(edited by Malcastus.6240)
[PvP] Might and Magic build
Seems alright, but a skillful condi bomb necro or mesmer will still slap you in the face in a prolonged fight.
The Dragoon Brotherhood
In my opinion your build for pvp has a common problem. If you take 20 points in arcana and 20/30 in water you have a real low damage … you are a bunker ok , but a guardian bunker, an engi bunker or a warrior bunker can defend a point better than you. I suggest to take 20/30 in arcana or 15/20 in water so that you can have much more damage. In my opinion now earth traits is great, i am playing 0,20,20,0,30 with rock solid , celestial setup and i find it really great .
In my opinion your build for pvp has a common problem. If you take 20 points in arcana and 20/30 in water you have a real low damage …
So a 0/6/0/2/6 or 0/6/0/4/4 fresh air burst build isn’t dealing out much damage? I beg to differ. That build was used to one shot people not long ago, and probably still is here and there. I’m watching Phantaram using it in TPvP, as I can’t get into the game currently. It does a lot of damage.
However, this build isn’t supposed to be a bunker. If so, a bunker with over 3400 attack and 1400 condition damage. While it’s easy for people to stack might now with strength runes, I dare say this should provide you with high damage output from all sources. Add a doom sigil for more condition pressure and debillitating effects, or add a lightning, accuracy or intelligence sigil for better burst, leeching for health or whatever you may need. S/D would be working very well with the above build, due to two extra condi cures, one from Phoenix and the other from Water Trident, benefitting your team as well. It has synergy with all skills.
If might stacking is easy enough without Spell Slinger, you can swap it out for added 10% damage, giving you over 30% bonus damage when launching Phoenix, Firegrab or Burning Speed + Lightning Flash in fire attunement.
While it doesn’t possess Fresh Air berserker burst, it has all the tools needed to inflcit massive damage, staying afloat, while providing your group with support.
(edited by Malcastus.6240)
usually freshair is used with scepter . 3400 attack after patch ? in the build you posted i see D/D … with s/d i know that damage is really different
I wrote that you can be flexible with weapons and changed it to X/D in the main post a while ago to better reflect that the build isn’t nailed to a certain weapon set, although dagger offhand will be the best choice if you aim for damage. You might have missed that part.
3400+ in celestial is possible with 25 stacks might stacks.
I was referring to S/D Fresh Air build, yes. Didn’t know that you thought of D/D.
Edit: .. and now edited the main post to X/X to avoid confusion.
(edited by Malcastus.6240)