[PvE] Drake's Breath
- 5 target limitation instead of the usual 3
- 400 range
- long burn
- Better damage than most suboptimal auto-attacks
So basically it is a filler for when you are stuck in fire for some reason and have nothing else to cast. It is useful in solo to generate long burns if your other fire spells and procs are not giving you an optimal burning uptime. It is also used for close-range kiting.
Doesn’t the fire #1 do better damage than it by a good 20% or more? You do need all 3 claws to hit but that’s not hard most of the time. I suppose it could be useful if you were stuck in fire in a multi- mob situation.
I use it in solo when D/F before landing a fire 3 at the start of the fight/ whenever burning isn’t up to make sure i’ve my 10% modifier up. It’s also useful for tar if you lack burning.