Post Your Stats!

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Danicco.3568


I started a thread like this in the Guardians forums, the point of this thread is so you can post your stats and compare with others (at level 80), and tell how you can obtain that kind of numbers so others interested know where to start.

Attack 3340
Condition Damage 200
Critical Chance 34%
Critical Damage 80%
Armor 2036
Health 15325
Healing Power 100

Fire Magic 20, Air Magic 20, Earth Magic 20, Water Magic 10.

Using Staves, Berserker Armor (Power, Precision, Crit Dmg) with Runes of the Pack, Beryl Trinkets (Power, Vitality, Crit Dmg), Berserker Back Item and Berserker Weapon (Sigil of Force).

I like having an overall build good with pretty much everything, but not at the expense of damage, so I tried to keep the Crit Chance/Damage and Power still as high as I could. But the weak Armor is still troublesome.

(edited by Danicco.3568)

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Inconceivable.7823



I’ll try to post my stats tonight.

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Felis Libyca.3790

Felis Libyca.3790

Maybe you confused Power with Attack?

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


I’ll see if I can post my stats tonight but your build looks more damage focused to me with just enough defensive traits and stats to not be too squishy.

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Danicco.3568


Indeed, changed Power to Attack.
My toughness is the base + 200 from Earth Magic, since I’m using exotic 80 gear that equals to 2036 defense.

I’d like to get more or even try a build without Earth Magic (the weakest in my build in my opinion) but I don’t want to run with lower than 2k defense and give sneaky thieves the joy of critting me for 15k+ damage…

Also, post your stats, I want to see how dif. stats can do and which ones might suit me better…

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Suctum.6912


Attack 2929
Condition Damage 300
Critical Chance 53%
Critical Damage 53%
Armor 2195
Health 11,285
Healing 0

This my PvE stats, and I find that it’s pretty much well built all around. My build works around crit chance rather than crit damage as I specced myself for abilities that rely on crit chance. I find that having low hit points is not really an issue even in WvWvW

As for traits, I go 30 Lighting, 10 earth, 30 Arcana, same as my PvP build and it seems to work great for me and my playstyle. This of course, will not work for everyone.

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: hakurface.2619


Power: 1606
Precision: 984
Toughness: 1660
Vitality: 1502

Attack: 2587
Condition Damage: 382
Armor: 2580
Defense: 920
Health: 17,665
Healing Power: 687

Still missing 3 pieces to be fully decked out in Exotics and my Armor Runes. Toughness will be well above 1700 by then.

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


Ok so I’m a new 80 and not decked out in full Exotics yet. I have 4 pieces of Exotic armor and 2 Rare while my Accessories are still Masterwork (although they are 80). My Staff needs upgrading too lol. So here are my work-in-progress stats:

Power: 1840
Precision: 919
Toughness: 1349
Vitality: 1499

Attack: 2652
Condition Damage: 306
Armor: 2246
Defense: 897
Health: 16635
Healing Power: 473

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Veon.4679


Here’s me.

Basic stats (using S/D):
Power: 2035
Precision: 1995
Toughness: 1016
Vitality: 916

Attack: 3030
Condition Damage: 100
Critical Chance: 55%
Critical Damage: 104%
Armor: 1936
Health: 10,805
Healing Power: 0

Air (30): III, VI, IX
Earth (10): III
Arcana: (20): IV, VIII

Glyph of Elemental Harmony
Mist Form
Lightning Flash
Arcane Wave
Glyph of Elementals / Avatar of Melandru (solely for 20s Stability)

Exotic Berserker’s armor with Ruby Orbs
Mystic Wand Of Fire (Scepter)
Mystic Spike of Bloodlust (Dagger)
Peacemaker’s Staff of Fire (Staff)
Peasant’s Solution (Trident)

Well, this build is obviously as glass cannon as it gets, but it’s quite entertaining IMO in WvW zergs (Staff) and solo ganking (S/D) if you’re careful. Not at all suitable for real (s/t)PvP. :P

(edited by Veon.4679)

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: MaideN.3284


level 80 tiny asura ele

power: 1911
precision: 1914
toughness: 1166
vitality: 1116

attack: 3022
condition damage: 1136
critical chance: 52%
critical damage: 0%
armor: 2086
health: 12805
healing power: 200

traits: 30/0/20/20/0

weapon: Imryldyeen(staff)
gear: Rampager’s exalted mask, mantle, coat, gloves, boots, leggings (exotic)
runes/sigil: superior rune of the undead, superior sigil of fire

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Calae.1738


Attack: 3079
Condition Damage: 0
Crit: 37%
Crit Damage: 44%
Armor: 2399
Health: 16975
Healing Power: 100

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ulion.5476


power 3061
crit 32%
crit damage 100%
defense 1936
hp 17475
20-30-10-0-10 Valkyrie gear

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

Post Your Stats!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Danicco.3568


Bumping the thread again, I’m curious to see what kind of stats other Elementalists are running.

Currently I’m pretty much a glass cannon with a bit more health, but I’m considering switching some gear to get up to 2500 Armor, 19k Health, same Power, but 20% Crit Chance and 50% Crit Damage only instead of this.
However I’m not sure if it’d be worth it, I don’t know how useful it’d be for WvW (I think I’ll still get insta-downed by thieves) so I’m thinking if I should spend or not…
