with the release of HoT i had 2 classes i was looking forward to testing of which one was support tempest, as the “close range support” it was advertised.
i was excited when i was able to play tempest with minstrel amulet because it was indeed supporty and kind of a backbone in a teamfight, although it was still killable in a 1v2 in a reasonable amount of time. but then arenanet decided to remove minstrel and the true value, or rather the true misery of the build came to light.
out of the 2 remaining full support amulets ele isn’t able to pick any; the amulets being cleric and magi. one leaves you with 13k hp and the other one leaves you with 1980 armor.
the only remaining choice is celestial because it gives you a mix of hp toughness and healingpower; the usual choice for more than a year…
the healing output of a tempest is.. acceptable in a vacuum. in practice it’s bad. with the ridiculous amount of damage around and the flawed design of overloads the amount of healing is simply not enough.
what’s the problems with overloads?
simply put, cast an overload and you will be the center of attention, not able to dodge for 4 seconds with a big animation. there is no reason not to attack you.
you do get protection yes, but that’s not enough. i saw an interesting suggestion, making overloads pulse blind per second. it might be a bit strong so once every 2 seconds could do the job aswell. oh and it would even fit into one of our lackluster minor traits or together with the stability on overload trait which is also a bit weak for a master trait (so is rock solid). fact is, we need something that gives us more protection
another problem is water overload. you outdamage water overload just by autoattacking an ele. it’s not suited to heal you up once you’re low and is more of a suicide button if anything else. what i suggest is to divide the heal equally in those 4 seconds and give water overload a water field at the end, much like how fire overload works.
something else i’d like to see for overloads is that completing each overload gives you some kind of buff for you and your team. earth giving 10% reduced damage, air already gives you an air strike, fire increased power and water increased outgoing healing. overloads need to be powerful after all.
let’s talk about shouts:
flash freeze. the reason why i use this one is because of its cooldown, not because it chills enemies if it actually hits from time to time.
aftershock. yeah i haven’t slotted this one a single time because the cooldown is just lol.
feel the burn. same as flash freeze.
eye of the storm. no aura, long cooldown. yes the effect is nice.. but you take shouts for heals and this shout doesn’t heal. if you really need it, there is a trait that activates it.
rebound. i cry everytime i use this shout. usually i take it as just a random filler aura… when it actually procs you either don’t notice it or the damage you recieve is so high that you die no matter if it heals you for meager 3k or not. what i suggest is: the healing needs to be increased to 5k and when rebound saves you, you get 3s of invul and all your conditions are removed. out of fairness the cooldown could be increased to 90s.
overall shouts are terribly weak. if not for the aura they give combined with the aura heal trait they would be completely useless. shouts need to apply a boon on use and some of them need to have a reduced cooldown.
feel the burn should give 3 stacks of might
flash freeze should give regeneration and just aoe chill, without the delay.
aftershock needs 30s cd and not 45. it should also give you protection.
eye of the storm should give you fury and a shocking aura. the cooldown reduced 30s.
wash the pain away is a nice heal and my favourite tempest skill.
furthermore the aura heal trait needs to heal for more. currently with celestial it is 1058 (tooltip). it should be increased to 1500 which is a fair number imo.
i cannot really talk about warhorn because i simply saw no reason to pick this weapon over focus. i can’t give any feedback here, sorry.
karl, or any dev that reads this: tempest needs help, a lot of help. it’s the 2nd weakest elite spec after berserker and is currently struggling to fulfill its close range support role.
(edited by Jekkt.6045)