when it comes down to WvW and Spvp. Other light armor classes don’t suffer from it because necromancer’s have many ways to heal themselves efficiently, and Mesmer’s have extreme DPS, and annoying clones that will really get in your way. Even though they have crappy heal abilities, they can burst you down before you can even do anything.
However elementalists, while having high dps, are beyond too squishy because while they have a great healing potential, are you really going to let an ele switch to water and heal all their health back? By then, someone with even a low skill level like me can interrupt their heals and burst them down.
While this issue could be fixed in many ways, I think it should have a resolution, and quick. Heck, even if thiefs had light armor, they’d still be stronger than elementalists with medium armor.
This makes mesmer and elementalist the two hardest classes (in my opinion) to start off with because even though they have skill ceilings that are arguably higher than most classes, their skill floor is already much higher than the other classes. This might have been incoherent nonsense, but if a class needs a buff the most, it’s probably elementalist. (Though Hobo sacks ruin the engi game expierence)
(edited by Timiok.1048)
I don’t know if the whole +5k can make people change the ele’s build but something like this was ask before. I understand the OP cause i would really like more liberty on how to build the ele other than go D/D 0/2/0/6/6 or 0/0/2/6/6. We have other weapons and all that but you go full YOLO and die in 2 sec trying to finish someone. Instead we have to play the you will never gonna kill me with my super regen but i will EVENTUALLY beat you or give the time for another person to finish the fight. We also have to remember apart from the health we get for putting 6 on water another BIG reason we do it is for the CONDI CLEARING, now the new boon that will make condi useless may change this and i’m hoping for it cause maybe we can trait for something different.