PvE Staff Ele

PvE Staff Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Khas.6859


Hello everyone,

so i’m contemplating whether to make a staff only ele for PvE and i’m looking for some insight on its playability, strengths and weaknesses.

Here is what i want to do with my ele.

To do:
- Solo PvE content,
- Group world events (Dragons etc.),
- Orr events,
- Map exploration.

Wont see me in:
- WvW,
- Dungeons.

The build:
A – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fEAQFAWhImmbxR4gjEAkHn4CLhCKIKYRRxM7A
B – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fEAQFAWhImmbxR4gjDAkHn4CLiCWUeMzO2A

I do not wish to build 30 Fire or anything similar because the Fire tree imo is pretty horrible.

- Power/Precision leveling up, Berserker at end
- Magic find on trinkets, runes, sigils.

Basically i want to create an ele that’s strictly for open world content and finding lots of stuff via aoe spam.

So, how would this character fair? Anyone tried something similar, what are your experiences? Thanks in advance!

PvE Staff Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: GunshyGamer.2076


Bump because I’m looking for something similar. Fire tree doesn’t bother me, I just want a build that can help survive in Orr and Southsun without sacrificing all my DPS to do so. Also not a WvW player though I do dungeon runs.

PvE Staff Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Well, I a, using full Berserker Gears, Trinkets and Divinity Runes and typical 0/10/0/30/30, my Fireball can crit up to 3k with 3 staks of mights. But unless you are experienced, I would not recommend this to any new player due to it lows toughness. I sit on 15k HP and 1100 toughness, 40%crit chance (60% with fury) and 75% Crit dams. You can try with P/P/T first to test your skill, once you are comfort with it,then you have easier time with Berserker Gear.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

PvE Staff Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: xbaunx.6438


Water I, V
Arcana V, VIII, XI

Berserker armor and weapon
5/6 runes of the soldier, 1/6 rune of divinity
Sigil of battle
Cleric trinkets w/sapphire jewels

Chocolate Omnomberry Cream

Glyph of Elemental Harmony
Glyph of Storms
Arcane Wave
Glyph of Lesser Elementals
Glyph of Elementals

Unbuffed Stats
2.7k attack
32% crit chance
47% crit damage
2.2k armor
14.5k health

For me, this is the strongest build for general PvE I’ve ever been able to run on Ele. Using this with staff, I’ve had more success than any other weapon set. I find that it is a good balance between dps, health and healing power. It’s quick around the map because perma swiftness is very easy—air 4 -> glyph heal. Your food buff will leave you at 50% total boon duration and 40% magic find (you’ll always be under a boon). Your fire elementals come out during difficult fights and that gives you a nice dps boost.

PvE Staff Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Maximillian Greil.1965

Maximillian Greil.1965

I’d move 5 out of air and throw it into water, that 25 point water minor trait is soooooooo bloody powerful

PvE Staff Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dazzed.2057


“To do:
- Solo PvE content,
- Group world events (Dragons etc.),
- Orr events,
- Map exploration.”

You may want to consider a build which favors conjured weapons – The Lightning Hammer and Fiery Greatsword in particular.

I currently run a D/D Survival Conjurer build with good DPS outage and PvE flexibility for different the scenarios you have listed:
- http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#mcszz9Mz0MvmCmMvmNoGa0xaoRomVqV

For maximum DPS, try the classic Glass Cannon Conjure build:
- http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#mcszz9Mz0MvaCmMvmboxx0a0oRbzobm

I use Berserker/Knight gear only.

PvE Staff Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: PinCushion.7390


“To do:
- Solo PvE content,
- Group world events (Dragons etc.),
- Orr events,
- Map exploration.”

You may want to consider a build which favors conjured weapons – The Lightning Hammer and Fiery Greatsword in particular.

I currently run a D/D Survival Conjurer build with good DPS outage and PvE flexibility for different the scenarios you have listed:
- http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#mcszz9Mz0MvmCmMvmNoGa0xaoRomVqV

For maximum DPS, try the classic Glass Cannon Conjure build:
- http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#mcszz9Mz0MvaCmMvmboxx0a0oRbzobm

I use Berserker/Knight gear only.

Lightning Hammer + Piercing Shards + Weak Spot = Easy Mode PvE