Queen's Gauntlet
Any viable PvE build can work, I’m at the last boss and I haven’t had any problem with my build so far
I also tend to use the focus quite a lot, well who wouldn’t in PvE anyway?
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
I have found that S/F makes Salazan (the fire ring guy) laughably easy. Just take mistform and the -20% CD in earth and you can just invuln your way out of the fire rings. Continue to kite in a circle and she will go down.
I used 0/20/20/0/30 taking bolt to the heart, + 10% dmg in air, +20% bleed duration with +5% dmg to bleeding foes, and -20% CD on earth skills (for the invuln).
This same build works well against Dead-eye. I got lucky or something as I accidentally used air-5 on the focus when he was near a wall, and it knocked him out of the arena. I insta-won.
I haven’t been able to get subject 7 without taking out tons of the oozes as I went D/D.
I haven’t figured out the best spec for doing matches with gambits. The earthquake one keeps me stunlocked about 50% even if I take 3x stun-breaks (signet of air, glyph of elemental power, and armor of earth), rock solid, and tornado to get some damage in with high stability up-time.
Standard 30 water 30 arcane 10 air DD (celestial, pvt, berserker mix, what ever) goes through most of these with no problem. Triple cantrip, or arcane shield. Some fights you want to swap for Scepter Focus. Reflecting stuffs on deadeye for example.
Or optimize by dropping 10 water for 10 earth cos you dont need much condiremoval.
I finished all the bosses w/o much difficulty running a glassy 0/30/0/10/30 fresh air build using scepter/dagger. I think the trick is timing your instacast blinds and your dodges so you can unload your heavy bursts. If you’re hurt, you can heal up really easily between evasive arcana, water trident + cleansing wave, and whatever heal skill you chose (I used GOEH for everything but the last boss, where I used ether renewal instead).
Subject 7 was laughably easy for me. Lesser and regular Fire Ele + lightning hammer spamming the Autoattack.
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”
Hmmm completed all of them with 30/0/0/30/10 + mightstacking obviously. Had to switch from s/d to s/f sometimes, but yea it was a fun time in there
. Now to get the shining light achievement
8orbs at endboss
After 30+ tries (and much rage) at Liadri, I finally got her! Tried many specs on my ele (even my mesmer, but I’m a crappy mes), I found a spec that I consistently got her to 20% and below. Full carrion gear, 0/0/20/20/30 with IV and X in earth, V and IX in water, and V, VII and XI in arcana. I used S/F with Lightning Flash, SoAir (passive, not alot of swiftness in this build) and Mist Form utilities. Shorter CD traits for focus 5 and LF of course.
First phase I spammed my projectile blocks and reflects to keep HP up, and juked when standing still. Second phase I kited her spamming earth scepter auto-attack. Those bleeds stack fast and ticks her down when you need to switch to water to remove cripple and heal (or use Ether Renewal). Save Mist Form for when you get pulled by orbs, otherwise use LF to get back in kiting circle.
That’s pretty much how I did it
(Also being asura helped with that crappy camera xD)
Especially as elementalist you can do every boss in the gauntlet with more or less the same build/weapons, even utilities. You are pretty versatile. Just liadri is gonna be difficult – there I needed to swap from 0/30/0/10/30 to the old bunker build 0/10/0/30/30, because you don’t need too much dmg for her, but a lot of heal and some condition removal. After ~20 tries I got her, you just need to learn how she works – then it actually becomes easy.
Anyone got a vid at last boss? I can’t get enough damage while running to kill her.
Gunnar’s Hold
No vids, but it was pretty basic. Swap to air for static discharge + lightning strike. Swap to fire for ring of fire and to phoenix her (aim it so that it hits 3 times: once going through her, once exploding behind her, and once more going through her on the way back). You can do all of that while moving. When she leaps up to you, earthquake and drop a phoenix tooth on her. I also had arcane blast slotted, which I kept casting off CD (if ring of fire was close to being up, I’d activate that first for the extra burning). For me, she died in like 2 phoenix rotations.
Used fresh air build with full beserker(and cantrips) for alle bosses except the last one. Changed to 0/0/10/30/30 with a mix of beserker and clerics for liadri. Think s/d is better than d/d for the last boss, because she is hitting hard if you go melee. Did it as a d/d ele with the firesword elite. you have a 1,25sec avoid with a 5sec CD on skill 3. just running clockwise, spamming skill 1, dodging and using skill 3 if neccessary. problem were the orbs, because firesword skill 1 didnt dmg them and the casttime of 2 and 5 was too long. Dropping sword, destroying it with air 1 and getting the second firesword worked out for me.
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter
(edited by Scryar.2954)
Sorry, but I just need to show off a bit :P Finally got the 8 orb achievement! Still same build as above. Bleed the crap out of her with autoattack! :p
Anyone who can wrap me up a rotation for s/f as im used to d/d and it doesnt seem to do the trick against Deadeye Gunwell been strugling with him forever now if you could include in what order you use utilities + elites also would be much preciated
And final gauntlet achi done! I switched to LH build for 5 gambit achi. 20/30/0/20/0 with I and VIII in fire, V and VI and VII in air, and VI and IV in water. Knight set with scholar runes this time. I left out Squeamish gambit, and picked Subject 7. As fight starts pop both Fire elementals, then hammer, and spam auto like crazy. After heal and shield were used I always went down, so vapor form and hope downed lava font rallies you :P Then rinse and repeat for a few more hits before ooze is dead. And angry quaggan calms down :P
The idea behind this method I wasn’t mine. I can’t remember where I got it, maybe reddit…
Proof (read: brag) in picture
XeqtR: That fight was the only I didnt do on ele, as my playstyle is too twitchy for those mines. I used thief. Shadowsteps, blinds and Thieves Guild made it a piece of cake. The headshot is unblockable I think, but you can reflect the other shots at least. Normally I don’t use a specific rotation with focus, just use the skills as needed, invul/reflect/etc.
Can anyone give advice for strugar and chomper fight? I know you have to take the food asap but with the low fps everytime u turn ur camera, its hard =(
Yes, Strugar and Chomper are really hard. I have no clue either how to kill them. If I go 0/10/0/30/30, I don’t cause any damage and if I try 0/30/10/0/30, I die on the damage even if I catch every single meat.
Edit: I’ve actually done it now. I think the Trick is playing a DD GlassCanon (Fresh air). As long as you use earth 2,3,4 and water 3,4,5 you should be able to do it. If both attunements are in cooldown you get time to either do damage in fire or get speedboost from air. I think the most usefull skills are Signet of Air, 2 fire elementals and armor of earth (to survive when you get knocked down and both opponents hit you).
(edited by Sydon.4631)
Thanks Sydon. May I ask which fresh air build? 30-30 -x-x-x ?
Here are the exact Traits:
And here you can find play-tipps and in the descriptions the equipment:
I chose DD with 0/30/10/0/30
(edited by Sydon.4631)
I’ve been struggling so much with Suriel – I get the whole buff/aoe stuff, but she tends to hit me too much regardless of buff or not. Any tips?
I’ve been struggling so much with Suriel – I get the whole buff/aoe stuff, but she tends to hit me too much regardless of buff or not. Any tips?
I had no problem on suriel using a bunker build of 0/10/0/30/30 and using double daggers. I just stayed in or around the pools of darkness, let her come to me and dps’d her down once she got close. Between evasive arcana and my other heals I had plenty of regen for her.
Salazan is the only one I can’t deal with so far. His attacks take me to 25% health each time, so there’s literally no room for error. And I’ve tried to Invuln out of the ring and teleport out with lightning flash, both times I ended up dead the second I reappeared outside the ring without anything apparently hitting me. I’ve tried scepter/focus and scepter/dagger, neither worked.
I did him as a ranger…..but i found removing the snare was half the battle. Keep at range and you can avoid most of the damage. The snare stops you getting out of the way so just make sure you have your condition removal ready.
Has anyone done the Subject 7 achievement on an ele? I always kill an ooze or don’t burst fast enough.
Gunnar’s Hold
woooooooo, i did it! 2nd attempt that day and i was just chilling with friend on skype xD. Ty for my guildies from [Angz] for supporting me on previous attempts :P.
Both Achievements are possible with the Elementalist.
I used for “Light Up the Darkness” Dagger/Focus (Build: 0 – 10- 0 – 30 – 30; Ether Renewal, Signet of Water, Lightning Flash and Mist Form)
For “High Stakes Gambler” you can burst down Dunwell with your Conjure Fiery Greatsword Skill 4 + Lightning Flash (Build: 15 – 25 – 10 – 20 – 0)
@TriPlEM – Would you mind elaborating? I don’t see how the greatsword charge and a blink will allow you to kill him fast enough to avoid the OHKO, even if you avoid the first one by not moving at the start.
Salazan is the only one I can’t deal with so far. His attacks take me to 25% health each time, so there’s literally no room for error. And I’ve tried to Invuln out of the ring and teleport out with lightning flash, both times I ended up dead the second I reappeared outside the ring without anything apparently hitting me. I’ve tried scepter/focus and scepter/dagger, neither worked.
Are you sure you used your invuln at the right time. I am not sure if lightning flash works, but mistform and earth-5 on the focus both let me stroll right through the ring. I then just kept circle-strafing and spamming ranged attacks (autoattacks, with the occasional phoenix/Dragon tooth. You don’t need to burst this guy at all, just take your time strafing all the time, heal when you need to (even dodge-roll with EA), and just do steady damage for the win.
tripleem: please do these achievements for me :P which gambits and traits did you take for high stakes gambler? and what strategy did you use for liadri?
my best attempt so far on liadri got her to 50%… and I haven’t been able to do the subject 7 or strugar and chomper achievements either.
After 30+ tries (and much rage) at Liadri, I finally got her! Tried many specs on my ele (even my mesmer, but I’m a crappy mes), I found a spec that I consistently got her to 20% and below. Full carrion gear, 0/0/20/20/30 with IV and X in earth, V and IX in water, and V, VII and XI in arcana. I used S/F with Lightning Flash, SoAir (passive, not alot of swiftness in this build) and Mist Form utilities. Shorter CD traits for focus 5 and LF of course.
First phase I spammed my projectile blocks and reflects to keep HP up, and juked when standing still. Second phase I kited her spamming earth scepter auto-attack. Those bleeds stack fast and ticks her down when you need to switch to water to remove cripple and heal (or use Ether Renewal). Save Mist Form for when you get pulled by orbs, otherwise use LF to get back in kiting circle.
That’s pretty much how I did it![]()
(Also being asura helped with that crappy camera xD)
After a lot of pain and suffering; I finally managed to beat Liadri using your build, with some tweaks. I swapped out lightning flash for Signet of Fire, for even more condition damage; and I used the 4 pieces of Temple gear that had condition damage (rabid stats), along with 3 rabid trinkets, a sentinel earring and two ascended items unrelated to condition damage. I used a full set of superior Undead runes, a valkyrie scepter with an energy sigil and a berserker focus with a doom sigil (which I didn’t really notice helping much.)
@XiosDeath I might be able to upload a video later.
@protomic.4627 Play defensively, use power-vitality-toughness gear, kite her into the circles if you want to finish the extra achievement. With the main-hand-dagger you should be able to deal enough damage through the fire and air attunement.
Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIl45I1vb74 (High Stakes Gambler as an Ele)
(edited by TriPleEM.4873)
How do you have an elemental and a greatsword?
Fire Elemental Powder. It’s optional.
Has anyone done the Subject 7 achievement on an ele? I always kill an ooze or don’t burst fast enough.
Yeah, I did it earlier using full Berserker gear, with S/F using a fresh air build (30 in air and 30 in water) and swapping attunements rapidly to abuse the Lightning Strike on a swap and the one on the Sceptre.
Stay far enough away and the oozes spawn under you, but wont heal the boss. Use the Focus skills to mitigate damage, and use the healing signet to regenerate health each time you cast. With fast attunement swaps and lots of instant casts, as well as the blinds on the Sceptre, you mitigate a lot of damage and get a lot of heals.
Cantrips are good skills to take as you can trait for Regen and Vigor on each use. Dont take the elemental elite though, as there is a chance it will get within healing range of the boss and spawn an ooze underneath it.
@XiosDeath I might be able to upload a video later.
@protomic.4627 Play defensively, use power-vitality-toughness gear, kite her into the circles if you want to finish the extra achievement. With the main-hand-dagger you should be able to deal enough damage through the fire and air attunement.
Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIl45I1vb74 (High Stakes Gambler as an Ele)
I’m still having problems unfortunately How did you hit THAT many times with FG? I tried imitating it, but only got 1 hit off of fiery rush
I’m still having problems unfortunately
How did you hit THAT many times with FG? I tried imitating it, but only got 1 hit off of fiery rush
You have to disable auto targeting use fiery rush and immediately follow with lightning flash roughly 0.3s later. You can’t have a target selected when casting fiery rush or else it ends with a leap when you reach the target, which in this situation is as soon as you cast it.
I’m still having problems unfortunately
How did you hit THAT many times with FG? I tried imitating it, but only got 1 hit off of fiery rush
You have to disable auto targeting use fiery rush and immediately follow with lightning flash roughly 0.3s later. You can’t have a target selected when casting fiery rush or else it ends with a leap when you reach the target, which in this situation is as soon as you cast it.
I try that, and I just go zipping past my target, only getting a couple ticks of the flame
Nice to see my build helped some of you Tho my 8 orb achievement was a bit luck, had 3 clones exploding in same vortex. Focus 5 FTW when I spammed orbs those at her :P
And TriPleEM, I’m definitely gonna use some tickets to test your way on Dunwell xD Much faster then my LH/elemental spam at subject 7, which was pretty fast too :P
Dumb question.
How the kitten do you destroy those orbs that pull you in Liadri part?
Seen on Dulfy you have to melee them, but S/? has no melee lol
Tried using anything & sod all works.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Has anyone done the Subject 7 achievement on an ele? I always kill an ooze or don’t burst fast enough.
Yeah, I did it earlier using full Berserker gear, with S/F using a fresh air build (30 in air and 30 in water) and swapping attunements rapidly to abuse the Lightning Strike on a swap and the one on the Sceptre.
Stay far enough away and the oozes spawn under you, but wont heal the boss. Use the Focus skills to mitigate damage, and use the healing signet to regenerate health each time you cast. With fast attunement swaps and lots of instant casts, as well as the blinds on the Sceptre, you mitigate a lot of damage and get a lot of heals.
Cantrips are good skills to take as you can trait for Regen and Vigor on each use. Dont take the elemental elite though, as there is a chance it will get within healing range of the boss and spawn an ooze underneath it.
I tried this before but it didn’t seem to work. Even though I was at max range a couple slimes will still spawn close to subject 7. Where you running in circles around him or did you stay still at max range and endured it? More details on this would be appreciated I was about to give up on this one, we do too much aoe
I also used the same tactic as Zantetsuken, but with 30 in arcane instead of water
I basically stayed where i was, at about max range, just weaving around left and right a bit and dodging in water for extra heal (sideways, to not get too close to subject 7). I think if you run in a circle, the slimes move too much, if you stay more or less put, they stay stacked together. They do a lot of damage though, so gratuitously use Swirling Winds and Obsidian Flesh to reduce damage taken, and take Signet of Restoration to passively heal while spamming all kinds of non-aoe things (thankfully S/F has few AoE skills).
The only potentially problematic skill is Phoenix, you need to be careful not to hit any slimes in its flight path (use it when you are to the right or left of the slimes when strafing around), everything else just spam on Subject 7 while switching to air in between every other attunement for the instant burst.
Different Question:
Did anyone successfully do the Chomper achievement on ele ? I am having a hard enough time to even beat him, let alone keep him from his meat.
(edited by senritsu.2574)
I try that, and I just go zipping past my target, only getting a couple ticks of the flame
When I was testing it, that would happen when you teleport too soon. Teleporting too late will just cause less damage. A minimum delay of 0.3s between activating rush and teleporting is required.
@senritsu Dagger/Focus is here again your Friend. I used Ether Renewal, Arcane Shield, Lightning Flash and Armor of Earth. Focus on the meat and try to chill/cripple Chomper the whole time. Perhaps the Glyph of Elementals and the Fire Elemental Powder might be helpfull, too.
20/30/0/10/10 Conjured Weapon build makes a decent number of them incredibly easy with Lightning Hammer and sometimes Fiery Greatsword
Dumb question.
How the kitten do you destroy those orbs that pull you in Liadri part?
Seen on Dulfy you have to melee them, but S/? has no melee lol
Tried using anything & sod all works.
Fire auto and air auto will work every time on the orbs for sceptre. You can also use Lightning Strike and Phoenix reliably. Earth and water autos get obstructed for me a lot. Earthquake also works in a pinch.
I just beat Liadri a little while ago with s/d. 0/20/0/20/30 build build I used. I didn’t put any jewels in the calculator because I have none in my actual trinkets yet.
Now that I’ve done it, I feel like 0/30/0/10/30 is perfectly doable as well. I didn’t actually end up using my utilities at all when I beat her. I’d drop the cantrip vigor + regen and just use water V, cleanse on swap.
I also want to offer a few general tips unrelated to builds. I’ll divide the tips into parts one and two of the fight. I’ve ranked them in order of what I feel is most important to least important.
- Part 1
- Practice obtaining orbs of light quickly. The quicker you can get part 1 done, the more time you will have to defeat her.
- Mitigate her auto attack damage through sidestepping. Using small left-right movements will cause a large portion of her attacks to miss, helping you keep your health up.
- Learn the pattern of attack for Shadowfall. Shadowfall attacks in a very specific pattern. Learning this pattern will allow you know which areas of the arena are safe to move to. More importantly, it allows you to know in advance whether a pool of light will be covered by the next Shadowfall. There is a great diagram on dulfy.net that shows the pattern.
- Part 2
- KEEP MOVING along the outside of the arena. Shadowfall will now cover half the arena at a time. There are two safe pockets with each attack, on opposite sides of the arena. These safe spots will shift in a circular pattern with each attack. It is very important to keep up with them. If you look at dulfy’s diagram, Shadowfall will hit areas 1&2, followed by 3&4, then 1&2again, etc.
- Dodge only what NEEDS to be dodged. Three things need to be dodged, in order of importance: Shadowfall, clones, Liadri’s leap attack (weakens and cripples you). With practice, the first two can mostly be avoided with proper movement, leaving dodges for Liadri’s leap.
- Cleanse cripple and weakness. Cripple for obvious reasons. Weakness reduces your damage output but also reduces endurance regen. If you do 1 & 2 properly, you shouldn’t need to cleanse too often.
- Applies to both parts
- Destroy cosmic rifts ASAP. Should be self explanatory. You can rally off them, but they cause a lot of havoc and grief.
(edited by Razgriz.7319)
I did Light up the darkness with a Staff and a 0/20/0/30/20 build. A lot of the tips in the above are very good. If you want to use staff time your Eruption with Static Field and Use Ice Spike with a frozen ground. Keep burning up on her as well and spam lava font behind you when traveling to then next safe spot.
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall – www.Primedefense.net