Dear Anet.
Sorry for any inconvinience I may cause you.
If you can’t understand what I mean, please let me know.
First of All , I really love plyaing an elementalist in gw2.
Thank you for creating that great world.
So , It’s OK that you nerf us a lot to most weakest profession in the game,
I still love an elementalist.
BUT now ,
playing elementalist is not very fun.
it’s ok that we are not weakest one,
but I think we need more fun to play.
so , I suggest redesign of elementalist’s weapon skills.
I hope you see this , and please consider about fun to play elementalist.
no need to be best,
but need more fun.
in my suggestion, elementalist is not the nuker ( profession to deal damage.)
but the profession that has diversity to damage , and survive.
: staff
1 Fire lance
Cast fire lance, explodes on impact on each foe, and pierce foe.
(cast 1 , cd 0 , damage 130 , Radius 100 , Range 1200 , max foe 3 )
2 Lava Font
Make lava erupt from the target area.
(same as now)
3 Searing Flames
Burn foes at the target location.
(apply burning large area. anti skill to clones , and minions)
(cast 1/2, cd 40 , Radius 600 , Range 1200 , Burn 10s )
4 Burning Wave
Quickly roll backward, leaving Wave forwading to foe. wave burns foe.
(cast 1/4, cd 6 , wave burning 1s , wave remaing 1s , Radius 150 , Evade 1/4 , roll back Range 200 )
5 Meteor Shower
1 Water Blast
(same as now)
2 Ice Spike
(same as now)
3 Crystal Totem
Create a giant IceCrystal Totem, no objectie can pierce it, chill neaby foes, healing neaby allies.
(cast 1, cd 40 , duration 5s , chill 2s , Radius 120 , Range 1200 , Healing 1000 )
4 Frozen Ground
(same as now)
5 Healing Rain
(same as now)
1 Chain lighting
(same as now)
2 Shock Lighting
instant skill.hit lighting to foes, and daze foes.
(cast 0 , cd 20 , radius 200 , Range 1200 , daze 1/2s )
3 whirl lightning
knockback nearby foes, with whirl lightning.
(cast 1/2 , cd 8 , radius 120 , knockback 100 )
4 Windborne Speed
(same as now)
5 static field
(same as now)
(all same as now)
: scepter
1 Flamestrikes
(same as now)
2 Dragon’s Tooth
Drop an explosive dragon’s tooth on your foe. no burning.
(cast 1 , cd 8 , duration to drop 1/4s , damage 600 , radius 200 , range 900 , Unblockable, combo finisher )
3 Phoenix Mark
Mark ground. if triggerd by that foe enter the mark , burn foe, remove a burning from myself and if removed , heal myself.
(cast 1 , cd 30 , burning 10s radius 200 , range 900 , remove burning , heal 600 )
1 Ice Shards
2 chilled Wind
called chilled wind to target location , after two seconds, immobilize foes. inflicting vulnerability.
(cast 1/4 , cd 30 , no damage , range 900 , radius 240 )
3 Water Trident
(all same as now)
1 Stone Shards
(same as now)
2 Rock Barrier
(same as now)
3 Dust Devil
Blind your foes with a blast of Damage.large area of blind.
(cast 1/4 , cd 20 , Blind 10s , radius 300)
: Dagger
(all same as now)
already very fun to play.
: Focus
4 Flame Wall
Create a wall of flame at the target area that burn foes, and damage foes.
(cast 1 , cd 8 , duration 2 , damage 300 , combo field fire. range 900)
5 Flame counter
Envelop yourself in a shield of fire that burn and deal damage and knockback first attacker.
(cast 1 , cd 20 , duration 2s , burning 2s , damage 700, knockback 300 )
4 Freezing Gust
Chill your foe for a brief time. no damage.
(cast 1 , cd 20 , chill 5s , range 900 )
5 Comet
(same as now)
(all same as now)
(all same as now)
please relly any other opinion to make elementalist playing fun.
Thank you.
(edited by ippy.9048)