PvE staff ele, ideas?

PvE staff ele, ideas?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Routine.6194


I’ve been running S/D for a long time now and I’m getting a little bit tired of it. I used to do D/D before that, but I never really gave staff a good try. Plus I think staves look cool. I keep hearing about how bad staff is, but say I just wanted to do some casual PvE, aka events, running around and doing world completion… is there a viable staff build?

PvE staff ele, ideas?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Problem with the staff isnt that it is bad, it is that it is terrible agaisnt anything that doesnt have PvE AI. For PvE staff is fine, it will not be super powerful but if you go for damage and it has some stationary bosses then you will be fine. You will have to kite a LOT since you are going to be squishy, but in PvE you can cast the AoE on you and run in circles and they will die.

For maximal damage I recommend 30/20/0/0/20 with focus on 10% attuned to fire and 1 might stack everytime you cast a fire spell. On air focus on BOlots to the heart 20% increase when the enemy is 33% or lower hp and 10% damage increase when using arcane spells

for Arcane get V and VIII since it gives buff when changing attunements and you need blasting staff.

For spells take the arcane shield and it is up to you to get arcane blast for dungeons and finishers or arcane projectile for open world PvE which has a smaller CD. LAstly signet of air for moving around fast, when you are attuned to air you have a 10% move increase which stacks wiht signet of air for perma swiftness.

Have to be SUPER careful though, you have barely any healing, and the little healing you are have is very conditional. The damage is easily avoidable and your defense depends on very long CDs that even if landed perfectly will not guarantee safety, at all.

For better results reroll (like most of us have) to guardian or warrior; more damage, more utility, more survival, wanted more in all aspects of the game, will not make you want to tear a Dev or two when you see that everyone gets buffs and all you get are tool tips fixes and the occasional “increased the cooldown doubled if it doesnt hit anything” or “more healing nerfs” or “more damage nerfs” or “less mobility”, etc etc etc etc….

Hope it helps

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