Quit my Ele when nerfs began a while back...
I don’t understand. Elementalists got a lot out of this patch.
I understand. Elementalists got very little out of this patch.
I don’t understand. Elementalists got a lot out of this patch.
Sarcasm is timeless.
The patch was actually full of buffs.
Not enough buffs, but buffs nonetheless.
And I like the general direction that they are taking, I just wish they were less fearful
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
There’s the only thing I miss really kitten my Ele, S/D + D/D mobility, therefore RTL nerfed to the ground. This was my favourite skill even though it’s bugged as hell and it doesn’t deserve the 40s Cooldown, at least not if other classes have 12-15 CD on similar skills….
There’s the only thing I miss really kitten my Ele, S/D + D/D mobility, therefore RTL nerfed to the ground. This was my favourite skill even though it’s bugged as hell and it doesn’t deserve the 40s Cooldown, at least not if other classes have 12-15 CD on similar skills….
Yeah. I understand the nerf to the rotl distance, but the cooldown nerf is ridiculous. Meanwhile, Anet continue to allow warriors to have ridiculous mobility with whirlwind attack/Rush on greatsword alone (to to mention the numerous other mobility skills warrior gets).. The class with some of the highest HP/armor in the game clearly needs more mobility than the class with the least, right?
At least every Elementalist elite sucks horribly so I can just take Fiery GS to solve all my mobility needs….
There’s the only thing I miss really kitten my Ele, S/D + D/D mobility, therefore RTL nerfed to the ground. This was my favourite skill even though it’s bugged as hell and it doesn’t deserve the 40s Cooldown, at least not if other classes have 12-15 CD on similar skills….
Yeah. I understand the nerf to the rotl distance, but the cooldown nerf is ridiculous. Meanwhile, Anet continue to allow warriors to have ridiculous mobility with whirlwind attack/Rush on greatsword alone (to to mention the numerous other mobility skills warrior gets).. The class with some of the highest HP/armor in the game clearly needs more mobility than the class with the least, right?
At least every Elementalist elite sucks horribly so I can just take Fiery GS to solve all my mobility needs….
Exactly, I consider the range nerf as a “fix”, because 1550 units range was not intended and wasn’t even on the tooltip. The CD double-nerf is ridiculous though….
I have started playing this game a bit under a year ago, Elementalist only, had some fun with it but then the nerfs began RTL on 40 second CD was a nail in the coffin. Switched to Mesmer not as much fun as D/D Ele used to be before the nerfs, but alot more than Ele after the nerfs.
So you only had fun when Elementalist was overpowered in PvP.
So you only had fun when Elementalist was overpowered in PvP.
Well, elementalist was on par with other classes mobility pre-nerf, now the class mobility is severely impaired with the dagger off-hand.
I guess you’re not playing Ele as your main, right?
It’s not mobility that hurts us most in PvP, it’s the condition meta.
Mobility was the fun factor
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
I rerolled warrior when I first heard about the AOE nerf. I knew there would be nothing good in this patch for my staff ele, but I take no joy in being proven right.
Even in WvW I see less and less elementalists. Its uncommon now to see ele aoe attacks during tower and keep sieges. They are almost all gone.
Even in WvW I see less and less elementalists. Its uncommon now to see ele aoe attacks during tower and keep sieges. They are almost all gone.
You can still meet me, but I hope it would not be a 1 on 1 encounter, honestly
I rerolled warrior when I first heard about the AOE nerf. I knew there would be nothing good in this patch for my staff ele, but I take no joy in being proven right.
Even in WvW I see less and less elementalists. Its uncommon now to see ele aoe attacks during tower and keep sieges. They are almost all gone.
ooh man, that aoe nerf !!
AoE spells with a maximum number of targets will now count combatants that block or evade the attack towards that maximum.
Yeah it’s definitely making the ele worse than any other classes in the game, no doubt, despite the multiple buffs that were given to staff this patch.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
People who just copy a fotm build never really played their class and are easily pushed to reroll whenever a balance patch introduces a little uncertainty to their false sense of security in being the best build. No offense to daphoenix but his post popularizing that kittening bunker build got the ele population a lot of quick to QQ unskilled bandwagoners that i’m glad to see go. /rant
I didn’t like the D/D bunker either, but I liked that mobility !
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
So you only had fun when Elementalist was overpowered in PvP.
Well, elementalist was on par with other classes mobility pre-nerf, now the class mobility is severely impaired with the dagger off-hand.
I guess you’re not playing Ele as your main, right?
I fail to see how this is relevant to anything. Unless “fun = mobility” for you.
I didn’t like the D/D bunker either, but I liked that mobility !
I agree! Bunker was good while learning as it was a lower skill-cap build that could still be pretty effective. The mobility really took away a lot of the fun and hurt way more than any minor effectiveness tweaks could.
Edit: Wethospu: for a LOT of people, mobility is a large part of fun, especially on a squishy class.
So you only had fun when Elementalist was overpowered in PvP.
Well, elementalist was on par with other classes mobility pre-nerf, now the class mobility is severely impaired with the dagger off-hand.
I guess you’re not playing Ele as your main, right?
I fail to see how this is relevant to anything. Unless “fun = mobility” for you.
You quite missed my point m8.
My point was that you said “overpowered”, but actually it was “on par with the classes how they are today” Therefore we were overnerfed in mobility because other classes got quite a buff in this field….
And yeah, mobility is quite a fun for me, especially if that is one of the few options for my class to survive, because we have neither huge HP pool or tough armor as some other classes have, nor stealth or clones or almost unlimited dodges.
So you only had fun when Elementalist was overpowered in PvP.
Well, elementalist was on par with other classes mobility pre-nerf, now the class mobility is severely impaired with the dagger off-hand.
I guess you’re not playing Ele as your main, right?
I fail to see how this is relevant to anything. Unless “fun = mobility” for you.
You quite missed my point m8.
My point was that you said “overpowered”, but actually it was “on par with the classes how they are today” Therefore we were overnerfed in mobility because other classes got quite a buff in this field….
And yeah, mobility is quite a fun for me, especially if that is one of the few options for my class to survive, because we have neither huge HP pool or tough armor as some other classes have, nor stealth or clones or almost unlimited dodges.
It wasn’t the fact that we had high mobility that was the problem. The problem was we could heal up to full health and jump right back into the fight. We are having the same problem with thieves today. It would be funny if they got a 8 second revealed if they spend more then 6 seconds in stealth.
Bad Elementalist
So you only had fun when Elementalist was overpowered in PvP.
Well, elementalist was on par with other classes mobility pre-nerf, now the class mobility is severely impaired with the dagger off-hand.
I guess you’re not playing Ele as your main, right?
I fail to see how this is relevant to anything. Unless “fun = mobility” for you.
You quite missed my point m8.
My point was that you said “overpowered”, but actually it was “on par with the classes how they are today” Therefore we were overnerfed in mobility because other classes got quite a buff in this field….
And yeah, mobility is quite a fun for me, especially if that is one of the few options for my class to survive, because we have neither huge HP pool or tough armor as some other classes have, nor stealth or clones or almost unlimited dodges.It wasn’t the fact that we had high mobility that was the problem. The problem was we could heal up to full health and jump right back into the fight. We are having the same problem with thieves today. It would be funny if they got a 8 second revealed if they spend more then 6 seconds in stealth.
Yes, but unfortunately both heal and mobility was nerfed (quite bad decision I guess) and some other classes were buffed to even better mobility than we had pre-nerf. that seems quite ridiculous to me…