Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: purplestone.8364


Hey guys! Just bringing a video of S/D solo Ele in WvW, working towards the Ultimate Dominator title!

Sorry guys didnt mean to post this twice.. had some error come up

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: sanestar.8731


You sure know how to use scepter better than me, lol. I use D/D myself. Good luck with that title, gonna take some time to get!

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


Very nice, you totally outplayed your victims, lol at the thief coming in to opportunistically take you down in the one fight! Wish I could find some 1v1’s like this in WvW.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: daphoenix.4283


I like your air + fire knockdown comboing: D. Very nice scepter/dagger gameplay.

Excala, Expert Elementalist
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: Masternewbz.4953


ew too many newbies u knocked down that were clueless of what was going on…

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: StugLyfe.2134


Post your build bro awesome footage.

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: wertyuio.8630


finally. someone ELSE who roams the world by himself killing everything they see

…but…. are… you running a full berserker’s build? -_-

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vaerah.4907


Very very nice, it’s not easy to make S/D work like that.
I am sure that as more and more videos of elementalists comboing “blink” + churning earth we’ll get it savagely nerfed / removed though.
Not much the opponents can do to avoid it, so it’s OP.

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vaerah.4907


finally. someone ELSE who roams the world by himself killing everything they see

…but…. are… you running a full berserker’s build? -_-

Well, his damage is not absolutely pathetic, so… it’s quite possible. I don’t understand why when he gets hit he does not get constant 4-8k damage by the others though.

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: Loco.4561


Very very nice, it’s not easy to make S/D work like that.
I am sure that as more and more videos of elementalists comboing “blink” + churning earth we’ll get it savagely nerfed / removed though.
Not much the opponents can do to avoid it, so it’s OP.

How on earth (no pun intended) is it op? The damage it does it noe insanely high, it has a 4 second cast time and even if they do use lightning flash if someone tries to get out of range, you can STILL dodge roll it.

There are plently more abilities that other professions can do that have NO cast time and do more damage than Churning Earth, it really annoys me when people make statements about things being OP when they are clearly not.

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wildclaw.6073


There are plently more abilities that other professions can do that have NO cast time and do more damage than Churning Earth,

Could you please inform me which ones?


Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: purplestone.8364


Hey guys! I am glad you all enjoyed the video!

@wertyuio: I do not run all berserker gear, I only use berserker accessories.

@vaerah: I run the pvp/badge armor which is power/tough/vit

Again thanks for watching guys! Ill probably be making another video next week once my server gets a new match-up. Right now we are completely dominating and its just not fun nor any good fights. Stay tuned!

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: Intigo.1653


You should really try to at least have your footage in 720p. It’s pretty bad quality right now.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: Animosity.5231


There are plently more abilities that other professions can do that have NO cast time and do more damage than Churning Earth,

Could you please inform me which ones?

Yesssss because a hit on a golem is totally the same as a hit on any player whatsoever. Excellent point you make there, sir. I’m envious!

Seriously, though? Hundred Blades has no cast time, it’s instant-cast but channeled, does 14k. Backstab requires just as much setup to land as CE, but it’s instant and does 10k. And these numbers come from, you know, real targets. How about Phantams dealing 5-6k? Not quite 8k, I suppose, but it’s free, and every like, 6 or 7 seconds unless they die. Pistol Whip, same deal as 100B but also has a built in evade. Whirling Wrath? I’ve seen burst guardians nail 7k on that. Same deal as 100B. These skills are possibly even better than CE simply because if they are interrupted they at least did SOME damage. Oh, and every single one of them has a shorter CD than CE. Oh, I totally forgot Eviscerate. There’s another big hitter, instant, with a shorter CD than CE. Have you ever played another class? Like, ever?

Also, it is very avoidable if you see it coming. Walk out of the AoE, keep an eye on the growing ring, dodge when it’s about to go off. Voila, you just made the Ele waste two CDs and accomplish nothing with only using your W and dodge key. Just takes some experience, or having tried it on your own Ele once or twice.

CE is still a good skill, though. Just need to know how/when to use it. Pop tornado and cancel it to prevent interrupts with the 24 seconds of stability, use it with Lightning Flash to land it if they move out of it, and use it as an opener into teamfights.

(edited by Animosity.5231)

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: suroktheslayer.9346


Goes to show that even if someone posts a video of a ele doing very well inevitably someone will post their laundry list of whine.

Purple Stone: Road to Ultimate Dominator

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wheeping Song.6423

Wheeping Song.6423


Please post the movie on a different videoplatform. im unable to watch in cuz of some stupid german laws…..
